Seducing a Cowboy

By Odd Balls

Published on Oct 4, 2021



One noon, Cody slumps in his chair, clinking his fork against the glass of his drink every 20 seconds. He frowns as he stares at his half-eaten sandwich. He can't bring himself to eat anything.

Arthur looks at Cody from across the table, very worried for his son's wellbeing. They haven't even had sex since Milo went away. As much as he grew fond of fooling around with his boy, he's more concerned that Cody's joy just went away completely.

"Cody for heaven's sake, please eat your lunch."

"M'not hungry..."

"At least drink your milk?"

"Maybe later..." Cody laments. Arthur sighs as he sets his silverware down and goes around. Cody sniffles as he feels his father's strong grasp on his shoulders.

"I know you liked him. I liked him too. He was a smart-mouthin spit-fire, but he was dang useful to have around. I was wanting to have him around longer too; I wanted to see what else he can do." Cody leans forward on the table "I know... It's never easy losing a friend like him."

"It's just... It's hard, Pa..."

"Boooooy" Arthur sighs as he puts both hands on his son's shoulders "This is how ya always been. Quick to make friends, and ya get heartbroken when they leave. Remember that boy Jacob?"

"Pa, don't..."

"You two only knew each other for a fortnight, but when he and his parents left, you'da thought you done lost one of your arms!"

"Stop it, Pa..."

"Or when that kind old woman stayed at our ranch, and she passed away in her sleep a few days after she came? You poor thing, ya just broke apart."

"Pa, are you goin anywhere with this?"

"Just saying when you were knee-high, every time ya little friends moved away, you took it so dang hard. Ya get that from your Mama; she also found it easy to make friends and couldn't handle it when they left."

"I can't help it, Pa..." Cody frowns and looks down somberly "What's the point in bein pals if it's just gonna hurt like this?"

"Ya always been too attached. I mean, Milo only been here for a couple of months. It's not like he was a life-long resident, boy."

"It's more than that though... The way he talked... He just seemed kind of... Empty, I guess? It was almost like he was... Like he was convincing himself to be not sad? But it's like he wasn't allowed... That make any sense, Pa?"

"In a way, I suppose. I've known a few people who were like that... But Milo is a bit young to be as jaded as that."

"I just... I don't understand it... If he knew he had to leave so soon, why did he stick around to be our friend?"

"Son..." Arthur sighed "Men like Milo... They usually keep their distance. Because they know leavin like this is never easy. But after a while, they can't help but get attached sometimes... I've worked with folks like him on occasion. They don't like it any more'n you do."

"But he... He said that I'd forget him..." Cody laments. "Pa, I don't want to forget him. If I forget him, how am I gonna welcome him back like family?"

"His type says that a lot." Arthur gruffs "They always say that we're gonna forget'em. That's called bein' `cynical', you see. They don't think they're important enough to stay, so they convince themselves that we're better off without'im, like they were never even here."

"... You think so, Pa?" Cody looks up to him. "He just... It really sounded like he'd be gone outta my mind..."

"He may be an eccentric city boy who don't mind his elders too much. But he'll be back." Arthur pats Cody on the shoulder "Just you watch. He'll be back here before you know it; whining about how we're a bunch'a cavemen fondlin' cows while he's grabbing you by the balls and breedin the other cowboys."

"Pffggh, heh heh..." Cody smiles before he relents and take a bite of his sandwich. Arthur smiles after getting his son to get some food in him.

"Anyway, I gotta git myself down to the stables and talk to the breeder about the horses." Arthur goes down and kisses Cody on the cheek "You behave yourself, ya hear?"

"M-hm..." Cody nods and makes himself finish his lunch. He goes back to his room to change his clothes -- they got torn when he fell in the barn an hour ago.

Cody puts on his favorite cozy red and white plaid shirt and a vest. He pauses as he looks between normal pants and the ones with the seat cut off. After a moment of thinking, he sighs and goes ahead and puts on the latter. He pulls the pants on and smiles calmly as he feels his plush butt frame into air with his custom jeans. He blushes as he reaches down and fondles his own bottom, giving a small moan as he even arches his back, as if someone else is about to mount him. "Ah Milo..." He pauses and bites his lip as he remembers the first time Milo took his virginity. "Have mercy..."

Before he leaves the house, he looks at the magnetic cock cage sitting by the bookshelf. He huffs as he picks it up and turns it in his fingers. Shortly after Milo left, he had someone take it off; it just wasn't the same.

Cody turns the ring and made the magic trinket flex into an erect shape. He turns it again, and it clicks into a closed acorn-shaped lock. Clicking it again makes it arch, as if it's containing a bigger penis. He fiddles with it a few more times before putting it into his pocket.

He walks out into the hot sunny noon and looks around. He smiles sadly as he sees the cowboys walking around showing skin. Seeing their exposed asses and some of them lounging on their breaks as they idly play with their loose nuts. A lot of them are wearing assless chaps with the weird thongs that were made for them. In comparison, Cody feels a bit overdressed. He looks like any other cowboy with the exception of his bubbly ass on full display behind him, either cheek giving a soft jiggle with each step he takes.

"I'm going to miss him... I know I will..." Cody tells himself as he goes along. "I know I'm not gonna forget him..."

I imagine some things will stay the same.' Milo had mentioned as Cody strolls along Your father will be open-minded about people' Cody sees Arthur giving the breeder a big WHALLOP on his bubble butt, making the horse caretaker jump and laugh and slap the older cowboy on the tummy.

`Nate will still have a fetish for pegging' Cody spots Nate perched on a milk-post, his big chocolate ass out in the open as a cowboy opens up his hole with a particularly big prostate milker.

`Jose will still be with Zachery' Cody smiles as he sees the Herculean cowboy sleeping against a tree while Jose is curled up sleeping his head on his lap.

`And you will most likely be bisexual' Whatever that means. Guess he'll eventually want to be with a woman.

"Dang it, Milo..." Cody scoffs as he laments "How is a lady gonna breed me like you do...?"

Cody sighs as he walks out of the chicken coop with the basket full of eggs. It really is depressing without Milo to be sassy and frisky with the other men. He brought a lively spark to the ranch-


"AH!" Cody gaps and jumps after dropping the eggs onto the ground when he sees a bright flash of light blast into existence from the side of the coop! He runs to the side and gaps as he sees a round hole of blinding radiance open up before him.

A figure walks out of the blinding door, wearing a white wizard-like cloak with the head shrouded in a billowy hood. The figure faced the portal of light and holds his hand toward it and made it close in on itself. The beaming shine shrinks into the old wood before it complete seizes.

"What in BLUE BLAZES?!?!" Cody yelps.

"Ah!" The cloaked figure flinches and and whips around "Oh, it's just you. Dammit, Cody, you weren't supposed to see that."

"Wait..." Cody raises his eyebrows as he recognized that voice just barely "Milo??"

"I told you not to go anywhere discreet, Cody; I can get in big trouble for letting you see anything too flashy." The person puts both hands onto his hood and pushes it back.

Cody's eyes widen as he sees him -- Milo! Except he's taller now, and he has a handsome circle beard around his mouth, and his hair is a bit longer and feathered just to above his neck and he's wearing glasses. "Milo... What... You're here! And... What?"

"... So. How long as I gone this time?" Milo asked.

"A-About a few days since you left..."

"A few days? That seems way off... You need to be more specific, I'm not adept at pin-point time travel. How soon was my last arrival? Are you talking about the first time I arrived? As in, the VERY very first time?"

"I-I-I guess?"

"Agh, damn. Then it's just barely been a week since I took off the first time." Milo rubs his brow. "Now I owe Joel 500 tetrons."

"Milo, what in God's name are you talking about??! Why do you look older??! What in the hell happened to you?!?!"

"It's called `Age'. It's highly addictive and tragically contagious." Milo retorted with his exact brand of sarcasm. "Sorry to say. But you and I are terminal, and there is no cure."

"Cut the jokes, please! First you're younger'n me, now you're almost my Pa's age!"

"My fault. I still need to get used to handling timelines. All these years and I still suck at chronological calculations. I usually have a colleague crunch the numbers for me, but it's hard to find someone on short notice to help me." Milo groans. "I'm sorry, Cody. I've actually came by a lot more often -- to you, anyway."

"W-W-Wait, Milo, I'm so confused." Cody takes a step back and shaking his head

"... Oh riiiiight. This must be where I put these gloves on. You mentioned something like that in the past. Several times." Milo takes out a pair of black gloves with white transmutation circles stitched into them. "This has to be what you meant... Never knew until now."

"Milo, please, look, this is starting to freak me out-"

"I know, I'm getting to that."

"Milo, just who ARE you??! How are you even-" Mid-sentence, Milo grabs Cody's forehead and pressed his palm into it. "A-Agghh..." Cody's eyes gloss over as an ethereal rune circle flash around his head. After 5 seconds, Milo takes his palm off Cody's head and the array spins while shrinking until the glamour goes into the cowboy's head.

Cody blinked and shakes his head a bit and looks at Milo strangely "So you wanna tell me what the Sam Hill is goin' on, Milo??" He asked casually, as if he just caught Milo doing something odd and uncalled for.

"Yes. As I recall, I mentioned the very first day I arrived here, I'm a time traveler from roughly 70,000 years from the future. Professionally speaking, I'm a Light Mage -- Platinum Class. And I just charmed your brain into accepting any and all information I tell you as if it's just idle chit-chat. Usually you would just think I'm a fancy magician with a flare for story-telling, but you were starting to lose your damn mind just now, and I simply don't have the patients to be a hands-on psychologist for someone with a sudden panic attack."

"Are you serious?" Cody raises his brow, showing no trace of the mind-boggling shock he had a moment ago. "You're 70,000 years old???"

"Er, not exactly... I work with entering different eras, timelines, countries, even different dimensions and universes. Just take my word for it when I say I'm from `Around'."

"Well I'll be." Cody smiles brightly with wonder "How come you never talked bout this before?"

"I did. Many times. You just weren't paying attention, bumpkin-butt." Milo and Cody walk along the pasture casually "Most folks around this time period just assume I'm just joking or telling stories -- which is preferable. When people like you know too much about what I do, it freaks them out."

"So how come you're telling me now?"

"These gloves are a recent invention" Milo says as he open and closes his hands and fingers "A colleague of mine had the same idea I had about a charm that I frequently use that eliminates steep panic and climbing anguish and feel a sort of blasé reaction about something that would normally scare the hell out of you, and I only got these gloves a short while ago. If you promise not to hate me, I pulled the same trick when I first started fooling around with you, and again when Jose told me he was gay. Up until now, I never really understand why you never freaked out about my age differences. Every once in a while, you just kept telling me about these `weird black gloves' and I need to have them on and slap you in the face with them or something. So now it suddenly JUST makes sense."

"So wait... It's been about a week since you left, Milo. How do you look so old now?"

"Excellent question. It's been many years for me since I first arrived at your ranch." Milo explains "I'm 47 years old now, and I believe I was exactly 21 years old when I first got here."

"Wooow. You look great!" Cody beams as they walk.

"So do you" Milo chuckles as he gives Cody's fuzzy peach butt a playful slap. "You still have a fantastic ass."

"Hehehehe... But... You went all that time without seeing me?" Cody asks, a little hurt "Didn't ya miss me?"

"Well, yes and no."


"Yeeeeaah, when I first came to your ranch, I got carried away with my magic tricks and modern conveniences." Milo scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "As I understand, I couldn't actually file for an emergency reality shift because none of what I did constitutes as an emergency -- if I had ripped a hole in the sky or turned a few mountains into liquid mercury, that'd be different. But since I just screwed around with a handful of locals in the old west, my superiors assigned this time period as one of my permanent routines until your generation submits to the life cycle altogether."

"... What?" Cody tilts his head cutely, hardly understanding a word of any of this.

"Meaning, I made this ranch so gay and horny that I now have to check in regularly every so often to make sure my antics does not outlast the chronological status-quo from this time period because I am not authorized to rewrite history for more than a paragraph just because I'm kinky."

"... Again. What?" The simple-minded cowboy stares at Milo again.

"Funny story, actually: a colleague of mine did a similar thing back in Medieval Times when she experimented human DNA with that of animals, and actually created mermaids, harpies, centaurs, and other half human creatures to the point where now she has to regular all channels connecting that reality to make sure no one ever finds any hardcore evidence like fossils and whatnot. Me, I just have to make sure the history books don't show YOUR hot ass having a massive orgy in the middle of everywhere because I got carried away."

"... Milo. I don't understand a dang word you're saying."

"Aaaaagggghhh..." Milo bows his head as he sighs "Right. Simple. Painfully simple." He takes a few seconds and comes up with something "I come and go as I please because it's now part of my job to live here part time. Like how your father goes on those trips that usually lasts about a week before he comes back?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh." Cody nods, but glances up as his brain BARELY manages to piece it together "I think I get it?"

"Good. Because breaking it down several times gets old. And I've already had to try and explain it to you more times than I care to count."

"Okaaaay aaaaand... What is all that leading up to?"

"It means I never say goodbye, Cody." Milo tells him with a warm smile. "You get your wish; it means I never disappear long enough for this ranch to forget me. I pretty much just pop in and out and fool around here for the rest of your life. Or for when the timeline normalizes all by itself assuming I don't do anything else -- which I probably will -- whichever comes first."

"Wait so... Ya movin here now?"

"No, I wouldn't say that. But I am posted here as an official in this era until further notice. So I suppose you could say it's the same thing."

"So... Are you always going to be this age from here on out?" Cody asked. "N-Not that I mind! Just wondering cause... Agh, I'm still confused as heck here."

"Don't be. I'm not always going to be this old -- for you, anyway. I come in at random times. I think next time you see me, I'll be half as young than I am now. And even if you tell me about this conversation right now, I'm not going to know what you're talking about. So don't bother."

"Good. Cause I ain't gonna remember none of what you're trying to tell me even if you wrote a book about it."

Milo smirks as he and Cody find a secluded spot where the worldly aged time traveler almost too suddenly pushed Cody against the wall. "U-Uhh," Cody gasps and beams through Milo's glasses. Not going to lie... It's almost hotter knowing how much older and experienced Milo is seducing him at this age.

"You should see it; once, I traveled to a time where you own this ranch."

"I-I own the ranch?? In the future??" Cody gaps with awe.

"Oh come on, that CAN'T be a spoiler alert. It's a family business." Milo smirked. "And you have such a handsome son learning the ropes just like you."

"W-Wait, I have a son??" Cody asks eagerly as a smile dons brightly "Really?? I-I-I-I have a boy?"

"Oh yeah. You fucked a lady in a brothel when you got super pent up one time and you knocked her up." Milo confirms. "You two aren't married, but you're great friends with her, especially when she comes to the ranch to see her little boy. In her line of work, she couldn't keep the child with her. And when you found out that he was your son, you were all too happy to take him in."

"Oh mah lord... W-W-What's his name?"

"Jericho. You named him after your grandfather's middle name."

"My stars, partner..." Cody's eyes widened with both astonishment AND arousal. Milo really IS from the future!

"And yes, his dick is bigger than yours." Milo says as he gropes Cody, who irks and leans a bit from his junk getting grabbed. "He takes after HIS grandpa. And you can't get enough of his meat in your ass. When he turns old enough, he gets even friskier than you are now."

"W-W-W-Would it be possible for me to meet him?? Like, now or tomorrow? Can you take me to him??"

"Oh-ho-ho no." Milo scoffs, "Nooo, no, noooooo. I am strictly prohibited from taking people from the past on field trips. I'm sorry, but you'll have to go the long-way around. Otherwise," Milo shoves his pelvis onto the other. He shrugs off his cloak and hung it up on a post. Cody grins and skips up as the two of them go into the shed for privacy. "I would SOOO love to show you the hairy DILF you become with the strapping young man you've raised. Especially when I made you cuck on me fucking his ass."


"Oh... Cuck. It means someone who watches someone he loves get bred by someone else. Meaning, you got super horny from seeing me mount your son and making him squeal like a girl as I plow him with my cock."

"You watch your mouth, partner." Cody points his finger at Milo... But he's panting like he's getting turned on big time "That's my boy you're talkin' bout." Cody looks very hot and bothered -- his face is flushed and sweaty as Milo talks.

"Tch, yeah. You should have heard him too; that dumb, stupid, happy look on his face while I popped his cherry in front of you. It was like my dick turned his brain off. Saying how much he wants my cock in his ass for hours on end. You know; just like how YOU were when I took your virg- Llmm!"

Cody shoves his mouth onto Milo's. Milo irks from the sudden lip-lick, but nonetheless takes him on. Cody wraps his muscular arms around Milo and practically humps his front as he makes out with him fiercely. Cody whips around slams Milo's back into the wall and forces his lips upon the other.

The kiss breaks hard as the cowboy seethes with lust. "You sir. Are makin me all kinds'a horny." He wiggles his hips until both his pants pool down around his boots, his lower body mostly clothed in his unionsuit before he pulls his cock out of the bottom buttons at his tent.

"Heh, wow." Milo says as he reaches down and gestures his fingers, and made his pants disappear into thin air just in time for the head of Cody's rod to smooch up into his crack "Look at you, all high and mighty"

"You bring out mah frisky side." Cody smirks and licks his lips as he positions his hips and shoves into Milo's hole in just one thrust.

"A-AAHH! SSSSttthhhfff" Milo hisses as his experienced hole takes on the dry penetration, a dab of precum just enough to let him through. Cody pulls back and gives a slow thrust up. "A-Ahhh! MNNnnhh! Cody, I really prefer you lubed up first!"

"That's for round two." Cody puts both his hands on the wood wall and start to slowly hump into Milo. Milo adjusts himself to support his own weight and let Cody push up into him "Right now, just hearing what you said? Having my own son, having this ranch, and gettin to see you." He chuckles heartily as he takes one of Milo's legs under his arm and hilting Milo.

"Okay... Okay... Let's see how YOU fuck, pussy boy." Milo smirks as he lets him loose. Cody shoves deeper and starts to roll his hips and reaches his cock deeper inside of Milo "O-Oh! GHH! F-Fuck, you DEFINITELY need lessons on how to top! Ghhh! FFFF!"

"Does mah SON know how to take it like me?" Cody smirks as he fucks Milo against the wall.

"Gheheheh, yOOouuU kidding?" Milo grunts as he adjusts his asshole to take Cody's short cock "You're a big hairy fat bottom." Milo's back magnetizes to a spot on the wall so his bare legs can straddle around Cody's waist "Your boy has a thick cock. And you raise your ass for HIM every chance you get."

"Wooo boy" Cody huffs and growls as he thrusts up. "A-Aww! D-Dang, oh dang h-hohh!" Cody staggers and whines as his penis suddenly unloads into Milo. The cowboy grimaces as he spurts out of control and his member slips out of Milo's crack before his cum dribbles from his cheeks and into the dirt. "For the love of... Agh, I'm sorry, Milo."

"Hahahaha no, no, you're fine." Milo smirks "I still think it's so cute how you're so prone to premature." Milo sets himself down and his pants materialized back on his legs.

"And I'm just so dang happy that this ain't goodbye." Cody huffs with a hint of tear in his eye "I didn't lose mah friend. I didn't lose my friend. I thought I was never gonna see you again."

"No crying, please." Milo chuckles "Tears turn me off." Cody hastily rubs his eyes just before Milo reaches down and harshly grips Cody's dribbling balls!


"What's this now?" Milo smirks as his opposite hand reaches down and twirls a finger. The dormant chastity cage levitates out of Cody's pocket and into Milo's hand. He holds it up so his younger friend can see "You took it off?"

"It was... Getting uncomfy." Cody says with a cheeky response, irking as he ignores his nuts getting squeezed "Umf..."

"The point of this thing is that you're not ALLOWED to take it off." Milo smirks as he squeezes Cody's balls harder.

"AAAHhhhh! Ssssshhfffffff" Cody seethes before he challenges with his hands on his hips, his posture trembling and he irks "Y-Yeah? Gmmhh, and what're you gonna do bout it? G-Grrgghh..."

Milo chuckles as he lets go of Cody's balls and puts his arm around his shoulders before roughly escorting Cody out of the shed. "Oh, little pig boy."

"H-Huh?" Cody nearly trips but keeps up with the seasoned time traveler.

"Let's just say it involves me taking you to the middle of town, dressing you up like a pretty little slut, and having you oink and beg to be used like a depraved horny piggy."

"Hah hah hah, Milo, you say the strangest things." Cody chuckles and irks as Milo has a firm hold around his neck, "M-Milo? Where we goin right now? Milo??"

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