Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 7, 2005


As we lay cuddled, and softly mewing to each other, we were suddenly overcome with the giggles, as we took turns listening to each others stomachs growl with hunger. As is utterly typical of teenaged boys, we quickly agreed to temporarily postpone further carnal exploration, and go forth, in search of sustenance of a different type, to wit, food! We reluctantly abandoned our cozy, albeit disheveled, bed, and scampered naked to the shower that joined Cody's very cool digs. With some degree of difficulty, we managed to keep the body contact reasonably hygienic, and soon emerged squeaky clean, and even more ravenous.

Both of us seemed to feel totally comfortable with our nudity, so we just toweled dry, and wandered into the kitchen in all our glory. Cody rummaged through the available larder, and soon had an array of goodies spread across the counter top, and we attacked the fat laden array with all of the vigor expected of hungry teen boys. The varied assortment of class-A junk foods no doubt contained sufficient vein clogging ingredients to elevate our cholesterol into the red zone, but screw it, we had just ingested high doses of the worlds purest protein, so we figured it was kind of offsetting.

As we filled our growling stomachs, I took the opportunity to thoroughly scope out my Cody boy, and was once again filled with a sense of amazement at my very good fortune. Naked, and in the comfort zone of his own kitchen, he was completely relaxed, and open to my perving gaze. God, I thought, he is just so damn cute, almost pretty, even, and his natural boyishness was even further enhanced by the remaining flush of his sexual afterglow. Naked this way, he looked even younger than he was, and that air of choir-boy innocence that always surrounded him was even stronger than usual. His slim body was the stuff of my dreams, his smooth skin so totally peaches and cream, and I smiled, as I noted the tiny wrinkle of baby fat that remained at his waist as he sat leaning slightly forward over the counter top. His near-hairless legs were separated, as he perched his cute little butt on the bar stool, and I smiled again, taking in the abject perfection of his now small little cock, resting sweetly on the taut ball sac that nestled below. I shook my head slowly, again offering my silent thanks to whatever power had allowed this, my incredible good fortune, in the seduction of Cody Barnes.

He caught me staring, and his still flushed cheeks deepened in color, as he fixed me with the deep pools of his gorgeous eyes, and said softly, "What...?" I chuckled, again shaking my head, and answered, "Everything, is what, everything about you is...just so damn...perfect!" He blushed another shade, and gave me the ever-dazzling grin, and squeaked, "Oh jeez!" I reached out, and ruffled his soft hair, then leaned in, and pressed my lips to his glowing cheek, and said, "It's the truth, Cody Barnes, and you're stuck with it." I had obviously embarrassed him and I was sorry for that, but at the same time I was selfishly glad I had said it, because the embarrassment only enhanced his boyish cuteness.

We got the kitchen squared away, and I had developed the obvious beginning of a brand new hard-on as I watched Cody go through the motions of cleaning things up. He just kept moving from sink to dishwasher, his sweet boy cock swaying with his body motions, and at the dishwasher end of his repeated arcs, he would bend at the waist, and present that lickable little ass in the most irresistible way. I gave very serious thought to just stepping over there, and sliding my tongue inside of him, thereby nicely amusing myself as he completed his domestic duties.

Cody finished loading the dishwasher, and turned to where I was sitting on the stool, his eyes drifting to my crotch, then widening, as he took note of my very tumescent cock. He grinned sweetly, and asked, " that for me?" I chuckled, and looked into my lap briefly, then met his dazzling smile, saying, "Must be, it's pointing right at you." He giggled, and stepped in front of me, his soft hand closing around my turgid shaft, and said, "Oh's exactly what I wanted." I flexed my pelvic muscle, making my dick jerk in his grip, and reached out to gently cup his snug ball sac, and replied, "That works really well then, because, this, is exactly what I want, too!" Cody rubbed his hand over the length of my now fully hard cock, then leaned down, and pressed his lush, full lips to mine, and our tongues performed a brief duel. He withdrew, and painted my very favorite shy little boy look across his cute face, batting his very long eyelashes, and said sweetly, "You wanna come in my room and play, Mister Senior?" I chuckled, slid my arms around his very slender waist, my hands cupping the taut globes of his creamy butt, and replied, "Oh yes, Cody Barnes, I do want that, and this, very much!" Cody tugged on my hard cock, and I stood, then, followed him to his room, him leading me by the cock, and my hands eagerly fondling that sweet little butt.

He steered me over to the rumpled bed, and placed the flat of his hand on my chest, pushing me backward, so that I fell onto my back on the bed, my feet still on the floor. Cody dropped quickly to his knees, and gripped my rock hard cock, leaning close between my knees, and rubbed my cock head across his pretty face several times, as he looked up into my eyes. Jesus, what an incredibly erotic vision that made, my raging cock being held in his small hand, as he rubbed the swollen head against his boyish face, leaving small, shiny, trails of my leaking precum on his soft, creamy cheeks, and lips. I shuddered, once again amazed at his total sensuousness. He pulled his head back slightly, and stared intently at my cock as it throbbed in his fingers, then, slowly moved forward, and swabbed his pink little tongue over the deep red head several times. I groaned, my fists clutching at the tangled bed sheet, and watched, fascinated, as Cody opened his mouth, and slowly slid my cock inside, one inch at a time. As his full lips reached the base of my cock, he lifted those incredible eyes, and looked directly into my own wide eyes, and I groaned again, totally incredulous at the sight of my entire length fully engulfed in his warm, wet mouth.

He held me like that for a minute, then, slowly withdrew, until only the head of my cock stayed between his lips, as he continued to stare straight into my eyes. I groaned again, my senses going rapidly toward overload from the combination of physical, and visual input I was getting. He paused, then again slid down my shaft, until his cute little nose was buried in my pubes. I felt my cock head bump the soft tissue of his throat, and he swallowed, causing me to flinch strongly, and emit a loud groan of pure pleasure. He withdrew again, then slipped into a delicious rhythm of sucking me, his head moving over me in perfect cadence, as I tugged handfuls of the sheet, and gritted my teeth against the severe urge to blow my nuts on the spot.

Cody continued his incredible sucking, and he worked his hand up the inside of my thigh to encircle my scrotum with his fingers, gently poking at my aching balls. I was chanting a steady series of groans, my entire being screaming with sensations almost too powerful to absorb. I forced myself to push up on my elbows, and reached down to tangle my fingers in his silky soft hair, and muttered, my breath ragged and short, "Cody...oh God, it...or I'm gonna...blow...!" He stopped then, and slid my rampant, leaking cock from his lush lips, and again gripped the shaft, rubbing my drooling head over the creamy skin of his sweet face, his eyes locked directly on my own. I shook my head in disbelief, totally lost in the wonder of Cody Barnes.

I desperately grasped at his hand, and tugged him upward, then forward, so that he tumbled onto the bed beside me, where I rolled him onto his back. I twisted on the bed, and slid my body into a sixty-nine position to his, and eagerly grasped his throbbing erection. I pumped its length a few times, then dropped my head into his lap, and swallowed the entire length of him, and groaned around the fullness of his sweet meat in my mouth, as I felt him once again engulf my own steely cock with his warm, slippery mouth. It was oral sex at its most intense, and the room filled with the sounds of our mutual passion, the soft groans, and the muffled slurpings of our eager oral assault on each other.

I spied the bottle of k-y lying nearby, and grabbed it, squeezing a blob of the gel into my hand, and slid my finger through the slick goo, coating it. I briefly released Cody's pulsing meat from my mouth, and captured his snug ball sac, gently sucking his balls, my slick finger delving in behind the taut sac, and invading his warm cleft. Pressing my finger into his center, I found the tight little ring, and probed it, adding slow pressure, until I penetrated him, and slid my finger fully inside him. He groaned, and added suction to my cock, as I found his hard little gland, and probed it with my finger tip. I worked in and out of his snug chute, and again captured his stiff cock in my lips, sucking it, in sync with my fingering his incredibly snug little pussy.

I heard him groan deeply, and felt his mouth come off my turgid cock. I was so totally lost in my own sensual overload, as I savored the heat, and the scents of him, that I yelped with surprise, at feeling him suddenly probing his own wet, cool finger at my own small pucker. I groaned deep down, and relaxed my anal muscle, exhaling a long, deep breath, as my body reacted to him inserting his finger deep inside my ass. He bottomed out inside me, and paused, before beginning an in and out movement that mimicked my own, as I continue to probe his prostate. He bumped his finger over mine, and I groaned, a zillion sensations flooding me simultaneously. I lifted my head off his pulsing cock, and mumbled his name, over and over, as he drove me to distraction with the magic of his finger inside me.

My fists hammered at the mattress, and I thrust myself back onto his invading finger, small stars popping behind my closed eyes, as Cody continued to pass his slick digit across my swollen gland. My cock was drooling precum like a faucet, and my balls were screaming for release, and Cody increased the intensity still more, when I felt him fill me with a second finger along side the first. More stars exploded behind my eyes, and I mumbled his name, near incoherent with the intense pleasure of it all.

I was reaching the brink rapidly, that heart stopping moment of teetering on the very edge, when the fullness, and delicious pressure, suddenly disappeared. I groaned, and called out his name, then felt him shifting on the bed behind me. My heart leapt, sudden realization dawning, as the crystal clear message flashed across my brain that he was going to fuck me! Oh God, yes, please, my mind screamed in my head, Cody, my Cody, oh Baby, fuck me, please! I tensed briefly as I felt the swollen head of his sweet cock brush over my pucker, then relaxed, and held my breath, my ears registering his small grunts, and muffled mutterings, as he aligned his slippery boy meat with my center, and pushed. I emitted a long, steady, moan as his shaft slowly slid into me, filling me, and bringing tears to my eyes, a delicious mixture of mild pain, and pure joy, at possessing him in this very special way.

As he slid fully inside me, I felt his balls briefly slap my own, and I heard him hiss behind me, "Jeez...oh jeez...!" he paused, then retreated slightly, before once again advancing fully. The smooth helmet of his cock head slid over my prostate, and I groaned, gripping tufts of the damp sheet in my fists. He retreated once more, again strumming over my gland, then backed out, pausing once more. I heard him mewing soft sounds, and his hand rubbed the skin of my lower back, and I heard him inhale a deep breath, as he once more filled me fully with the wonder that was Cody Barnes.

He got it going then, increasing the pace of his thrusts, and I felt my release rapidly building, so intense were the sensations, and emotions, of what was happening. Cody quickly entered, and withdrew, several more strokes, and it was over, my balls producing a sharp jolt of pain, as my cock exploded, spewing rope, after rope, of my supercharged cum across the sheet below me. Cody groaned as he felt the strong spasms of my colon as I ejected my load, and gripped my waist tightly with his hands, his small hips driving his cock rapidly in and out of me another minute, or so, before I felt it jerk strongly deep inside me, and he suddenly held rock still. He let out a deep sound, almost a growl, and I could feel the shaft of his cock pulsing steadily inside me as he pumped his pellets of creamy young cum deep in my bowels.

The room grew suddenly still, the only sounds those of our ragged breathing, and the very soft, gentle, chant of Cody whispering, over and over, "jeez...jeez...jeez...!" I waited, my sweating face stuck to the pillow beneath me, and after a minute, or so, felt him slowly withdraw his drained cock from my flooded chute, and smiled, at the soft squishing sound of his exit. He moved to one side, and flopped face down beside me, the deep, wondrous pools of his beautiful eyes meeting my own. The dazzling smile crept slowly over his flushed and sweating face, and he quickly snuggled into me, mumbling again, "Jeez....oh man...jeez...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 13

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