Security for Natalie Mars

By Terry Green

Published on Jan 18, 2022


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Waking up with Natalie was wonderful. She had made a terrific breakfast, and with a strong cup of coffee just how I liked it. We ate fluffy pancakes, and the eggs were truly over easy. Another great conversation, and with those sparkling eyes of her, I was truly a happy man. Last nights takedown of a crazed fan was good, the following nightmare in my sleep was atrocious, but our making love made it all so much better. We held hands and kissed again, and she looked so good in the short skirt with those smooth athletic legs. Her perfume filled up all of my senses, and while I so desired her again, she simply smiled. "Tonight tiger, as I have a signing event today." Oh how I wanted to continue on in another romp, she scooted across the living room and got her purse. "Terry your motorcycle is safe in the parking lot, let's get this done. Then I'm going to let you do me."

Damn. Just unreal directness, and that voice of hers was so seductive. Under that short dress and blouse were perky tits, along with an incredible ass that had small soft balls underneath. Watching her put on makeup, I sat in admiration of this beauty. Everything she did deliberately, and even teased me applying her bright pink lipstick on. "Don't worry, these lips will be on your cock later baby." My crotch got even harder, and my factory downstairs was off to the races. Yet being the professional I was, when we were out in her Towncar that agent Sebastian Christian I would be on watch. As she got all prettied up even more, I quickly took a shower. Putting on my tactical pants and corporate polo, with my Glock 17 on my side, I of course had a taser and pepper spray to lug around with my cuffs. Tools of the trade.

Walking out she was ready to go, so I did my on foot surveillance before calling her. The scene was secure, with minimal foot traffic. We hopped in the car, and driver Charles whisked us through Las Vegas at unusually high speed. Natalie was comfortable filing her now red nails, and I kept looking around for any signs of a disturbance. All checked out, and as we arrived at the adult movie star, I touched base with the owner by phone call and came out of the car first. Men were lined up outside, as a poster of Natalie was on the front windows. I went inside to pick the best tactical options, and the owner Mike was cooperative with my wishes. He moved the table to the back, so I could see towards the front. Also he had a couple of unarmed guys there in yellow jackets, for physical security plus serving as a deterrent. They were competent by what I had seen elsewhere, and I learned one of them did 20 in the marines. Outstanding news, and I went out to escort Natalie in to the table with her posters and pens ready to go.

As I got her out the men gave out yells and cheers. Catcalls too. How classy. Yet typical and I watched their hands especially, because that's where you focus on these moments. No signs of knives, firearms, or other improvised devices. The emailed report I read that morning had no updates, other than her nutjob ex boyfriend of hers. Mike welcomed Natalie in. This was definitely a big day for his store, and he made sure she had a comfortable chair along with a couple bottles of water. He must have paid a lot for this, and before opening the doors, he got several pictures with Natalie. She looked stunning and quite cute, despite all of the adult movie dvds and toys all around. Inside I contained a laugh at the absurdity of this, but this was not my first rodeo as the cliche stated.

Customers were allowed in, but the table was there for practical purposes, but also as a buffer zone. Men of every background and age, paid $50 for the honor of a minute with Natalie as she personally signed the posters. She had great poise and rapport with her fans. There was none of the fake pretentious smiles usually observed, and here I realized why she was so popular. Her twitter account had so many followers, and had won so many AVN adult movie awards for good reason. No rowdy behavior, and also no signs of public intoxication. That alone was a relief, as alcohol was the number one cause of abject stupidity. It was a dynamic I took very seriously, but so far all was going splendidly. For two hours she smiled and signed, until the contracted time was over. Mike shut down the shop, so I could contact Charles to pick us up. I warned Natalie to move fast to the back door of the car. She smiled in agreement, and we were able to clear out with the two security guys.

"Where do you want to go to lunch Terry?" Wow. So she had canceled any set work today. Guess stars are the ones who do run the adult film industry. I had heard this before, but here was the proof of that. "Steaks sound good?" "Yes please." Natalie told Charles to take us to Marlane's Steakhouse. I thought "wow we are going high end." Then I saw her radiant smile and she whispered in my ear, "you're going to be well fed, as later you'll be in my bed." Dammit. She had a way, and while I knew I was in prime condition, I had a feeling that she would probably deliver on this promise. Pulling in to the restaurant, we walked in to be seated in a private room.

This place was truly upscale, as the interior had a fancy western atmosphere. Leather seats, and we sat together in this very cozy booth. She looked amazingly innocent and mischievous at the same time. Her little hands felt good in mine, as we drank the iced filtered water together. Her perfume was overpowering my brain, and I so wanted to throw everything off the table to have my way. Her eyes knew what mine were saying. Then Richard our server showed up. A red wine for her and I decided to have a import beer. Soon we had delicious appetizers, and when the steaks showed up, I was impressed by the marbling of them. Definitely cooked to my medium rare liking, and the sides were succulent.

It was a wonderful lunch. Natalie and I had a lot of laughs, and we learned more about each other. We had incredible chemistry, and I admired her quick wit and ability to make almost anything funny. Her knowledge of ancient history was beyond anyone I had ever met. Querying her I found out it was her favorite reading. She knew so much about the silk road, Greeks, Romans, and even further back. Definitely intelligent and well informed. Also we discussed a lot of what are favorite activities were, and she found my passion of rappelling fascinating. To me it was a way to blow off steam, but she thought it was an intense sport, that made me even more manly. I couldn't help but blush. She kissed me and smiled. That grin was megawatt beautiful, as she took care of herself well.

"Can we go shopping though?" My nightmare. Yet she was my client with benefits, so I said "sure." Looking at my phone for any new intelligence, there were no new messages. "Where do you want to go Natalie?" "North End Mall. It's time for some new heels." "Ok." Then as I pulled up the map from that site, she said "you take your duties very seriously." "Yes of course, as I care about your safety." She smiled and gave me a wink. Squeezing my hand, she paid the bill and we were off to this upscale mall with five different entrances. Based upon my recommendation we used the east side. Some people seemed to recognize her, which was inevitable, but it made me wary of another lunatic. Also there were sight lines for a psychotic ex. I was on full alert, and while I didn't like malls or shopping already, now even more so was the sentiment.

At Nordstrom's Natalie knew the personal shopper Lydia. A heavyset woman in her fifties, but well dressed, she took out a bunch of heels for her customer to try. Natalie might have male organs, but yes she was a lady who tried on everything. While she went through what seemed to be a million shoes, she finally selected a pair of height enhancing pumps that were clear in color. She looked wonderful in them, and decided to wear them out. Due to my protective duties I explained that I "couldn't carry her bag." I felt bad as being a gentleman was important, but safety was imperative. She smiled at me and said "I know sexy man." That grin and those eyes, the long brown hair, and now she was 5'9 or so with these new shoes. After walking out of Nordstrom's she said, "expect me in these tonight." I smiled but kept my vigilance up, watching people who got in the comfort zone, but my firearm and chiseled body in this outfit made them leery. Good.

Charles was in position, and we were whisked out of the mall. "What's the destination Natalie?" "Home." I breathed a sigh of relief. She started laughing, and said "much better than a shopping mall right?" I nodded my agreement, and held hands as Charles put on some tunes she requested. The Town Cars suspension is so smooth, and it was a pleasant ride back to her community. We got into her house again, and there was a envelope posted to the door. I told her to "stand back," and with a special light looked through it. A handwritten note. Putting my gloves on, I opened it and it was a love letter from Thomas. Basically a begging her to come back to him, in shockingly neat handwriting. He drew flowers on it. Thankfully no threats, but this did raise my red flag alert. Once inside I handed it to her, and while reading it she almost tore it apart. Angry and bitter, but I stopped her. "Let's fax this to your attorney, and see if he could finally get that restraining order in." Paper was merely that, but I had another idea. My office contacted Thomas. He was told to stay clear of Natalie." My receptionist Samantha relayed how it went, and would send me the audio later. While he agreed it was time to back off, I was not so optimistic about the chances. Dealing with sociopaths had taught me, how both manipulative and crafty they were. Usually they truly didn't understand, until the cuffs went on or worse.

Natalie was pacing in the kitchen. I heard her fill up the wine glass. She looked scared, and as abusive as he had been, I knew what she was going through after years of this business. I gave her a hug as she cried. Just let her wail, while doing my best to be reassuring. She smoked a cigarette, and I agreed to sit with her on the couch. I held her firmly in my arms, as she cried. "He's coming after me isn't he?" It would be simpler to lie, but I simply said "I'm working on that lovely, and if needed I'll call your agent and bring in extra folks for this." After some time she relaxed, and while most of the day had been light hearted, the reptilian part of my brain knew to be at the ready even more. Sebastian agreed to allow me to bring in two more of my guys, and I knew exactly who to call for this assignment.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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