Seducing Trevors Dad

By Kyle Guy

Published on Feb 1, 2019


This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real people or events is purely coincidental. If material of this nature offends you, PLEASE do not read any further. Please note that you must be of legal age, where you live, to read this story.

Trevor was my best friend for as long as I can remember. He was a year younger than me and a grade behind, so that gave us some time apart at school. We grew up together, right down the street, so we were involved in each other's lives for everything. As a result, Trevor was like my brother and my parents treated him like one. And I was like another kid at the Connor's house. They treated me like one of their own and I loved them for it.

It all began the summer after high school graduation when I was 18. We still had sleep overs, but ever since one night my sophomore year when Trevor was coughing really badly and I couldn't sleep keeping us both up, we haven't slept in the same room for our sleep overs. I think we both really like hanging out, but also liked the alone time in bed to jack off free of freaking the other one out. Their basement was finished and there was a game room, guest room (where I slept) which connected to an office by a Jack and Jill bathroom. Trevor and his family all had rooms on the second story upstairs. I loved the guest room because it was always dark and cool and clean. I slept so well there, but probably because I would always beat off right before I closed my eyes.

Trevor had another year of high school and was still involved in soccer and even helped coach younger kids, so he was busy. One night I was over late so I was going to sleep over. We were watching Mission Impossible in the family room. The family had gone to sleep, except for Mr. Connor, who insisted I call him "Kevin" or "dad" since I was one of the kids. He found Mr. Connor too formal. But Mr. Connor (Kevin) was never around. He worked a lot, so it was a real treat for Trevor that his dad stayed up to watch the movie with us. Trevor had to coach early that morning, so after the movie was done, he went to his room to crash. That left Kevin and me.

Let me tell you about Kevin. He was never around like I mentioned, but always put you at ease when he was around. He made you feel like you were the only person in the room in a household full of family. He remembered details about people and asked them questions about themselves to show he was interested. He was also very attractive. He didn't look like other dads. He is about six feet tall. He had dark hair with silvering temples, always neatly cut and styled, but even better than that, he had this incredible chest. I saw it a few times at the pool, but usually he wasn't there when we were swimming. He had two round pecs that just sat on his torso, and they were hairy. They had this deep hairy valley between the two. I can't tell you how often my mind wandered to those when I was jacking off, at their house or at my own. Sometimes, if he wore a buttoned shirt with the top unbuttoned, the shirt collar wouldn't even sit on his collar bone they were so big. I loved to see the chest hair in his collar. And so he looked good in everything he wore. Every once in a while I could even see his nipples through his dress shirt when he came home, but usually he had on an undershirt which kept him modest.

Well, on the night of the sleepover, he was wearing a short sleeve button down shirt, as it was warm. So he had his shirt unbuttoned all the way. He had grilled burgers for everyone for dinner, so he had been dressed like this all evening. Now, I had been trying not to stare all damn day, but I knew when I went down to my room that I would shoot a huge load thinking about his chest, this man who included me as one of his own, and always took care of me like another son.

Trevor went to bed and for a moment it was awkwardly silent. The TV was on a crime show rerun that neither of us were that interested in. Rather than look at the TV, I was looking at Kevin's chest sitting there a few feet from me on the sectional sofa. I could see his chest rise and fall slowly, those perfect hairy globes half exposed, half under the cotton fabric laying gently, hiding his big nipples. My mouth was watering and I could feel myself getting hard. Good thing I was wearing tight briefs under my shorts, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to conceal my excitement. I've never been that attracted to guys, and certainly I wasn't attracted to Trevor, though he was a good looking guy. I've always had a thing for Kevin Connor, but I didn't really realize it until that moment. I used to think he was a role model of masculinity, especially with that hairy chest, let's face it, that I aspired to grow into. But now that I was 18 and proving to be thinner and fairer like my own father, I could see that not every boy turns out to be a hairy, big chested dreamboat like Mr. Connor.

I got to thinking. Kevin wasn't around much, but when he was, he made up for it with kindness. He was always quick to pat me on the back, high five, tussle my hair, or rub my shoulders a few rubs before holding my shoulders, always a moment too long almost.

Before I started drooling there on the couch, I decided to stand up.

"Hey Mr. Conner, er, I mean `dad,'" I said as he turned away from the TV and I shot him a winning grin, "since neither of us seem to be tired, and this show is boring, do you wanna go down to the game room and shoot pool or something?"

He smiled back and said, "Sure thing, son. Just give me a moment or two to lock up and I'll be down."

I was feeling bold, but I was also pretty comfortable around Trevor's family. I grew up swimming in their pool after all. I always sleep in gym shorts when I'm at the Connor's, so I decided to change into my "pajama's" which would not be unusual. However this time, I peeled off my briefs so I could free ball in the loose mesh shorts which felt amazing. I was so nervous and aroused at the same time. I pulled my shirt off over my head. I figured, just like at the pool, on a summer evening it wouldn't be weird for me to go shirtless, especially if Mr. Connor was flashing his chest around all day.

I went over to the pool table to set it up when Mr. Connor came down stairs, looking pretty awake and sexy as he did before. First I saw his bare feet descending the basement steps, then his calves, navy cargo shorts (what a dad) and then his hairy belly button, flowing open shirt and finally the object of my obsession, those hairy pecs, bouncing just so slightly I swore, followed by his handsome face.

"You know, Kyle, the balls might be too loud with everyone sleeping upstairs. Maybe we should play a video game instead."

I was kind of bummed because I wanted to watch him lean over the pool table so I could get an eyeful of that chest all night to give me even more ammunition for my spank bank. But then I agreed. I mean, it's not like I want anyone else to wake up and join us down here.

We played a stupid game of Trevor's. I never liked video games but I was better at it than Mr. Connor. A couple times, sitting next to him, I would elbow him to mess up his controller and he would laugh and then he started pushing back. I liked feeling his hairy arm on my smooth side and torso. I decided to kick it up a notch. I paused the game for a bathroom break. I went into the bathroom that connected my guest room with the office, but feeling bold I went through the office, which I never do because that's Mr. Connor's space. I swung the door shut only half way and relieved myself standing over the toilet. I had to go pretty bad so it was a pretty loud, heavy stream. I wanted Kevin to feel like one of my equals, like a bro.

When I came back out to the game room, Kevin had moved from the floor to the couch. He was checking his phone, but put it down when I came in.

"Hey, I'm going to grab something to drink, do you want anything?" I asked.

They had a bar and a fridge in the game room, so it was usually stocked with beer and soda.

He said, "Sure, I'll have a beer. Help yourself."

I grabbed a Coke and a beer, and when I turned around behind the bar, Kevin had moved up to it and smiled. I took a bottle opener and opened his bottle and handed it to him grinning.

"Can I get you anything else, sir? Peanuts? Shot of Jack?" I chuckled.

Mr. Connor said, "You are going to do just fine at State, Kyle. But to make sure you're ready, why don't you trade that Coke in for a beer. I know you're only 18 but you're going off to school where there will be plenty of drinking, and you're a good kid, but I want to know you'll be able to handle it."

This warmed my heart a little that he cared, again, like I was his own kid. I happily agreed and we went back to the couch. He put his legs up on the coffee table, so I put one of my ankles over his and we toasted.

"To my first beer with the best second dad a guy could ask for!"

We clinked bottles and he said, "To the son I always wanted. You make our family complete and we're going to miss you next year at school, but you'll always have your room here."

We clinked again and each took a swig.

He said, "Seriously though, Trevor is going to have a hard time in his senior year with you away. Try to stay in touch with him, even if you forget about us. And I hope you come see your old second dad when I visit on game days at least!"

We talked and he told me about the fun he used to have at State. He wanted to know when I would get my dorm assignment to see if it would be the same building he stayed in.

Before we knew it we were both done with our beers. He had been sipping all evening, so I could tell he was feeling pretty good. I got up and got us another beer each. I looked down when I was behind the bar and I could see my cock getting firm, and the mushroom head was visible through the mesh. That excited me more and my cock flexed a little fuller. I wanted to be careful though. I delivered Mr. Connor his beer and stood right in front of him so my boy cock was directly at eye level. He sort of saw and glanced away, and then immediately looked back to see if his eyes deceived him. I could tell he was nervous and caught off guard, so I saw down and this time I put both my legs in his lap. I've seen Trevor do this with his dad, so I figured it wasn't that out of line, and we had already gotten physical playing video games and with our feet on the coffee table. He immediately started rubbing my foot. He hands felt so good, warm and strong and big, but also cool from holding the cold beer.

"That feels really good, I've never had my feet rubbed before," as I sort of sighed a moan and leaned back some, taking a big pull of my beer.

He didn't say anything, just kept rubbing and looking at my feet and legs. I could feel my cock stiffening and I wanted the hands that I felt on my feet to be working my rod.

I thought I could feel a chub in his lap under my foot but I wasn't sure. I squirmed my feet around in pleasure to see if I could stir it up.

"Will you rub my legs too? This feels amazing."

Again, he didn't say anything but moved up past my ankle to my calves and worked those up and down gently but firmly. He didn't dare go above my knee. By this point I was throwing full on wood and there was no hiding it. Mr. Connor was only glancing at my rod quickly as if to make sure it was still there, and then he'd look down again at my calves like he was focused so hard, not saying a word.

To encourage him, I said, "My legs are really sore from running this week. I need you to do that to my hamstrings and quads now."

His hands stopped and he hesitated. I said, "I heard this happens during a sports massage. I bet it happens to you all the time."

He grinned and finally he spoke. "Yeah, I feel like I'm still 18. I get hard all the time, just like you."

"I can tell." By now I could tell he was hard, or else a flashlight materialized in his cargo shorts.

I sat up so I could sit next to him. I put my feet on the coffee table so my knees were up in the air like a triangle. "Go ahead and rub those thighs for me. You're doing a great job and it feels really good."

He didn't move so I took one of his hands and placed it on my thigh. I thought I was going to jizz right then. He slowly rubbed my leg right above my knee so I moved his hand higher up my thigh and eventually under the leg of my shorts. With my other hand I put it around him and rubbed his back in encouragement. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes enjoying his touch, not believing that this big chested father figure was inches away from my throbbing cock.

He was rubbing up and down my thigh as if he didn't know my rod was pulsing so hard for him two inches from his hands. The next time he came high on my leg I gently held his hands there so they wouldn't go back down to my knee. He just kneaded my leg in one spot, so close to my ball sack and boner.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I pushed his hand onto my raging boner. I exhaled in surprise when I felt his touch. I'd never felt another hand on my cock in all my 18 years. He gasped in shock, as if he didn't know this was going to happen ever since I asked him to rub my legs and I stretched out across his lap.

Mr. Connor, Kevin, Dad, didn't waste any time and he immediately knew what to do. He started rubbing and stroking my 7 inches like a fucking champ. Slowly and gently at first, but increasingly harder and faster. The hand I had on his back was now at the back of his head feeling that salt and pepper hair for the first time. I reached my other hand to the object of my desire, that chest! I reached across through his arms and past his open cotton shirt. When I felt the first tickle of chest hair on my hand, I choked, my mouth dry. I pushed into the hair and felt his warm skin barely under the thick mat of dark hair. My hand naturally landed on one side of the valley in the middle of this chest between his two large orbs of muscle and beef. I felt like I was pawing at his chest, my hand was in a frenzy of exploration, not nearly as cool and deliberate as his hands had been on my legs. All the sudden my hand brushed his nipple and I felt him jump. I slowed my fondling of his chest and really felt the size and mass of his incredible chest muscles as he pumped my cock with his whole arm. I noticed him slowly bending over me getting his face ever so slightly closer to my pumping cock, which was still out of the leg of my shorts, balls hanging out, bouncing on the couch cushion.

All the sudden I felt a flush come over me and I knew I was going to orgasm like I never have before.

I whispered in his ear, "jack my cock daddy, I'm going to cum!" and he flexed his arm and jacked me faster and leaned in closer and I grabbed his chest harder and tighter and before I knew it I was exploding all over.

I am disappointed that my eyes were closed in ecstasy because I would have liked to have seen rope after rope of cum shoot out of my cock. But when I opened my eyes, I was pleasantly surprised to see my second dad's face covered with my load. It was on his chin, his cheeks, his nose, and his eye lid, not to mention his ear and in his hair. He licked around his lips to clean it off his mouth and smiled.

"You are incredible, dad, I've wanted that for so long."

"Me too, son, you have no idea."

Next: Chapter 2

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