Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 13, 2005


With so many people milling around nearby, I figured it best to get Cody back in presentable condition, so I reluctantly tucked the sweet Little Cody away, and restored his fly. Cody had pretty much recovered his passion, and, I suppose, mild shock, and reached across me to retrieve another of the beers that Tim had left behind. He popped it open, and took a deep pull, then handed to me. I had a small swallow, making a face in reaction to the warm, bitter taste, and set it on the ground. I leaned back on the bench, and slid my arm across the back of it, encircling Cody's slim shoulders. He snuggled in closely, and I stroked the back of his neck with my fingers, and asked quietly, "You ok, little Dude, I hope I didn't freak you, or anything serious." He was silent a minute, then sighed, and turned his pretty face sideways to look at me. "Freaked, nope, no way, just maybe, um, what, amazed, I guess." He responded softly, then went on, saying, "Yea, amazing is prolly right, I mean, my first time, like ever, getting, uh, touched, and it's from a dude, so yea, amazing." I stroked the soft hairs at the base of his neck, and replied, "Yea, well, is that such a bad thing, Cody, that it was me, touching you that way?" He smiled his killer smile, and shook his head slowly, the soft hair gently swaying in the dim light. "A bad thing, no way, I said it was, is, amazing, and it's true, beside, I actually really wanted you to touch me, uh, like that, clear back in my room, when you sorta touched me, before." Music to my ears, to be sure, and I gently squeezed his neck again, and whispered, "Good, because I wanted that, too, and wanted this, right here, and, the truth is, I want to again, and more!" He giggled softly, and nodded his head, squeaking, "Me too, Jase, oh jeez, me too!"

We sat there a few minutes quietly, and finally I stood, reaching for his hand. He took my hand, and stood, and I said, "How about if we go find Tim, and say good night, and get out of here?" He looked into my eyes, and smiled sweetly, and I swear, in spite of the near darkness, I could see his creamy cheeks glow with that cute blush. "I'd like that, Jase, I'd really like that!" I glanced around briefly, then leaned close, and brushed my kips against his baby soft cheek, then said, "Me too Cody, I seriously want to get to know Little Cody better, much better!" He squealed slightly, and giggled, throwing a mock-punch at my shoulder, and hissed, "jeez!"

We headed back into the fray, once again navigating the throng, until finding Tim. We said our thanks, and Tim moved his eyes over Cody's lithe body once more, before winking at me, and saying, "Good night, Kiddies, go forth into the night, and, enjoy!" I returned his knowing little wink, and replied, "exactly!"

We made our way out of the house once more, and walked across the street to the Mustang. I unlocked the passenger door, and stepped back, leaning into Cody, and causing him to lean back against the side of the car as I stepped very close to him. He looked into my eyes, and I winked at him, saying quietly, "You're awesome, Cody Barnes, totally, incredibly, awesome!" He grinned at me, his head shaking slowly, and I held his gaze, as I leaned into him, and gently pressed my lips against his lush mouth. He tensed for just a second, then softened, his arms coming up to slide around my back. I slipped my tongue tip out, and gently nudged his soft lips, and he responded, parting his lips, and meeting my probing tongue with his own. Our tongues dueled briefly, then, I opened my mouth, kissing him fully, and sucking his tongue into my mouth. Cody tensed for only a second, then again softened, and fed his tongue into my mouth, as our open mouths grappled with our first serious mating. I broke the kiss, and looked into his slightly dazed eyes, letting my hand drift down between our bodies, finding his very erect Little Cody, and gripping it gently. "Oh jeez, Jase, oh jeez, yea!" He murmured, and I squeezed the rampant tool again before releasing him. I swung the car door open, and nudged him, saying, "Hey, cutie, you ever been to the submarine races?" He giggled, and shook his head in the negative, so I again nudged him toward the open door, and said, `Well, hop in, Dude, and we can fix that, right now!" He giggled, and slid that cute little butt into the car.

There are moments, albeit rare, that I really think about trading my beloved pony car for something without the bucket seat, center consol, configuration, and this, was one of them. I would have loved having Cody nestled in next to me as I drove, and being able to continue my explorations of his trim little body. I also thought it couldn't hurt to keep the smoldering fires within him fully bellowed, lest he have enough time to reconsider the evening's events. I did not, at this stage of things, need to have his puritan social studies teachings, or his church camp councilors well intended advice, and cautions, clouding his thinking. The boy's motor was definitely running, as was my own, and I was eager to become much closer to the darling Little Cody, and friends. I managed the occasional stroking of creamy thigh as we maneuvered through traffic, and even stole at least one brief bit of contact with firm little meat that pouched his cargos so nicely. At my urging, he had again opened the bright Hawaiian shirt fully, and I risked our personal safety more than once, availing myself of the tantalizing view of his smooth, bare chest, and soft little tummy. I sighed, as I longed to caress, and lick, that creamy smooth skin, and decided that whoever first invents some sort of auto-pilot for cars will indeed easily make multiple millions in record breaking time!

My destination had been a well known bluff outside of town, that rose slightly above a local lake, and offered not only discreet privacy, but awesome views of the lake, filled with the reflected lights of the city. The spot was a notorious lover's lane, and had, I'm certain, played host to the deflowering of a fair number of the local maidens over the years. The fact that Cody and I were a tad short of maidens did nothing to lessen the romance inducing ambiance of the setting in my mind, and as I saw it, deflowering, was deflowering, no matter the gender combination of the principle players. It was my fondest wish that the legendary magic of the spot would once again work its wonders on the oh-so-sexy boy to my immediate right. Well, the legendary magic, and the not-so-legendary charms of one Jason Saunders, member of the current senior class.

I crested the rise of the bluff, the Mustangs headlights scanning the area as I made the turn. I noted only two other cars in the area, one to my immediate left, the other a fair distance away, at the far side of the parking area. I aimed the car toward an area roughly mid-way between other two, and stopped, killing the lights, and motor. The CD player was humming softly, some gentle, easy listening kind of piece, and the muted light from the dash display illuminated the car interior dimly. Cody gazed through the windshield, drinking in the stellar view. He extended his hand onto the consol between us, and I gripped it in my own, leaning close enough to him to be able to inhale the heady scent of him. I shuddered slightly as my nostrils filled with the mouth watering combination of aromas, the clean scent of his soft hair, his faint cologne, mixed with the undeniable smell of pure boy. It was probably my raging hormones that made me imagine that I could also detect a lingering scent of his recent explosion of sweet boy cream, but I went with the thought, anyway.

He sighed contentedly, and murmured, "Jeez, Jase, this is awesome, this place." I mumbled agreement, my fingers slightly stroking the soft skin of his hand, saying, `It is special, and, all the more so, because it's you, and me." He turned his head and smiled at me, and squeaked, "So, is this the submarine races?" I chuckled, and replied, "Well, it's the place where they happen, but you never know for sure that it's a race night every kind of depends on several things." He grinned widely, adding further illumination to the cars interior with the brightness of his boyish smile, and asked, "Depends on what?" I winked at him, and said, "Several things, we will just have to see what, um, comes up." He held my gaze for a beat, and let that churn, then giggled, and squeaked, "Bet I can guess what that will be...uh...what that is, actually!" I chuckled, and, still gripping his hand in my own, moved them together into his lap. The back of my hand pressed against his turgid boy meat, snugly confined inside his cargos, and I said, "Hmm, yea, well awesome, this takes care of one important variable of the races, already." He giggled again, and I held onto his hand, gently moving our clenched hands against his stiff boyhood a couple of times as he emitted soft little sounds.

I untangled our hands, and slid my palm onto his bare chest, reveling in the smooth softness of his creamy skin. My fingers traced small circles around one nipple, and moved to other, repeating the caress. He made more cute little noises, and I smiled, as I felt the small nubbins respond, and grow stiffly erect under my fingers. I stroked his warm skin, working my hand lower, slowly, letting my fingertips gently graze over the softness of his tummy, dipping a finger into his concave little button as I passed by. He giggled, muttering that it tickled, but made no move to stop me. I moved my hand to the loose material of his open shirt, tugging at it, until he leaned forward, and allowed me to slip the garment off him. He leaned back on the seat, naked above the waist now, and inhaled deeply. His hairless chest rose with the inhaled gulp of air, and the baby-soft skin of his tummy tightened, as the abdominal muscles contracted. He exhaled it slowly, as I again circled his taut nipples with my fingers, and said, barely above a whisper, "God Cody, your incredible skin burns my fingers, touching you makes me crazy, the very best kind of crazy!" He grunted slightly, and nodded his head slowly, and squeaked, "Tell me about it!"

We were quiet a while then, the music filling the car with its soft, sensual, tones, as I continued to gently explore the secrets of his lean upper body with my roaming fingers. I let my hand work slowly downward, and located the snap of his shorts, fingering it open. He sighed softly, and lifted his slim hips slightly, as I managed the zipper, then slid my hand into his now open shorts. "Oh jeez!" He muttered, and I felt his body tighten slightly, as my hand moved over the tented cloth of his briefs. I pressed against his stiffness, and closed my fingers around his turgid cock. I stroked him slowly, up and down, and murmured, "Ah, excellent, I think we have found what we needed to ensure a submarine race, now, and, it's an excellent one, too!" He lifted his small butt slightly, increasing the pressure of my hand on his cock, and mumbled, "Huh...what...what did we find...uh...for the races...?" I chuckled, moving my hand to insert my fingers under the elastic of his filled briefs. I closed my fingers around his incredibly warm thickness, and replied, "This..," giving his rock hard cock a squeeze, "A periscope...more up periscope...totally essential to a submarine race!" He squealed, giggling sweetly, and muttered, "Oh Jase...Oh, Jeez!" I chuckled softly, and reveled in the silky smoothness of his throbbing cock in my hand.

I quietly stroked him for a while, and his breathing grew more rapid, and more shallow, as he continued emitting sweet little sounds of pleasure. Eager to further explore all of the wonders that were Cody, I slid my hand deeper into his snug briefs, and located his tight ball sac, my fingers closing gently around it, and manipulating the small orbs within. Cody released a low growl then, and squeaked, "Oh wow...jeez...awesome..!" I probed the tight scrotum, relishing the smoothness of the taut bag, and gently fondled his nuggets with my fingers, as Cody began a gentle thrusting of his hips. Nice as all this was, the small briefs, and tangled cargos were definitely impeding my efforts at fondling him, and I was also burning to have him totally naked. I leaned across the small consol, and licked the creamy warm skin of his neck, tasting the coating of sweat that glistened there, as I again captured his turgid nail in my fingers. "Hey sexy, how about we go down to the water, and see if this periscope can function under water?" I spoke against his ear, and he giggled, then chirped sweetly, "Skinny-dipping...oh jeez...too cool!" I chuckled, and said, "Don't move, hot-stuff, I'll be right there."

I rolled out of the Mustang, and walked around to the back and popped the trunk. I grabbed the blanket, and towels that I kept there, and went around to open Cody's door. He looked so damn hot sitting there, shirtless, his shorts gapping wide, to expose the rigid outline of his fully erect boy meat as it pulsed against the tight fabric of his small briefs. I quickly jerked my own shirt over my head, and tossed it into the back seat, then dropped my shorts, and tossed them in back, too. I kneeled down, and got hold of Cody's smooth legs, and swung them out of the car. I peeled the cargos off him, and flipped them over the seat to join my own. I leaned forward, and lapped at his pointy little nipples a bit, before gripping his hands, and pulling him to his feet. I slid my arm around his slim waist, and we took off at a jog, headed down the small hill to the waters edge. I dropped the blanket, and towels, and gave a quick glance around the area, seeing no one. I wanted to just drop to my knees before him, and strip the small briefs from him, then swallow his rigid staff to the hilt. I resisted the urge, deciding that a lot had transpired in the last few minutes, and I didn't want to risk pushing things too far, too fast. Instead, I reached out, and again gripped his cock, squeezing it gently, and said, "Come on, sexy, lets go play up-periscope!" I released his cock, and quickly peeled out of my briefs, turned, and ran headlong into the war water of the lake. I could hear Cody giggling behind me as I surfaced, and tuned, just in time to get a brief glimpse of his erection wavering in the moonlight as he stripped off his briefs, and charged into the water.

He surfaced a few feet from me, and stood, the water reaching just below his nipples, and grinned at me, squeaking, "Oh jeez, this feels so awesome, Jase, I never actually skinny-dipped before!" I grinned back at him, and moved over close to him, then slid my arm around his waist, hugging him, then letting my hand wander over his firm little butt cheeks. "Nothing like skinny-dipping on a warm night." I told him, "Just might be the second-best feeling in the world!" He snuggled his smooth, wet, body against me, and giggled, then said, "Uh huh, and I can prolly guess what's first-best." I chuckled, and replied, "Yup, and, you would be totally right, too!" We stood in the chest high water, and I moved slightly to a position that was more behind him, and slipped my arms around him, easing his lithe body back against me. I let my hands roam over his chest, nipples, and tummy, while my own rock hard cock pressed against the creamy skin of his cute little butt. He made little purring noises as I moved my hands and fingers over his body, and groaned deeply when my hand found his pulsing cock, and stroked it in a slow, deliberate, rhythm. "Oh wow, Jase, that's awesome!" he murmured, and I felt his hand move tentatively against my thigh. Hoping for the best, I shifted my body slightly, so that my granite hard stem would be available to his touch. His fingers probed my thigh, and slid inward, and I gasped loudly, as his hand found my hardness, and his fingers closed slowly around my shaft. "Cody, oh God, Cody...yes..!" I stammered, my breath catching in my throat at the sensation of his hand on my core. "Whoa...jeez,'re really big...and, oh, really hard!" He gasped, his delicate fingers gently groping my aching meat. I shuddered, leaning forward, to nibble at his soft ear lobe, and replied, "You, Cody Barnes, is why I'm so hard, and big, though I'm not really big...just a little bigger than you, right now, but you will definitely catch up, and soon, too." He giggled some more, a nervous little sound, and tentatively began mimicking my hand motions on his own turgid nail.

We stood there, gently rubbing each other, hands exploring the new territory, and our bodies reacting to the intense sensations, and I slid my hand down his full length, then under, to capture his snug balls in my palm. I lifted his nuts slightly, and rolled the small orbs with my fingers, eliciting a deep moan from Cody. I loved the feel of his tight, hairless pouch in my hand, and continued to manipulate the tender spheres gently. He slid his fingers down the length of my rod, and moved lower, to gently capture my own nut sac in his slim fingers. I groaned, and he tentatively explored the fullness, and texture of my bag. I felt his slim body shudder slightly, and he exhaled a deep breath, whispering, "Awesome, oh jeez, it's all so awesome!" I lapped at his ear again, and added gentle pressure to turn him toward me, and pulled him close. Our rampant tools came into contact, bumping stiffly against each other, and Cody groaned, burying his soft cheek into my chest. I reached between us, and wrapped my hand around both cocks together, stroking them, and murmuring his name softly. We stood still, each of us instinctively thrusting our hips gently, causing the silky skin of our erections to rub against each other. I looked over his shoulder at the beach, and surrounding area, gratified at seeing no intruding activity in the area. I slipped my fingers under his chin, and lifted his head so that his gorgeous eyes met mine, and leaned in to gently kiss his lush, soft, lips. He gave as good as he got, and I shuddered, as his warm tongue suddenly filled my mouth, dancing over my teeth, and gums, in as passionate a kiss as I had ever experienced. Pulling away finally, I bent down, and slid my arm behind his legs, and scooped his naked body into my arms, then walked rapidly toward the beach.

I carried him to the blanket, lowered him until he lay on his back. I dropped down beside him, and looked into his wide open eyes. I moved in close, and my nostrils again filled with the sweet, boyish scent of him. I pressed my lips against the softness of his smooth cheek, and worked around to his lush mouth, again pressing my lips to his, again being rewarded with the response of his tongue flooding my mouth passionately. We kissed deeply, and my hands were everywhere on his slim, lithe body, teasing his small nipples, and stroking his soft tummy. He moaned, almost in a chant, and his arms circled my neck, pulling my mouth tightly against his, as our tongues lashed at each other. I slid my hand lower, and passed my fingers over his rock hard cock, my thumb swiping over his very wet cock head, as he groaned deeply into my open mouth. I stroked his cock, and fondled his tight balls, my fingertips repeatedly grazing his spongy cock head, spreading his free flowing juices over the sensitive place. His hips thrust upward, pressing his drooling stalk firmly against my hand, and I sensed his closeness, his passion, and excitement rapidly reaching the boiling point. Desperate to take his experience to another level, and surrendering to my own wanton desires to experience all of him, I broke our kiss, and lapped my way down his heaving torso, descending until his turgid nail slapped hotly against my cheek.

I grasped the thin shaft in my fingers, and worked the drooling head against my lips, letting my tongue tip swipe at his copious discharge, my taste buds exploding with the acrid, nutty, flavor of his slick precum. His hips lifted sharply, and his voice cracked, as he squeaked my name, and I opened my mouth, taking the full length of his sweet boy meat inside in one swoop until my nose was buried in his thin little pubic patch. "Unggggg....Ahhhhh....!" Cody squealed, and I closed my lips tightly against his silky shaft, moving my mouth over the length of him, as my hand clutched his tight balls. His hips began thrusting in sync with my head movements, as I sucked his satin smooth nail, my mouth alive with the sensation of his warm meat filling me, and my taste buds savoring his drooling fluids. All too soon it was at its peak, Cody's small butt thrust rapidly upward, as I moved head up and down his rock hard shaft, my fingers tugging at his tightening balls, until his cock gave a series of rapid jerks in my mouth, swelling, and erupting, his strong jets of sweet nectar rapidly flooding my mouth, forcing me to swallow his creamy essence, only to have the next spasm flood me again. His fists pounded the blanket, as he continued through several more spasms, then, relaxed, as his intense orgasm subsided. He released all of his body tension at once, sagging back onto the blanket, spent, and gasping for breath. I suckled his shrinking member, gently milking the final remnants of his sweet tasting boy honey, until it grew too sensitive for him, and his fingers threaded into my hair, urging me to stop sucking his now small, and very sensitive cock.

I released his perfect little tool, and slid back up beside him, laying my arm across his still heaving chest, and stroking him softly. He continued gulping air for a bit, then sighed deeply, and rolled his head to look at me. The smile-to-die-for slowly painted over his pretty, flushed, face, and he reached out his hand, fingers brushing softly against my lips, and he squeaked, Oh jeez, Jase...oh my God...jeezo!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 5

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