Seducing Trevors Dad

By Kyle Guy

Published on Sep 27, 2021


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The summer ended abruptly and before I knew it I was on campus at State. I didn't have time to see much more of Mr. Connor. When my parents moved me into my new dorm, my best friend Trevor came with us and helped me move in. I hope he comes to State next fall when he finishes high school. My roommate didn't move in until the following day and I can tell you even though I was officially a college freshman with a whole campus at my doorstep, I jacked off that night in my new bed wishing Trevor's dad, Mr. Connor, was there with me alone in that dorm room. I shot three loads thinking about him, his body, taking him and making him submit for my pleasure, before I was able to drift off to sleep. But once my roommate arrived and classes began, I found myself thinking of Mr. Connor a little less every day. I had one hot professor that made me think about how willing Mr. Connor had been submitting to servicing my cock and wondered how easily I could make another man submit. At any rate, life got busy and though I didn't forget about him, I found I was thinking of him less and less. Until one day...

I was walking across the stadium parking lot with my roommate and a few new dorm friends. It was Homecoming and we had tickets to the football game. The energy was electric as the whole parking lot was a sea of fans, all ages and walks of life, high-fiving and pre-gaming. There was music all over and the smell of all kinds of meat sizzling on grills. It was kind of the best party I had ever been to and the game hadn't even started yet. It was early fall and still quite warm out so most of us were in school t-shirts. There were a few guys ripped with muscle showing off their gym bods prancing around shirtless. A couple caught my eye and I was glad I was wearing sunglasses so no one could tell when I was checking out a dude. I had even seen a few good looking older guys that reminded me of Mr. Connor, or rather Kevin, my best friend's dad. They caught my attention with their square profiles or large pecs restrained tightly by their State t-shirt. I saw several of that type with nipples clearly large and possibly hard showing through the thin fabric. I was getting horny even though I had just jacked off that morning when I woke, and again in the showers getting ready for the game.

But then I saw him. At first I didn't realize it was him but I got a sick feeling in my stomach, like I was guilty for having thought about him because it forced him to materialize. Then I felt sick because we had a secret that no one else knew, not even Trevor, his son and my best friend. Being surrounded by all these people made our secret so much more real. And a little shameful. There, only a few tailgates ahead of us was Mr. Connor and we had no choice but to walk past him. I could have bolted, turned around and went back the way I came, catching up with my friends later. But the only thing I wanted to do was go to him. I didn't know that he was going to be there and I didn't know how to behave.

I dreamed of seeming him again, maybe at Thanksgiving when I was home on break, or in the grocery store again, but I didn't anticipate seeing him on campus. I had been fantasizing about how I would take him next time, and the time after that. I had about 40 fantasies of convincing, cajoling, enticing, making... seducing Trevor's dad into servicing my cock with his body for my pleasure. But now, seconds away from seeing him, I had no clue how to seize the moment. Was I in over my head? Was my fantasy just that, a fantasy? Were the hot times we had at home over for good, never to be tangible again? I didn't know what to do.

Without thinking, I jumped to the front of the group I was walking with. As we approached Kevin's tailgate party, his back was to us and he hadn't seen me yet.

"Hey Mr. Connor," I said.

This caused my friends to stop and look at me to see who I was talking too. Mr. Connor had a beer can in his hand and was in mid swallow when he turned around and almost choked on his beer. I swear I could see his eyes light up behind his sunglasses.

"Hey Kyle! Damn it's been a while. How are you?" he asked me.

He came in for a dude hug, grabbed my hand to shake and then with his beer hand pulled me in for a quick hold before releasing me back to my friends who had stopped. The men he was with looked up without much interest.

I responded, "I'm great! Been having fun at school. These are my friends, Hunter, Jackson and my roommate, Cody."

Mr. Connor, the constant gentleman shook each of the kid's hands and said hello one by one. Then he introduced us to his three buddies. I wasn't sure how he knew them and I didn't recognize them as dads around high school so I figured they were work colleagues of some sort.

I have to tell you, he looked really good. Easily the best looking of his friends and by far the favorite eye candy I had seen walking through the tailgate. His salt and pepper hair looked like it was just cut. In the sun he didn't show an ounce of perspiration but looked cool and handsome. He was wearing a quick dry golf polo with the school logo that hugged his chest and arms in all the right places without showing off too much. I could see the hair under the polo as well, even some showing a little in the open buttons at his neck and I swear I felt my cock twinge in my shorts. But then again, I knew what that chest felt like under the touch of my fingertips. I was glad I had just jacked off and shot my load in the shower an hour earlier otherwise I think I would have started leaking precum right there in my shorts for anyone to see.

We made painfully dull small talk which really disappointed me. Then his buddies started talking amongst themselves and one of my friends pulled out his phone and showed our other two friends who were laughing at a video he was playing. For a moment I felt alone with Mr. Connor and things seemed to shift in a way that felt just right. Alone just the two of us in a sea of fans, our friends included.

Not wanting to spoil the moment or lose an opportunity I said, "I'll see you soon."

I smiled my winning smile, the one I knew made him melt when we had been alone together at the start of the summer.

Then I turned and said, "come on guys, let's find our seats."

I was so excited seeing Mr. Connor and how incredibly sexy he looked I couldn't think of anything else. Once the game started I wanted to find him and drag him to the SUV where he had been tailgating and use him right there in the back seat. My cock was hard the whole time and I was sick of trying to think of things to try and make it soft. Pinching myself was no longer working and I was starting to make marks on my skin. By the end of the first quarter, I couldn't sit there anymore.

I said to my roommate, Cody, "I think I'm going to be sick. I'm going back to the room."

I couldn't keep myself from running the steps, certain I was going to trip and fall. Within seconds my pace was stopped by the line of people heading to concessions so I had to wait my turn to get out of there. I pulled out my phone to send a text.

Me: Meet me at the tailgate. Now. 0:-)

I saw he was typing back but no message came through. I continued to inch out of the stands. Once I was in the concessions I was able to dart in and out of people and find the closest gate to exit. As soon as I was outside the stadium I felt high, like I was floating on a cloud. I don't remember walking or my feet touching the ground. It felt like forever but what was probably a few short minutes later I was back at the now nearly empty parking lot, most tailgate parties abandoned and put away. This wasn't Mr. Connor's SUV but it was similar enough it could have been. I was standing there a few seconds that felt like hours when my phone buzzed.

Mr. Connor: Be right there. You okay?

Me: I'll be better when you get here.

Soon, I saw the handsome fuck, Kevin Connor emerging from a crowd outside the stadium walking toward me and his friend's parked SUV. In that moment he was all I could see and I felt all my cares melting away. Then I felt my full cock pressing hard against the fabric of my shorts, starting to get uncomfortable.

"Thanks for coming so quick," I said when he was a few feet away.

"No problem, son, just wanted to make sure you're okay. Is everything really alright?" he asked.

"It will be, but right now I need you to ditch the game and your friends and come with me," I replied.

He smiled and looked at me questioningly, then asked, "What do you have in mind, Kyle?"

"Just follow me. I need that mouth on my dick."

He froze so I grabbed his arm and pulled him in my direction. Once he moved his feet I let go of his arm but walked briskly across campus to my dorm. Because of the game, the usual weekend throngs of students were not around and it was easy to bolt around without dodging crowds. I was getting hornier with every step. We didn't speak but every few steps we glanced at the other and smiled knowingly.

Soon we were in the cool dark hall of my dorm. Mr. Connor told me he was in the dorm next door when he was a freshman here. I guess not much changes in 25 years. Then I was fumbling with my keys. Fortunately, none of my floor-mates were around so I didn't have to explain why I left the game or who I was with.

In the cool dimness of my room I felt the world stop. It was so quiet and I couldn't believe I was alone with Mr. Connor in my dorm, where I had been dreaming of him since my first night here. I pushed him down into my office chair. He smiled. I smiled. This time he didn't push back or pretend like it was a bad idea what I was about to do to him. The way he followed me here silently, I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him. He was like putty in my hand.

I just stood in front of him, my boner tenting in my shorts. I pulled his sunglasses off and tossed them on the desk. I looked into his dark eyes and he into mine. That moment of calm, acceptance of one another, was such a turn on to me I couldn't stand it. Every hair on his head was still effortlessly in place. My eyes followed his jaw line down, to his neck and open shirt. That chest hair peeking out and then down to the two heavy masses sitting on his chest, those pecs I have drooled about all summer. I reached down and felt them. I think I moaned out in release of the tension of wanting to feel his muscular body for so long. It had been months since I saw him in my basement at home.

My hand grazed his nipple and he let out a gasp. I continued fondling his chest while he stared at me.

"Rub my cock, Mr. Connor," I whispered standing over him.

He reached out a tentative hand and started lightly tracing my hard dick in my shorts.

"Harder!" I said.

He started rubbing my cock slowly through the fabric. I felt a drop of precum ooze out of the tip of my penis and soon it made the wet spot in my shorts larger. He noticed it too.

I leaned down and pulled his face to mine. He just looked at me like he was the innocent kid and I was the experienced man, as though I was the one who had experience fucking for the last 30 years. I could see that he was submitting to me and that look turned me on so much. As our lips met I could feel the dark stubble hitting my face around my lips. That sharp shorn facial hair tickled my lips and I felt my dick flex in response. I know he felt it too because his hand was still rubbing my cock and he started to rub it faster after that.

I pushed my tongue past his soft spongy lips and his mouth opened easily, willingly. I tasted his tongue the faint taste of beer and chips maybe, and mint. It was a fresh combination, whatever it was, and very manly. My tongue excitedly swirled around his as he guided my mine around his mouth. I was getting very turned on but I wanted to see his face so I pulled away.

He looked up at me with want in his eyes. I looked down and his hand was still on my dick which was so restrained it felt like my hard boy cock was going to tear the fabric away at any moment. It was so tight you could see the mushroom head on my thick seven inches in great detail. I nodded at him and he unzipped my shorts to release the object of his desire. It sprung out as though it was leaping toward his expert mouth and his face lit up, mesmerized. My shorts felt to the floor. He was enchanted with my cock and his hand around it, stroking. I pulled his chin up to meet my gaze again and then leaned in to take another passionate kiss. This time he pushed his tongue into my mouth which I wasn't expecting and his desire thrilled me. I pushed my pelvis into his hand and into his chest as I climbed onto the chair and straddled his chest with my legs, his hand still stroking my big bare boy cock.

I pushed my hardon into his chest and his hand fell away. Now I felt the fabric of his shirt thinly separating me and his thick beefy chest. Though tight, the fabric moved easily over the slippery mat of dark chest hair underneath. Being close to him, his muscles, his hair, the mounds of power sitting on his chest, I started leaking precum again leaving a trail on his polo shirt. Good thing it was quick dry material.

We both looked down at my big cock rubbing against his muscular dad chest and I think we both drooled a little at the same time, our mouths watering for one another. It was then I stood up in front of him again, and pulled him to his feet by his hands. He was stunned by my cock in his hand, on his chest, my mouth on his, and he easily followed my lead.

Once standing, I pulled the bottom of his polo shirt up over his head. His salt and pepper hair flopped right back into place and again my eyes fell over his handsome face, that sexy neck and now past the hair at the top of his chest and onto his beefy, hairy chest. His nipples pink, peeking out from the forest of hair and the dark, dark valley of hair between the two sides of beef. I especially loved the ridge the bottom of his pecs made in contrast to his stomach. If I was in a Jeep, I don't know if I would have been able to drive from the flats of his stomach to over the ridges of those pecs but here in person my hands hand no trouble moving from one part of his body to the next and that's exactly what I did. As I felt his furry torso I leaned in for more kissing. Brushing his nipple with my hand unintentionally, he let out another gasp of air right onto my face and I remembered how sensitive his nipples must be.

Soon I was pushing him down onto my dorm bed, with the confidence that my roommate and our friends were still at the game. It wasn't even halftime yet. Once he was on his back below me I peeled off my shirt exposing my smooth pale chest, toned but thin. I practically jumped on him, naked now, and pressed my body against his. He still had shorts on through and my cock didn't feel so good rubbing against the rough cargo short material. After a few minutes of making out I got up and unzipped his shorts – something I had never done before. But by now, this man was mine to do with as I pleased and I had no reservation about taking what I wanted with him. In no time I had his cargo shorts unzipped and pulled off over his feet. Next were his boxer briefs. I could see a thick log underneath and remember seeing his thick daddy cock in my basement when he stroked himself while sucking me off and another twinge of electricity surged through me. I heard the thin underwear fabric rip as I pulled his boxer briefs down, careful not to catch his wide erection in the elastic waistband.

Once off, my light blond body hair contrasted to his dark body hair. Where his legs were hairy, mine didn't appear to be since my hair was so light in color. Where the valley between his big pectoral muscles was dark and deep with thick hair, mine was flat and shallow between two thin toned flat muscles and hardly any sprigs of blond hair. On my dorm floor, my feet were long and narrow next to his wide and thick. Dark hair sprinkled across his meaty toes.

This was a moment we had both been waiting for. I laid down on top of him, skin on skin. A feeling we'd never felt before. Sure, our hands have explored one another bodies. I've fingered my best friend's dad for Christ's sake! But for the hand jobs and blow jobs he's given me, the hours of fantasy, day dreaming and masturbating alone that resulted from a few chance encounters, we had never felt each other naked, skin to skin, hard dick to hard dick, balls on legs, chest to chest, thigh to thigh. The feeling was incredible and better than I even could have hoped. By now my dick was so hard I thought it easily could be mistaken for a rock caught between us.

As we continued to make out and press our bodies into each other, there was plenty of squirming and rolling around as much as two men can do on a twin bed without falling off. We kept returning to center with Mr. Connor on his back and me on top pressing my thin smooth body and rock hard dick against him. Soon his legs spread to wrap around me and I could feel his strong thighs holding me tight, similar to a hug from the muscular man himself. My cock moved between his legs and under his balls almost naturally. As I kept pushing in pleasure I must have hit a nerve because he let out a deep loud moan that I know my neighbors would have heard if they were home. And maybe they were! It occurred to me that my cock head found his hole and was pushing against that sensitive flesh in a way that had never happened before. My cock head felt so good too with the warm wet sweet precum flowing, lubing things up, that the slippery sensation was good for both of us.

Next, I reached to the crack between the wall and my bed and pulled out a little bottle. Quickly I poured some smooth cool liquid onto my hand and reached down to the spot my cock head had just found and started to explore it ever so gently. There was a lot of hair which thrilled me as I looked at his hairy chest again, knowing that hair was basically everywhere on his body. I started massaging his hairy hole, slow at first and trying not to plunge my finger in with the immediacy my hand, my body, and my hard throbbing dick wanted. Showing restraint, I continued to move the smooth slippery lube around that soft tender flesh until I thought I felt him relaxing. To test the waters I slipped a fingertip in. It was tight but I was not met with resistance so I continued to work like this slowly with progressively more of my finger rubbing inside. I could tell by the sounds Mr. Connor was making that I was doing an okay job of it. His eyes were mostly closed and he kept pulling me down to kiss him desperately. Sometimes I allowed this and other times I pulled away and laughed, looking down on him, working that hairy tight hold, my cock throbbing against his big meaty thigh.

"Mr. Connor, you're going to get fucked," I finally said as my cock head, slathered in lubrication pushed against his hairy man hole.

He just nodded his head vigorously and I continued, "Your boy is going to fuck you with his big cock and you're going to take every inch I give you. Do you understand?"

Mr. Connor looked at me and his eyes were watery and he nodded again.

"I can't hear you, Kevin. Tell me you understand what I'm about to do," I urged.

As the head of my cock was pushing against that wet hairy hole, I could feel his flesh begin to part and the pressure built between my body and his. Something was about to give.

Sounding out of breath, he whispered, "I understand, Kyle. I know you're going to fuck me and it's what you deserve."

"Kevin, I can't hear you. Speak up," I commanded.

As he repeated himself, louder this time, I thought perhaps someone standing outside my door with their ear against it listening could would have heard him. I cared not at all. As he finished repeating himself, his hole gave way and the head of my college boy dick, the thick round mushroom head slathered in slippery oil pushed into Mr. Connor's tight man hole. I had never felt anything like it. So tight, the pressure surrounding the sensitive head of my rod. He was still on his back and I was over him, looking into his eyes. I think I surprised myself as much as I surprised him, taking him this way. I leaned close to him, our breath on one another's face.

I can tell you tasting his kiss, feeling my tongue in his mouth, never felt as amazing before as it did now that my cock was slowly slipping into his hairy hole. Every inch I pushed in, I pulled out one half to work my cock in slowly. It seemed to take forever before I felt my balls on his ass finally, his legs spread for me. Having never fucked anyone before, man or woman, I couldn't believe this was happening to me, and with such a sexy partner. I had always wanted to fuck like they do in porn, fast and deep and that's exactly what I started doing. My movements were slow at first as I got the feel for a rhythm. Once I got comfortable, though, I was fucking Kevin Connor with long deep fast thrusts. I thought I was going to cum right away.

I collapsed on his chest and I think he thought I shot right then! The side of my face was pressed into the soft hair on one of his pecs and I felt my cock throbbing so hard I thought it was going to burst. I kissed him passionately and started pumping again slowly. I went deliberately this time, building up my rhythm. There was some involuntary moaning as I explored his tight hairy hole with my rock hard boy boner.

I stopped and pulled him around to indicate I wanted him to flip over. He complied easily and soon he was on his stomach. I had never seen his full bare ass before, but I was humbled. It was picture perfect muscle and round beef covered in a light coat of beautiful dark hair just waiting to be used.

I laid on his back while inserting myself again smoothly. I held him so close as I worked my cock into his relaxing hole once again. Then I pushed my hand under his stomach and pulled him up under me to his knees. Now he was on all fours and I had the range of movement I had dreamed about.

From behind I kept pumping into him. I could see the muscles in his big round bubble but flexing as he adjusted to taking me with each pump.

In a dark low growl, I heard something, but I wasn't sure what it was. It was mumbles at first but grew steadily louder. Once I heard it, I slammed my cock hard into Kevin's ass and felt my balls stop at the bottom of his ass.

He was whispering, "fuck me."

I think it was hard for him to say but as I pumped his sweet ass he seemed to get a little louder, gaining confidence with every thrust from his boy.

Soon he was saying, "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"

As I pumped my throbbing college boy cock faster into his sweet wanting ass, I fell down to him so my chest was on his hairy back. I reached one hand to his chin to bring his neck to the side so I could kiss the side of his mouth. I could barely reach him but we both strained to kiss and feeling his tongue on mine sent me to another level of pleasure.

In between our desperate kisses, he repeated, "fuck me!" urgently.

Soon my balls were slapping on his ass or balls, I couldn't tell what, as I rammed him as deeply as I could. As you can guess, there was no way I could hold out any longer and I exploded. Right before I came, I was overcome with the feeling of sensational release and let out a big deep moan like I had never heard myself produce before. Then on the next thrust, I moaned again releasing an incredible burst of cum right inside Mr. Connor's butthole. As my thrusting continued inside him, my moans continued. I usually burst around 4 or 5 shots of cum but this time I felt like I kept cumming, shooting my cum out of my still throbbing dick 8 or 10 times. Soon it stopped shooting and then got too sensitive to continue. I collapsed on Mr. Connor's back, and he collapsed his knees and I lay there, still hard, tightly inside him, my thin toned glistening hairless chest pressed against his warm back.

Next: Chapter 6

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