Securing Justins Heart

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Feb 12, 2003



  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexuality, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction

Recap of Chapter 4

"I love you too J." I said as I placed a small kiss on his head. After watching Justin sleep for a few minutes, I slowly drifted off to sleep along with Justin. I was sleeping a lot better with the help of my man. I woke up in the morning to find myself alone. I was about to call Justin's name when I heard the toilet flush. Justin hopped under the covers again, and I gave him a quick kiss.

Justin noticed the quick kiss and said, "Is that all I get?"

"With morning breath like that it is." I said while tickling Justin's side. "I am going to order some breakfast now. We can stay in bed until it comes." I said while picking up the phone. Justin and I cuddled until there was a knock at the door. "I am going to get breakfast. You stay in here." I said while I placed a small kiss on Justin's cheek.

"Okay, If you are gone for too long, I am coming to get you." He said as I went to the answer the door. I opened the door, and I was in total shock. My dad was standing right in front of me. He was waiting for a greeting, but all I could do is stare. Just then, Justin walked out of the room and said, "Baby, what's taking you so long? Who is that?"

Chapter 5

"I'm his father. Who the hell are you?" Mr. Delancey asked very angrily.

"His name is Justin Timberlake, and I will be working for him for the next two weeks." I said while matching my father's tone.

"Nice to meet you." Justin said while attempting to shake Mr. D's hand.

"I'm not shaking your hand." Mr. D hissed out at Justin. "Who knows where they have been? Drew, I was informed about your job, but I didn't realize it included sleeping with this queer." Mr. D's words hurt Justin.

"Dad, If Justin is queer, then that must make me queer too. I love him, and we are going to be together no matter what you say." I stated while putting my arm around Justin.

"It's bad enough that you are gay Drew, but you fell in love with him. He won't hesitate one minute about ditching you when things get rough. I will let you come back home Drew, but you have to come home with me right now." Mr. D said still in the doorway.

"Sir, I love your son with all of my heart, and I would never do anything to hurt him intentionally. Please believe me when I say that. I can't imagine my life without Drew." Justin said while his eyes began to fill up with tears. Those words meant so much to me, but I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to kiss him right there, but I knew that would just make things worse.

"Drew," My dad said with pure hate in his voice. "Come home now or never. Your choice."

"Dad, I am going to have to say never. Justin was the one thing missing from my life. Without him I am incomplete. I still love you dad, and I hope that someday you will be able to forgive me for this. I don't want to be alone again dad." I said while holding back the tears. I looked up to see my dad's reaction, and what I saw was horrible. He was crying. It was like someone just stuck a knife through his chest. The last time I saw him like this was when Mom left him.

"Drew, How could you? You are all I have in this world son. Well. You've made your decision, and I have made mine. I never want to see your face again. I will have your stuff dropped off tomorrow. Good-bye son." My dad said as he walked out of the door and slammed it behind him.

"Oh my God. What have I done?" That was all I managed to say before I broke down. I crumbled to the floor and I felt Justin's arms spoon me up. My dad just disowned me. After me choosing to live with him after my mom begged me to stay with her. This is what I got. I could feel Justin rocking me back and forth as my tears flowed from my eyes. I could feel help me stand up, and lead me to his bedroom. We both got into the bed, and I hugged onto him like he was my life jacket.

"Baby, I am here for you. Don't forget that. You are not going through this alone." Justin said as he rocked me to sleep. I fell asleep in his arms. I was hurt, but I didn't feel alone. I knew Justin was there for me, and he would always be there for me. I awoke a little while later, and I found Justin with me. He was looking into my eyes. "Hi, how are you doing?" He asked while kissing me softly.

"As good as it's gonna get." I said with a grin. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"About four hours."

"Have you been awake the whole time?" Justin nodded at me with a soft smile. "You must be starving baby."

"Actually I was, but I didn't want to wake you."

"J, You are too good to me." I pulled him close to me, and we shared a passionate kiss. "How about we order some room service? I don't think I want to get out of bed just yet."

"That's fine Drew. As long as I am with you." Justin said picking up the phone. "You up for some burgers?" I just nodded. After placing the order, Justin hung up the phone and spooned me up again. "I love you so much Drew." He said while kissing me on the back of my neck.

I pulled his hand up from my abs and placed a sweet kiss on it. "J, I love you more than anything. You are everything to me baby." There was a knock at the door. I jumped up from bed and slipped a robe on. "I'll go get it." I said while walking out of the room. Before Justin could object, I was greeting the bellhop. I tipped him very nicely and headed to the kitchen. "Justin, lunch is here." I said while I felt his arms snake around me. I jumped a little bit, and Justin giggled.

"Did I scare you?" Justin asked with an amused look on his face.

"No, Now lets eat." Justin and I finished lunch, but I felt like going back to bed. So we both brushed our teeth, and crawled under the sheets. "I could do this everyday." I said while pulling Justin close to me. I laid my head in between his shoulder and neck and started kissing him seductively. "I want you so bad J."

"Drew, please don't be mad at me, but I don't think I am ready for sex just yet." Justin said with a nervous look on his face.

"J, that is cool with me. I know we need to take our time. It makes me love you even more baby." Justin had a happy look on his face, and I could tell he was pleased with what I said. I turned over to go to sleep, but Justin turned me around to face him.

"Well, maybe not all forms of sex. I don't know any clean way to say this, but I am going to say it anyway. Could I jack you off?" Justin asked with that nervous look again. He needed to be surer of himself. I couldn't have him getting nervous every time he asked me something about sex.

"Only if we do it at the same time." I said pulling Justin in for a kiss. While we were kissing, I slipped off his boxers, and he did the same to me. He was on top of me, and we were searching each others mouth for something. I felt Justin's hardness on mine, and it sent shudders through my whole body. Justin was grinding himself into me, and I could hear his breathing become more rapid. "Oh baby." I moaned, and I could feel Justin quicken the pace. I was watching his face, and I knew he was close. I reached my hands around and grabbed his butt. Justin moaned in pleasure. It was getting harder for me not cum, but I knew it was coming soon. An explosion of cum erupted and hit my chin. At the same time, I released my cum on him. Justin rolled off of me to his side of the bed and grabbed a T-shirt from the floor. He wiped both of us off and climbed into my arms. "That was amazing baby. I love you so much."

"It was great. I am glad it was with you." Justin said as we both began to drift asleep.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note: Sorry the story is so short, but I had a very busy week. I am working a lot of hours, and it is hard to find the time to write anymore. Hope you all liked it, and I hope to have another chapter later on in the week. My instant messenger name is Elktonboi. So feel free to IM me also. Thanks for reading. I would like to give a special thanks to my editor Cardo!!! Thanks alot man!

Please tell me how you liked my story. If you have questions, comments or suggestions. E-mail me Even if you just liked the story, drop me an e-mail. This is my first attempt at a story on Nifty. I need some assurance. Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 6

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