Security Blues

By Jay AKA Calguy19

Published on Sep 4, 1999


Security Blues By Calguy

Author's note: Time to go for a switch! I'm taking time off from the whole celeb thing to write something that is purely sex. YEAH!!!!! After I do this I shall return to my other stories. If you like what you read here, hop on over to Nifty's Celebrity archive and check out Jughead Comes out and Up Dawsons Crack. As well, you can see what, in my opinion, is my best work on nifty's as well! Go to the bottom of the Boy-bands section of celebs and you'll find my story "Banging B-rok" the original story of Brian Littrell.

I can be reached for comment via aol IM at CalguyJC and through e-mail from This little tale is entirely fictitious, sigh, and if your not into the whole gay sex thing, then don't go any further. Otherwise, read on.


I stepped out of my cozy guard shack at 1am for a routine patrol of the large construction site I was a night security guard at. Walking slowly around the familiar site I enjoyed the feeling of the cool late-summer air against my face and blowing through my short brown hair.

I've always been a night owl, and having outgrown the bar scene by 22, working nights was just fine by me while I went to school in the evening. My final intentions were to open my own restaurant. In the meantime I worked from 11pm to 7am Monday to Friday, or technically Sunday Night to Friday Morning. I slept most of the day, and was up at 4 to eat and go to my nightly 3 hours of classes. Unfortunately with so much of my time taken up, I had no boyfriend and rarely even had sex. It was a sacrifice I made knowing that soon enough I would have time for those things. But often it was hard, no pun intended. Although my muscular 6-foot 1 inch frame got me a lot of looks from both men and women, I simply could not find the time.

I rounded a pile of dirt, lost in my thoughts and nearly ran into someone's back. I quickly slipped back behind the pile. Peeking around I saw by the dim illumination of the half moon a man. He looked to be no more then 17 or 18, with spiky blonde hair and a thin build. He was a few inches shorter then me, and if he was there to cause trouble, which I deduced he probably was, he wouldn't be much of a problem. I heard the unmistakable sound of a spray can't can being shaken. I acted quickly, slipping behind him, grabbing him around the waist and spinning him towards the dirt pile, slamming him forcefully into it. It all happened so quickly his only reaction was a startled "Ooomph", "Surprise" I said into his ear. "Alright, you busted me. I give up." He said. "You'll go quietly?" "Yes." "IF you don't you'll be taken down before you get 2 feet." I warned. The kid knew when he was beaten. He silently allowed himself to be taken into my shack.

"Shack" adequately describes my office. A small box approximately 8 feet high, furnished with one shelf hand a hard chair. My stereo, lunch and a cell phone sat in a corner. It was in the harsh fluorescent glare of my shack that I got my first good look at the boy I had stopped from committing vandalism. My breath caught in my throat. His longish blonde hair, dark at the roots, was gelled up in spikes. His youthful face wore a worried look. His brown eyebrows, the right with a small barbell through it, arched over two deep blue pools for eyes. His slightly crooked nose added to his charm. His lips were a full, deep red. He was clad in black jeans and a "Mattli'fuckin'ca" T-shirt, he oozed punky appeal..

"What were you planning on doing with this?" I asked, holding up the can of neon green spray paint. "It's a can of spray paint, what the hell do you think I was going to do with it, interior decorating?" he shot back. "So that's the way we're going to play it, are we?" I said as I picked up the phone. His cockiness disappeared, instantly replaced with fear. "Wha, what are you doing?" he asked, failing in his attempt to hid his terror. "Calling the cops." I said matter of factly. "WHAT?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!" "I caught you attempting a crime smartass, why do you think?" I shot right back at him. "Please don't." he said, all traces of arrogance gone. "I'll go to jail." "How old are you?" "19." "Your old enough to know better." I replied, starting to punch in numbers. "Please don't. I'll do anything.." he pleaded. I stopped short. I don't know what it was, but something in his voice made my dick start to harden. "Like what." I said, turning to him. He did what I expected the least. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. My shock made me resist for a half second before I was overcome with lust. I felt his tongue press searchingly against my lips. I let it gain access and felt it's wet warmth invade. I tasted metal: he had a piercing in there!!! We made out for a few seconds before he pulled away. "How was that for a start?" he breathed into my ear, licking me. I moaned in response. "I'll take that as a good start." He whispered before licking and nibbling my neck. I dropped the phone back on the counter, he had me and he knew it. HE continued to work on the side of my neck as he fumbled with the buttons on my white dress shirt. He released my neck as he got his hands into my shirt. He laughed with pleasure as he ran his hands up my stomach and pecs. "Nice" he whispered. "I like fuzzy guys." He ran his hands up and down the trail of light hair that spread across the front of my body. "The lights." I gasped as he tweaked my nipples. "Someone will see us." He grinned up at me. Turning and shutting off the lights, I then felt him sloppily kiss and lick his way up my chest, latching onto my right nipple. I almost came right then, the sensations were so intense. This kid had done this before. He worked over my left nipple as his hands fiddled with my belt. He got it undone, unzipped me, and let my cargo's fall to the floor. He wasted no time in yanking down my boxers. Finally released, my 8 inch cock flew up, spraying drops of precum. "This is what I'm after." The kid said, diving down on my cut cock.. I'd never been given head by someone with a tongue piercing before. The difference wasn't all that much. The kid was a expert, spending a lot of time working over the large head of my dick. I pulled him off and reached for the phone. "What are you doing?!?!?!" He cried. "relax. I have to call in to dispatch, otherwise they will send out a supervisor to check on me. I'd rather we not be disturbed." "Oh. Ok." "Be good." I warned him. He just smiled. I finished dialing. "Hi this is Nick out at JESUS CHRIST!!!" The little shit had swallowed my cock to the hilt. The dispatcher was immediately concerned. I calmed her down. "Sorry. A huge moth just slammed into the window and scared the crap out of me." I said, suppressing a moan as the kid locked my balls. I tried to swat him away but he just dove right back onto my cock. "Anyway, I'm out at BNY construction just checking in. Everything's A-OK. Great, talk to you in a couple of hours." I hung up. "You little bastard, I'll get even for that." "I should hope so." He replied, flashing me his adorable grin before resuming his cocksucking. I however had other plans. Reaching into my backpack I pulled out a rubber and bottle of KY liquid I always keep handy. I pulled him off my cock and stood him up. Roughly I pulled down his jeans and boxers in one quick motion. His uncut dick was rock hard, around 7 inches. As attractive as it was, I had one goal in mind. I tossed the pillow from my chair onto the shelf and leaned him over it. "Yeah man, fuck my ass." The kid yelled as I rolled the condom down my ready pole and lubed myself up. I pressed against his tight hole and slid in. He cried out. Concerned I asked him if I was going to fast. "Nah man, I'm fine. Ya just surprised me. Give it to me man, I'm ready for ya." I quickly slid into a quick, comfortable pace, pistoning in and out of his chute. Maybe it was because it had been a while but I couldn't stop thinking what a incredible fuck this kid was. He knew just when to contract and relax, working over my dick like a soft velvet glove. I sloppily licked the back of his neck. He was groaning and thrust back into me, his Metallica T-shirt plastered to his back. Finally after about ten minutes he turned his head. "I want you to cum in my mouth." He gasped. I was close to the brink, so I pulled out and rolled off the condom, making a mental note to dispose of it properly later. I opened the door and helped the kid out of his jeans. I lead him to a grassy area I knew about and laid him down. I laid beside him, my mouth at his crotch and dove onto his musky meat. He tasted wonderful, like an oasis in a desert. I went into sensory overload. The feel of his nuts slapping, my forehead, the taste and smell of his dripping cock, and the sensation of him working over my aching tool was too much. I moaned through my mouthful as my balls overflowed and sent my spunk up my shaft and into his eager mouth. My body stiffened, and all that mattered was my dick and my intense orgasm. It took a few minutes to come down and relax..and realize I still had his cock waiting to explode in my mouth. I went at his cock with renewed vigor, then slid my middle and index finger up his still wetly lubed ass. I found his prostate and applied pressure. Game over. I heard a cry that sounded a thousand miles away, then felt the first splash of his bittersweet cum spray the back of my throat. His cock slipped and coated my tongue. Then his dick finally fell from my mouth and sprayed like a out of control firehose. My face, the grass, my chest, his T-shirt and crotch, all coated in his white cream.

After what seemed like forever he finally let off, dripping a few last mini-spurts onto my chest. I sighed, feeling fulfilled. The kids face came into view. He slowly licked my face clean and then kissed me, feeding me his cum. We made out for awhile longer and held each other until reluctantly he said he had to go. We dressed silently, and then kissed goodbye. "Can I come see you again?" he asked. "Yeah, I guess." I said, failing miserably in my attempt to conceal my joy. "Great. And um, thanks for not calling the cops." "Well thanks for giving me such a great reason not too. As long as your only spraying cum in the future, you'll be just fine." I joked. I watched him walk off until he was just a speck. Then I returned to my shack and began to prepare for my day. Looking forward to seeing him again, I realized I didn't even know the kids name. I made a mental note to ask him next time. The used condom lay on the desk, a reminded of our night together. I tied it up and wrapped it in a bag,, sticking it in my backpack for later disposal. A few hours later as the first cars of the day began to pull in, I wondered what else this kid had in store for me in the future. Little did I know the surprises that were to come my way.


Next: Chapter 2

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