Security for Natalie Mars

By Terry Green

Published on Jan 17, 2022


Thank you nifty. And to all who write or read here, as this is a place that's a refuge for the LGBT community. I hope you can help nifty financially, and please let others know of this site. This is the second part fiction story, of providing protective detail for adult film star Natalie Mars. Truly stunning and best wishes to all.Terry

I put my flashlight on, and was relieved when I heard the door close. The big man didn't look like her stalker ex boyfriend. Rather it was another corn fed white man. He was going to be sleeping for awhile, but I did what one in this situation has to. I alerted the authorities for a ambulance and police. Due to it being a "hot call," police arrived first to clear the scene. They then took the man who they knew, into the ambulance with an officer riding in the back. I asked the officer on scene, if I could call my client. After reviewing my credentials, he said "sure." He sounded like he had a southern accent, and probably signed on with the Las Vegas police department just a couple years ago. Natalie answered and was more concerned about my being ok. Yet she was thankful, and I ended the call to answer the inevitable questions.

The young officer and now with his Sargent on scene, were courteous and professional. They asked me the usual questions, and after they heard back from the other officer, I was cut loose. The man who grabbed me, was known for stalking transgender women. So now in addition to a crazy ex boyfriend named Thomas, I had knuckleheads like this coming out of the woodwork. After years in the military and now with my company, the unexpected had become expected once again more. I called Sebastian Christian to let him know about the events. Thankfully his barf inducing cologne, wasn't smelled via the cellphone. He was surprisingly polite, but then again Natalie was his meal ticket.

Knocked on the door and Natalie let me in. She looked a little frazzled, and despite not wearing the makeup she had while on the set, was still attractive and feminine. I asked her if she heard of this guy, and simply answered "no, but thank you." A nice hug ensued. A bottle of beer and her with a wine glass, and we sat down to go over this and also update any new information on her crazy ex. She hadn't heard anything from him, but did show me some emails, that I deemed to be spam. It took a little bit of research, but these tasks complete, Natalie brought me another beer. "Thank you Natalie, but I still have to drive." She smiled and said, "actually I'd like for you to stay the night. I have a spare bedroom, and Sebastian said I could request this." "Ok," as I sipped the beer slowly though.

We talked for awhile, and I found her to be far more interesting and cerebral, than my first impressions were. She was really warm and genuine. I couldn't believe she was 37 as she looked more in her mid to late 20's. Although I knew she was from Florida, she went over her childhood. It wasn't an easy one, as she suffered a lot of abuse from classmates. Later on in life she transitioned with breast implants, and had some other procedures, to complete the process. At one point she simply stopped talking and said, "what do you want to know?" "Are you reading my mind?" "Yes." We both laughed, and her smile was quite radiant with those green emerald eyes. I asked her about what it was like to transition. "It was like I got my butterfly wings." Also she told me while she was enjoying porn, she knew that "her time was limited to her age." "No way as you look really young."

She blushed and I did too. Then without warning she gave me a kiss. I was taken aback, and she started to apologize. "No need Natalie, as I've dated and been with transgender women before. That was really sweet of you." She licked her lips and said, "I thought so, and you're a very handsome man." Trying to hide it, but yet my crotch betrayed me. Busted. That drive of mine was legendary, and she asked me about my career. Another beer and wine were drank. She was impressed by my military service, as her brother she was close to, was in the Air Force. It was a very comfortable discussion in her living room, and she finally told me she "was tired." I was hoping for more passion, but she gave me a kiss on my cheek and showed me the spare bedroom. Damn it. I finally was able to crash, and fell into a deep sleep.

Lights everywhere. I saw an Iraqi insurgent with a AK, and brought up my .308 and took him down. My unit was surrounded by all kinds of these assholes, and we had to duck for cover under stairwells. The sky lit up with tracers and concussive explosions. All over was the smell of sweat, fear, and death. Our commander called in for air support, as we now played the game of shooting and retreating. It was loud and then quiet. Everything was in slow motion, and we threw our grenades in unison to our west flank and heard the response. Our ears bleeding there was quiet, and then the shooting started again. Private Jimenez went down, and our medic took him in his arms, and got the tourniquets out. He was breathing, but got hit in his femoral artery. Time was not on his side. I got three fellow rangers up, and we all hit targets to our north. Then the sounds of choppers, and we knew our friends in Apaches were going to clear out the garbage.

Screaming I woke up. Sweating. It was two o'clock in the morning, and Natalie came flying in. She quickly calmed me down, "it's just a nightmare Terry, you're ok, and you're with me." My breathing was labored and my heart was racing. It was so real, yet Natalie was next to me in a red nightie. She got me a glass of water and I popped in a tranquilizer. Upon her suggestion, I decided to take a hot shower. The warm water did help, and soon the steam was everywhere. Leaving the stall I looked at myself in the mirror. Definitely would shave tomorrow as was looking a bit scruffy.

Putting on my pajamas, I stepped out and Natalie had a cup of green tea for me. She was a petite angel, and she sat next to me as I drank this beverage. Then she squeezed my hands and said, "do you want to talk about it Terry? If not I completely understand as my brother has nightmares too." It was such an amazing relief that there was no judgement, and to my surprise I told her about what I had just thought of. It was when our unit was in Fallujah, and she was a great listener. After a little while she said, "want another tea?" "Yes please."

I sat there for some time. Calming down. Yet where did she go? I walked into the kitchen and it was completely empty. Then I heard her from her bedroom. "I'll have your tea in just a few Terry." "Okay thank you Natalie." Walked back to the couch and just relaxed. I was feeling a lot better, like a weight had been released. No one had I ever opened up to like this, and I appreciated this hospitality and understanding. Then I heard diminutive footsteps, the tea being poured. As I looked Natalie was all dolled up, with red lipstick and a more revealing blue bikini. "You can drink this hot tea, or I think my way of getting you to chill will be far better."

She was using that one finger, to have me follow her to her bedroom. I dug her mischievous smile and dancing green eyes. We sat on her bed. So comfortable king sized with feminine pink sheets. "Lie next to me sexy." I did without hesitation, and our lips met as we looked into each other's eyes. Kissing now even more passionately, the smell of her perfume alone was driving me rabidly crazy. I became a man instantly as our tongues meshed, and we were next to each other in a very warm embrace. Her lips were so soft. Oh wow they were the perfect texture, and she pushed me down playfully. Before I knew it my pajama shirt and pants were off, and all the remained was my blue boxer shorts. Oh wow. "You're really hard and need some TLC baby." I couldn't argue or resist, as her voice was syrupy sweet that was music to my ears.

She took her bikini top off revealing those nice small perky tits, and then took my boxer shorts off. My eight inches looked bigger than ever, and as her fingers played with my shaft and balls, I was awestruck by the warmth. Her nails gently made me even more jumpy, and before I knew it I was in her mouth. My fingers grabbed the bedsheets, as her eyes, freckles, and long brown hair were all down to my balls. No gag reflex at all, and I was panting like a dog in no time. It felt so good, and as she sucked me, I was so turned on by the sensation and slurping sound. "You have such a delicious cock sexy." Literally lost and just in another dimension, she continued to gobble me up like I was peach cobbler. Up and down with lots of saliva, my penis was dripping with precum from my taunt balls. She took them in her mouth too. I was playing with her tits, and her moans were so bouncing off of the walls. It was a majestic music chamber, and I reached for her bikini bottom. Pulling them off, her small shaved she cock was really pretty.

Picking her up, I stood her up in front of the bed as we kissed with so much rawness. Our bodies together, I felt my penis slamming into her balls as her tits were on my chest. I stroked her hair and she loved this. As I tried to go down on her she playfully grabbed me and said "baby, the best thing you can do is to make love to me." "Okay," I mumbled as our breathing intensified. She smiled at me seductively, put lube on my cock as I slid my fingers inside. So tight and warm, and I got lube in there too. My blood flow was down below, and Natalie didn't waste anytime.

Pushed on the bed again, her lithe frame on top of me, I felt her diminutive hands grab my throbbing pistol. Oh yes she massaged my balls, oh wow they were so sensitive. And then I felt her as she slid down on me. She cried out and I screamed with animalistic pleasure, as I couldn't believe how good this felt. Not just to my nether regions but a whole body experience. She bounced up and down on me, and her fingernails tussled my chest hair. Our unbroken eye contact, the sounds of us together and the bed creaking. She clenched down on me and smiled, and I cried out once again. This was a out of body experience, as no drug or adrenaline high could match this. Kissing again she made her tongue go all the way in my mouth, and as I necked her that flowery perfume drove me far crazier.

Then she turned around on me. Holding on to her waist I pushed her down on my loins, and spanked her beautiful bootie. She was moaning and her sweaty long hair, it was if she had estrogen flowing out of her pores as that was what it was like. Her arms were thin and feminine, and I got turned on by being balls deep inside. Soon I took her from behind, and it just kept getting better. I loved the way she pushed back into me, and soon her long hair was flying all over the place. Little tits bouncing, and as I touched her balls, she made a high pitch screech. Oh yes she climaxed and I could smell the sperm on the bedsheets and she shook all over with a huge orgasm. Howling for what felt forever in Dolby surround sound, I kept pounding away with ferocity. Finally I just lost all control and came in her tight rear end with a mind blowing orgasm. Lying down next to her, we were both sweaty messes. She pulled out a cigarette and offered me one. Usually I don't smoke, but we both enjoyed that menthol nicotine buzz after having a natural one of our own.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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