Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 20, 2005


And so it was to go, through the remainder of that year, my final year of high school, and Cody's first. We spent every possible moment together, both of us craving opportunities to find private time, and during those times, we happily shared our mutual inability to keep our hands off each others bodies. The intensity of our sexual adventures seemed to grow with each blissful encounter, and by the time it ended, very few stones of exploration were left unturned. What had begun as sort of a lark, really, had become something very much more, and I have always held the belief that had our joining occurred at some point in our lives beyond high school, Cody and I may well have evolved into one of those truly rare life partner type of relationships.

In truth, we were very much too young for what was happening between us, Cody especially, at the tender age of fourteen, and the game of life would eventually present its series of twists and changes that would draw us further apart over time, first geographically, and eventually emotionally. To this very day, in moments of quiet reflection, I look back on my year with Cody as one of the highlights of my life, and, while I miss him, and that very special thing that we shared, I view that time in my life as precious, and cannot muster sadness, or regret, about one single moment of it.

As the end of that school term drew near, we both recognized the changes that its ending would dictate. I had received several letters of interest from various colleges, and universities, and had also submitted several applications for enrollment of my own, and was whittling down the list of possibilities for my college choices. The short list was comprised of my final four choices, none of which was remotely local to our city, clearly indicating that I would soon be relocating in my pursuit of higher learning, while Cody had three more years at the local high school.

Neither of us wanted to talk, or even think, much about the impending situation, but it was very much "there," always just below the surface of our quiet conversations. Without admitting it, we both began to slowly divert larger blocks of interest to other pursuits, and interests, with the resultant decrease in our time together, although the intensity of our diminished sexual sessions never wavered, and even increased, as the days continued to fly off the calendar.

As the spring of that year unfolded, Cody went out for the Frosh baseball team, pursuing a passion that he had developed playing Little League over the course of his pre-teen years. He was quite a good player, actually, and I enjoyed going over to the practice field after classes to watch him, and cheering him on from the stands during games, as I secretly salivated over his sexy little body all bedecked in his cute uniform. It brings a smile to my face as I write this, remembering the times that I drove him home after practice, and, finding his house parent-free, how I induced him to allow me to check out his lithe body, as he paraded for my pleasure wearing only his bulging little jock strap. God, how gorgeous, and sexy, he looked, the pouch of the thing barely containing his rapidly growing erection, and his tight ball sac, while the straps at the back so hornily framed that incredible bubble butt that I so loved. These little show-and-tells often led to a serious thrashing of Cody's big bed, and the intense sessions were even further embellished by our uncertainty of his parent's arrival times.

Spring rapidly became early summer, and as I continued to attend Cody's games, I couldn't help but recognize a certain, though subtle, interest he seemed to harbor in one of the teams assistant coaches. He was an alumni player, now a local city college sophomore pursuing a degree in physical education with a view toward a future coaching/teaching career. I had known him slightly during the years he attended our high school, at a level two years above me, and he had been the super-star ball player of his time there. It took Cody a long time to confess his growing interest in Rick beyond the baseball diamond, but I definitely saw the symptoms as they subtly developed between the two over the course of the season. Hey, it takes one to know one, right? Eventually the relationship would gel, and later, when Cody would share certain insights of his growing relationship with Rick, after I had moved on to college, I would feel definite pangs of envy regarding Rick, and his own very special times with the alluring Cody Barnes.

Suddenly, it was late May, and my graduation from high school loomed on the very near horizon. I had reached my decision regarding a college choice, and all arrangements for my admission were complete. I would be relocating to my new home for the ensuing four years, a southwestern city some fifteen hundred miles distant, at the end of June. I had arranged for dorm housing on campus during one of my exploratory trips, and had even secured part time employment, which dictated my early departure. My time with Cody Barnes was rapidly dwindling, and I longed for one final, glorious fling with him, something totally special, with all of the potential for searing the memory of him into my permanent memory cells.

My impending departure had become a stark fact, and as such, the gloves were finally off, so to speak, regarding our willingness to face it, and talk about it. As we lay naked on Cody's bed, basking in the flushed afterglow of the incredible sex that had just taken place between us, I gently ran my fingers over the creamy smooth skin of his back, letting my hands wander across the heavenly globes of the cute butt I had so recently penetrated, yet again. "Know what, hot-stuff?" I asked him, my hand firmly cupping the firm little melons. "Hmm...?" he responded dreamily. "We need to make something special happen, you know, sort of a final-final, at least for the near term." I told him. He lifted his head, propping his chin on his hands, and smiled at me, saying, "Every time with you is special, Jase, and, I freeking hate the term "final!" I smiled, and nodded, saying, "Yea, ditto to both of those, but, I think you know what I mean." He sighed, and moved his head in affirmation, and asked, "So, like what are you thinking, then?" I gave it a minute, thinking of options, then, said, "How about we set it up with the parents that we are going to an all-nighter party, I could fix it with Tony, that all of us are staying over at his place, then, you and I could drive over to Roseville, and stay at a hotel for a night." Cody flashed me one of his patent dazzling smiles, causing a minor twinge to my balls, and replied, "Sweet...awesome...I like it...a lot!" I chuckled, and let my finger slide inside his warm, slick cleft, gently probing his still leaking pucker, and said, "Cool...I'll fix it with Tony, and my `rents, and you square it with yours, and we'll do it...Saturday night!"

We put our devious little saga into motion, and all elements flowed without a hitch. Saturday afternoon, Cody and I departed his house, headed for the neighboring town of Roseville, some thirty miles away. I had driven there the previous day, and rendered a minor blow to my college fund, paying cash for two nights at a decent motel. The wasted expense of the room being empty one night had seemed worth it, as the key to our personal little den of iniquity was now nestled in the pocket of my shorts. No need to cause any raised eyebrows on the motel clerk by registering with a fourteen year old, I had decided. We were both pretty giddy on the drive, our anticipation levels running high, and the brief trip passed quickly.

We arrived at the motel, and checked out the room, before changing into swim suits, and heading over to the very nice pool area. We had managed to resist our carnal instincts as we undressed, and redressed, to swim, but only just barely. As it was, we each managed a few quick gropes, and even a small lick, or three. The truth was that the little hottie had me seriously hooked, in all matters of the flesh, and the spirit, and I was damn well going to miss him, a lot. Over the next couple of hours, we swam, and lounged in the warm sunshine, chatting, and totally enjoying the temporary freedom of being completely alone together, with no pressures of being observed in a compromising position by anyone who knew us. In short, it was fun, and relaxing, and provided that feeling of "special" that I wanted so much, to fully enjoy our waning time together.

I had decided to add to the deficit of my college funds by splurging on dinner in a good restaurant, and as the sun began sinking, we both were beginning to feel the small pangs of hunger. We left the pool area, and walked back to the room, where we perused the motels restaurant recommendations, and made a choice. I called the place, and made a reservation, then, we headed, together, to the shower. So much for resisting the carnal nature, as we spent a long time in the shower, our hands busily applying leather to each others slick, and rapidly inflating cocks, and balls. As the excitement reached a fever pitch, I nudged Cody's sexy little body under the spray to rid him the copious suds that I just applied, then dropped to my knees in front of him, and slid his steely hardness into my mouth. He groaned, and leaned back against the wet tiles, spreading his smooth legs, and thrusting his hips forward, to allow me full access to all of his yummy parts. I moved my head up and down his smooth hardness, delighting in the fullness of his sweet boy meat in my mouth, as I toyed with his snug balls with my fingers.

Never breaking rhythm with my sucking him, I soaped up my hand, and slipped it between his spread legs, my finger finding his wrinkled opening, and worming its way inside him. Cody rolled up on his toes, a groan escaping his mouth, as I increased the pace, and the strength of my sucking, and worked my finger in and out of his gripping tunnel, my fingertip brushing over his prostate on each thrust. His precum was flowing freely, and I savored the nutty flavor in my mouth, as I felt his small gland swell, and harden under my probing finger. "Unggg....jeez....ohoh...!" He chanted above me, as his hips rocked in sync with my sucking, until his hands grabbed at my head, and held it tightly, and he let out a long wail, then, exploded, flooding my hungry mouth with his creamy discharge. I gulped his rapid emissions, four or five strong jets of his boy honey, until he was drained, and sagged back against the shower wall. I slid my finger out of him, and gripped the shaft of his wilting cock, milking it with my fingers. A small pearl of his nectar oozed from the tiny slit in his cock head, and I leaned in close, to lap it away with the flat of my tongue. He relaxed, and slid to the floor to join me, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as he recovered.

We got up, finally, and dabbed at each other with the thick towels that hung from a rack on the wall, then, walked arm in arm back into the room, where Cody shoved me onto the king sized bed. I sprawled on my back, my feet still flat on the floor, and the edge of the mattress pressed behind my knees. Cody quickly dropped to the floor, his hands pushing my legs open, and leaned into me, gripping my turgid cock, and sliding it fully inside his warm, wet, mouth. I dropped my head on the mattress, and fully gave myself over to the incredible sensations that he was so skillfully administering to my throbbing cock, and my aching balls. His hands seemed to be all over me, as he settled into a perfect sucking rhythm on my cock, and in far too short a time span, I was over the edge. I heard myself groan deep in my chest, and my hips lifted off of the bed, as my balls pulled tight in my sac, and my shaft swelled with my eminent eruption. I groaned once more, and tugged at the bedspread with my clenched fists, as Cody took me all the way to oblivion, my cock rapidly spewing forceful jets of my cum into his sucking mouth.

It seemed like I would never stop cumming, and Cody rode out the entire volcano, gamely gulping down my copious offering, until I was totally spent, and collapsed like a rag doll on the bed. He scooted up beside me, and flicked his tongue over my nipples, causing me to literally shiver all over, then lifted his head, and grinned at me, saying, "Freeking just hope the food is as good, as the appetizer!" I laughed, nodding my head in agreement, and replied, "Well, whatever the food is, I already know how special the desert is going to be!" He giggled, and shook his head in the affirmative.

We located the restaurant, and went inside, pleased at the ambiance of the place. It was primarily a steak house, dimly lit, and quiet, the exterior walls lined with intimate little banquets, with table and chair arrangements filling the center of the floor. Cody and I were seated at a nice little booth, and we ordered some sodas, and sat sipping them while we looked the menu over. I would probably be living on instant soup for a month when I got to college, based on the startling prices of the dinners, but screw it, this was our special time, and besides, both of were going to need the energy, later. As it turns out, the dinner was excellent, and we ate like the two bottomless pit teen boys that we, in fact, were.

Totally full, we walked the downtown streets of Roseville for a while, then, wandered into a small city park area. It was dark, and mostly deserted, so I reached down, and took Cody's hand in my own, openly holding it as we strolled. He snuggled himself in close to my side, and rested his head against my shoulder, and I savored the pleasing aroma of his freshly washed hair, and his mild cologne, as it wafted past my nose. It was actually all as romantic as a corny television show, or movie, but I loved it, every single second of it.

Back in the room, we lowered the lighting to a single small lamp on the TV, and dialed in a soft music station on the stereo. As we moved about the room, we seized each opportunity to touch each other, and share brief little kisses. The unspoken weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, each of us doing our best to push it aside, and make the most of this night together. Finally, almost shyly, we stripped, and slid into the big bed. Our naked bodies met in the middle of the large expanse, and our arms clung to each other tightly, as the contact between our naked flesh caused both of us to shudder with the power of the electric sensation. We grappled, and kissed, our tongues dueling, as we invaded each others hungry mouths with our tongues. Our hands were everywhere, savoring the silky smoothness of our bodies, and the rock hard stalks of our cocks. We thrashed about on the bed, lost to our combined passions, and mutual lust, touching, and licking each other in every crevice, and crease, our combined moans of animal lust, and pleasure, filling the small room.

It had gone beyond recreation, our passions building to a new crescendo, as our antics totally destroyed the bed clothes, all of them, save for the sweat soaked bottom sheet, ending up strewn over the floor. Somehow, we had arranged ourselves in a nose-to-toes configuration, each hungrily sucking the turgid cock of the other, as our hands wildly explored other body parts, and nerve centers. I tasted Cody's nutty fluids as they flowed over my tongue, and etched their acrid flavors indelibly onto my brain. I released his drooling tool, and dipped below to engulf his full balls, sucking them to the point of mild discomfort, as I resisted the crazy urge to just bite through the fluffy bag, and swallow that most prized part of him, thereby keeping him my own forever. Moving lower still, I probed his tiny pucker with my tongue, forcing my way inside his buttery tunnel, and driving my tongue in and out of him like a small cock, as he continued to suck my raging cock like a starving boy, his finger moving in and out of my ass.

Finally, I just had to have him, to posses him, actually, and, near-mad with lust, I seized his slim body in my arms, and rolled him onto his back. He lifted his legs, and bent them, fully offering up his very core, and I wasted no time in accepting, as I scooted over him, and plunged my throbbing cock fully inside his amazing boy pussy. He roared with the rapid, and ungentle, invasion, his small feet pounding my back, as his head rolled against the mattress. His pretty face was beet red, and sweating, as I withdrew my granite hard weapon, only to drive it completely back inside him. His hand clutched at the rumpled sheet, and his mouth hung agape, as I rode his fever racked body, a demon gone mad. He moaned, and I watched tears roll from the corners of his tightly closed eyes, and still I fucked him mercilessly, totally lost to my unbridled desire to posses him totally. He grabbed on to my arms, my arteries thick, and protruding with my enflamed passion, and squeezed with all of his strength, as he drooled saliva from the corner of his mouth, and he wailed my name, a soulful sound, emanating from deep within his heaving chest. "Jason......oh God,!" he panted, his breath ragged, and rapid.

Still, I hammered into his soft, pliant body, my sweat dripping from my searing hot brow, and falling across his flushed face, wanting, needing, to fuck him beyond life itself, to somehow deliver us from all that was real, and ugly. I paused, and grabbed his gasping body, rolling onto my back with him on top of me, my rampant cock still fully embedded in his incredible softness. He gasped, and lifted his upper body slightly, balancing his palms on my chest, as he began ridding me, raising, and lowering his searing inner heat on my acing cock. I reached out, and grasped his drooling boy cock, and stroked it, working the satin smooth skin back and forth over the rock solid tissue within, until his head flopped backward, and rolled side to side, and his cock ejected his white hot load in long ropes, thicker, by far, than ever before. His cock kept pulsing in my hand, strong, rapid spasms, each giving forth with yet another eruption of his creamy honey, until I wondered if his balls themselves might eject from the gaping slit of his cock. My chest, and stomach, even my chin, were totally streaked in the stuff, sliming me completely with the unbelievable volume of his discharge, and the acrid scent of the thick fluid filled my senses.

He continued to rise, and fall above me, as though the orgasm of his young life had not just occurred, and he worked his gripping anal muscles with perfection, literally milking my pent up juices from my aching balls. I felt my shaft jerk strongly, then again, and spew forth my own mega-discharge, as I rapidly jetted what felt like my toenails into his steamy hot tunnel. I shuddered strongly with each new spasm, groaning like some wounded animal, as my entire body rippled with voltage, sending dozens of intense shock waves through me from head to toe, and back again. My hands gripped the creamy cheeks of his sweet ass so hard that there would be red spots for hours, and I drilled my hips upwards, driving every fraction of my still spewing cock into his searing heat, draining me so completely that I was sure I would never cum again in my life. Finally, and at last, it ended, both of us completely, and totally, drained of bodily fluids, and energy. Exhausted, and beyond, we sucked air in ragged gulps, seeking to restore oxygen to our ravaged, and thoroughly fucked-out bodies, and souls.

Cody gave one final shudder of his sweat coated body, and disengaged, falling forward onto my own shaking body, and I held him, squeezing him, as if to make us one, as we labored through our ragged breaths, slowly returning to reality, beginning our recovery from what might well have been the fuck of a lifetime. We cuddled, and muttered sweet nothings, our hands gently roaming once again, much as how all this had started an hour, or so, previous. Eventually, we managed a shaky trek to the shower, and once again washed each others now tender, and slightly sore, bodies. My upper torso was literally soaked in his voluminous boy-batter, and I was incredulous at the seemingly endless amount of my own nectar that was expelled from his tattered depths. We gingerly patted each other dry, and wobbled back to the all-but-destroyed bed, and collapsed in a tangled heap of arms, and legs, and very satisfied cocks, and balls, immediately falling into a deep sleep.

The morning brought the pure joy of yet another loving session, albeit far more tender, and gentle, and also the sad recognition that this was the ending of Cody and me, with the possible exception of the occasional reuniting during my future visits home. The whole adventure had been way beyond special, having evolved to incredible heights from its humble beginnings, when I had somewhat impulsively decided to take a shot at the seduction of Cody Barnes. I shall remain eternally grateful for both that initial effort, and for the magnificent result.

The End

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