Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 19, 2005


I slept late Saturday morning, my dreams pleasantly filled with vivid images of the pervious day, and evening, with Cody. I stretched, and rubbed my hands over my face, slow to wake up, and caught a faint scent of Cody's cologne. I smiled, recalling our time at the lake last night, my mind conjuring up the image of Cody, naked in the soft moonlit interior of the car, and the expression of pure ecstasy on his sweet face as I sucked his perfect little cock to an explosive orgasm. My own cock came awake then, as it rapidly inflated to full harness under the sheet. I slid my hand under the sheet, and gripped it, squeezing it, then, running my fingers up the shaft to rub the smooth head. I shuddered, as small jolts of electricity coursed through my body, and I rubbed my finger across the silky head again. Nothing like a good sleep to recharge the old batteries, I thought, and moved my hand lower, to cup, and lift my balls. Oh yea, I decided, round and firm and fully packed, ready for more of my sweet Cody Barnes.

I regrettably stopped playing with my stuff, and gave in to the urge of my distended bladder, and rolled out of bed. I walked the short distance down the hall to the bathroom, thinking of Cody's posh "bedroom" and all of its amenities, including a private bath. Life is sweet when your `rents are loaded, for sure. I peed, and brushed my teeth, then, ran my razor around my face, and climbed into the shower. As I soaped up, my cock once again rose to attention, and I slowly stroked it with a soapy hand, as I toyed with my hanging nuts with the other Damn, I do have the serious horny's going this morning, I thought, happy that Cody and I had made plans for later today. I resisted the urge to jerk off a load, and let go of my stuff, turning back under the warm spray to rinse away the soap. I got out, and dried off, wrapping the towel around my waist, and headed back to my room.

I kicked back on my bed, and propped up against the headboard, then, fired up my laptop, and checked out my email. As I was deleting my way through the usual barrage of spam messages, my IM tone chimed, and the little box on the screen populated with Cody's screen name. I clicked it, and typed in "Hey!" I waited a second or two, then, the box filled with his response, "Hey back, Mr. Senior!" I chuckled, and replied, "And how are my two Cody's this morning?" His rapid response showed, "The big Cody is fine, and little Cody is horny!" I smiled, and answered, "Perfect...I'm glad for the big one, and, I can fix the little one, too!" He typed a string of "giggles," then, "Let me count the ways...!!" I paused, then entered, "U in a hurry...I could talk dirty to ya....?" A small pause, then, "Well, maybe just a little...thinking I'd really rather have the real deal, tho...!" I chuckled, and typed, "U naked?" He quickly responded, "Yup!" The image of his lithe naked body instantly flashed into my mind, and once again my own meat responded by swelling to its full potential, seriously tenting the towel at my waist.

I moved my fingers over the keyboard, entering, "Describe Little Cody in detail...wut is going on with him right now?" A pause, then, "Hard, like really hard!" I smiled, and typed, "Sweet...and?" Cody quickly responded with, "I can feel it sorta pulsing, and, the head is all dark red." I licked my lips, picturing the tasty morsel as it lay against his soft groin, pulsing with his elevated heart beat. Hell, my own was elevated, too, and pulsing right along with Little Cody. "Nice!" I typed, "Are you leaking any?" Another quick reply, "Jeez yea!" I chuckled, almost able to feel his rapidly growing excitement, and responded, "Taste it Cody." In the brief silent period that followed, I could literally picture him, blushing his sweet, soft glow, as he carried out my direction, swiping a finger over his glistening cock head to swab away the pearl of his precum, then, sucking it, as his taste buds reacted to the slightly acrid flavor. God, I had set out to make Cody crazy horny, and managed to put myself in the very same state in the process. I reached down and gripped my turgid tool, stroking the smooth skin up and down, while I typed with the other hand, "Well?" I had no sooner entered the message, when the screen box painted with, "Oh jeez...its cool...wish I was tasting yurs!" I smiled, and asked, "You gonna cum, Cody Barnes?" "Really close!" Came the reply, and I responded, "Up2u, it for me!" A small lull, then, "Oh jeez...yea...I wanna do that!" I chuckled, and entered, "Good boy, Cody there in 30...u alone, or?" "Will be in a few...Mom is ready to go." I smiled, again licking my lips as though I could actually taste his sweet meat in my mouth, and typed, "U still have those nasty little panties I gave u?" I watched intently as my screen painted his reply, "Uh huh!" I smiled again, and sent, "Put them on, hot stuff, and wait for me, and, keep teasing that yummy little Cody...I want him ready to finish wut we started here!" the response was swift, and, so typically Cody Barnes, as my screen reflected the simple, yet pointed, "Oh jeez!"

I shut down the laptop, and quickly pulled on some board shorts, skipping the undies, and carefully slid the zipper up, avoiding any entanglement with my raging erection. I ran my arms through the sleeves of a Hawaiian shirt, and skipped buttoning it, slid on my sandals, and headed for the door, my totally erect cock leading the way. I fired up the car, and slid out into the traffic, steering with one hand, while I rubbed my throbbing cock with the other, priming the pump to the very brink of explosion, as I imagined Cody, reclined on his king sized bed, wearing the nasty little briefs, as he continued to tease Little Cody to the boiling point. Jesus, this kid makes my blood boil, I thought, as my foot pressed a bit harder on the accelerator.

I arrived at Cody's, and slid to a stop in his vacant driveway. A quick glance at the open garage confirmed that both parent's wheels were absent, and I reached for my cell phone, pressing the speed dial button that would get me Cody. He answered, and assured me of his mother's departure, so I opened the door and let myself into the house. I stashed the cell in a pocket, and double timed it to Cody's private wing, and slid to a stop at his closed bedroom door. My heart was racing like I had run the whole way here rather than driving, and I gripped the door knob, turning it, and slowly pushed open the door.

My racing heart almost stopped cold, when my gaze fell on the luscious Cody Barnes, stretched out sexily on his big bed, the ultra-skimpy briefs the only swatch of material barely concealing his nudity. I stopped at the edge of the bed, my eyes going glazed, as I focused on the tiny briefs. The satiny cloth was bulging obscenely with his rock hard treasures, and a good three inches of his throbbing cock had crept above the waist of the briefs. It pulsed against his groin, as he used two fingers to continuously stroke the underside of the turgid meat, keeping the meter running beautifully. He smiled his killer smile, adding another few amps to my already overloaded sensory system, and cooed, "Hi, Mister Senior....what took you so long?"

I shook my head, almost unable to fathom how incredibly sexy, and delicious, he looked lying there, and said, "No matter, Cody Barnes, here I am, and, oh God, there you are, too...boy...are you ever!" He grinned again, and slid a finger up the exposed part of his shaft, eliciting a tear drop of his clear, shiny fluid from the engorged slit of his cock head. I gulped, staring, as his slim finger dabbed at the small pearl, then moved, slipping between his lush lips, as he gently sucked at the coated digit, his dark eyes locked onto mine. He suckled the finger for a minute, then extracted it, and passed his pink tongue over the full mouth, and cooed again, "Yum...I think Little Cody is really happy to see you, Jason Saunders!" I chuckled, again swallowing the large lump in my throat, and croaked, "Indeed he is, Cody Barnes, and, I, am most happy to see him, as well!"

I kicked free of the sandals, and peeled off the open shirt, before popping the fly on my shorts, and pushing them to the floor. My own Little Jason sprang free, slapping strongly against my groin, and I watched Cody's eyes follow it, and go slightly wide, in the process. He lit the room with another dazzling smile, and blinked his long eyelashes rapidly, saying sweetly, "Oh jeez....all of that for just little me...oh jeez...!" I grinned, and nodded my head, then, climbed onto the bed beside him. I slipped in along side him, and nuzzled his soft neck, inhaling the sweet aroma of mild soap, and very aroused young boy. I salivated at the scent, and texture of him, and moved to press my hungry lips against his, my tongue invading his warm mouth, as I slid my hand down to cup the firm fullness of his package. He sucked gently on my invading tongue, and worked his own against mine, dueling the ageless dance of passion, as I stroked his rock hard boy cock, and cupped his bulging balls. Breaking the kiss, he hugged me, and panted, "Oh jeeez, just touch me, and I'm on freeking fire!" I nodded, kissing his creamy cheek, then, moving to lick the soft skin of his neck. He ran his hands over my back, and sighed heavily against me, as I slid lower, and tongued over his swollen little nipples, moving back and forth between them. I sucked each stiff nub, my hand continuing to stroke, and squeeze his very swollen cock, and balls, then move lower, my tongue lapping the light fuzz on his soft tummy, and invading his tiny cave of a navel.

He groaned softly as I licked his soft groin, then, swiped my tongue against the exposed shaft of his cock, moving to the tip, where I swabbed across the slick head of his tool. "Oh...oh.....ahhh...!" He chirped, and I lifted my head briefly, once more gazing at the heart stopping sight of his lithe, lean, body clad in only the overflowing small briefs. I rose up slightly, and hooked my thumbs in the waist of the garment, and quickly slid it down his smooth legs, and off his small feet, dropping it onto the floor. I paused, again letting my eyes roam slowly over his naked length, drinking in the naked beauty that was my Cody Barnes. I shook my head slowly, and said softly, "Jesus, are just so fucking beautiful!" He blushed brightly, and said nothing, his dark, wide, eyes following my slow decent to his center. He continued to stare, as I reached his throbbing boyhood, and lightly grasped its stalk in my fingers, before opening my mouth, and slowly engulfing the entire, delicious, length of him inside.

He let out a low groan, as I felt his sparse pubes tickle my nose, and I pressed the smooth head of his drooling cock against the back of my throat, and swallowed several times. "Aggg...jeez...!" He wailed, and I moved my head, sliding my warm, wet, mouth up and down his quivering meat, savoring his fleshy taste, and the mixture of his free flowing precum. I cupped his taut ball sac, and probed at the acorn sized orbs within, my mouth working his perfect cock in a steady rhythm, as he groaned softly, his small hands slapping at the bed sheet. I moved off his leaking cock, and captured his tight sac in my mouth, gently sucking the aching balls, then licking rapid little flicks against his firm perineum. He spread his smooth legs wider, and lifted his slim hips slightly, as I lapped my way behind his balls, and pressed my tongue into his warm, moist, cleft. He wailed loudly, and I moved my hands to cup the firm cheeks of his gorgeous butt, spreading them, so that his tight little wrinkle slid into view. I inhaled his heady scent, and moved my outstretched tongue back and forth over his small pucker, relishing the musky flavor of him, and let my rampant saliva pour over his tiny entrance, wetting it thoroughly.

He heaved against the mattress, moaning a steady cadence of sweet noises, as I tongued his tiny ring, pressing firmly, until I entered his smooth, warm, tunnel. I worked my tongue in, and out of him, my saliva pouring into him like a running faucet, and I felt him twist, once, then again, and his hand appeared beside my flushed face, and dropped a tube of k-y onto the bed. I seized it, and quickly squirted a dollop over my fingers, then, swabbed the slick gel over his tiny pucker. He groaned, and thrust his hips at my fingers, as I pressed against the small hole, and slid slowly inside. I worked my slippery fingers in side his hot little pussy, my other hand pouring k-y over my rampant cock, coating it in the slippery substance. I maneuvered my body toward his center, and gripped his smooth legs behind the knees, lifting, so that his legs rocked back toward his panting chest. I rose slightly upward, and sucked in my breath at the incredible sight of his sweet little pink eye rolling into view. I groaned, and muttered, "Oh shit, Cody, oh Jesus, I want you, baby, need you....ohhhh!" He nodded his head rapidly, grunting in cadence with his ragged breathing, and mumbled, "Yessss....oh, too!"

I moved quickly now, my raging passions overflowing my control, and scooted above him, gripping my rampant hardon, and pressing the bulbous head against the tiny wrinkle. Adding some pressure, my cock head slid through his resistance, and I slowly fed him every inch of it, as he released a long, loud sigh, mixed with a deep groan. "Ohhh, God....jeez....yesssss...!" He wailed, and I bottomed out, fully embedded in his satin smooth heat. "Cody...oh Jesus, Cody, set me on fire...!" I groaned, my skin actually burning from the searing heat of him, as I slid back, withdrawing, until only my swollen head remained in his searing clutches. I stopped then, and felt the strength of his anal muscle contracting and releasing against my hammering cock, as he rolled his head on the pillow, muttering my name, then, "Jason...jeez....oh shit, Jason....fuck me...fuck me hard!"

His words sending a jolt of electric shock through my body, I groaned, and again sank my full length into his hot, slippery rectum, until I was again fully encased in his buttery depths. I got into a rhythm then, sliding my raging cock in and out of him, as I moved my hand between our heaving bodies, to grip the rock hard shaft of his cock, and stroke it, in sync with my strong thrusts inside him. His fists hammered the mattress, and his head rolled on the pillow, as the pace quickened, both of us rapidly reaching the edge. I hammered at his creamy depths, my fist flying over his very wet cock, and he made a deep guttural sound somewhere inside, as his cock suddenly pulsed strongly in my hand, and erupted, spewing long jets of his milky cum onto his heaving tummy, and chest, nearly reaching his stiff little nipples. I worked his jumping cock rapidly, still see-sawing in and out of his tightly clinging tunnel, until he finished shooting, and emitted another of the strange gurgling noises, as his orgasm washed over him, leaving him nearly limp under my growing assault.

I gripped the backs of his bent knees, and hammered my cock in and out of his hot little pussy, feeling my balls slapping against his upturned little ass, until they boiled over, and exploded, sending torrents of my creamy cum jetting inside him in long, rapid fire ropes, flooding his tender bowels to near over-flowing. I nearly passed out from the intensity of my mind blowing orgasm, and as I emptied my aching balls into his creamy depth, I gasped, and sagged forward, falling beside Cody on the tangled bed, my wilting cock slipping from his battered hole with a squishy sound. Panting wildly, I wrapped my arms around the quivering boy, and pulled him close, holding him tightly, as we struggled to regain our breathing. My heart was hammering like a jackhammer inside my chest, and I could feel Cody's mimic the rhythm where my arm laid against his still heaving chest. After a few minutes of our mutual gasping, he turned his sweating, flushed face toward me, fixed me with one of his dazzling smiles, and squeaked, "

That, Mister Senior, rates a DOUBLE, oh jeez!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 15

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