
Published on Aug 27, 2005



Harry moved slowly out of bed. He hurt. Every part of his body hurt. Harry's back hurt, his legs ached and his arms felt as if he had been doing pushups for a week.

Part of his numbing pain was due to his hangover. But most was due to his decision to relive his teenage years as a ice skater.

"I could have been a champion" he drawled as he barely got the skates on.

"you better put more then those on" Casey laughed as he cautioned.

Harry stood on the skates balancing himself easily which was both a surprise based on the amount of alcohol he had consumed and the years that had passed since he was able to do so.

The mirror revealed the reason for Casey's caution. He was totally naked having undressed as he remembered he had to do when donning the form fitting tights he wore years ago.

Casey was laughing, himself not too sober.

"really I was good" he posed looking at himself in the mirror. His cock fortunately remained flacid and didn't give away Harry's desire to admire himself as he had done in the hidden mirrors of his bedromo years ago, posing and manually satisfying his egotistic desires.

"yea yea yea, you keep saying, put on some fucking clothes you fairy" Casey laughed. He was joking. Casey had no idea of any degree of fairiness of Harry. They had been office mates and drinking buddies for the months since Harry joined the firm.

"Lets go" Harry moved towards the door having pulled on his jeans and wife beater shirt. Casey stumbled and then shucked the skates he had put on.

"What the fuck, I don't know how to skate" he blurted as he stumbled after his friend.

Something happened to Harry when he stepped onto the ice. The booze, the years of college that separated his desired life as an ice skater and the office managing his parents decided he pursue and all the others that crowded the ice were gone.

He stood erect and moved on the ice sliding back in time feeling the freedom, the air brushy arcoss his bare arms and the slight chill that rose from the ice , he skated.

Harry once again wore the smooth cloth that was a second skin. He heard the distant music selected for him. The crowd's murmer arose as he moved to the center and paused.

Raising his arms, Harry felt the warmth of the spotlight surround him. His anxiety about the panel of men and women who were about to judge him made him freeze but only for an instant. The music began and they didn't matter anymore.

He stepped off gliding as if flying. His arms were once again wings and with them raised he turned, twisted and tossed himself in the air.

Harry finished with ease knowing it was the best performance he could do and that was all that mattered. The applause merely made a flutter in his ears as the blood pulsing and heart pounding of his body dominated his hearing.

He was done and pushed off once again to glide to the sidelines where others awaited the scoring of his performance.

"Fuck man, that was fantastic" Casey was still starring. Though hardly sober he saw his friend relive years past and turn his stories into reality. "fucking great"

They rode home in the cab. Harry's hands on Casey's leg. Casey didn't push them away as he did one other time they had gone drinking together.

"You gay?" Casey had asked. Harry, sober enough to maintain his closeted identity and drunk enough to reveal it replide "I like you".

He hurt. Somewhere in his mind, he knew he had skated. He even remembered the sight of his naked body in the mirror on skates. But Harry wasn't sure if that was from the night before or the many times he had stood like thait in his bedroom before stroking himself to exhaustion.

"If you want me to coach you, then you must give yourself to me totally and without question" the hairy chested man said with his lgiht german accent. Harry had played with is fellow skaters so he knew he was gay. And that day he knelt peeling his shirt off to give the man what he wanted.

It was a great year as Harry lived and slept skating. He shared the ice with the man to learn all he could about skating and the bed with him to learn about love. His parents knew, Harry suspected but they said nothing. The man was an Olympic champion and having him coach meant that Harry was destined for great things in life.

Harry turned to stretch his stiff muscles. Casey's bare chest and arms remained still. The soft breathing didn't reveal the man's former drunken state from the night before. Harry stared at him.

The accident was horrible of course. The triple wasn't difficult for a skater like Harry. He had done it many times before in training and competition. But that day it marked the end as he landed on a buckling leg.

"Shit" Harry said. Casey had been friendly to him the day he joined the company. "So, big graduate and now office manager. huh?"

Harry hated the job or hated having to work. All through the four years of college he had cursed the studies and using drugs and alcohol managed to survive the experience. Sex interupted his binges and sometimes got him the grades he might have gotten had he studied.

"Shit" Harry said again. He didn't remember what happened.

"It's ok" Casey had whispered to him in the cab after Harry kissed him and then pulled back afraid. But Harry didn't remember that either.

"You're no good to me now" the man said. Harry lay in the hospital bed, his leg raised drangling from some supension bands.

Harry stared as the man stood up and left with no further comment.

"God you're hot" the whispers had been wonderful to hear as much as the older man's cock that moved in and out of him in the middle of the night. He had lay there with the hairy arms around him feeling the love in him almost every night.

"We need to try different things" the man had said chaning Harry's training. He was no longer the boy skating but became a young man leaping, lifting, turning and dancing with the music of his coaches love that had taken over his body.

"Shit boy" the man looked up at him in the night as Harry let his body sink until it became full of the man. He moved gyrating and begging the man to fuck him. It lasted a long time and the man filled him at least twice that night. Harry felt the man's hand move all over him and massage him til his body could give no more of it's own pleasure.

Harry tried to remember and slowly the feelign of Casey's strength helping him up the stairs and into the apartment came back to him. He remembered that moment of realizations when he looked at the shirtless friend peeling his shirt off.

Harry watched the man leave. Shock numbed him. Then sorrow moved over him like a fog as he began to beat the leg cast blaming it for his loss. And he cried.

Naked he felt the coverd be pulled over him. Harry remembered that and the sight of Casey standing there looking at him.

"You ok?" Casey's voice came back to him and Harry heard his own voice say one word. "stay".

The nurse came in and pulled his hands away from breaking his plaster cast. She called another nurse who helped her pulls his arms away and hold them down. He cried so hard he didn't hear what the nurses were saying.

Harry stood and stretched. His naked body was there in front of him reflected in the full length mirrror on his closet door.

"What's he saying?" one nurse asked the other. Harry's slobering words couldn't be translated. The needle pierced him and slowing the sobbing subsided and the dreams began.

Harry closed his eyes. Casey was there in front of him stripping off his clothing. The button down shirt gone, his smooth chest was revealed. He unbuckled the trousers he wore to work that day and let them fall to the floor. His white jockey shorts glowed in the dimily lite room.

He danced naked for the man to the music. Moving his hips, Harry moved as he loved to do on the ice. The man sat in his chair, his naked hairy body waiting. Harry moved to his hands lifting his legs until he was upside down and doing pushups. "Now that's what I want to see, strength moves, do some more" the man crouched by him.

Harry turned over as Casey crawled over him on the bed. His cock and balls dangled like fruit waiting to be plucked. His clothing had been folded and placed carefully on the chair. Casey was always a neat person. Harry should have reached up and stroked him but the sight was either mesmorizing or his drunkedness didn't let him.

They made love in positions that gymnasts would have applauded that night. "Now I want you to skate like that, think of us fucking as you are doing handstands' the man instructed as the training changed.

Casey got under the covers. "Stay" Harry said again and heard Casey say "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere" and the arms smooth and youthful moved over him moving so close Harry felt the heat and the skin against him.

Harry awoke and was told two days had past since his attack. His mother was there and kissed him. When he asked, she said he was gone. Harry didn't start crying again, he was too numb for that. Things had changed.

"You awake?" Harry asked as Casey stirred and fluttered his eyes open. Casey stretched and sat up. The covers fell from him revealing his naked ness.

Harry wondered if he had touched the man's penis, or maybe even sucked it. He loved cock.

"Come here" the coach said as he moved back to his chair. Harry lowered himself and crawled to the chair letting the man's flesh fill his mouth and throat. It was unlike the many younger ones he had sucked, it was powerful, strong and full of manly juices that flowed into his gut.

"He's gone honey" she kissed him again. And Harry slept. His dreams repeated the image and the words,. "you're not good to me now".

"I'm uh sorry man. Did we uh ?" Harry both wished he had and feared he hadn't. Either way he suspected Casey was a good friend and that was it.

"Hey want to go out tonight?" Casey had asked him. And they drank at the bar down stairs with others from the office. Every Friday night they did that.

"Hey, " Casey pulled back after Harry kissed him in the cab they shared. "I'm sorry man" Harry said that night. But Casey didn't say anything that night.

And in the office the next Monday, he didn't act like anything had happened, In fact he told Harry he had a good time and they should do it every Friday.

"No, too drunk" Casey answered and laughed stretching allowing the covers to slip down even further. His penis looked hard or at least half way hard.

Casey didn't know whether to look away or leave the room. Instead he heard himself laugh "sorry guess I was too drunk"

His mother took him home and after 8 weeks of recovering began to discuss Harry's future. He was numb still, in shock not so much from the accident or the end of his skating career but the loss of the man he had loved. Whatever she suggested he agreed too. And finally as if in a dream he moved into the dorm room where Shawn Miller welcomed him.

Shawn helped him settle in, register and begin classes mid term. Somehow his mother had convined the college to let him start mid term. Shawn tutored him, and Harry mechanically performed the catch up work and the studies. It was overwhelming.

The sex started a month later. Boy after boy, Teaching Assistants even professors. Harry searched for what he had lost and never found it. Shawn shared his bed as did many others. His mother had found Shawn somehow and told him it was ok. Harry knew. Shawn knew.

"She saw an ad in the school paper" Shawn said as he lay there with himself buried inside Harry. His arms though not the hairy thick ones Harry remembered, began to bring him from the numbed state to his new reality"

"You ok?" Casey asked pushing the covers away from him now. His hand lifted his nutsac puling them from the crevase they had fallen in between his legs. Casey pulled his cock which seemed to make it harder.

"uh yea, I guess I'm sorry about last night" Harry said.

"Why?" Casey asked. His hand was still on his cock.

"I mean I probably uh did something that uh" Harry tried to remember. Had he touched hsi friend's cock, sucked it, or put it inside him. Had he acted upon his attraction to the man that night. If so he didn't want to when they were drunk. That wouldn't mean anything. He wanted Casey to smile and kiss back, to pull him closer to welcome him into his arms.

"Hey I"m not going anywhere" Casey smiled.

And Harry moved back to the bed, sober and ready to really begin his new life.

It was probably a few seconds but it seemed like long slow motion minutes to Harry.

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