Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 6, 2005


As the first week of school passed quickly, I spent as much time with Cody as possible. I continued to drive him to and from school each day, and more often than not, made a stop at John's Drive-in on the homeward leg, adding to the time we had together. I had also provided him small insights regarding the workings of high school, although most of that kind of counseling was after the fact, due to the lack of cohesion in our class schedules, him being a freshman, and me in my senior year. Cody had blushingly hinted a few times at feeling some anxiety about the new P.E. routine, involving twice changing clothes, and showering, in a very open locker room. This whole experience was new to him, and a tad unsettling, apparently. Not that I want to be a freshman again, but oh, how I would love to be in his gym class! Just to provide a near-by source of confidence as he stripped naked, and soaped that lithe little body, you understand. Right.

So here I am, propped on the fender of the Mustang, awaiting my little cutie's after school arrival. I spotted him, exiting the main doors of the school, and watched him head in my direction. He looked so damn cute, the soft strands of his fine hair trailing across his forehead as he walked, his back pack mounted on his slim shoulders. He skidded to a stop in front of me, his almost pretty face alight with his dazzling smile, the perfect white teeth on full display, "Hey, Jason!" He chirped in his still slightly high voice, "How was your day, Dude?" He asked, as we did the requisite bumping of closed fists. I grinned, ran my fingers through his soft hair, and replied, "It was good, and, even better now!" He giggled, and I watched that sweet pink shade color his creamy cheeks, and he said, "Yea, huh?"

We climbed in the car, and Cody turned in the seat, struggling with getting his back pack into the small back seat space of the Mustang. I scoped in on his lap as he jostled around with the task, and smiled, at seeing his short's ride up high on his silky smooth thighs, and cling nicely to his snug little package. He finally rid himself of the back pack, and twisted again in the seat, catching me perving him in the process. His sweet face flooded with color again, and he giggled sweetly, dropping a hand to adjust the legs of his shorts. He looked at me, his incredible blue eyes giving me a questioning look, and, in return, I gave him my best lecherous look, wiggling my eyebrows in a sinister way. He giggled again, and squeaked, "What...?" I did the eyebrow thing again, and said, "Do you have even a clue how damn cute you look when you blush that way?" I asked him, which, of course, only served to increase the glow he was already radiating so sweetly. "Oh jeez!" He squeaked, and I went on, "No, Dude, it's totally true, the always serious cute of you just, like, intensifies when you do the blush thing." He rolled the pretty blue eyes at me, but made no further comment, so I fired up the Mustang, and headed for John's.

We chatted about the day as we drove, and soon we were parked at the drive-in along with several of our classmates looking for post-study refreshments. We ordered, and sat eating, and chatting happily when one of Cody's freshman friends spotted him, and walked up to his side of the car. As they did the usual fist thing, and chatted a minute or two, I watched a single French fry fall from its cardboard container, and come to rest squarely in Cody's lap. I waited until his friend walked away, then quickly reached into his lap, my target the errant French fry, and whatever else I might be blessed to encounter during my forage to paradise. I slid my fingers under the fry, and let the back of my hand press downward, and apply a fair amount of pressure against the firm Little Cody that rested there. He squealed, and sucked in a huge gulp of air as I paused slightly, and added just a touch more downward pressure on his sweet meat, so that it was clearly aware of the contact. I backed off then, and captured the French fry in my fingers. I lifted it, and dangled it in front of the wide eyed Cody, and said, "Sorry if I startled you, Cody Barnes, but you dropped this." He stared at the fry a second, then, smiled sweetly at me, before opening his lush mouth widely, so I could feed him the fry. I slowly fed the dangling potato piece into his mouth, and felt my cock twitch, as he suctioned it into his mouth, the dazzling blue eyes never wavering from my own. It was just a stupid French fry being consumed, but it was, definitely, a very erotic moment! As he captured the last of it inside his mouth, I let my eyes drop to his crotch, and received another cock twinge, as I noted his shorts were now seriously tented, confirming my hope that he had felt, and enjoyed, my ever-so-brief contact with his boy cock. Interesting, I thought, very interesting, indeed!

We finished our snacks, and I summoned the car-hop to remove the window tray, and we were off again, heading for Cody's house. We arrived, and went to Cody's room, where he plugged in a PS2 game, and for the next hour we set about slaying evil critters, as we advanced through several levels of the game. There was a gentle knock on the door, and Cody's Mom stuck her head in the room, telling Cody to get changed, they would need to leave soon to meet his Dad for dinner in town. He responded that he would get ready, and we finished the level we were on, then, saved the game to memory for later completion. Cody got up, and went to his closet, and retrieved some Dockers, and a shirt. I just stretched out on his bed, and waited for him to make the next move. He looked at me a minute, then shrugged slightly, and pulled his tee shirt over his head. Oh Lord, I thought, feeling the sudden blood rush in my thickening cock, look at that perfect torso, so totally smooth, and creamy. His chest, and soft tummy, were absolutely hairless, and the skin reflected a healthy glow. He was quite tanned, and as he lifted his arms, I noted the smooth underarms, the creamy soft skin causing my mouth to flood with saliva, as I yearned to tongue him there, and savor his taste, and texture. His nipples were fairly large, dominating his smooth and developing chest with twin quarter-sized buttons that added force to my salivation as I longed to lap at them, and suckle them, to feel their stiffening response on my lips.

Cody dropped his shirt next to me on the bed, and his gorgeous blue eyes locked onto mine. He held my gaze, and damn it, I tried to keep up the eye contact, but failed, miserably. The desire to feast on the view of his bare torso, and those incredible nipples, was just too much, and I let my gaze flicker over his beauty again. He giggled, bringing my eyes quickly back to his, and I smiled, seeing the scarlet shade that his pretty face had become, and again dropped my eyes to focus on his now flushed chest. My eyes widened, as I watched the slightly puffy nipples stiffen, the soft centers suddenly rising into tiny pencil erasers, saucily pointing straight at me. I dropped my eyes lower, and a small groan escaped my lips, as I stared at the fully tented crotch of Cody's shorts. Without thinking, I dropped my hand onto my own tented crotch, and grasped my hard cock, giving it a couple of quick jerks. Cody's eyes followed my actions, and his cute face glowed hotly as he watched me. I released my cock, and stared up at him, as he giggled sweetly again, and slowly moved his hands to the fly of his shorts.

The heavenly blue eyes remained locked onto my own, with the occasional quick flicker downward to my protruded crotch. I stared, mesmerized, as Cody popped open the snap, then, slowly fingered the zipper open. He hooked his thumbs into the waist of the shorts, and slowly slid the garment down his slender, hairless legs, and let go, so they puddled at his feet. My heart was hammering inside my chest as I looked at him, and I fought the urgent desire to grab him. He was wearing CK briefs, absolutely snow white, save for the black of the CK logo. If there had previously been any question relative to the state of his rampant young cock, it was clearly answered now. He was blissfully erect inside the Ck's, and the turgid shaft of boy meat was clearly defined as it strained against the snug fabric. The pouch below was equally as defined, tucked snugly close to the "Vee" of his trunk, and held tight by the snug material. I felt myself swallow about a quart of saliva, gulping loudly, and steeling myself against the near-irresistible urge to reach out, and rid his luscious boy parts of their covering, so that I might swallow his slightly pulsing boy nail to its base.

I tore my eyes away from his straining package, and looked up, meeting his flushed gaze. He gave me a sheepish little smile, and squeaked, "Oh jeez!" I winked at him, then, let my eyes drift over his incredible sexiness once more. Shaking my head slowly, I again looked up at him, and said quietly, "Oh jeez, is right, little one, you, are fucking beautiful!" He squeaked a little sound, and I swear his blush deepened even more, and he turned away from me, reaching for the Dockers. My eyes damn near popped out my skull when I focused onto his little bubble butt, tightly encased in the snug CK's. So incredibly firm, and small, the twin globes were round little melons, perfectly separated by his snug cleft. I let out a small moan, and he twisted his head, looking at me over a smooth, bare shoulder. His eyes watched mine, and he realized the point of my focus, then blushed deeper still, squeaking again, and saying, "Oh, jeez,!"

He stepped quickly into the Dockers, and slid them in place, suddenly shattering my wanton perving of his lithe young body. I swallowed again, my salivary glands in full overdrive, and grinned at him, struggling to my feet. I stepped over in front of him, and looked down into his eyes, then slid my arms around his slim frame, pulling him against me in a hug. My nose pressed into his soft hair, and I inhaled the sweet boy scent of him, shuddering, as my senses reacted to his closeness. He shuddered slightly too, exhaling his sweet, warm, breath against my chest. I let him go, and stepped back from him, my fingers ruffling his baby soft hair, and said, "I should go, Cody, so you can finish getting ready." He nodded, and stepped into me, his bare arms circling my back briefly, and hugged me. He sucked in a big breath, and let it go slowly, then squeaked " I already am, pretty much." I lifted his head, my fingers under his chin, and cocked an eyebrow at him in question. He flushed red again, and diverted his eyes from mine, and squeaked "Ready, I mean...!"

The moment was lost when his Mom again tapped on his bedroom door, calling out for him to get a move on, his Dad would be waiting for them. We quickly separated, not sure if she would open the door, and then both of us giggled at our quick reactions. I ruffled his soft locks again, and smiled, saying,"See you in the morning, sexy-boy, oh, and don't forget the party tomorrow night, be sure and get permission to go with me, OK?" He grinned, nodding, and swung open the door, saying, "For sure, yea, that will be awesome, I know!" I gave his still bulging crotch a quick glance, then winked at him, and said, "Yup, awesome...I'd bet lotsa bucks that's exactly what it is!" He squealed happily, blushed brightly, and I chuckled, heading through the door, and out to the Mustang.

The next morning, Friday, Cody confirmed that his parents were good with our plans to attend a welcome back to school party at a friend's house that evening. He was clearly excited at the prospect of attending a party that would largely consist of seniors, and possibly a few juniors, but also expressed a touch of apprehension at being the only member of the freshman class in attendance. I reassured him that no one would think twice about that fact, and as my "date," he would be made totally welcome at the event. He giggled sweetly at my reference to him as my "date," but at the same time, seemed happy with the reference. That worked for me, because as far as I was concerned, he was going as my "date," a fact that pretty much made my day. We skipped the typical stop off at John's after school, and I dropped him off at home, planning to return to retrieve him for he party at 7:00 pm.

Promptly at seven that evening, I pulled up in front of Cody's house, and parked the Mustang. His Mom answered the door, and dispatched me to Cody's room, where he was just shrugging into a brightly colored Hawaiian shir,t atop a pair of kaki colored cargo shorts. "Hey, Dude, I'm here for my date!" I said in greeting, and he instantly blushed sweetly, closing the door to his room. "Jeez, Jase, don't let my Mom hear you say that, Dude, she'll freak." I grinned, and moved close to him, his special scent filling my nostrils, enhanced very slightly by some rather nice cologne he was wearing. The brightly flowered shirt hung from his shoulders, not yet buttoned, and my eyes lingered on his creamy torso, before coming to rest on those wondrous nipples. I licked my lips, once again resisting the urge to just lean over, and place my lips on the yummy morsels. I leaned my face close to his neck, and inhaled deeply, saying, "Nice, Dude, very, very nice!" He giggled, and I quickly snaked out my tongue, and licked the velvety skin of his neck, just behind his ear. He flinched slightly, and sighed, which I took as a good reaction, so I did it again. He squeaked softly, and muttered, "Oh, jeez!" I was seriously beginning to like that particular reaction, having come to understand that it was favorable, and signaled his acceptance of my actions. Thus encouraged, I lapped his soft neck once more, then, pressed my lips to the creamy skin, sucking it gently. He shuddered slightly, but stayed right where he was, so I repeated the movement, and slid my palm over his smooth chest, making small circles on his warm, smooth, skin. "Damn, you smell awesome, Cody, Barnes, good enough to eat, even!" I whispered against his neck, and he made a small gasping sound, as my fingers roamed over his soft nipple, and moved to the other one. I fingered each nubbin, and chuckled, as I felt them instantly stiffen, and swell under my gentle touch. He gave a small shudder, and muttered, "Oh Jason, oh jeez!" I closed my thumb and finger softly over his swollen left nipple briefly, then, stepped back, moving my hand up to fluff his silky hair, and said, "You ready to party, Dude?" he grinned, and nodded, exhaling a deep breath, and saying, "Totally, yup, lets go for it!" He finished buttoning the Hawaiian number, sadly, and we bid his parents good night, then climbed aboard the Mustang, and took off, headed to the bright lights and music, or whatever else the evening was fated to be.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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