Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 9, 2005


The party was happening at a friend's house that was on the other side of town, so the drive took a while. I used the close confines of the Mustang as an opportunity to reach over, and touch, or lightly stroke, Cody's thigh several times. He seemed to enjoy the contact, and my repeated compliments on his attire, though the cute little blush that I loved so much made repeated appearances.

He mentioned several times that he was nervous at the prospect of being the youngest person in attendance, but I assured him that was of little consequence, given that he would also doubtless be the cutest, and sexiest person in attendance, as well. He blushed furiously, and giggled, but he liked the idea, I know. We arrived, parked the car, and alighted. I walked around to Cody, and slid my arm around his slim shoulder, hugging him briefly, and said, "Relax, hot-stuff, it will be a blast, trust me." He grinned, and nodded, inhaled deeply, then replied, "OK, Jason, then, let's party!" I chuckled, and nudged him in the direction of the brightly lit house where the event was, apparently, in full swing.

We made our way through the mass of bodies that nearly blocked the doorway, me responding to several "hi's" and other assorted greetings from people I knew. The music was blaring at a decibel level nearing glass breakage, and any attempt at meaningful conversation would have been moot, so brief nods, and smiles sufficed as greetings. We navigated the packed living room, then the dining room/dance floor, and eventually emerged, relatively unscathed, into the kitchen. I spotted my friend who was guilty of instigating this nearly out of control bash, and steered Cody in his direction. He saw me, and smiled, pressing his mouth to my ear, and shouting, "Welcome!" I grinned, and yelled back at him, "Tim...Cody...Cody...Tim, our host." Cody flashed his killer smile, and nodded at Tim, yelling, "Hey Tim," in a slightly cracking voice. I watched with amusement, as Tim's seasoned eyes drifted over the length of Cody, then shifted to meet my own. He winked at me, and ran his tongue tip over his lips wickedly, while I smiled sagely, slipping my arm around Cody's slim waist. Cody caught the whole exchange, and his creamy cheeks colored sweetly, as he found sudden new interest in the tops of his tennis shoes.

Conversation being impossible, I bumped fists with Tim, and steered Cody toward the door leading to the back patio. Outside, the noise level reduced slightly, and we located a large tub filled with ice, and drinks. I dug in, and retrieved two, and handed one to Cody. There were several people scattered around the back yard, and patio, area, and we mingled with a few that I knew, chatting, and introducing Cody around. An hour or so later a group of us were milling around the back patio when one of the girls in the group leaned close to my ear, and asked if I minded her taking Cody inside to dance. I smiled, getting off a little on her understanding that he was my "date", and told her to go for it, if he was interested. She moved next to Cody, and asked if he would dance with her, and he glanced at me. I winked at him, nodding my head slightly, and the two of them disappeared inside the crowded house. I hung around with the group for almost another hour, and Cody had still not returned, so I went inside to see what he was up to.

I worked my way through the mob in the kitchen, and paused to survey the dining room, which had been emptied out to provide a dance floor area. The area was nearly wall to wall people, madly cavorting to the raucous music that was loud enough that the floor actually vibrated from the base tones. I spotted Cody, wildly gyrating his lithe body in sync with the girl who had wanted him to dance. He had obviously been at the strenuous pace for some time, and I smiled at his flushed face which glowed with a fine sweat. He was grinning his killer grin, obviously having a great time, and I stood watching, as he executed nimble maneuvers, his arms flailing madly, as he wiggled his cute little butt in ways that caused my cock to thicken in my shorts. He spotted me, and flashed me a dazzling smile, then, executed a quick spin, bending slightly from the waist, and pointing that gyrating bubble butt right at me. I chuckled, and felt my cock go fully hard in response to his boldness.

The dance floor was a mob scene, and it made me wonder how anyone knew who they were actually dancing with, then decided it probably really didn't matter. I watched him for a while longer, then, wormed my way through the throng until I was at his side. He slowed his wild pace a little, and I pressed my mouth against his ear, saying I was going out front for some air. He nodded his head, his soft hair fluffing, and tickling my cheek, and I caught his enticing scent, causing my hardon to flex. I quickly slid my tongue out, and licked his ear, as he giggled sweetly. I moved away, threading my way through the wild crowd, and went out the front door. I walked over the grass to a grouping of tall birch trees stood, and found a small bench, where I sat, happy for some relief from the pulsing music, and mingled loud voices.

I kicked back, stretched out my legs, and relaxed, my mind recalling the sight of Cody's cute little ass rotating and flexing to the music. I shuddered slightly, as my mind flashed an image of that creamy little bubble, naked, and performing similar motions, as my cock slid in and out of it's tight warmth. I slid a hand into my distended lap, and adjusted my bone, telling myself to just chill, and remember, that all good things come to those who wait. A slightly staggering figure appeared out of the darkness, moving toward me, and as he drew closer, I recognized Tim, the host of the party. He ambled up to me, and dropped onto the bench beside me, hoisted a four pack of beer, and said, "Yo, Jason, my man, I've brought refreshments, Dude, fresh from the ice, have one!" I chuckled at his slightly slurred speech, realizing that Timmy boy had already had more than one. I'm not really much of a drinker, especially when driving, but opened a beer, to keep the tipsy Tim placated, mostly. I sipped at it, and listened to Tim blabber on about his latest gay adventure with some college dude that he had met at the local mall. Eventually, he staggered to his feet, and ambled off toward the house, leaving the beers on the bench.

Shortly after Tim's departure, I looked up, and saw Cody emerge from the house, and cross the front porch, looking around. I called to him, and he walked across the large expanse of lawn to my location, and flopped onto the bench beside me. He smiled, and said softly, "Miss me?" I chuckled, and reached down to grip his smooth thigh, and answered, "You know it, Dude, big time, but it looked like you were having fun." He giggled, and nodded, then said, "For sure, yea, that Tina is pretty wild with the dance thing." I nodded, and looked closely at him, seeing that he was practically dripping in sweat from the long period of wild dancing. I swiped a finger on his soft, damp cheek, and said, "No kidding, she has you all lathered up, for sure." He giggled, and, were it not so dark, I'd have seen the sweet blush again, I'm sure. "Not her, so much, just the dancing, it's actually like work, after while." I gave his luscious thigh a gentle squeeze, and said, "Well, I have to tell you, you really know how to work that cute little butt of yours." He giggled again, then, saw the beers, and squeaked, "Oh, cool, I am, like, parched, big time!"

He popped one open, and before I could say anything, he tipped it, and drained about half of it. "Whoa, Little Dude, go easy on that stuff, it's not Pepsi, you know." He smiled the dazzling smile, and tipped the can again, this time draining its contents. "Oh man, that is so good!" he muttered, and leaned back on the bench, moving his hand to swipe at his sweating forehead. I reached up, and slid my fingers through his soft hair, feeling the dampness, and said, "Damn, Babe, you really are in a sweat." He nodded, and I moved my hand to the buttons on his Hawaiian shirt, rapidly opening them, until the shirt slipped to the sides, exposing his shining smooth chest, and soft tummy, to the soft light. He sighed deeply, and stretched his smooth legs forward, relaxing back on the bench. I moved my palm to his chest, letting my fingers trace the firm definition of his pec's, and move lightly over his slightly puffy nipple, I flicked at it, gently closing my fingers on the soft nubbin, and felt it instantly respond, growing stiff under my fingers. I smiled, and slid my hand across his smooth chest, to tweak his other nipple, getting the same quick response. He moaned softly, and I moved my hand back and forth over his warm, damp, skin, my fingers stimulating his now stiff little mounds. "That's really nice." He mumbled, and I leaned my head close to his, and gently pressed my lips to his cheek. "I love touching your skin, Cody, you're so smooth, and soft, and you smell delicious." I told him, and he flinched slightly, as I slid my wandering hand down to his soft tummy.

I rubbed small circles on his tummy, and dipped a finger into his concave little button, drawing a small giggle from Cody. He inhaled a breath, and slowly let it go, as I dipped my hand lower, my fingers just grazing the waist band of his shorts. I licked the soft skin of his neck, and he groaned softly, then moved back to his chest, and pressed my lips to the soft skin between his hard little nipples. He moaned softly again, and I moved my head slightly, closing my lips over one distended nipple, sucking it gently, as I slid my hand lower onto the front of his shorts. He moved his hands to my head, his fingers threading through my hair, as he squeaked softly, "Jeez, oh jeez!" I licked across his chest, tasting the slightly acrid flavor of his sweat, and captured the other nipple, sucking it, and flicking my tongue against it, as I slid my hand onto his tented crotch, nudging his fully erect cock.

I lifted my head from his nipple, and said softly, "Cody, oh God, Cody, you're so amazing, you make me crazy wanting to touch you... taste you...!" He sucked in another big gulp of air, and exhaled it, and whispered, "Oh jeez, too...I' hard...and...oh jeez...!" I moved back to his chest, again lapping softly at his distended nipples, as he cooed, and fingered my hair. I pressed my hand against his firm cock, and said very softly, "I want to touch you, Cody Barnes, I want... so badly... to touch you!" He squeaked a funny little sound, and I felt his slim hips flex upward, as he pressed his hardness into my groping hand. "Me too!" he squeaked softly, "I want you to touch me, too!"

I sucked his stiff nipple into my mouth, and tongued it, as I opened my fingers, and closed them around his rock hard cock, rubbing it gently. "Oh...oh jeez...!" He squeaked, and I felt him flex again, moving his hardness against my hand. I stroked him, reveling in the feel of his boyhood, so hard, and pulsing in my hand. His fingers tugged at my hair, and I slid my lips to capture his other nipple, my hand going to the fly of his shorts, snapping them open, and tugging on the zip. He moaned deeply, and thrust his hips upward, as I slid my hand into his open shorts, going inside the elastic of his briefs, and captured his hot, hard cock. My turn to moan now, as the silky smoothness, and the pulsing heat, of his throbbing cock filled my hand for the fist time. So incredibly soft, and so rock hard, all at once, it was heaven to touch him. His length filled my palm, a good five inches at least, slim, and smoothly cut, I determined, as my fingers played over the flared smoothness of his leaking head. He shuddered, as I worked my thumb across the head of his cock, and moaned, as I again gripped the turgid shaft, moving the satiny skin up and down over his granite hardness.

His hips flexed steadily now, in sync with my rubbing his length, and my fingers were soaked with his drooling precum. His breathing was rapid, and ragged, and I knew he was close, very close. My mouth was drooling saliva onto his chest, and nipples, and I longed to drop to the cool grass, and suck him, to experience his rapidly approaching explosion in my aching mouth, and to feel his warm flood fill my sucking cheeks with his sweet nectar, but there were people nearby, and, even if not, there wasn't time, now. Cody thrust strongly upward, driving his spitting cock into my gripping hand, and I stroked his length rapidly a few times. He emitted a deep moaning sound, and flexed his hips once more, and his weapon exploded in my grip, his warm semen erupting from the wide slit of his jerking cock, coating my hand, and his abdomen, and silky soft pubes with his creamy discharge.

As the spasms of his orgasm subsided, Cody let his little butt fall back to the bench, and he sagged back, totally spent, his smooth chest heaving, as he inhaled deep gulps of air. I milked his shrinking cock a few strokes, then released it, to run my fingertips through the pools of his warm, slippery essence. I slid my hand out of his soggy undies, and raised it to my face, my eyes straining to see the slick goo coating my fingers in the dim light. I looked into Cody's gorgeous eyes, and winked at him, then slid my slick fingers into my mouth, reveling in the sound of his melodic giggle, as he watched, wide eyed, as I sucked his creamy boy batter from my fingers. My taste buds exploded in reaction to his slightly acrid flavor, and I longed for the moment I would be able to savor the bitter-sweet taste direct from the source. Our eyes met, and Cody's pretty face lit up with his million watt smile, as he raised his arms to me, and squeaked, "Jeez,!" I chuckled, and leaned into his arms, placing my open mouth on his, and saying, "Nope, not me...the amazing one here is Cody Barnes....and....Little Cody...!" And I again reached down to fondle his now soft little cock as his melodic giggle filled my ears.

Next: Chapter 4

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