Seducing a Cowboy

By Odd Balls

Published on May 22, 2021



I awoke early the next morning; or is it that I'm right on time. As I understand -- which I most likely don't -- people of this time period get up early to do their work. They must have a LOT to do if they feel the need to outrun a rooster's call.

I step into a garment transmutation circle and step out of it wearing a simple button-up shirt with tribal dragon art on it as well as some clean-cut jeans and brand new boots. I pick up my straw hat and step outside of my shack.

Passing by the other morning-risers, they're mainly doing what they were doing yesterday -- some of them are riding horses and guiding the herd of cows out of their fence to wherever, looking to the side I see some people walking into a coop of chickens with baskets to collect eggs, then there's the men already working with bales of hay.

Ugh. Really not the type of work I usually go for. Unfortunately though, this isn't the sort of place to start flaunting even rudimentary alchemy, so I guess I'll have to deal.

Before I do though...

Remember that vial of cum I kept from Cody's load from last night? I take it out of my pocket after looking several directions to make sure no one can see me. I take the smallest dab of the pearly white jizz and cork the tiny bottle up, and rub the semen sample onto the purple jewel on my lust-ring. I bring the ring to my mouth and whisper a very quiet incantation and quickly resume my walking.

The sky is already brightened by the time I reach the orchard. There are a couple of people already picking apples and putting them into the bushels they carry. Simple enough job, so I just pick one up and scale one of the trees.

One by one, I pluck and pull each red fruit from the tree.

Across the ranch, Cody is in his room at home, splashing his face with water to wake himself up. "Hoo boy... My gosh..." The images of last night are still fresh in his mind. The way that new boy just... TOUCHED him? What happened last night? Since when do men touch each other like that??

"Aright... Aright... Just... Get on with chores." He huffs before he gets dressed and get ready. He still feels so clean -- why does he feel clean? It's been days since Cody took a real bath, but he feels like he took a very thorough wash. "Agh... Gotta get outta my head..."

He picks up his equipment and leaves the house. His father has already eaten breakfast and left, so Cody gets his own meal prepared and sits down to eat; ever since Mrs Summers passed away years ago, he's had to pick up a few of the duties around the house that his mother used to do. Mainly because the cook they hired was SUCH a sour puss.

Once ready, Cody walks right out of his home and goes to one of his fellow farmhands. Nate, a healthy and fine black fellow in his usual yellow vest and red bandana getting a few things ready. "Morning, Nate."

"Mornin' Cody!" He greets. "You're up awful late."

"Yeah... Had a weird night." Cody says casually. Nate chuckles as he bends over and gathers a few more tools off the ground. Cody looks down and immediately examines Nate's ass. He hesitates and tilts his head to the side, seeing how packed that rump is.

"Hope ya don't mind, but I wanna see about taking some eggs to Miss Parkins." Nate says while Cody checks him out, "Think I got the shines for her."

"Gooosssh dang..." Cody mumbles as he admires the shape of Nate's rear like he was admiring a very delicious apple pie. He's never seen a naked black ass before, but he'd bet it would look VERY nice out in the open...

"What'ya think?" Nate gets up and turns to his friend "Think Miss Parkins would go for me?" Cody irks and blinks a few times before he looks at his handsome pal. Handsome?


"Heh, you sure you doin alright, bud?" Nate slaps his arm "You lookin' like a dog droolin' for a steak."

"Woo, yeah, sorry, heh." Cody chuckles and coughs a bit. Nate just brushes hit off and the two of them walk off.

As Cody walked, he looked to the side to see one of the others collecting horseshoes from metal posts from the previous game yesterday. He chuckles to himself, noting that he should go for a game after work.

How would that look? Nate splayed out on the dirt... Completely naked... Resting back with his long, hard penis standing. Cody just laughing and chucking a horseshoe at that drooling dong. God that would be amazing. Seeing that tower of hard meat rigid meat bob and wiggle from impact of catching a horseshoe. Then Cody would come up to retrieve the horseshoe... Only to shake hands with Nate's fat member. Both of them just laughing and smiling as Cody yanks and strokes that erect penis until he starts pumping it and-

"Amph!" Cody irks and stumbles down when he walks into a fence post "Agh, dang it!"

"Whoa, Cody!" Nate stomps back helps Cody back on his feet "You okay, buddy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, whew" Cody chuckles as he brushes the dirt off of him, glancing down and sees a noticeable lump on his lap. He stands up in a slightly hunched posture, hoping no one will catch eye of his bulge "Just kinda zoned out, I swear."

"Be careful, bud. Haha" Nate pats his shoulder before the two of them walk off.

Meanwhile, over at the orchard after morning turns into noon, Arthur strolls up towards the trees. He was NOT too impressed with that new boy in that richy get-up. He looks like the kind of lazy kid who complains constantly about every little inconvenience; Arthur has seen his type a lot in his time.

There he is now. Up on a tree, and... 10 bushels full of apples, even forming mounds just short of topping from the top. The other apple pickers have at least 2 or 3 baskets full. Arthur looks up to the fair-skinned young man as he picks apple after apple, reaching in deeper to the tree and plucking off the fruit.

"Uhhh... Mr Boreas?" He calls up. Milo looks down at him turns to lean on the tree he's currently on.

"Yes Mr Summers?"

"You picked all these?" He gestures to the bushels.

"Well it wasn't a handful of Japanese catfish, I can tell you that."

"Gheh, Alright now. Good job." He nods as he watches Milo adjusts himself and leap down from the high branch. "Whoa, hah, you good there, son?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Alright then. Just came here to check up on ya."

"You mean to make sure I'm working and not hiding in the shade?" Milo says after crossing his arms.

"Easy there, boy." Arthur tilts his head to him "I'm still your boss, and you are not good a first impressions."

"Noted. I apologize."

"Right." Arthur nods and gestures to the bushels "Now when you get the time, you need to bring these apples to our wagons, and load at least one bushel per cart to be delivered into town. Now I don't suppose you know how to drive a wagon with a pair of horses, do ya?"

"What, I can't just fly over there?" I ask him, partly as a joke and partly as a serious question.

"Ahhhahahahahahh!" Arthur laughs and I laugh with him. Alright; apparently this era also doesn't have air-travel either.

"Hahahahah, but yes. I do know how to ride a wagon. Sort of."

"Right then. Just something to keep in mind workin here, cause there ain't always going to be apples for ya to pick, you know."

"Alright." I say as pick up one bushel of apples and walk past him. Just for fun, I reach down and slap his own wide rump and he jumbles a bit.

"Mmf! Hah..." I see him shake it off and go about his business. "God, he is a hot DILF..."

Well... This IS my vacation... Originally I'd be good with just his son, but...

I grin as I take a last glance at that chubby wolf of a daddy and take out a black leather collar with a couple of cursed quartz crystals clinking from a few metal links -- an artifact I once confiscated from a Rift Ripper criminal. After I cleansed and refined it, I like to whip it out every once in a while.

"Hey Arthur!" I trot over to him to get his attention. Arthur turned to me as I caught up with him and lets me walk with him "I can't help but notice a lesion around your neck."

"A what now?"

"I meant a rash." I tell him. He blinks and rubs at it a bit and shakes his head.

"Feels fine to me."

"Trust me on this, I know a lot about the medical field." Ish.

"Heh. So you're a doctor, huh?"

"Of sorts. I practice a type of medicine that involves something called `healing crystals'." Arthur stops for a minute as I take out the collar. He gives a weird scoff at it before lifting up the piece and tapping at the dangling cyan gems.

"Healin' rocks?"

"Crystals. Here, if you'll walk with me?" With a huff and a shrug, the boss-man follows me to the nearby barn. "Okay, so wearing this collar is supposed to make you feel more energized by revitalizing your skin."

"Start makin sense, Mr Boreas." Arthur growls as he puts his hands on his hips.

"It... Might be better if I show you."

"Hrrruuugghh... Fine. Just quit wasting time. Daylight's burning."

"Alright, cool. Just lean forward a bit?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and bends over and lets me put the thick band of enchanted leather on him.

"This is ridiculous, boy..." Arthur grumbled as I adjust the clasp and secured the buckle. He grunts as the collar held onto his neck and he stands up "Ugh... Okay, now what?"

"Now it should just..." My eyebrows raise and Arthur growls and huffs as his eyes flicker a cyan glimmer. "Work?"

"Hrrrff... Haawwrrgghh..." Arthur growls and grunts as he tugs at his cloths, frowning as his nipples start to poke under his shirt and he tries to get his clothing away.

"Arthur? You in there?"

"FFFFfff... These damn rags, RRGH!" He growls as he pulls at his shirt and easily rips his shirt open, showing his bulging union suit hold in his large round gut.

"Whoa, damn, uh!" I put my hands on him and try to stabilize his energy channel. "Arthur, calm down!"

"Get... These... Clothes" His eyes glow brightly with a neon blue menacing radiances "Off... Me..."

"Alright, alright. Just calm down. I'll do that." I tell him while he stands there impatiently while the volatile magic races in his simple brain.

That's the problem with using cursed artifacts versus enchanted talismans; charms are easy to use while jinxes are hard to control.

He just snarls and growls at me while I tug off his shirt, snap off his suspenders and let his trousers toss down. As soon as I began to unbutton his longjohns over his round girth, the searing blue light fades from his eyes before he starts to purr.

"Hhrrrrrr..." His strong arms go around me as he starts to gnaw at me. "You're going to carry my pups..."

"Oh wow, hah hah" I chuckle as I sit back on a big mound of hay. Arthur's huge round gut wobbles free of his button-up union suit as he crawls on top of me. He just growls roughly and starts to dry hump me before he shrugs off the top of his longjohns to show off his bear-like build. "Fuck, you and your son are both studs."

"Mrrggghh, you fuggin morsel..." He growls as he presses a bite on my neck.

"A-Ahh, ooh" His teeth graze on my flesh as the crystals channel their dark aura into his brain.

Before you worry, yes, the collar is relatively safe. It was a LOT worse before I was cleared to own it. I've done some tinkering with its properties, and it supposedly ties in with the essential sex drive of whomever wears it. I've found that when it's equipped to someone who hasn't gotten up in a long time, it tends to bring out a primal instinct that they normally wouldn't have. And judging from the semi-feral mood Arthur is exhibiting, it must have been YEARS since he's had a good lay.

"Hrrggghh" Arthur forces me onto my belly and starts to yank my pants off

"W-Wait! Arthur! Stop!" I squirm as his burly arms pull at my bottoms until my bare ass meets with the hot hair. I look over my shoulder to see him pulling out his huge fat cock! "Whoa. Cody does NOT take after your size at ALL." My eyes widen as he gets ready to mount me.

"Arthur, get BACK!" I send the huge beast of a man back a few feet. Arthur grunts and snarls down at me as he's suspending in the air, his wrists and ankles shimmering with white ethereal mist to restrain him.

"What is this NOW??!" He barks as his large body squirms. While he dangles in the air, I quickly pop out a bottle of lube from my pocket and start to squish it into my butthole "I can't take it, I need to FFFFFuck!" Arthur seethes as his irises begin to burn with cyan light again, his 8-inch-long member curling with arousal. And GOD is it thick!

"D-Damn it, that collar's not playing around" I flinch as the front of my forehead hurts, which happens when a spell of mine is about to break from brute force. Good thing I'm using a very high quality jelly; it uses a potent numbing agent as well as a muscle relaxer -- the boys at the sex shop that sells this stuff calls it `Pussy-Potion' for slang.

Once I get my anus oiled up, I swipe my hand in the air in a spell-break gesture and released Arthur's mystic restraints.

Arthur's heavy feet THUDS onto the floor before he just about JUMPS me! I grunt as Arthur's hands immediately seizes my wrists and pins me down. "Agh! Ghhh!" I feel his massive cock push into my crack and force my asshole open. "AA-Awwwllll!" I blush as an almost girly moan leaps out of my mouth as my entire sphincter tingles madly.

"Hoooommmfff!" Arthur growls as he bears down on me hard. My own cock flexes under me as the fat, burly cowboy hilts me. I can feel his wobbly belly rest on my clothed back as he slides his massive meat back and pushes deep into me again.

"O-OHhhh!" I mew out as Arthur forces me down and starts to hump me. "Use me, Arthur, fucking use me~!"

"Hrrff, hrrhh, hrrhh, hrrh" Arthur growls like a wild animal as he starts to hump and thrust into me. I just moan and grunt hard as his manhood plows into me. "Choke my dick, you little slut" He snarls as he grips my neck "Choke my fffffffucking cock!"

"Awwll! Awwll! Awwl!" I can't control the tone of my moans -- each time he slams into my ass, I feel a high-toned whine jump from my lips. "F-FuuuuUUuck meeee!" I moan as my fingers grip onto handfuls of straw.

A moment later, Arthur flipped me onto my back and started to jam his fat cock into me missionary-style. I just moan out and jerk back every single time. God, this man is a fucking ANIMAL. His round gut bounces back and froth while his manly hairy tits jiggle from reach launch his strong hips force into me.

"GAAHH! AANNHH! FFFFUUCK!" I yell out. He's too much to take! Suddenly I feel a searing orgasm blow out of my member and paint my face with cum.

"Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-oh-my-fucking-God-oh-hoh!" I can only just hold on and take the brutal fucking as Arthur violates my anus. His eyes give a faint blue glow as the crystals from his collar swing and clink over and over again.

"HUUH! HUUH HUUH HUUH HUUH!" His extremely beefy arms plant on either side of my head as he rails me harder and harder. "NNNHHHH!" Just as suddenly, his storm-riding thighs lock onto my haunches as his cock erupts inside of me! "HAAWWHH! NNHHHGGHH! OHHHHHH! NNNNHHH"

His cum squirts from out of my lodged pucker. "AWwwwwhhhlll! Oh my God... Oh Jesus Christ... A-Ahhh..." I wince and irk as Arthur pulls his heavy dong out of my butthole.

As soon as Arthur pulls out of me, his eyes simmer down and revert to his normal browns "... What?? I... Oh lord!" He jumps off of me and gaps down, in complete shock, seeing me half-dressed from the waist down with my pants around my feet. He gaps at himself and gasps as he quickly dresses himself "Oh my blazing stars, I am so sorry!"

"Mmnnhhhh, not the worst time I've had in the country, heh" I chuckle weakly as I get up "Oh shit!" I buckle over as my whole ass throbs in agony. He was rough AND huge.

"O-O-Oh no, dang, I'm so sorry, I-" Flabbergasted, Arthur helps me up while simultaneously tries to the get himself partially dressed.

"I'm fine, I, whew" I grimace as my ass wracks with sexy pain. "Just been a while since I had something as large as you wreck me."

"L-Look, ahh..." Arthur gulps as he glances side to side, whipping his head around and making sure the barn door is still closed "Just, just don't tell anyone... In fact, I... I think you, ya, aghh..."


"Look..." Arthur stares down at me and holds a hand out "I own this ranch. And I got a reputation to maintain."

"Ohhhhh don't tell me you're one of THOSE."

"Listen, Mr Boreas. I'm sorry here, I really am." Arthur huffs at me "I don't know what came over me when I just..." He gestures to me. "But to be safe all around... I think it might be best for you to leave."

"Yeah, I don't think so" I get up and channeled a bit of my own magic into my hands and put them onto his burly chest. "~Daddy~"

"Ummff..." Arthur murred and staggered a little as his his fuzzy body shimmers with a pheromone resonance throughout. He closes his eyes and purrs deeply as I guided his rotund stomach loose from his clothes and started to massage his muscular manboobs. "Wooooohhhfff..."

"There. Isn't that better?" I smirk as I push him down and flopped him down onto the hay loft and watches his manly fat wobble gracefully from the impact. "Daddy?"

"Woo, boy..." He growls. He smiles up at me as I straddle on his lap and his hands feel up my sides. "How'd you get to be a purty thing all of a sudden?"

"Let's just call it a magic trick." I answer as I rub his moobs in opposite circular directions. He huffs and takes a moment to flex his beefy biceps while lying on his back. I grin as I take a moment to scratch my fingers into his manly chest before moving my fingers to clench onto his nubs again.

"A-Aww! MMMMM!" His lips pucker as his head pushes against the straw "Whoa boeh, HOO!" Arthur starts to hump behind me while I tickle his nipples and pull on them.

I can already feel a new boner push rom below his clothing on his lap. I latch my mouth onto his left nipple. "O-Oh dear lord! Hoh my goodness!" His hands clamp on me as his strong legs also tangle with mine, while his raging erection oozes precum constantly from under his union suit.

I press my lips around the areola an graze my teeth upon the erect bud and apply a suction directly onto it. I suckle his nip while he wails out and humps randomly up and down, flailing as while I direct my attention to his right nipple. I slurp and press my teeth onto the sensitive flesh and gnaw onto his teat with fervor. My arms dig under into him to be tucked and warmed by his longjohns as I alternate between sucking his nipples.

"A-Awww! Ohh! MMHH! Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord!" His pelvis starts shoving harshly up and down behind me. Arthur's whole body, in fact, starts to jerk and flex wildly "E-E-Easy there! Slow down! A-AHH!" He flails and writhes out of his control as he yells in primal lust. "UHH! OH! GEHH! Ahh!"

I look up and was about to ask him if he came, but I hear a distinct wet sound from behind as his pelvis curls under me before Arthur's posture goes slack. I scoff as I get up and look behind me at Arthur's thick tent, which is now saturated with his potent spunk while his penis is still in the soft confines of his full-body underwear.

"Awwww... Oh mah lord... Ohhhh" He groans as I get off oh him and watch as his bulge gradually shrinks in his swamp of cum. I pet his big and sphere-like furry belly as he just lays there like a sea star -- arms and legs splayed out wide.

"So. Since this is still my vacation." I get up and adjust my belt to pull my pants up "You will NOT be kicking me out just because you fucked me like a beast."

"Wait, now hold on." Arthur sits up, but immediately gags as the cursed collar shimmers "MMMHHHhhhhhrrr!" His hand goes right to his wet crotch as a keen sting rings out in them.

"And about that jinxed necklace of mine? Even I can't take it off of you just whenever I feel like it." I tell him, knowing that he can't possibly understand what I'm talking about "It will just unlock itself during the next full moon -- which is in about a week or two from now, give or take."

"Boy, what are you saying?" Arthur scoffs at me.

"Until then," I continued, "The collar's power is going to be random in its gauge in energy. It most likely won't do a thing for the majority of the time, and sometimes it will spike into action and go into full throttle like just now. Don't worry, I've modified it enough to be relatively harmless, but there really is no telling how it's going to screw with you... Heh, or rather, how you are going to screw other people. Hehheh."

"Okay, I" The fat hunk gets up and glowers down at me "You need to- Whoa..." He swerves as his brain gets struck with a sudden dizzy spell.

"See? Even MY magic can't last long while you're wearing it. I just tried to ensorcelled you to be flirty teddy bear, but the spell's already worn off from the collar's curse."

"I don't understand what you're saying, Mr Boreas."

"Good." I tell him with a smile before holding my palm up to his forehead "It's better if you just... Forget" A manifestation of grey and white light flashes from my hand and plays across his head.

Arthur's memory of the last 10 minutes vanishes and he blinks awake, shaking his head and looking around "Wha- I, uh, where" He looks down and gasps as he sees himself half nude and his lap is thick and wet. He glances up at me and shows a reflection of shock and bewilderment. "M-Mr Boreas, what happened?? Why are we in the barn??"

"You took a nap" I lied with a smile on my face "You came to check up on me and then you dozed off in here. I came to make sure you were okay, and, hahah" I chuckle as I nodded to his groin with a very wet blotch "Looks like you were having one heck of a dream"

"A-Ahh..." Arthur flinches as he tries to cover himself, but then moves his hands away as a last-second measure to preserve his dignified stature, but goes right back to trying to find some spare overalls. "L-Look, Mr Boreas?"

"Call me Milo."

"Milo, just..." Arthur winces and waddles awkwardly and located some convenient pants and held it over his front. "Please, I... I appreciate you checkin on me, but..."

"I won't tell anyone about this." I chuckle. His embarrassment is as cute as his son. "But do you mind if I barrow your son tonight? I'm very new to these parts and I like his company."

"S-Sure, alright." Arthur glances at the door and at me, as if he's waiting for me to leave. "So uh..."

"I'll get back to work, handsome." I wink at him, making his face go even redder before I walk off and adjust my cowboy hat while I hear his buckles clink behind me as he rapidly tries to dress himself.

"Oh, before I forget..." I dig in my pocket and pull out a platinum ring with an onyx `X' as the mounted gem with two rubies on either side of it. I slip this ring on the ring finger of my left hand. Once on on my knuckle, a magenta heart radiates once from the jewel before it dissipates.

This ring prevents anyone from falling in love with me, and vice versa.

I am not looking for romance, folks. I'm just here on holiday. You want a love story? Go rent a rom-com.

Next: Chapter 3

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