Security for Natalie Mars

By Terry Green

Published on Jan 12, 2022


Thank you to nifty as well as loyal readers, along with fellow writers here. This is a work of fiction, but Natalie Mars is a stunning transgender woman in adult movies. I would, you would. Let's keep supporting nifty and each other, and also stay safe during this pandemic. Cheers and happy new year,Terry

As the pilot made the "flight attendants prepare for take off" announcement, I sat back for another one after delays at JFK. It was inevitable, but always an hour late. As the 737 made it's inevitable way down the tarmac, and the pilots angled up, I breathed out through my N95 mask with aggravation. While this assignment was a lucrative one, I really wasn't overjoyed about going out to Las Vegas again. Sure Sin City had me "paid and laid," I was starting to burn out after countless protective assignments. It would have been nice to have given this one to a subordinate, but due to my time out west, transgender adult movie stars agent Casey Sebastian had my number on speed dial. It's sad but transgender women are subjected to threats and or violence more than the general population, and as a bisexual male, I was probably aware of this more.

Yet having survived time and risen through the ranks of the Army Ranger's after WestPoint, if anyone attacked me they'd regret it. In my early 40's now, and while I might not be able to run like the wind anymore, my training and gym hours had paid off. Standing 6'3 and 215 lbs, with my brown hair that has some silver in the sides, I was a formidable opponent for anyone who decided to get stupid. Then again having to transfer my firearms below in the cargo hold was, as my background plus years of owning a security company, the airline could have had a free Air Marshal. Yet as a private citizen I no longer publicly defended the country and constitution actively, but still lived with that desire no matter what my role was.

Years of battling terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with other hotbeds, had been educational curriculum in a number of ways. Yet all of those close combat engagements, successful defenses of forward positions, and interrogations had put a crimp in my innocence and enthusiasm. Some of that might be dealing with the nightmares, when I woke up sweating and yelling in some Basra hell hole engaged in a firefight. Therapy and medication had helped a lot, but seeing friends go down or mutilated in front of me, had made my piercing blue eyes more ominous. Friends from high school said I was more detached, and they could be correct. We all were successful and a lot of them owned companies too, but the vast majority of them saw stock prices dropping as a piece of the action.

Why was I first class on a flight, when I wanted to be relaxing by the fire in my Manhattan penthouse? I had other deputies and the like, but Sebastian Christian was a high dollar client, and this was a case he insisted I handle. He was the ultimate huckster. Yes he was writing my checks, and they didn't bounce, but why did so many adult stars have him as their agent? Most agents make 5 to 10%, he was pulling in 15% or so. My private investigator folks had done the work, and this shady character was making money hand over fist. The engines kicked on with that rumble of torque, and westward the plane turned after reaching cruising altitude. It was going to be five hours of time, so I figured to get a nap in, although that rarely happened when flying. Actually it only did when a door with several locks was on it, and a comfortable bed was in place.

Reading a book on germs, I learned about how pandemics over the years spread. Okay kindle but a book is a book, regardless of the format it's read in. There were so many plagues I was unaware of, yet I was grateful to be both vaccinated and boosted. There was a part of this non fiction, that showed measles was eradicated, after a 95% vaccination rate. Also there were boosters needed. If only a few conspiracy theorists could, maybe have this drilled into their heads. Yet as it stood I and many others was frustrated by the length of this pandemic, which was going on what felt a decade. Plus in the military I had gotten so many shots, I was surprised by Americans reluctance of basic science. Dr Jenkins's anecdotes were amusing though, and despite the lack of common sense exhibited, made me laugh a couple of times. Being able to read this, as well as drink a glass of red from the flight attendant, made things a bit better overall. She looked tired, but to her credit she was attentive and courteous.

Landing at Las Vegas Mccaren Airport is always an "experience." Once wheels down, and you're off the plane, you are greeted by every casino and escort service. Also some of the folks here, make the "people of Walmart" fame boring by comparison. It's Springer like and a reminder that humanity, despite having many positive attributes, can also leave a person shaking their head. After an hour I was able to get to my luggage, with my tools of the trade and several chances of clothing, and now to find my ride. The wheels of the luggage made noise, and I knew that it might be time to, finally retire this one and get a new set. Christian was correct, my driver was at exit 3. Charles the driver had a upscale Towncar, and took me to the hotel.

There I was able to check in, and load up my computer, which served as my office when away from Gotham. I checked emails, responded to some, and was glad my second in command Dan O'Leary was overseeing corporate operations in my absence. As I drank some hot tea, I wondered how many companies, had CEO's that still did street level operations. My encrypted email confirmed what Christian Sebastian had told me, but with updated information about Natalie Mars's ex boyfriend. What a idiot to harass and stalk her, but he'd shown up at the movie set the other day again. His batshit crazy behavior was something I was used to by jilted ex boyfriend's, but Thomas Edmonds was a credible threat. Looking at his texts and emails, he was clearly unhinged. Plus his background as a marine military police officer, was a concern as they were the toughest of jar heads. As annoyed as I was about this trip, the financial rewards were solid, and plus Christian was one of my top paying clients. Looking at pictures of Tom, he was 6'5 and 260 pounds. With his experience, strength, and the possibility of a mental illness, I knew that this wouldn't be an easy assignment. Yet for reasons to be determined, I was not allowed to bring extra folks in. Later on I learned that Christian and the adult film company, wanted to keep this one as quiet as possible.

Going through my suitcase I had my expandable baton, pepper spray, handcuffs, flashlight, and Glock 17. Plenty of ammo too as well, as chance favors those who are best prepared. All of my tactical pants were taken out, and of course the corporate shirts, that would identify me publicly as I had dictated to Christian. He wanted me to wear suits, yet I overruled him on this, at the end of our negotiations. The hotel room had a good closet, and so I put everything away. It was time for rest, and of course I had the chain on the door. A good rest it was, as I awoke to a bright day and a job to do. The first was to meet with Natalie at her condo, and see what I could do, as well as learn more about Thomas that wasn't in his dossier. A lot of people like this information, but I always seemed to find another nugget when talking with the protected one.

More coffee after breakfast, and just like clockwork Charles showed up in the company car. I rode in the back, and with multiple tools on my tactical belt, chose to not wear the seatbelt. Vegas is a city of contrasts. There are large hotels and then the desert vibe. Also like NY it never sleeps, as all of the boulevards were jam packed with people and various modes of transportation. As usual the honking horns, and everyone seemed to be in a hurry to go nowhere. Finally we arrived at our destination, and I thanked Charles for the ride, along with laughing with him about driving in this city. The condo was fairly plain, but as I walked up to room 309, I knocked on the door after texting Natalie of my arrival.

Wow she was pretty, and smaller than I had thought. In the movies and in pictures, she looked close to 6 feet. Yet in tennis shoes, tight jeans, and a pink top she was more like 5'5 to 5'6. I guessed her weight at 125 or so, and those green eyes of hers were hypnotizing. Late 30's but with a cherubic appearance, she had small hands that I shook, and definitely took care of those natural fingernails that she had painted purple. "Can I get you a cup of coffee Mr. Green?" "Call me Terry, and yes please." As I sipped the java, it was obvious she made it to my liking. Strong. She also had some, and we sat in her dining room. I wanted her to feel comfortable, as while she had bodyguards before, this type was for a clear reason. It's all about building rapport during this initial encounter, and a whiff of her expensive perfume lingered in the air. She had a southern accent, and feminine voice that was very pleasant.

At first we discussed mundane subjects, but I gently broached more about Mr. Edmonds. She was upset by his name, and apparently he had treated her awful. When she broke their relationship off, he destroyed her living room, before taking off. A few hours later she was getting angry threatening texts, and that would be around when Christian contacted me. We both laughed a bit about her agent. It helps to break the ice further, and I learned more about how Thomas had showed up on the movie set. He was drunk, aggressive, and threatened a male porn star set to do a scene with Natalie. To this actors credit, he and others stood between this crayon eater and Natalie. He eventually left but cussed out everyone and said "you'll all be seeing me again."

Natalie confirmed his unpredictable behavior. He was almost always angry, and had mood swings that would make him scarier. He had a jealousy problem, so he probably shouldn't have been dating a porn star, but I kept that thought to myself. I learned that he was an avid user of cocaine and crystal meth, which I made a mental note of. This self medicating was terrible, and could make a volatile individual even more so. He was not only trained at Paris Island, but also had several black belts, and apparently was learning Muy Thai. Great. Yet I got his vehicle information, where he resided, and also some of his hobbies. She didn't think he owned a firearm, and my online search said he didn't. Yet a marine is always a marine, and with his habits, it wouldn't surprise me if he had a few.

Our time came to an end, as she agreed to take the rest of the day off, as with his explosive temper he was a liability. This was going to be a case, to run by with my on staff consultant Dr Frazier. She was a forensic psychologist, and once back at the hotel, we shared information on Thomas. Based upon the evidence we had, she thought the best idea since it hadn't reached criminal level threats yet, was for me to approach the subject directly. This would be done at a time of my choosing, and based on his home address, I'd be meeting with him at 6 pm. A surprise. It was time to put the ball in his court via my appearance. Charles got me out there, and I knocked on the raggedy looking townhouse door.

After some time there was no answer, but I was reluctant to leave my bladed position, yet called Charles to pick me up. This could increase the risk, but I showed up where he was a bouncer at. What a classy establishment this "Rat Trap" restaurant was. I spotted him outside checking identification for age purposes. Walking up to him, he detected me immediately, and gave me a glaze that could be best described as "rage filled hatred." Despite being a mental screw loose, he was exactly as his picture showed, although he had some scruff. A big guy and yet I approached him with my credentials out front. "Can we talk Thomas?" They never liked that, and his icy look was betrayed by a red face. Yet even with his body posture, he mumbled "sure," and got another big guy at his position.

As we walked away from the Rat Trap, Thomas said to me "I knew you would show up." So he was at least relatively intelligent for a crayon eating marine. "Yes, and we are here to discuss that it would be best to leave both Nicole and her company alone." My arms down firmly and at a safe distance he said "no problem, I'm already done with that stupid bitch." His anger was palpable, and I said, "Are you sure are you just saying what I and others want to hear?" This got him in a frenzy. I started to wonder if he also took steroids, as the other substances made sense. Yet as he paced he said "we are done with our shit, and I'm going back to work man." And with that he took back his station at the door. I felt alarmed by his behavior, as his body language said this wasn't over.

Being in this tactical uniform on the set, I stood out like a sore thumb. The director, cast, and all on this movie looked at me as if I was some sort of curious plague. It was part of the job, but cameraman Kevin was kind enough to bring me fried chicken and a soda. What you see in porn is quite often pieced together. A 15 minute session of sex, might be over several hours. I watched performer Casey Kisses get reamed, and had to keep other parts than my collar hot. Yet the set made it feel septic like, and these folks had been doing this together for years. They were a group that got along well, and it was admittedly strange being there as cameras rolled while couples engaged in sex acts. I was far from a prude, but this was different. As Casey continued to take the big guys penis in her ass, I smelled the familiar nasty cologne of one Christian Sebastian.

He must shower in that shit. Yet we shook hands, and he "thanked me for doing this assignment." We did the usual business dance, and despite being an outgoing and friendly person, I wasn't too thrilled to be spending time with him. He was showing his usual less than exemplary people skills, belittling the performers and camera crew. That white suit was obnoxious, as was the bright yellow tie and fedora cap. Why couldn't I be set up with a Boogie Nights director like Burt Reynolds? Instead this guy unfortunately. Yet he signed the paychecks for my company, and this assignment was quite lucrative. Even though the money was rolling in, it was definitely time for a vacation. Thoughts of the Caribbean went through my mind, until I saw the slimeball face emerge. He was happy that I made the approach to Thomas, and said "thank you" for being on set.

As the room was changed to a sofa and television, I saw Natalie come out in a blue and yellow bikini. She was all smiles, said "thank you" to me, and those green eyes were sparkling. Definitely attractive and petite, with a thin build and looked really good with her long brown hair. Very feminine, with probably A or B cup breasts, and a nice small bulge in her bikini bottoms. A few minutes later a big blonde haired man entered the room wearing nothing. He smiled and said "I'm ready." Obviously he was as he was erect with a large penis. Everything in porn is apparently bigger. Soon lights in the background went out, and the word "action," was yelled out. It really did happen. Staying quiet like the other crew, Natalie was on the couch as this naked stud walked up. She smiled and said "we are here in Vegas, supposed to be seeing the sights, but your big cock is irresistible." The way she said it made me harder, and I'm sure it did everyone else. I tried my best to account for people in the dark, but have to admit it was challenging.

Not a noise as soon Natalie had the cock in her mouth. She definitely was a pro, and from the angle I stood at, could see she had freckles which made her even sexier. As she gave her coworker a blowjob, she took her small tits out of her top. Definitely very nice and beautiful pink nipples. What they lacked in size, they made it up completely in appearance. She continued to attack his penis with lots of energy, until "cut" was called out. Next she lubed herself up, and after tossing her bottoms, got savagely pillaged in her ass. Watching her penis and balls bounce, I thought the blonde guy was "the luckiest man in the world." They kept doing different portions of this movie production, and an hour or so later gone man came on her chest. Then they were talking about their upcoming plans. Strange but this was the porno world.

Christian approached his star client, and they were both animated for a few minutes with each other. From what I understood of lip reading Natalie said "after getting fucked like that, how about a day off?" Sebastian was rolling his eyes, so my skills could still be decent. Eventually he approached me with that wretched bath water scent, and said "can you escort my client home?" "Of course." This was a normal request, and plus based on Thomas's body language, was my plan anyhow. I was provided with a Harley 1200, and followed Natalie back to her house. As she walked across the stairs, I moved closer. She waved and I saw a large shadow that could only mean one thing. "Cardinal!" I yelled it and Natalie ran, as this was our word for her to evacuate. A big set of hands grabbed my neck, and I head butted the beast that had been so foolish. He fell to the ground, moaning in pain, and as I turned my flashlight on it wasn't Thomas. Instead was another big guy with a bloody nose and probable concussion.

Next: Chapter 2

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