Seduced by Control

By Asd Vasd

Published on Jul 31, 2023


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With my cock back in its cage I was still as horny as ever, if not more so. But it was easier somehow with the real lock. I didn't have to worry about being weak, or chickening out.I knew there was nothing I could do now except wait for the weekend for release. On the flip side however, the thought of being so powerless made me even hornier. I was constantly aroused, from the moment I woke up in the morning, until I went to bed at night. Even at night, I was plagued by arousing dreams of Tim. Without control of my dick, other places on my body started to get more sensitive. Feeling anything bush against my nipples or my ears especially would send a shudder of pleasure down my spine.

When Friday came, I was excited as I'd ever been. Christmas, birthdays, nothing compared. Which is why I was so crushed when Tim sent me an email.

"There's been a change of agenda Markboy. It's a special surprise that I think you'll enjoy. But I need some time to prepare it. Be here Saturday, noon. When you get here, let yourself in to the back yard. Strip naked, then put on what I have laid out there for you. Knock on the door at noon precisely."

Waiting another day seemed intolerable. I was so upset. But I didn't have a choice. What could I do, call a locksmith? Instead of staying upset, I let the mysterious `surprise' filled my thoughts all day and all night. Would it be some strange equipment? A new restraint? I had seen things on the internet, milking machines, fucking machines, machines that use electricity to force you to cum. I wasn't sure I was ready for any of that, but the thoughts of them did test the limits of my cock cage.

Despite all odds, I managed to make it to Saturday without exploding. I pulled up to Tim's house with only a few minutes to spare. I opened the gate quickly, and ran to the back of the house. I took off my clothes and laid them on a chair. Being naked outside made me feel so exposed. I wasn't used to being shaved either, and feeling the breeze on my hairless crotch intensified the feeling of vulnerability even more.

Tim had laid out various restraints for me, which I put on my ankles and wrists. There was also a leather collar for me. It had a pendant with `Markboy' etched on it. I loved it and was mortified by it in equal parts. As I closed it around my neck, I hoped that it wasn't my special surprise. Finally, there was a blacked out pair of goggles. I stood in front of the door before putting them on. I knocked.

The door opened soon, and I was pulled in for a kiss. The stubble on my face, the tongue invading my mouth, it was Tim.

"I have to say Markboy, I was very impressed with the gift you gave me."

I had no idea what he was talking about. "What gift?"

"You'll see. Right this way."

Tim guided me through what seemed like a maze of corridors.

"We're going to play a little game today." Tim explained ominously. "But don't worry. Win or lose, I think you'll be happy either way."

We finally stopped. Tim removed my goggles suddenly. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw there was a table in front of us. Someone was stretched out on it, restrained spread eagle. There was a tube on his cock moving up and down very, very slowly. The person seemed to be trying to thrust their hips at it, but the straps on his belly and thighs prevented it. I looked at his face. It was Ben!

"I believe you two know each other?" Tim said. "I have to thank you for telling him about me, Markboy. I spent last night and this morning preparing him for this."

Ben looked up, straining to get a better view. We made eye contact. I was embarrassed to be seen like this, cock locked away, hairless below my eyebrows, leather restraints in place. But he was blushing too. And with good reason. His lithe body was stretched out on the table, held in place by dozens of straps. He was completely immobile. The thick line of fur from his chest to his cock was obscured by three different straps alone. I couldn't see his cock through the tube, but his balls were up very tight against his body. He was very close to cumming. By the sounds of it, Tim had kept him like that for quite some time.

Tim removed the tube from Ben's cock. It glistened with lube and pre-cum. As I stood, transfixed, Tim grabbed my wrists and clipped them together. Then before I could react, he clipped them to a chain above the table. Then he went to a wall and pressed a button. The chain started retracting into the ceiling, drawing me closer to Ben. Finally, I had to climb up onto the table he was strapped to. And finally, I saw where this was going.

"Ben here was quite intrigued by what you told him, so he contacted me. He wanted a quick session, nothing serious. But as you know Markboy, I like a connection with my boys. I getting to know them and keeping them around. So we came to an arrangement, Ben and I."

"Markboy, I am going to unlock you, and then you are going to ride Ben's cock. The first person to cum loses. If you make Ben cum first, he he has agreed to spend 6 months in chastity, with one release every 30 days. Being the generous man I am, I might offer him more chances, at a price, of course. But Markboy, if you cum first, then Ben gets to use you however he likes, whenever he likes for the next 6 months. As long as I'm not using you at the time that is. If you win for me Markboy, I promise I will make it worth your while."

"But I haven't cum for over a week now!" I complained.

"Yes, but poor Ben here has been right on the edge of cumming since yesterday evening. It's a fair game."

"Ok sir." I was eager to get unlocked, and seeing Ben like this was making my cage feel extraordinarily small at the moment.

"Then let the games begin!" Tim unlocked my cage and my cock sprang to life. I instinctively reached for it, but of course the chain wouldn't let my hands go below my shoulders. I crouched down as Tim guided Ben's cock to my hole. I could hear Ben start to breath deeply as his cock sank deep inside of me. This was going to be easy I thought. Until he hit my prostate and fluid began seeping from my own penis almost instantly.

I went slowly at first, trying to pace myself and control the surge of pleasure each time I lowered myself down on him, feeling his pubes under my hairless hole as I took every inch of him. My own cock stayed steady in the air, looking straight forward. The slow pace kept my desires in check, but it seemed to be having the same effect on Ben. Ben and I looked at each others faces, trying to to gauge how close we were. The eye contact made the situation extremely intimate. I had known Ben for a year or so, but only as a casual friend trading blowjobs. This was a very different experience to be sharing with him.

We continued like that, staring at each other while I moved slowly up and down on his cock for what felt like hours, keeping both of us at peak frustration.

Tim chuckled. "I didn't think the game would last this long. Let's make things a little more interesting." He slid a ring around the head of my cock. It fit very snugly, and seemed to have a weight on the bottom. I couldn't tell what it was for. Until Tim turned it on. The ring started vibrating, very intensely, right under the head of my penis! "That should give you a sense of urgency, Markboy."

It certainly did. The pleasure to my head was incredible. I wouldn't last very long at all. I had no choice by to get Ben to cum, and fast. I sped up my pace considerably. But speeding up only made things worse. Feeling Ben's cock slide in and out of me so quickly was getting me even closer to the edge. The only upside was that it was clearly having a similar effect on Ben as well. He was breathing roughly and straining against the bonds, futilely trying to fuck me. He started emitting that low growl that meant he was very close to finishing indeed. I could feel my own juices start to build. I turned desperately to Tim. Tim just gave a playful grin.

My head shot back, it was taking everything in my to hold back for just another second. I felt by hole start to spasm. I was about to lose! But as the first wave of the orgasm washed over me, I heard a rising groan come up from Ben. My load poured out of me, the first few spurts landing on Ben's face and even partially in his open, moaning mouth. I could feel his cock pulsing inside of me at the same time. Tim came over and turned off the vibration.

"Now that's impressive. A photo finish if there ever was one. Unfortunately, I wasn't recording this."

Tim squoze the last drops out of my spent cock, and started the process of building the cage around it, locking me away again already.

"As appealing as a tiebreaker round would be, I think we should call that a tie."

"What does that mean?" Ben asked. Still struggling to catch his breath.

"As you will be sticking around for some time, and as you both gave quite a performance, I think it should be rewarded. I will get a custom chastity device for each of you. You'll find them much more comfortable, and much more secure." Tim said, looking at Ben.

The `much more secure' part made Ben gulp. Did he think he could just slip out of his cage and get out of his side of the deal if he lost?

"They usually take a two weeks to have made though. So, Ben, you will stay free for the next two weeks. Markboy will stay locked." He punctuated the sentence by closing the lock on my cage with a loud click. "In the meantime, my Markboy is yours to play with."

"And you Markboy, have been very good." He leaned in and kissed my on the forehead. I melted inside. "I'm sorry our long weekend was cancelled, but there is a three day weekend coming up in three weeks. We will spend the entire time together, and I will make sure we both enjoy it very thoroughly."

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