Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 29, 2005


A busy week ensued for both Cody, and me, so our actual contact over the last few days had been limited. We chatted on the phone some, and even spent a few hilarious minutes playing at cyber sex in a chat room one evening. I say hilarious because it was, watching him type out long strings of gibberish, lot's of "Ummm...Ohhhhh...Agggg.." as I cyber-sucked and fucked his creamy little virtual body. It was a hoot, for sure, when he launched into role-playing an eleven year old, just to suit one of my especially favorite fantasies, and he was so good at it, that I actually got off on it. Literally, I mean.

Anyway, it was finally Friday night again, and I was seriously looking forward to our "date." I showered, and slipped on some ultra-sexy little briefs, a French make that I had bought on impulse during a Macy's shopping spree some weeks ago. The older dude that checked me out at Macy's had, um, definitely checked me out, thoroughly, as his soft, doe-like, eyes flickered between the package of nasty briefs, and my lower bod, as though trying to picture me wearing them. Most probably, that was exactly what he had been doing. In any event, they looked delicious on the dude who had posed for the packaging photo, a very satiny type material, ultra-brief in cut, generally consisting of nothing more than a small back panel, and an even smaller front piece, actually more of a pouch. The two strips of smooth material were connected by a slim waist strap, and a mere strip of cloth that passed between the wearers legs. The sides were non-existent. Sexy as hell, for sure, though I had idly wondered how they would even begin to contain a serious hard-on. In rethinking that issue, I decided that they would NOT contain a serious hard-on, which was no doubt the designers point. I checked out the look in my full length mirror, and it occurred to me to not wear them, but rather to gift them to the delectable Cody. I shuddered briefly, as I conjured up a mental image of him prancing around wearing the tiny garment, and not one stitch more. Well, I decided, if things go well later, perhaps we could trade, a thought that gave sudden rise to my scantily clad meat. Easy, big-fellow, I chided myself, way too early to be testing the hard-on containment theory.

I slid on some loose, and comfy, board shorts, and polo shirt, fluffed my hair with my fingers, and headed out to retrieve my young prince. We hadn't made definite plans for the evening's activity, agreeing that just being together was plan enough. I rolled to a stop in Cody's driveway, and again was impressed with the simple, understated, elegance of his home. I hopped out of the car, and went to the door, hitting the bell with my thumb. Some soft chimes were audible behind the door, and it quickly swung open, framing Cody Barnes, whose dazzling smile once again rapidly melted my heart. I let my eyes flicker over his trim little body, once again feeling my cock respond with a willingness to field test the briefs, versus hard-on, theory. He surprised me, by stepping in close to me, rolling up on his toes, and softly kissing my cheek. Retreating slightly, he said, "Hey Jason Saunders, where have you been all of my life?" I grinned, and chuckled, then replied, truthfully, "Looking for you, Cody Barnes, you, and of course, Little Cody!" he giggled, his flawless cheeks coloring sweetly, and grabbed onto my hand, tugging me through the door, and kicking it closed behind me. He surprised me again by pressing his lithe body against me, and pressing his soft lips to my cheek, as he said, "You're so nasty, all chasing after Little Cody..I like does he!" I chuckled, and let my eyes glance around the room, guessing by his bold behavior that we again had the house to ourselves.

As he pulled away slightly, he caught my gaze, and said, "Pretty sweet, huh, the `rents decided to have dinner in town, and then a movie my Mom wants to see, so..!" I smiled, and nodded, answering, "Sweet, very definitely sweet!" He grinned sweetly, batting his extra-long eye lashes at me seductively, and said, in a shy little voice, "You wanna come to my room and play, Mr. Senior...or am I too young for you..?" I laughed at the recollection of his earlier little-boy cyber play, and quickly lunged, bending slightly, and scooped his trim body up in my arms, heading straight toward his bedroom. "Tell you what, Little Boy," I told him, "Let's just go to your room, and find out exactly how "little" of a boy you really are!" He giggled sweetly, his soft hair sweeping over his forehead as he nodded his head rapidly.

In his lavish bedroom, I stalked right through the sitting area, and dumped him unceremoniously onto his king-sized bed, then clamored aboard beside him, pulling him into my arms. I kissed his soft mouth gently, and pulled back to stare into the incredible pools of his eyes, and whispered, "God Cody Barnes, you are beautiful, beautiful, sexy, and delicious..God, I missed you!" He smiled, blushing sweetly, and replied, "I bet you say that stuff to all of your little boys...just so you can mess with their cute little stuff, you big prev!" I laughed, and yanked his tee shirt over his head, telling him, "Just wait till I get you naked, Little Boy, then you will find out what messing with your little stuff means!" he giggled, eagerly helping me strip him, both of us giggling like children, until he was down to his seriously tented small briefs. "Oh my!" I chirped, "Little Cody is definitely happy to see me...and..actually doesn't look little, at all..!" He blushed slightly deeper, his head nodding agreement, and hoisted his small butt off the mattress, saying, "Check it out, Mr. Senior..I actually been trying to, like, stretch it, a lot, this week." I chuckled, and grabbed the elastic of his briefs, tugging them down the length of his slim, hairless legs, and dropped the small bundle to the floor. His totally hard cock sprung free of the restricting garment, and slapped against his smooth groin, pulsing with his heartbeat. Placing both of my hands flat on the bed at his sides, I leaned down, and licked the underside of his shaft, causing him to squeal, and push his proud staff upward at my face. I lifted up, and grinned at his overt enthusiasm, saying, "My, my, I think Little Cody is seriously horny tonight!" Cody giggled again, and nodded, then said, "Prolly that nasty broccoli my Mom made me eat last night...she told me it would be good for me!" I laughed, and mumbled, "Always listen to Mom, Cody Barnes, Mom's know about these things!" I mumbled, because by the time I got it said, his turgid boy nail was filling the inside of my mouth nicely.

Cody yelped, as I engulfed his rock hard cock to the hilt, my nose feeling the few silky pubic hairs that sprouted at the base of his dick, and my hand captured his taut little ball sac, gently gripping the sperm makers within. Suddenly overcome with the desire to taste him, I gave his cock a few slurps, then released it, and embarked on a total tongue bath of his entire front side, from his stiff little nipples, to the highly ticklish soles of his small feet. Cody writhed around on the bed, emitting small squeals of delight, as I lapped every tiny patch of his creamy skin, once again returning to his center, and swabbing his throbbing erection wetly, and inhaling his tight little bag fully. "Ohhh, jeez, Jase....jeez..awesome..!" he croaked, and I pushed his slim legs apart, running my tongue up and down his tender inner thighs. I drove my tongue up behind his snug balls, and pressed firmly on his rigid perineum, lifting his legs, and rolling him slightly, then, worked my tongue into his warm crevice. He groaned, and banged his clenched fists on the bed, as I drove deeper into his sweet crease, my tongue finding the firm, tiny, ridges of tissue that surrounded his core. I lapped around, and over, his small pucker, seeking its opening, then pressed against it firmly, until the resistance softened, and I slid my tongue into his buttery warmth. "Aggggg..jeez..oh yea..!" He wailed, and I probed his tightly gripping chute as deeply as my tongue would allow, making in, and out movements.

I alternated between driving my tongue in and out of his clingy tunnel, and licking and sucking his tight balls, my hand gently running the length of his pulsing cock. His groans, and gasps were staccato, almost a chant, as he flailed his fists at the mattress, his hips bucking wildly. "Jase..oh jeez, Jase..I gotta..gonna..!" he huffed in ragged bursts, and his sweet cock flexed in my fingers. Quick as a flash, I jerked my face away from his tasty core, and engulfed his turgid, drooling, meat, barely in time for his final, strong, thrust, as his rigid cock erupted strongly, filling my aching mouth with his bitter-sweet nectar. I gulped, rapidly swallowing his warm offering, and savored the continuing spasms of his eager cock, as it continued to pulse strongly, long after his sudden flood had subsided. Finally, it stopped convulsing, and I felt it deflate in my still softly sucking mouth, and I released it, holding the tender shaft in my fingers, as I tongued the spongy soft head, eliciting a strong shudder from Cody. I swabbed away the final oozing of his creamy boy-honey, and he shuddered again, then settled, his out of breath voice filling my ears, as he uttered softly, "!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 11

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