Seduced by Control

By Asd Vasd

Published on May 24, 2015


I went to college far from home just to get away from it all. My high school gf and I broke up at graduation because we knew we would grow apart. Plus, if I'm honest, I wanted new opportunities if you know what I mean. I'm not the most social person though, so I didn't manage to make many friends, and even with a part-time job I had a lot of free time. And free-time for a 18-year old means looking for sex, or masturbating. I probably jacked off too much. I didn't exactly get bad grades, but sometimes I though I could have done better had I spent less time jacking it.

I didn't make a lot of friends, but I did go on a few dates. I even managed to hook up with a few college chicks, but it took a lot of time and effort. I'm really not a college girl's dream man. I'm about 5'8", and scrawny. I weigh 120 right out of the shower (and after a big breakfast). So, without a girlfriend, that brought me back to jerking off. Or looking for other options.

I'd always heard that gay guys had no standards. They all got laid all the time. Plus everyone says that gay guys give the best head. Eventually curiosity got the better of me and I signed up for one of those hook up sites. I posted a profile and some pics. I was surprisingly popular. It seemed to be mostly older guys, but that was ok by me. Hipsters in their mid to late 20s, and even some muscled business types started hitting me up. I didn't find them unattractive. The guys with hairy chests, such a contrast to my own smooth body, actually turned me on a little. And they did give great head.

So I had found a solution to my problem. A few times a month I could just log in, and have some guy giving me a blowjob maybe an hour later. I never fucked a guy, or got fucked, or kissed, though I will admit that once or twice I returned the favor sucked the other guy off too.

One day, while browsing for a bj, I came across a profile that got my attention. The guy's pic was kind of attractive. He was older, (38 it said, so I assumed 42). He looked like an old surfer dude. Very broad shoulders and a well-toned torso. The chest was lightly fuzzy, with a thicker happy trail that made me want to follow it on down.

The picture of him was not what caught my eye though. His main picture was of a different man locked in stocks. But in addition to his head and hands, there was a separate section locked around his junk! And his face had an expression of longing, desperation, and ecstasy that really turned me on. His other pictures were similar, guys retrained in other very creative ways. All of the guys were rock hard, and with the same facial expression.

His profile simply read, 'Looking for boys who know that the true path to pleasure is Control and Moderation'.

I jacked off to those pics, satisfied for the next few hours. But I kept coming back to his profile and those images every day or two as jerk off fodder.

About two weeks after I discovered his profile, I logged in to find a message from him. 'I see you've been visiting my profile a lot. You look like you could use some control. See anything you want to try? I have some more pictures you will like. Give me your email address.'

Shit! I forgot that you could see who was looking at your profile. I was embarrassed. I was never into cheesy bondage stuff, but they were hot pictures. I was getting a little tired of the same 4 though. What the hell, I thought, I'll send him my email and get some new material.

'Hah, sorry about that. Would love to see some more pics if you have some. My email is'.

A few hours later, I got an email, 'Let's chat next time I see you online.' Attached was a handful of new pics. I jerked off twice that night looking at them.

The next day I was online, actually doing some homework for a change, when I got an IM from him.

'How did you enjoy those pictures?'

'Very much, thank you.'

'How many times did you enjoy them?'

'Hah. Twice last night, one this morning.'

'So I was right about you jerking off too much.'

'I guess you were :-P But it's just some fun. Doesn't hurt anyone'

'I think it hurts you. What's your name?'

That statement struck me as odd, but surely I could convince this guy to give me still more pics. So I ignored it.

'I'm Mark'

'I will call you Markboy'

'... ok. So, how does jacking off hurt me?'

'The penis is a social organ, designed to be shared, designed to bring people together, and encourage people to depend on each other. If you abuse your penis, it cuts you off from other people, it leads to isolation and loneliness.'

It sounded weird, but he had a point. I had been feeling lonely and isolated.

'That's a good point, I guess.'

'That is enough of that for now, we can talk about it more later. I showed you the pictures you wanted, what are you going to show me?'

'Lol, I don't have any more pics right now, sorry.'

'But you have a webcam.'

'I guess that's true, but I haven't jerked off on cam before'

'Markboy, I gave you several orgasms. This is what I am asking for in return. Is it unfair to ask for this?'

'I guess not. I do owe you. Give me just a minute'

'Good boy. Be in your underwear before you turn on the cam.'

Things were moving quickly, and I wasn't entirely sure I was comfortable with all of this. But when he said I was a good boy, my dick pulsed.

I was in a tiny dorm room. A single thank-god, but tiny, no room for anything but a bed and a dresser really. I moved my books off of the bed, and got undressed. 'Am I really doing this?' I thought. I turned on the cam. His face appeared.

'Hello Markboy, I'm glad to see you are in your underwear as instructed.'

'Thank you.'

'I can't see you well, back up a little and get on your knees Markboy.'

I did. 'Does this work . . . I don't know your name'.

'My name is Tim, but if you like what we're doing, and I can see that you do Markboy, call me Sir.'

He was right, I had a huge boner bulging under my grey boxer briefs. I blushed and went to cover myself.

'Get those hands away. Put them behind your head Markboy.'

I did so, a little awkwardly. I felt exposed, and horny. 'Yes . . . sir'

'Good boy' My dick pulsed again.

'Can I see more of you sir?' I asked hopeful that the 'sir' would help my case.

'No Markboy, not right now. Slide off that underwear.'

I took off the undies and immediately starting rubbing my dick.

'Hands!' It was soft bot forceful. My hands shot back up behind my head without thinking.

'Very nice cock Markboy'. Not to brag, but I got that a lot. As I said, I'm pretty small and scrawny, so people are always surprised when I have a nice sized cock on me. It's 7.5" and uncut, another novelty for most people.

'It could look nicer though. Have you ever trimmed or shaved your pubes Markboy?'

'No sir.' It was a bit bushy, I'll admit. But it was my only real body hair aside from a little in my pits and on my legs. As a late bloomer, it had felt hard earned. I was attached to my pubes. My old girlfriend hadn't complained exactly, but she did give me pained glances while picking a hair out of her mouth once or twice.

'I've thought about it, but never tried.'

'Why not Markboy?'

'I like my hair I guess sir?'

'It grows back. I see scissors on the drawers there. Trim it back a little for me. It will look better and feel better Markboy. Trust me.'

I did trust him. I don't know why, but I did. I reached for the scissors in disbelief. I grabbed a tuft and started trimming cautiously. I cut it down by about half. Even with my light brown pubes, you could still see them. I don't know it if looked any better, just different. But it did feel different. I was much more aware of sensation around my cock than ever before.

'How does that feel Markboy?'

'Pretty fantastic, I have to admit sir.'

'Good boy. Now turn around so I can see the rest of you.'

I turned around. 'Now bend over'

I did, but hesitantly. 'I've never had anything up there sir, I don't think I'm ok with that kind of stuff.'

'Calm down Markboy. I'm just looking. I will never do anything to you that you don't want me to. Those things are called limits, and I respect them absolutely.'

That did make me feel better, safer. But the strange thing was that being called 'Markboy' was probably the part that calmed me most.

'Thank you sir'.

'Looks very sexy Markboy. Turn back around for me.'

I did, and I put my hands behind my head again. My dick was sticking straight up, hard as a rock.'

'Show me how you jerk off Markboy'.

My hands were on my cock in an instant.

'How often do you jerk off?

'A few times a day sir'

'Give me a number Markboy'

'4 to 6 I guess sir'

'And has it ever felt this good before Markboy?'

'No sir'. It hadn't. Part of it was the trim, but that wasn't the only reason. I actually enjoyed jacking in front of this fully clothed guy. I enjoyed him giving me instructions, showing off for him.

'Do you know why Markboy?'

'No sir' I lied.

'Because you are using your penis to make a connection with someone. The deeper and more controlled the connection, the better it feels. Eventually, I think you'll want to stop jacking off all together. But that's too much for now, no one would expect you to go cold turkey. Slow down your stroking for a minute Markboy.'

Stop jerking off? That sounded far-fetched.

'I've got an appointment, I need to go now, but I want you to do something for me, ok Markboy?'

'What is it sir?'

'Every time you jack off, count how many times you squirt. Count the pulses for me and send me the number. Here is my cell. I'm going now Markboy, but I expect a text from you very soon'. And he signed off. I couldn't believe what had happened, or that it was over. I didn't want it to be over.

Two minutes later I sent him a text. '12 sir'.

'9 sir'

'Good boy'

Reporting all of my orgasms to Tim made me feel a little pathetic. I had a clear log of how often I were jerking off, and it was damningly frequent. But at the same time, showing him that record and knowing I'd pleased him just a little made me horny. Sometimes, his 'Good Boy' reply was enough to make me go for a round two right then. I really wanted to hear his voice say that to me again. So I texted him 'Can we cam again sir?'

A few minutes later, his reply came in. 'Camming doesn't do much for me Markboy.'

I felt crushed. 'But if you're willing to make it worth my while, be on cam tonight at 8. Don't cum until then.'

I was a little nervous. I wasn't sure what I'd just agreed to. How could I make it worth his while? And then there was the other half of his statement. It was 10 am, and I had no plans for the day. It was a sad realization, but I didn't know how to pass that much time without jacking off.

I didn't want to disappoint Tim though, so I started doing some chores, and cleaning up the dorm. The common area was starting to get a little disgusting. I got groceries, some school supplies. It was only 1 pm. I tried to just browse the internet, but every 10 minutes or so, I'd absent-mindedly open up some porn and reach down for my cock before I realized what I was doing. I closed the computer and found other things to do.

I ended up doing a little more cleaning, doing some studying, and going to the gym for a good workout. It ended up being an insanely productive day.

Finally it came up on 8 pm. I turned on my cam and invited Tim to watch. I made sure I was wearing nothing but some fresh underwear (this time some back briefs), and kneel being sure not to touch myself.

'Good boy.'

'Thank you sir'

'So, what did you get up to today Markboy?'

I ran him through the list of things I had accomplished.

'Wow, you got a lot done. Do you see how much you can do when you show some restraint?'

'Yes sir. This was my entire todolist for the weekend.'

'Do you think you could have shown as much self-control without some encouragement Markboy?'

I thought about this for a second. 'No, I don't think I could have.'

'That's right boy. It takes a bond between two people to achieve that. But this isn't just about productivity. There is the pleasure as well. Strip.'

I took off my underwear.

'Don't be rude, Markboy.'

I hadn't realized, but I'd started to play with myself. 'Sorry sir.'

'It's ok, we make mistakes, and it has been a long day for you, hasn't it?'

'Yes sir. Sir, can I see more of you?'

'Yes boy. Check your email.'

'I opened up my email to see 4 pictures of Tim waiting for me. The first was his headshot, just like his profile. The other three were new. The second picture was him at the beach. Not the best quality picture, probably taken on a cellphone. He was holding a surfboard and was wearing a wetsuit unzipped past his navel. You could just see where his treasure trail started to become something more substantial. His arms and chest were wet which made his muscles jump out even more. In the third picture he was wearing nothing but some white briefs. He was semi-hard and the head of his cock was just sticking out of his briefs. It was magnificent. His last picture was just a closeup of his cock. It didn't look terribly long, though it is hard to judge from pictures alone, but it was thick! I couldn't take my eyes away from it.

'What do you think Markboy?'

'Thank you sir!'

'Good boy. Put those pics away now and kneel so I can see you again'

'Start jacking, but when you think you are about to cum, stop and put your hands behind your head until you have permission, ok boy?'

'Yes sir' I started stroking. It wasn't going to take long for me to get there. After maybe two minutes, I put my hands behind my head.

'No Markboy, closer than that.'

'That . . . is as close as I can get sir.'

'No it is not Markboy. Start again, this time tell me how good it feels from 1-10, where 10 is orgasm. But don't stop until I tell you to. Do you understand?'

'Yes sir'

I starting up again. I was already very horny, and it felt very good, so I start off at 6.

'7 . . . 8 . . . 9!' I expected to be told to stop.

'Keep going Markboy.'


'Keep. Going' he said icily.

'9.2? 9.5?!' I said between pants. I could feel my balls retracting and convulsions starting to take up.'


I put my hands over behind my head instantly. My cock kept bouncing for a good 20 seconds, just pulsing and bobbing up and down, but I hadn't cum. It was amazing and intense and I felt exhausted. More than anything though, I felt like I needed to cum.

'Good boy'

'Thank you sir.' I replied, still panting.

'See how much closer you can get with someone else's help? The closer the bond between people, the better than can help each other feel true pleasure. We can go further together if you want, Markboy.'

'I would like that sir.'

'Good boy. Here is what we are going to do now. You are going to jack off for me. But when you get close, you are going to stop, put your hands behind your head and count down from 10. When you hit 0, you will start jacking off again until you are close. You will stop again, but this time hold your hands behind your head for a count of 9. Then 8, then 7, and so on. When there is nothing left to count down from, you may cum. Do you understand, Markboy?'

"I think I do sir.'

'Then start'

I did. When I got as close, I pushed myself to last a little longer. I don't think I went as close as when Tim was guiding me, but it seemed to please him, my cock did pulse and bob around for a second or two. Then I started up again.

By 6, I needed to cum. It wasn't even about pleasure, it felt necessary.

By 4, my cock didn't even have time to stop pulsing by the time I had to start up again. It only took me well under a minute until I had to stop again for 3. The next rounds were even shorter.

And then I came. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I actually moaned out loud all the way though. When it was over, I noticed I'd splashed the monitor all over.

'How was that Markboy?' He asked, knowing the answer.

'Amazing sir'

'Good boy. I'm going now, but two things first. One, from now on, whenever you cum, you will be looking at one of the pictures I sent you. You can look at whatever porn you want, but when you cum, be looking at my pics. Let me know which one you are looking at when you cum in your text to me.'

'Yes sir'

'Two, we will not be camming again. We can talk whenever you like, but if you want to move forward with this, we have to do it in person.'

He hung up.

Exhausted, I fell asleep.

'9 sir. Pic 4'

'Good boy'.

It was embarrassing. It had been three weeks since I'd promised Tim I would look at his pics every time I came. And most of the time I came to his last pic, the closeup of his cock.

I still thought of myself as largely straight, just a little opportunistically bi. Sure, guys can have some nice bodies, but I only wanted to use them when I needed to get off. But I wasn't looking at Tim's body, I was looking at his cock. For the last few days, I wasn't even looking at other porn, just his pics. Worse, I found myself - wanting his cock. I wanted to feel those soft pubes on my nose as I tasted his cock.

I really wanted to talk to him again. I would have loved to have him guide me again. I had tried to do the stuff I had done with him on cam alone, but it didn't work the same without him there. Still, I was just nervous about meeting him in person. He had changed how I thought about masturbation and sex, and I didn't know what would come next.

I tried to move past him. I even jacked off a few times without telling him. But I felt so guilty. Not looking at him body when I came felt awkward too. Masturbating without those things felt empty.

I finally decided to text him.

'What would happen if we met sir?'

'Are you saying you want to meet me, Markboy?'

'Maybe sir.'

'I will always keep you safe and respect your limits Markboy. Let me know when you want to meet.'

'But what will happen sir?'

'I've given you enough jerk off fuel boy. If you're serious, let me know.'

I was shocked. I felt so selfish, learning all of these things from him without giving back. It took me a few days to work up my courage to ask.

'I'm ready to meet you sir'

'Why do you want to meet me Markboy?'

I didn't really know what to say. 'Because you are so hot :-P.'

'There are plenty of hot guys on campus for you, I'm sure. Why do you really want to meet me Markboy?'

He was right. 'Because I want to know more about control sir.

'Good boy. You live on campus?'

'Yes sir.'

'I'm down your way on Thursday. I will pick you up at the Starbucks just off campus at 2 pm. Any objections?'

I would be done with my Thursday classes by then. 'I have a class on Friday sir.'

'You will be home by then Markboy. What are your limits boy? What things am I not allowed to do to you?'

I thought about it. I trusted him not to do anything rough without warning me. 'I don't want to get fucked sir. And nothing gross I guess?'

'I respect that. You can cum one more time as long as you do it in the next 5 minutes. After that, do not cum until we meet.'

It was only Monday! 'Three days sir? That's the longest I've gone ever!'

'I thought you wanted to learn control Markboy.'

'. . . Yes sir. Nothing until Thursday.'

'Good boy. I will see you then'.

It was a long three days. I did everything I could to keep myself distracted, but nothing worked terribly well. I was horny and thinking about sex the entire day. I did play with myself a few times, but that made things worse, not better. By Wednesday night, I could hardly even sleep.

When Thursday afternoon rolled around, I was ecstatic. I got to Starbucks a good 45 minutes early and just waited at one of the tables outside the front door.

Right on time, I saw Tim walk up. He looked bigger in person, a good 6" taller than me. He put one of his huge arms around my shoulder and said, 'Hello, come inside with me.'

We walked into the Starbucks and he ordered a coffee. He looked at me and asked if I wanted anything.

'A tall hot chocolate? I don't really drink caffeine'

He let out a large, warm laugh and bought me one. He picked up our drinks and sat down at a nearby table, and starting talking to me.

I was in a bit of a daze. He was here at last, and so handsome. His size and friendly manner just made me feel safe. He asked about me, where I was from, my classes and just took an interest in me. I relaxed a little and opened up.

Then there was a sudden shift topic.

'That's very cool. Now go to the bathroom and take off your underwear. Come back and hand it to me under the table.'

I blinked a few times before understanding.

'Did you hear me Markboy?'

I shook myself out of it. 'Yes sir.' It felt very weird to say sir in public. I leaned in, 'what if someone sees me?'

'No one will see you. Go now.' He made it sound like a friendly frat dare, but there was an edge to his voice.

I got up and went into the bathroom. Someone was peeing at the urinal. I got into the only stall and waited for the guy outside to leave. When I heard the sink turn on, I started taking my pants off, then my underwear. After I put my pants back on, I crumpled my boxer briefs into a tight ball in my hand and started my way back to Tim's table.

On my way in to the restroom, my biggest worry was someone spotting the undies. But now I had, ahem, bigger issues to worry about. Being ordered around by Tim had excited me, and without the briefs to . . . contain things, I was noticeably tenting.

I took a brisk pace back to the table and sat down as fast as I could.

'Welcome back. Do you have something for me?'

I passed them to him under the table.

'I'm glad to see you're compliant, and enjoying it. Good boy.' He winked. I melted. 'Let's get going, we have a big night ahead of us.'

He got up and grabbed both of our cups and my underwear, and threw them in the trash.

'Follow me.'

I followed him closely, to try to help conceal my boner. Once we got in and sat down, he gave my hair a tossel and said 'I'm glad you decided to trust me kid.' Then started driving.

As soon as we were on the freeway, he turned to me again. 'Ok Markboy, it's a nice day. Take those clothes off.'


'Yes boy. No one can see you. Just trust me.'

I carefully peeled off my shirt. The seatbelt felt very strange against my bare chest.

'Pants too Markboy, fold them both up and put them in the glovebox Markboy.'

I did as instructed. It was surreal. I was naked in some stranger's truck. I looked out and could see other people in their cars, they could look in and see me too. I just hoped they didn't realize what was going on.

Tim's hand on my thigh broke me out of that daze.

'I'm glad to be able to finally get my hands on you boy.'

His large hands explored my chest and tweaked my nipples. Then they traveled on down. He tugged on my pubes gently.

'See, I told you these would grow back Markboy.' He let out a laugh. I joined in glad to relieve the tension.

'We'll be taking care of that when we get to my place.'

It was not a question.

'Just try to relax Markboy. We still have a bit of a drive ahead of us.'

'What will happen when we get to your place?'

'Keep calling me sir, Markboy'.

'What will happen, sir?'

'You'll find out when it happens boy. That's the point of control. Once I have you tied up, I could do anything to you.' I gulped. 'Haha, don't worry Markboy. This is about Trust and our bond. You want to learn control, you want to please me. I am going to help you with that. If you trust me, that is enough. You do trust me, don't you Markboy?'

'Yes sir.'

'Good boy. Hahaha, I can feel your dick bounce when I said that. I'm glad you like that Markboy. Did you follow instructions and keep those balls nice and full for me since Monday?'

'Yes sir'

He squeezed my balls gently. Even ga gentle squeeze it hurt a little, they had been aching since Tuesday.

'Good boy, nice and full.'

He moved his hand up to my cock. He wrapped his hand around my cock and pulled back the foreskin. I let out a moan. It was going to be a long drive.

The drive went on like that, with him questioning and groping me until we pulled off the freeway. After a few more minutes, he pulled up in the driveway of pretty impressive house.

Tim parked and leaned over. 'I've been dying to do this.' He grabbed my head between his hands and kissed me. I was not quite ready. I had never kissed a dude before. But his lips were soft, and being taken like that was intoxicating. I could feel a little stubble from his chin rub against my face.

'Ok, time to come on in now.'

He left the car and started walking towards the side gate.

This was a nice desert area, and his house clearly had a good acre or two attached. It was pretty far between houses. But I could still see them. On the other hand, I couldn't just sit naked in this guy's truck. I got out and followed him.

Tim opened the gate and lead me around past the garage to a covered patio. There were a few things laid out. I didn't quite recognize them all.

'Kneel here Markboy' Tim said pointing to a towel. I did. All the nerves had deflated my dick mostly. I heard Tim arranging things behind me. Then I felt his hand on my shoulder.

'This is going to be your collar boy. He dangled a leather collar in front of me. It even had a dogtag reading Markboy.

'If you take this collar, it means that you are mine as long as you wear it. You will be mine and doing anything I say while you wear it. Is that what you want Markboy?'

'Yes sir.'

'Good boy'.

I felt him wrap the collar around my neck. 'Too tight Markboy?'

'A little sir' I winced.

It loosened a bit. And then there was a click.

'It's locked on now, you're mine for the night boy.'

Locked?! My heart started racing.

'Make a fist Markboy'. Tim presented me with some kind of leather bag. I made a fist and put it in the bag. Tim quickly closed it around my wrist and used a tiny padlock to close it up.

I couldn't unclench my fist. I shook my hand vaguely. It was definitely locked on.

'Other hand boy' My left hand was locked up as well. I couldn't use my hands at all, they were locked away. Not having fingers was a weird feeling.

Next came a metal cock ring. It seemed to have some odd holes and protrusions on the front, but otherwise be a normal metal cock ring. Tim grabbed my balls, rolling them around in his fingers for a moment before putting them through the ring and then pulling my semi through as well. My cock started swelling back up again.

'Last thing for now boy'

Tim moved behind me and locked some cuffs on my ankles as well. Then he clipped my wrists to each other behind me back. I was helpless now, and screwed if anything went wrong. Fear was pumping even more blood to my cock.

'Don't you look good now Markboy. Now it's my turn.'

Tim stood a few feet in front of me and started unbuttoning his shirt, revealing some kind of leather harness going around each shoulder and meeting over his pecs. It really accentuated his muscles. Then he started unbuttoning his pants.

I thought I knew his cock pretty well by this point. I had been looking at it every time I came for almost a month at this point. But seeing it up close was different, it was even more impressive.

It wasn't its length that took my breath away, it was only about 6 inches in length. But the girth was intimidating. I hadn't noticed his balls before. They were large, much larger than mine and hung an inch or so below his cock. I hadn't paid attended to testicles before. Were mine abnormally small?

'The big rule today, and from now on Markboy, is that you don't cum without permission. I could say I will punish you if you shoot before I say so. And that isn't a lie, there will be consequences. But we both know the real reason to obey is because you want to please me. You want to please and obey me because you trust me and I know how to reward you. So, no cumming without permission, do you understand?'

'Yes sir. But I will get to, right sir?'

'Do you want to know, or do you want to trust me instead?'

I wanted to know, badly. But even more, I wanted to give the correct answer. 'I trust you sir'

He gave a wide grin. 'Good boy. I will give you permission to cum twice today.'

'Thank you sir!' I said with relief.

'Come here Markboy'

I scooted my way over to him gently.

'Let me teach you how to pleasure me. Lick my balls Markboy'

I started to lick underneath his balls and take them into my mouth.

'Look me in the face whenever you can Markboy. That way you can see what is and isn't working.'

I looked up into his eyes, his balls in my mouth, he cock obscuring my view slightly, and felt whatever resistance was in me soften. Of course I wanted to please this man.

'Put my dick in your mouth now Markboy'

I immediately put my mouth around his cock and tried to take as much as I could. I wasn't able to go all the way, but I could feel his bush just tickle my nose.

'Haha, I knew there was an eager slut in you Markboy. You're such a good boy, but watch your teeth'

He spent the next half hour at least training me, telling me how to use my tongue, when to suck, how far to go down, and telling me I was a good boy. With no attention to my penis, it started to deflate, but every time he praised me it got another boost.

I could feel his cock getting even thicker in my mouth. 'Ok Markboy, get ready for your first load of the day' Tim had been gently guiding my rhythm with one hand on my head, but now he took it between both hands and rammed into me hard, letting out some long deep grunts. I felt my mouth fill with cum. It didn't taste horrible like I thought it was. It was mostly neutral maybe a little musky and bitter. I didn't think about swallowing or spitting. Some I swallowed, some dribbled out of the sides of my mouth.

As Tim's orgasm subsided he slowly removed himself from my mouth.

'Good first time Markboy, but you missed some.' He scooped up the cum that was dribbling down my face and held it in front of me. I can't believe it, but I lapped up the pool of cum sitting in the palm of his hand. It was something I never imagined doing.

'Now let us focus on getting you cleaned up Markboy.'

Tim hooked a finger through my collar and stood me up. He guided me over to a long pool lounge. There were eyehooks in the frame which he used to attach my hands and feet. 'Not the most secure Markboy, I know, but it will work for now. We're just going to get rid of those pubes.'

'You mean trimming them sir?'

'No Markboy, I'm shaving you smooth.'

'Please sir, can we just trim them?'

'You agreed to be mine, and I keep my things tidy. This wasn't mentioned as one of your limits, but you probably didn't think about it. If you want Markboy, I can take you home instead.'

'No sir, I want to continue, it's just . . . '

'Do you remember how good things felt after you trimmed Markboy?'

'Yes sir'

'Shaving feels better.'

'Ok sir. I trust you'

'Good boy'

It was a surreal experience. I don't think I'd ever been naked outdoors before today. And now I was naked and restrained, feeling a breeze on my body and a man, someone I'd never met before today, run a razor over my crotch.

Tim alternated between teasingly my dick and manhandling it out of the way to get a good angle. Once he has used an electric razor to get rid of most of it, he lathered me up and made sure I was absolutely hairless. He was right, it could feel his hands more intensely without hair. Even just the air was erotic. My balls especially were so sensitive that a mere brush of Tim's hand sent shivers down my spine.

'Almost done Markboy.' He unhooked my ankles and brought them up to the eyehooks that held my wrists.


'You'd look silly with no pubes but a fuzzy asshole Markboy. I've got to make it even.'

He had a point. And so my ass was lathered and shaved as well. I was hairless from chin to knees. Well, let's be honest, I could hardly grow facial hair any better than I could grow chest hair. So essentially I was hairless below my eyebrows.

'You look so fucking cute Markboy. I love this little asshole that was buried under there.'

It was a strange compliment, but he looked so happy and life was surging into his cock again. I was pleased that I was making him happy.

'Thank you sir.'

Tim grabbed the base of my cock hard, and with his other hand he started rubbing my hole with his thumb. I moaned. This was the most attention my cock had received all week. The thumb worried me though.

'We agreed no fucking though sir?'

'Yes boy. I'm sure you realize your mistake later. But you have my word you will not be fucked today. I am going to introduce you to your prostate though. You've never had it played with before have you Markboy?'

'No sir.'

Tim grabbed some lube from somewhere and dumped it over my hole. It was freezing and I squirmed. I couldn't move away, the restraints felt real to me for the first time.

He saw the panic in my eyes. 'I should have warmed that up, I'm sorry boy. Just relax.'

He stroked my cock slowly. I closed my eyes and sank into the pleasure. I felt him paw gently but firmly at my ass. After a minute or two, Tim said 'In about an inch now Markboy, you're doing a good job'. I hadn't realized! It had been slow and well, odd, but not unpleasant. Not exactly overwhelming pleasure either, but my cock was working overtime, catching up after a few days of neglect. I relaxed even further.

Suddenly, it hit me. Or rather Tim hit something inside of me. It wasn't exactly pleasure, but it was intense. He was leaning on it hard with his thumb. The very slow steady stroking that was keeping me feeling good, but under control was suddenly plenty to get me over the edge.

'Please sir, may I cum?!' I asked urgently.

'No boy, just relax and roll with it.'

'Please sir! I can't . . . hold off'

'Markboy, I said no. Hold it.'

My body started shaking as I tried to control myself. Tim removed his hand from my dick and and ripped his thumb from my ass. Taking it out so quickly stung a little. It was too late though. I shook harder as I tried to clamp down. I looked Tim in the eyes.

'I'm sorry siiiiiiir' I moaned as I came, ankles to ears. Nothing touching me for a good five or ten seconds. I shot a good 4 or 5 pulses right onto my face, my newly hairless dick bobbing up and down like crazy. The worst part was that it barely felt good. I still felt as horny as ever. No, the worst part was that I let down Tim. I look up at him with shame.

Tim bent over and kissed me passionately. 'You apologized during your orgasm Markboy. That is impressive. I think you'll be a keeper if we can train you to control yourself.'

'Thank you sir!' I was thrilled he wasn't angry with me.

Tim unhooked my wrists and ankles and helped me up. Thanks to the cockring, I was still hard as ever. He led me to an outdoor shower and hooked my wrists up to a hook under the shower head. He turned the water on and made sure it was warm before hosing me down, getting rid of all of the stray shaving creams and hairs, as well as my errant cum.

'You are one cute fucking kid.' Tim reached out and groped me, feeling up my smooth body. He leaned over and shoved his tongue in my mouth kissing me hard. I moaned softly as I felt his cock rub up against my belly.

'OK Markboy. We're going to my playroom now. There are things in there that you aren't ready for just yet. Don't worry about them.'

'I trust you sir'

'Good boy. But just to keep you relaxed, I'm going to have you wear these.'

He reached into an alcove behind me and pulled out a pair of swim goggles. These however had completely black eyepieces. He pulled them over my face and pulled the strap tight. I couldn't see anything but darkness.

I felt Tim unclip my wrists and then lift me over his shoulder. Being moved around like this was disorienting, but very sexy.

'I'm putting you down now Markboy, just kneel here.'

I found my footing as he set me down, and moved into a kneeling position. Tim then took my collar and led me a few feet further.

'Lean forward now.' He guided my head down and my chest came to rest on . . . something. It was padded leather, but very small, like the arm of a chair. It was maybe 12 inches or so long, a littler longer than my sternum. Something clicked by my ears. I tried to move my head, but it was stuck.

'Calm down boy, you aren't going anywhere.'

My ankles and wrists were secured to the floor so I was stuck on all fours. Next, Tim put some knee-pads on me and then pulled my legs apart and attached the knee-pads to the floor as well, so my ass was wide open an vulnerable.

'I'm going to play with your ass now Markboy. Just relax and enjoy it. It may hurt a little at first, but go with it. Just let me know if it hurts too much, or if it burns.'

'Yes sir.'

I felt something pressing up against me. It felt huge, far larger than a thumb. I tried my best to relax as he eased it back and forth. I gasped as it popped its way in faster than I had expected. Tim fucked my with it with slow steady strokes, going slightly deeper each time. It started feeling very good. Tim noticed. 'Your cock is leaking Markboy.' He grabbed my cock and started stroking me. I let our a long groan.

'Please can I cum sir?'

'Not even close Markboy. And don't even think about cumming without permission. Being cute only works once.'

The stoking continued as I squirmed and tried my best to breathe slowly and control myself.

Just as I was about to lose control, Tim let go of my cock. 'My turn now'. I could feel Tim move, and then I felt his cock at my mouth. He fucked my mouth slowly. It was a strange feeling, being completely unable to move my head, but I still used my tongue like Tim taught me. The plug, or dildo, or whatever it was was still in my ass pressing against my prostate.

'Mmmmm, good boy.' Tim pulled away from my mouth. I felt a light slap on my ass. I jumped a bit, startled more than hurt. 'Back to your backside Markboy'. Suddenly I started to vibrate. Whatever was in my ass came with a motor. An amazing, blessed motor. I started moaning hard. 'Oh yeah, you like that don't you'

'Yes sir.'

'Lets see how you like this'. Tim grabbed my cock and started tugging on it, like he was milking a cow. It felt humiliating being restrained and felt up like this, but also amazing. I focused on enjoying the attention, but staying away from orgasm, but I could only hold out so long.

'Please sir. Can I cum now sir?'

'No Markboy.'

'Please, oh god, I'm about to . . '

'I said no boy' Tim took his hands off of my and ripped the vibrator out. I felt so empty without it.

'You need to focus on me more Markboy.' I could feel Tim getting up, hopefully to facefuck me again. But I was hoping for something more.

'Will - Will you fuck me sir?'

'What was that Markboy?'

'Please fuck me sir.'

'Hahaha, I like you Markboy. You're such a huge slut. You're coming along nicely. But no. I made you a promise not to fuck you today. You'll have to come back another time for that.'

Before I could beg more, he shut me up with his dick. I could tell that my offer had turned him on though, he was fully engorged and thrusting into my mouth aggressively. I was ready as he exploded in my mouth. He let his cock rest in my mouth as he breathed heavily.

'Phew, good job Markboy'.

Tim moved beside me again and turned the vibrator back on. He went back to milking me. This time he moved the vibrator back and forth. It wasn't long until I was panting and moaning.

'Hold it Markboy.'

I clenched down and tried to control myself. I started to moan uncontrollably.

'I said hold it boy!' Tim's hand didn't stop though. The hand on my cock sped up even faster. The vibrator was fucking me relentlessly, and every time it hit the sweet spot, I though I was going to explode. I tried to move away from the sensations, that wasn't possible.

After what felt like an eternity of spending all of my concentration resisting, I felt Tim lean over me and whisper in my ear, 'Ok Markboy, cum for me.'

Not two seconds later, I did. I squirted and squirted, as pleasure ripped through me. It was the most intense and wonderful thing I had ever experienced. 'Good boy, oh yeah, good boy' Tim whispered in my ear as I shot.

But as my orgasm subsided, Tim's actions did not. His stroking became uncomforatable quickly.

'Ah, oooh, I'm done sir!'.

'No you aren't boy. I said you would cum with permission twice today. You have permission. I'm going to keep stoking until you cum again.'

His hands went from pleasurable to unbearably intense, the vibrator suddenly felt invasive. I tried to struggle free of his grip, but all I could manage was wiggling my ass a little. The intensity rose until it became white hot. I could feel myself tensing and cumming again. It was painfully intense, but pleasurable again. After the last spasms subsided, i collapsed as much as the restraints allowed. Empty and exhausted. 'Very good boy' Tim said as he unhooked me and carried me away.

The blackout goggles came off. My eyes took a minute to adjust to the light. Tim and I were on his bed, in his bedroom presumably. He was holding me. 'You did such a good job today boy. How do you feel?'

'Tired. Sore.'

'Would you do it again?'

'Not for another few hours sir.'

Tim let out a hearty laugh. 'I like you Markboy.'

I tried to touch my spent cock, but I still had my mitts on and couldn't manipulate it.

Tim turned away and grabbed something from a bedside drawer. I took the opportunity to admire Tim's ass.

'This is a chastity device Markboy,' he said as he squeezed my emphatically soft cock into some strange metal tube. 'It makes sure that you can't get hard, or even touch yourself without my permission.'

This would have horrified me hours earlier. But now, having my cock under this mans control seemed right and good. After all, I had experienced more pleasure in the last few hours than I had in a lifetime of masturbating.

Tim unhooked the name tag on my collar and looped it around some strange piece of plastic.

'This lock works like a zip tie, he explained as he hooked it up to the cock cage. 'Once it goes on, it doesn't come off. But you can cut it off. That way, at any time, you can cut this off and free your dick. But it has a serial number on it. If you keep it on, it means you belong to me. If you take it off, it means you no longer want to spend time with me.

While we're together, you won't ever cum by your own hands. Either your cock or your hands will be restrained at all times.'

Tim slid my cock into the metal tube. It was a very tight fit, but it slid on in with some work. The tube attacked to the cockring I had been wearing. He locked it up with the plastic lock. The dogtag made a light clink against the tube.

'Thank you sir. I'll wear it.'

'You say that Markboy, but we'll see how you feel. I'm free in two weeks. Two weeks from Friday I'll pick you up again. And this time you'll spend the whole weekend here.'

'I can't wait sir.'

'You must be a tired pup. Let me take these mitts off and we'll take a nap.'

As soon as he removed them, my hands rushed to feel his body.

'Markboy's frisky!'

Tim and I made out and groped each other until I fell asleep on his chest.

This is my first story. Please let me know what you think and what you want to see in part ii.

Next: Chapter 2

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