Seduced by Control

By Asd Vasd

Published on Sep 13, 2015


It had been a long week. I was hornier than I had ever been before in my life. And the longest I had gone without cumming. Thinking about what Tim had done to me made me horny. I had truly enjoyed it and wanted to do it again. But - did that make me gay? I always considered myself straight, even though I fooled around with guys. It was fun, it was never serious, and I stayed away from my ass. But just a few days earlier, I had begged an older man I met over the internet to fuck me. I wasn't quite sure what to think about that. But with a week's frustration build up inside this chastity device, thinking about anything was difficult.

The first few days were the worst. The cage took some getting used to. I couldn't sleep for more than a few hours before I got some morning wood, and woke up in agony. Luckily, Tim was right, my dick learned not to do that pretty quickly. In some ways, the device actually helped my concentration. Distracting myself left me with a lot of time to get things done. But when lurid thoughts did enter my brain, they really took over.

Tim was kind to me and helped talk me though it, being very responsive via text, telling me how proud he was of me, and how he was glad I wanted this so much. But I wasn't quite so sure. I was tempted to cut off that plastic lock a number of times.

I was doing some studying one night, when I got an IM from Ben. Ben is a bi guy who lives just a bike ride from campus. I had a threesome with him and his girlfriend once, and when they broke up Ben and I stayed in contact and hooked up from time to time. He was 26, one of those real tall and real skinny types. He was pretty furry, with light brown hair on his chest and belly. He was one of the first guys I was with, and his fun casual attitude made him easy to talk to, and play with. He was pretty much the only person I could talk to about that.

What's up Mark?Ben, I think I might be gay.Ugh, this again? We've been over this. It doesn't matter, just fuck who you want. Sucking a dick doesn't mean anything. If you come over tongith I'll prove it :-PThis is a little different though.How so? I told him about how I had seen Tim's profile and gotten interested. I skipped most of the details of our meeting, but I did tell him that I enjoyed it very much. And about the lock on my junk.

Hahaha, are you serious? You can't get off right now Mark? Yes. Please be nice.Oh man, I can't imagine you not jerking it constantly. This I have to see.

Ben turned on his cam. He was sitting next to his laptop shirtless. Possibly nude. Reluctantly, I turned on my cam as well.

Well, show me the lock man!

I unzipped my jeans and pulled out the device around my penis.

That's hilarious man. So, what happens when I do this?

Ben stood up and posed. He was wearing a towel and nothing else. He lowered the towel with one hand so that I could see his pubes and the base of his cock and licked his lips.

My cock started throbbing. I guess Ben noticed that the device bulging and straining away from my body.

Oh man, look at you, trying to get hard. I get what this guy likes about keeping you locked up. I'm going to jack off to this.

He dropped his towel and started stroking. Ben was cut and had a modest penis, about 6 or so inches. It was mouth sized and the first dick I'd ever sucked, so it worked out well. Seeing it now, and being unable to touch it or my own though just added to my frustrations.

So, what else did this guy do with you?Well, he did show me this one thing we could try . . .Yeah?

I told Ben about that game Tim had me play on cam with him, where he had me get close and count down from 10, then had me jerk until I got close again and count down from 9 and so on. Ben was always up for trying new things, and so he agreed.

Ben definitely took to it faster than I had. His cock went bouncing when he let go for the first ten count. Maybe he had experience edging before? As he counted down and the jerk of sessions got shorter as the cool-off counts became less and less effective, I remembered the pictures that drew me to Tim's profile in the first place, the expressions of yearning on the restrained bodies. My cock was in pain, straining against it's cage, but I was not going to stop watching.

Ben finally came to an explosive finish. I watched jealously as ropes of cum fell out of his twitching cock.

Woah man, that was pretty hot. That was a neat trick. Well, I'd help finish you off in return, but it looks like that isn't happening. Talk to you later Mark. Let me know if he teaches you something else fun.

And with that, Ben signed off. I was still so horny though. I couldn't go back to studying. I tried to go to sleep, but my heart was still racing. I needed to cum so badly. I texted Tim.

I can't wait sir. I'm sorry to hear that Markboy. Goodbye.

This was what he said every time I threatened him. If I complained, he was nice and considerate, but if I threatened, he just walked away.

NO! I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean that. I just don't know. I want to hold out, but I can't any more! What is the problem Markboy?I am too tempted to cut the plastic lock sir. I just don't have the self-control sir. I would almost prefer a real lock.Markboy, do you mean that?

I thought a second. The worst part was knowing this could end any time I wanted to and keeping myself from making that decision. If it were something I couldn't escape, would that be better? I would still be horny, definitely, but there would be nothing to be done. The whole side of guilt and worrying that I would lose Tim would go away. I gulped. Was I really going to ask to have my cock locked away where I couldn't get to it? Was I crazy asking Tim to get rid of my only out?

Yes sir. I would prefer it if I couldn't back out.Good boy Markboy. I'm so proud of you for realizing that giving up control helps you. Once you're cock belongs to me, we can proceed so much more easily. I'm so glad I choose you Markboy.

That meant a lot to me. Such sincerity and softness made me forget my fears . . . mostly.

OK Markboy. If this is what you want, we can do it. I have a little time free tonight, but not a lot, so I can't shuttle you back and forth. Can you come here?No sir.Then your place it is. You're in the dorms?Yes sir, but I have roommates.Get rid of them. I'll be there at 9.30. Buzz me in, and then leave the door to your room open. Be on your knees naked when I get there. Yes sir.

My mind raced, how would I arrange this? I live in the dorms. We're set up with 4 small bedrooms connected to a shared kitchen and living space. 3 room mates to get rid of. Luckily, it was a Friday night. One roommate, Jarome, went back home and stayed with his parents every weekend, so he was gone already. Alex was heavy into partying and wasn't back much on nights or weekends. He had already left on a binge and probably wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning anyway. The last was Rob.

Rob was a weird one, kind of a proto bro-dude, but with a lot of issues. He was binging just as hard as Alex one weekend, then a bad hangover would have him praying for forgiveness and prompting him to be born again later in the weekend. He'd get hyper preachy and yell at us for our immorality one minute, and then join in later. He was in one of his in-between moods right now, pensive and unsure of what to do.

And Markboy?

Yes sir?Do you wish to be fucked tonight?Very much so sir.Good boy. 9:30 it is.

I ran out to talk to Rob.

Rob! I need to have the place to my self tonight. Can you stay out tonight?What? Just go into your room, no one cares dude. Please Rob, you really owe me. All the times you've gotten drunk and thrown up and I've taken care of you and cleaned up after you?Hey man, I'm not like that any more. I'm reborn now.

My eyes rolled involuntarily. The last time this happened two weeks ago.

But Rob, isn't it all about atonement?Whatever dude, this is your baggage, not mine.Please Rob!Ok, ok. Give me $40 and I'll take Stacey out to a movie or something.

That was a big chunk of money, but worth it. I paid him off and ushered him out of the house. Finally alone, I looked at the time. Just enough time to shower and be ready.

I was naked and sitting on the couch by 9:10. Adrenaline was coursing through me, and the clock was moving so slowly that I wasn't convinced time hadn't stopped altogether. I looked at myself. I'd kept my crotch smooth since Tim had shaved me a week ago. He hadn't asked me to, but I wanted to stay the way he liked me best. I couldn't even really see my cock through its cage. I had pushed soap up into and kept it as clean as I could. It didn't smell or anything, so I hoped it would be ok. Was this how I really wanted things to go? To not even see my cock any more? How often would Tim release me to let me cum? How long would Tim and I keep doing this?

The thoughts racing through my mind stopped when I heard the buzzer. It was Tim. I hit the unlock button to let him through, and I opened my door just a crack so he would be able to let himself in. Then I took up position in front of the door. Knees apart, hands behind head, just like he taught me.

The door opened and Tim appeared. It was strange to see him dressed like a businessman. Button down shirt and tie and everything. He certainly filled it out well. A backpack was slung across one shoulder. He smiled at me.

Hello Markboy. I'm glad to see you. Lets get started.

He moved behind me and I heard the bag unzip.

I don't have your mitts today boy, this will be a little different. Is that sofa a pull-out Markboy?Yes sir.That will work nicely then.

I felt him wrapping restraints around my wrists and ankles. Then I felt the collar wrap firmly around my neck and close with a snap.

Help me turn this sofa into a bed, boy.Are you going to unlock my cock now?No Markboy. Your cock will never be free unless your hands are restrained. We need to make sure you can't touch yourself again. That's what you need, right? That is why you asked for a real lock?Yes sir.

We unfolded the bed. It was not the most conformable bed. It had a one inch thick 'mattress' held over a wire frame. I hated it, no one would ever use it as a bed.

Sit here Markboy.

Tim patted the edge of the bed and I sat down. He took my wrist restraints and attached them to the metal wiring that entered the bed frame. My wrists were now restrained about six inches outside my thighs. He crouched down in front of me and roughly grabbed the chastity device. My balls were so full and sensitive that I squirmed a bit. He examined the device.

You still have the same lock number, good boy Mark, I knew I could trust you. Thank you sir.

He reached into his pocket and grabbed some nail clippers which he used to remove the lock. As the cage was removed, he looked at my cock carefully, turning it this way and that.

No unusual marks or discoloration. It smells clean too. I think you're taken to this well Markboy.

Tim stood up and started undressing in front of me. He took off his shoes and socks, removed his tie.

Untucked and unbuttoned his shirt. As soon as his chest started showing, I began to grow. He left his shirt on, but open and removed his pants (no underwear!). By the time he was naked, I was harder than I had ever been.

I'm glad you like the show, Markboy. He nodded towards my leaking cock.Yes sir, so much. I have a feeling that today, no matter how good you want to be, you're not going to last very long. That's ok boy, that is what training is for, and you're taking a huge step with me, so just for today, you can cum whenver you want. Thank you so much sir. But we're going to work on me for a while first. Of course sir.

Tim stood real close to me, letting me look at him junk for a while before allowing me to start by licking his balls. I went at them ravenously, the musk making me lose control. It wasn't long before he started me on his cock. Sitting up with my arms restrained was odd, I had to do something like a crunch to go back and forth, but when Tim moaned, I knew I was doing a good job and it was worth the burn.

His cock left my mouth with a pop. I leaned forward to try to get at it again, but Tim stood back.

This is your last chance to change your mind Markboy. Do you still want me to fuck you?Yes please sir. But . . . could you be gentle?Hahaha, of course boy. I don't want to hurt you. Lay back now.

He pushed me back. My butt was just over the edge of the bed, between my restrained hands. Then he went into his backpack and got a short length of chain, maybe 18 or 24 inches? He looped it through the ring on my collar and attached my ankle restraints to either end. My ass was now completely exposed.

Tim applied a generous amount of lube to my hold and started slowly fingering me. He never touched my cock and I was growing worried that he wouldn't. Tim's gentle hands felt amazing and opened me up. I was thrusting uselessly in the air, but Tim didn't take the hint. But even without anything touching my cock, I could feel my balls tightening.

This is it Markboy.

Tim positioned himself, and I could feel his fat cock pressing against my entrance. One hand kept him aimed at my hole, and the other hand wrapped around my cock. He started pushing into me while stoking my cock slowly, all while staring straight into my eyes.

It was overwhelming. My neglected cock was pulsing with pleasure. I think my ass hurt a little at first, but it was part of this incredible intensity, so it didn't register as pain. Soon, he was pumping in and out of me slowly but rhythmically, his hand matching pace.

This is what I call 'steering' Markboy. By playing with your cock lie this, I can make you clench up on mine, or loosed up. And by feeling your spasms, I can sense when you are close and adapt, keeping us both in pleasure and in sync.

He was right. I could feel him changing pace to keep me from finishing too soon. I could tell he would play with the head of my cock when he wanted my to clench. He was playing my body like an instrument. Knowing that I was pleasing him just the way he needed was amazing. It was a perfect moment.

I'm going to make us cum at the same time Markboy. Just relax and go with it. Yes sir.

I could feel his pace picking up. The creaking of the bed as he thrust timed perfectly with his hand on my cock. Tim started moaning, then grunting. Seeing the pleasure on his face, his muscled abdomen press into me, the pounding on my prostate, and his grip on my dick set me over the edge. I could feel my spasms put Tim over the edge as well. My jizz sprayed straight into into my face, and I could feel Tim's hips thrust deep as he shot his load inside me at the same time. When we both came to a stop, he leaned over and kissed me hard, shoving his tongue deep inside my mouth.

I see you enjoyed that Markboy.Yes sir, thank you sir.

Tim release my legs and then grabbed a towel and cleaned me up, still keeping my wrists locked down. My cock had already softened up. That intensity was just too much for it, poor little guy. I knew what was coming next.

Tim placed the my cock into the tube and slid the device back together again. Then, just like that, it was locked away with a click. But the click didn't sound ominous to me. It sounded reassuring.

Are we still on for the whole weekend next week Markboy? Definitely sir.Good boy. No complaining about your chastity then. I'll see you a week from Friday. Yes sir.

Thank you for all of your kind and encouraging comments. Sorry this installments is shorter, but the next one is the long weekend at Tims, so it should have plenty for everyone.

Please continue to let me know what you think about the story and how it is progressing. Do you guys want Ben to make a come back? Any of the roommates? A weekend is a long time to spend locked up, so if there is anything you want to happen let me know and I might be able to toss it in there.

Next: Chapter 3

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