Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 13, 2005


We lay on Cody's bed, both still breathing heavily, as we basked in the afterglow of our recent activities. I propped my head in my hand, and ran the other hand over his smooth chest, my fingers lightly grazing his small nipples. We smiled at each other, slightly sheepish looks on both our faces, and I said, "Well, Cody Barnes, that was a bit of a surprise." He giggled sweetly, and asked, "Uh huh, but was it the good kind, or...?" I chuckled, and slid my hand down to lightly grip his spent little cock, and replied, "Actually it was good...really good, actually...and that's part of what surprised me." He looked at me, his eyebrows rising in question, and said, "Meaning...?" I dropped my hand lower, and cupped his snug ball sac, gently fondling the small orbs within, and answered, "Meaning that isn't something I've done much of before, but, with you, well, it was perfect, like all of the things about you tend to be." He grinned, and his cheeks flooded into a rosy shade, as he squeaked, "Yea, right, well anyway, my doing that surprised me, too, and, I mean, I'm actually glad I did, but, well, I really like the other way around better." I nodded my agreement, and renewed my grip on his pretty cock, stroking it, and said, "Well, that works for me too, and the truth is that I will take this cute Little Cody any way that I can get it." Cody giggled sweetly, his creamy cheeks glowing slightly brighter.

We cuddled for a while, then decided we had better shower, and get out of the house for a while, lest his parents plans change, and they returned sooner than expected. Cody didn't want it to appear that we had been there the whole time, forcing him to tell white lies to his parents. We shared the shower, but managed to resist the desire to start the fun and games all over again, limiting ourselves to some very erotic, and stimulating, soaping of each others bodies before rinsing, and climbing out of the stall. We giggled like school girls as we toweled off, watching our dueling boners in the vanity mirror.

Back in Cody's room dressing, I recalled my earlier fantasizing about Cody dressed in just the sexy little briefs I had worn earlier, and I managed to entice him to model them for me. Seated on the edge of his bed, he slid the delicate, tiny briefs up his smooth legs, and snapped the tiny front and back panels into place, then stood up, his creamy cheeks once again flushing with his sweet blush. He turned toward me, and lifted his arms over his head, striking a pose so sexy, I was afraid that my heart might actually stop. I stood frozen, my eyes wide as dinner plates, as I drank in the stunning beauty of his near naked form. The brief clung to him like skin, the tiny front panel of satin bulging with the effort to contain his now tumescent cock, and his soft little scrotum.

It was even better than seeing him naked, as the gauzy satin outlined his cock so clearly that the rolled skin that defined his smooth helmet was plainly visible, and the fullness of his scrotum left nothing to the imagination. I gulped several times, and indicated that he should execute a turn for me, which he did, very slowly. How ever sexy I thought I might have looked wearing the brief earlier was completely lost, as Cody rotated, until his sweet little butt faced my gaping mouthed gaze. The tiny swatch of shiny material clung to the firm little melons of his ass as if it had been applied with a spry gun, and the satiny film crept into his snug little cleft, clearly defining the gateway to paradise. He completed his slow turn, and once again stood facing me, his dazzling smile lighting up the room, and he asked quietly, "You like?" Speechless, I nodded my head, and gulped some more, finally managing to mutter, "Jesus Christ!" He giggled, and answered his own question, saying, "Yea, you like, for sure." I nodded again, unable to peel my eyes away from the barely contained bulge in the briefs, and mumbled, "I could get, maybe, twenty years, just for what I'm thinking right now!" He giggled some more, and stepped into some shorts, concealing the mouth watering package from further view, and said, "Easy, old timer, don't be having a stroke on me, now." I chuckled, and shook my head, saying, "You have no clue how close I came to exactly that, little boy, something as sexy as you, in those, should be considered as hazardous to the health of any male on the planet...when you wear those, you really should be required to have a warning label!" He grinned, and said sweetly, "Well then, take me out on the town, Mister Senior, and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you see it all again later!" I nodded, and replied, "You got it. Sexy, let's go!"

He locked up, and we climbed in the car, heading for downtown to see what was happening on a Friday night. We joined the usual Friday night crowd of our classmates in tooling up and down the main drag of town a few times, then pulled into the parking lot of the local hangout, and parked the car. We got out, and mingled with the assembled crowd of kids for a while, drinking a soda, and chatting with a few friends. After a while, the crowd thinned out, and we headed back to the car. Back on the road, I reached over, and gripped Cody's firm thigh, lightly sliding my fingers up and down his smooth skin, and told him, "I can't stop picturing you in just those hot little briefs!" He giggled, and looked at me coyly, saying, "Wanna see them again?" I grinned, nodding my head rapidly, and replied, "Absolutely yes!" Cody laughed, and glanced around outside the car, then said, "Then you better get out of dodge, cause I'm going for it!" He lifted his cute butt off the seat, his fingers working the fly of his shorts, and pushed them down his legs, kicking them onto the floor of the car. He dropped his butt back on the seat, and thrust his hips forward, and I damn near lost control of the car, as I stared, wide eyed, at the bulging little briefs. He grinned a wicked grin, and peeled his shirt over his head, leaving him wearing only the micro-briefs, barely. I made a quick check of the road, then dropped my hand into his lap, fondling the fully packed, barely there, patch of material,l as Cody spread his legs wider, allowing me full access to his burgeoning goodies. "I'm feeling wicked and nasty, Mister Senior, take me somewhere, and do nasty things to me...please....and, hurry!" He quipped, and I pressed firmly on both his bulging package, and the accelerator.

I steered out of town, and onto the road that led to the lake outside of town, a popular park-and-grope of the high school set. I guessed there would plenty of hot couples out there, engaged in some of the same sinister activities that I planned for Cody and me, so the arrival of one more vehicle with steamy windows would not create much notice, even if the groping occupants happened to both have the same attributes that would be the subject of the groping. I killed the headlights as we rolled onto the fringe of the make-out area, and rolled to a stop in a dark spot several yards from the nearest vehicle. The moonlight was bright enough for me to see the near naked Cody, as he dropped the seat back into the recline position, and lay back, his arms going up to grip the top of the seat back. He smiled at me, and stretched his lithe body sexily, and said softly, "Come and play with me, Mister Senior, I feel really nasty!" I gulped, my cock threatening to rip through my shorts, and nodded, saying, "Oh God yes, Cody Barnes, I'm going to eat you alive!" He giggled, thrusting the bulging front of the briefs obscenely, and replied, "Eat me, lick me, suck me...I'll even help you!" I tore open my shorts and lost them, then added my shirt, and naked, I rolled onto his reclined seat, and pulled him into my arms.

I was over the top with lust now, my heart hammering in my chest, and my breath catching in my throat, as I licked his neck, and ear, then kissed his lush, full lips, my tongue invading the hotness of his mouth. My hands were all over his buttery skin, as I groped him, his now rock hard cock escaping the flimsy briefs. Sexy as the briefs were, I wanted him naked, and I worked the tiny cloth down his silky smooth legs, and dropped it onto the floor. I rolled half way on top of him, and ground my raging hardon against his, my lips capturing his swollen nipple and sucking it, before moving to repeat the action on the other small nub. He wrapped his arms around me, his fingers trailing over the skin of my back, and I scooted lower, tonguing my way past his navel. It was awkward, given the tight confines of the car interior, and I finally just dropped to my knees on the floor between his spread legs.

That position left his throbbing meat at eye level, and almost hitting me in the face, so I wrapped my fingers around the turgid stalk, and slid my tongue out to lick wetly over the spongy head a few times. He moaned sweetly, and I opened my mouth, and swallowed the entire length in one fell swoop. His sparse pubes tickled my nose as I moved my head back and forth over him, making very sexy slurping noises as I hungrily sucked his satin smooth cock. I lifted one of his legs, and planted his small foot on the edge of the seat, and pushed his legs apart, then sunk lower, and engulfed his snug scrotum in my mouth, sucking gently, my tongue probing his small eggs. I lifted his ball sac with my fingers, and slid my tongue behind it, stabbing it into his perineum a few times, then went deeper. My tongue pushed into his warm cleft, and I stabbed it between his firm globes, and swiped it over the tiny pucker, then, pressed inward, until the tip of my tongue penetrated his tight little entrance. He groaned loudly, mouthing my name, as I worked in and out of him as deeply as the cramped position would allow.

Before too long my body began cramping badly from the awkward position, and my jaw bone was screaming for relief, so I sadly abandon my effort, and moved into a more comfortable position, and once again swallowed his steely hard cock. His precum was flowing like water, and my taste buds erupted with the acrid-sweet flavor of his discharge. I rolled his balls with my fingers, adding stimulation to his already producing balls, and was rapidly rewarded with additional emissions from his sperm makers. He was groaning like a wounded animal now, his fingers wrapped in my hair, as I sucked him with total abandon, willing his rock hard cock to flood my hungry mouth with his honey.

He didn't disappoint me, as he began a rythmatic humping of his slim hips, matching my head movements, and thrusting his turgid cock into my mouth. His hand slid down, and I felt his fingers probing my cheek, then moving to my cock filled lips, his fingers sensing our juncture, as he emitted another long groan. His precum was coating my tongue on each upward movement, and I tugged at his balls, as I washed my tongue over the drooling head of his cock, before once again taking it into my throat. He grunted, and flexed his hips strongly, as his orgasm hit him. He jerked again, and drove the spongy head of his cock into my throat, and I felt it thicken, and spasm strongly, then, explode, as his warm cum flooded my mouth repeatedly with rapid jets of his boy batter. I gulped rapidly, gagging slightly with his spewing cock head deep in my throat, until he was drained, and relaxed his tightly wound body like a rag doll. I slid his cock back slightly, so that only the still leaking head remained in my mouth, and used my fingers to milk the last of his creamy offering onto my tongue. Releasing his wilting meat, I crawled up onto his shaking body, and kissed him, my cum coated tongue invading his warm mouth. He groaned around our locked mouths, and stuffed his own tongue into my mouth, swabbing it all around, as we shared the after taste of his nectar.

I was so wound tight that I thought my nuts might actually explode, and I humped my drooling cock against his tummy, as our mouths, and tongues dueled wildly, my sticky precum painting wet trails on his smooth skin. My balls reached the boiling point, and my cock twitched strongly, as my nuts ejected their slimy load over Cody's smooth tummy, and chest. Spent to the max, I sagged fully onto him, smearing the copious mess of my cum between our shaking bodies, as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. We lay there panting like two overworked steam engines, swapping light little kisses, and murmuring sweet nothings, as we came down from the intensity of our orgasms. Finally, I pushed myself up, and off him, peeling my sticky stomach away from his. I rolled back over into the driver's seat, and we giggled, as each of us used his hand to rub the slimy concoction into our skin. "Wow, Mister Senior, THAT, was truly nasty!" he giggled, and I nodded, laughing with him, and replied, "Be careful what you wish for, Cody Barnes," I told him, "I told you that before!" He grinned his devilish grin, and said, "Uh huh....that's how come I asked."

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 14

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