Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 16, 2005


I slid up, and snuggled against Cody's lithe body, and tugged the blanket across our nudity, on the outside chance some moonlight beach walker passed our way. Particularly, one equipped with a badge, and gun. I slipped my arm under his waist, and pulled him to me, his head cradling under my chin. The scent of him wafted to my nostrils, a pleasant mixture of his shampoo, and his mild cologne. I inhaled deeply, savoring the heady aroma, and slowly moved my hand over his satin smooth chest. His skin was so incredibly smooth, and taut, and I moved my hand downward, my fingers lightly playing with his sparse, silky pubic hairs. He sighed deeply, and snuggled tighter against me, and said quietly, "Jeez, Jase, I special, I guess...I can't even believe good you make me feel." I pressed my lips against his creamy smooth cheek, kissing him lightly, and replied, "Good, special is exactly the way you should feel, Cody Barnes, because you are so very special...I knew that when I first spotted you on the quad." He sighed deeply again, and shifted, suddenly twisting his body, and pressing me down on my back. He rose up on an elbow, and brought his cute face close to mine, and smiled at me, then leaned in, and pressed his soft, warm lips to mine. His tongue flicked at my lips, and I opened my mouth, shuddering, as his tongue flooded my mouth, dueling with my own, as we kissed passionately.

I shuddered again, feeling his hand slide over my chest, and down, his fingers gently wrapping around my turgid cock, squeezing it firmly, then sliding up and down the rock hard shaft. He broke our kiss, and pulled his head back slightly, and squeaked, "Close your eyes, Jason, and just let me, okay...I wanna make you feel...special, too." I looked into his beautiful eyes a moment, and started, " don't..." He pressed his finger against my lips, shushing me, and squeaked again, "Shh...just close your eyes...please, Jase!" I felt my cock spasm in his stroking fist, sighed, and closed my eyes, mumbling, "Baby...oh God...!" He flipped the blanket away, and my skin registered the sudden coolness of the night air, and I gasped, as I felt Cody's warm, wet tongue slide over one nipple, then the other. I shuddered slightly at the intense contact, and he moved back and forth across my chest, licking, and sucking each swollen nubbin. I groaned, as he lapped his way down my torso, leaving cool, wet trails on my tingling skin in his wake, and groaned even louder, as his tongue swiped over my pulsing cock head. "Cody...oh, god...!" I croaked, and gasped again, as I felt the delicious warmth, and wetness, of his sweet mouth fully engulf my aching cock.

He took me deep, his nose bumping my groin, then, gagged slightly, and slide back a bit. He swiped his tongue against the underside of my cock, and began moving his head up and down, gamely sucking me, as I groaned some more, totally lost in the multitude of sensations my brain was registering all at once. He swabbed at my sensitive head again, and I shuddered, as he drove fully down my length once more, taking the head of my cock into his soft throat. He emitted a low growl, and the vibration of it danced over my cock head, causing me to release a groan of my own. I felt his fingers grip the shaft at its very root, and stroke me there, in sync with his head movements. He continued to work me skillfully, finding his rhythm, and I shuddered again, as his free hand gently grasped my aching balls, tugging, and fingering them gently. "!" I chanted, my fingers tugging big handfuls of the blanket, and my hips involuntarily beginning to thrust at his incredible mouth.

In no time at all, certainly all too quickly to suit me, he had me, and I knew I was lost to his natural skills. My balls executed that telling tightness, and pulled upward in my sac, and my cock flexed strongly, all in one, smooth, motion, and I erupted strongly, rapid fire jets of my cum ejecting, one right after the other, into his mouth. I heard his stifled surprise at the force, and volume, of my ejaculation, then a small gag, and I felt his jaws flexing around my spitting cock, as he gamely swallowed, again, and again, striving to keep up with my seemingly endless outpouring. Drained, finally, I collapsed like a rag doll, every ounce of tension draining from my muscles at once. I lifted my limp arm, and threaded my fingers into his soft hair, mumbling his name softly, over, and over. He continued to suckle my wilting cock for a bit, then released me, and lifted his head to look up at me, his fingers still lightly stroking my mostly soft tool. He smiled shyly, and squeaked, "Awesome!" I chuckled, and nodded my head weakly, saying, "totally...fucking...incredible!"

He slid up beside me, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly, and kissing his soft, fragrant hair. We were quiet a while, both of us regaining our normal breathing, and thoughts. Cody finally rolled onto his side, and looked into my eyes, and said softly, "Was I OK, Jase...uh....I mean...oh was, like, totally, I know...before!" I grinned at his pretty face, all flushed, and lightly sweaty, and replied, "OK...OK, he, Cody was NOT was...absolutely...perfect!" He giggled, and even though it was dark, I just knew that he was aglow with that sweet blush that was SO Cody Barnes.

It was nearing Cody's expected arrival time at home, so we reluctantly abandon our little love nest, and returned to the car. We got back into our clothing, and headed for his house. I managed the entire drive pretty much one handed, my right hand being fully occupied with stroking Cody's smooth thigh, and bare chest. By the time we neared his home, that perfect little boy meat was once again fully at attention, and protruding nicely from his once again open fly. I stroked its silky hardness as we turned into the residential area, and looked for an opportune location to stop, and finish what I had started. We approached a darkened small strip mall, and I maneuvered the Mustang into a dark section of the paring lot at one end of the buildings, and shut it off. Without hesitation, or words, I tortured my sternum by awkwardly bending across the center consol, to engulf that pretty cock in my mouth. Cody yelped sweetly as I swallowed his turgid meat whole, and giggled, as I swiftly sucked him to yet another sweet orgasm, deftly gulping down his now somewhat meager offering. As I lifted my head from his fully spent cock, I planted a somewhat noisy kiss on the silky head, and gently tucked it back into his briefs, whispering softly, "Night, Little Cody, you come out and play again, real soon, OK?" Big Cody giggled sweetly, and nodded his head rapidly.

I dropped him at his doorstep, and we managed a brief hug, and kiss, before he bounded from the Mustang, and up his sidewalk, my eyes once again boring into his sweet little butt. As I drove toward my own home, and hearth, I replayed the events of this incredible evening, and shook my head with the wonder of it all. I congratulated my instincts, praising the intuition that had turned out so right on regarding sweet Cody. Much had been accomplished this day, I decided, and we were well under way with the seduction of Cody Barnes.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 6

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