Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 4, 2005


Cody and I snuggled naked on his bed, lightly touching each other. He maneuvered his slim body, until his cute little butt was spooned against me, and he wiggled that firm little tush against the leaking head of my rock hard cock. He giggled softly, and said, "Hmmm...somebody is drooling over my cute little butt." I chuckled, running my fingers over his puffy little nipples, and answered, "Well, hot-stuff, it is definitely a butt to drool over." He wiggled it some more, sending a shudder through my entire body as I felt the electrical zaps course through my swollen cock head. I slid my hand down, and across his smooth tummy, digging my index finger into his tight little navel as he giggled sweetly. "You better cool it with that hot little ass, Dude, or I'm liable to fill it with this leaky meat." I told him. He twisted his head to look at me, and flashed that dazzling grin, saying, "Promises, always promises." as he again pressed the firm little melons against my aching erection.

Dropping my hand into his crotch, I grasped his soft cock, and pinched down on the spongy head, causing him to yelp slightly. "Yikes!" he yelped, "Now you gotta kiss it all better!" I chuckled, and rolled onto my back, pulling him with me, so that he sprawled flat on top of me. I gripped the taut globes of his cute butt in my hands, and kneaded the supple flesh, saying, "Scoot up here, champ, and let me have it, I want to suck it while it's all cute and soft." He giggled, and quickly righted himself so that he straddled my chest, his knees at either side of my head. I grinned, grasping his flaccid tool in my fingers, and tugging it toward my face. "Kiss it and make it better, Daddy." He giggled, and I did, pursing my lips, and loudly planting smacks on the head of his cute cock, before sucking the soft, smooth flesh into my mouth. In this tame state, I easily swallowed his length until my nose was pressed into his silky pubes, and I applied gentle suction to the smooth tube, my tongue swiping over the head. He reached behind him, and gripped my throbbing cock, fingering the drooling head, and making full length strokes of my shaft. I groaned around his meat filling my mouth, and thrust my hips upward, driving my cock against his gripping hand. "God, Jase," he murmured," your so hard, God, and so leaky, running like a freeking faucet!" I spit out his sweet little tool, and lapped at his tight little balls, and replied, "All because of you, sweet-meat, you got my nuts boiling over." He giggled, and swabbed his fingers across my drooling stick, then lifted his hand to his mouth, sliding the shiny wet digits inside, and slurping loudly. Removing his fingers, he gurgled sweetly, then, leaned forward, and pressed his full lips to mine. I groaned, and invaded his warm mouth with my tongue, and he sucked at it gently a minute, then, pulled back to again hit me with the dazzling grin, and said, very softly, and very seriously, "Fuck me, Jase, oh jeez, I really want you to fuck me, right now!"

I reached out, and pulled him to me again, once more kissing his lush mouth, and swabbing my tongue inside its wet warmth, then, retreated, and whispered against his ear, "Lube, Baby...?" He paused just for a second, letting that sink in, then, jumped from the bed, and dashed into his connecting bathroom, his beautiful little butt sashaying sweetly. As quick as he had gone, he was back, a bottle of k-y clutched in his hand, and the beginnings of brand new hardon leading the way. He hopped back on the bed, and again straddled me, rapidly squeezing the slick gel into his palm. He dropped the bottle onto the bed, and reached behind him once more, gripping my still drooling cock, and coating it with the cool liquid, as I groaned loudly, gritting my teeth against the urge to let go of my pent up load.

As Cody worked the length of my cock in his slippery hand, I poured a handful of the k-y into my palm, and again wrapped my fingers around his tumescent staff, feeling it harden, and lengthen, in my grip as I rubbed it. "Oh Jesus, that is so freeking nice!" he wailed, and I slid my slick hand between his spread legs, teasing at his dangling ball sac as I passed. I slid my slimy fingers into his warm cleft, and located his firm little pucker, and flicked my greasy fingers over it rapidly. He groaned, and lifted himself up onto his knees, opening himself to my probing fingers. My fingertip located his hot center, and I pressed against it firmly, feeling his snug ring relax, as my finger entered his inner heat smoothly, sinking full length inside his gripping chute. "Aggg....jeez....oh yea...!" Cody sang, his head rolling back, and rotating side to side. I worked the finger around inside him, and withdrew slightly, locating his hard little gland, and stabbing at it with my fingertip. He tensed above me, and uttered more groans, as I worked my finger back and forth over his inner nut. "That makes me crazy,'s so freeking good!" he groaned, his breath, and his words, sounding ragged. His cock had swelled to full hardness, and it throbbed with his climbing heart rate, and I continued to finger his hot tunnel, making repeated stabs at his swollen prostate. "Oh jeez....oh man...!" He muttered, his hand firmly working my aching cock, and I groaned with him, as I felt yet another release of my flowing precum. Cody uttered a guttural wail, as I again pressed strongly against his gland, and scooted his body backward, lifting up, and centering his core over my burgeoning erection, mumbling, "Now, Jase...oh God...I want you in!" I slid my finger out of his gripping rectum, hearing the slight popping sound as it released, and he quickly aligned his treasure with my slippery cock head. I reached down, and gripped the base of my cock in my fingers, holding it upright, as Cody pressed against it, pausing briefly, before settling his weigh down on it, taking me fully inside his incredible smoothness in one slow, steady, motion.

He released one long, steady moan, as his snug tunnel engulfed my rock hard cock, and I bit my tongue, shuddering strongly, and fighting the overpowering urge to release right then, and there. "Ohhhhh,!" he chanted, the words coming in short, choppy phrasing. He stopped, my cock fully embedded in his unbelievable softness, and heat, and I held myself rock-still, afraid that I would lose it with even the slightest movement. My nerve centers were screaming, as he flexed his inner muscles, gripping my aching shaft tighter still, and I ran my fingers over his smooth chest, lightly pinching his small nipples. His head rotated slowly, and his eyes were tightly closed, as he began to slowly lift himself upward, sliding the length of my cock until only the swollen head remained in his tight sheath. He paused again, and sucked in a big breath, releasing it, as he again lowered himself down the length of my throbbing cock. I teased his tight nipples with my fingers, and gritted my teeth, holding my breath, as I felt every fiber of my body tighten, my nerves all screaming with sensation overload. "Cody....Jesus, Baby...just...oh, fuck...!" I stammered, my raging pulse hammering in my ears, and he lifted again, once more pausing slightly, then, slid his gripping tunnel back down onto my cock.

Cody slid into a steady rhythm then, uttering a steady cadence of small mewing sounds as he rode me, his lithe body raising, and lowering on my throbbing cock in sync with his soft chants. The sensation was exquisite, not unlike dipping your cock into one of those Chinese finger torture toys filled with a warm, slippery oil, and I let myself just go with it, my mind reeling with the myriad of incredible feelings I was lost in. I wrapped my fist around his steely hard little boyhood, and stroked its silky smooth length in rhythm with his up and down movements. About a dozen strokes later, I was rewarded, his warm, slippery cum exploding from the gaping slit of his cock, splattering in pools over my heaving torso.

Cody never faltered his pace as his orgasm gripped him, and I shuddered, feelingt his inner muscles contracting, as he jetted his warm load over my skin. His head rolled back, and then side to side, a small dribble of saliva drooling from the corner of his mouth, as he continued his soft chant of moans. I felt it then, deep in my churning balls, the pressure, and a sense of intense heat, as my aching shaft expanded wider in his incredible grip, and erupted, blasting my searing load into his silky depth in rapid pulses, until I was totally drained, and collapsed in a shuddering heap. Cody rode me through the entire mind shattering event, until I went limp, a shuddering heap on the shaking bed. He collapsed forward then, falling onto my heaving chest, and I wrapped my weak arms around his sweating torso, holding him with what little strength I had left.

We lay still, both of us gasping, and dragging in ragged breaths of air. Finally, we cooled, and I stroked the satin smoothness of his back, licking his neck, and small ear, and muttering his name, over, and over. He lifted his head, and our eyes met in a smile, and he shook his head slowly, then softly pressed his lips to mine, his soft mouth muffling my words, as I mumbled, " sweet Cody Barnes!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 12

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