Securing Justins Heart

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Jan 30, 2003



  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction

Recap of Chapter 3

Justin now had a smile on his face, and he was looking deep into my eyes. " Good. I am glad we can over this together, but I can't take another fight like we had today. It was to much for me to handle. You have to promise me that you are not going to run again. We need to settle our problems as soon as they come up. If you promise me that, I would love nothing more than to be with you."

"Justin, I am sorry for hurting you today, and I promise to come talk to you next time. Does that mean I can call you my boyfriend?"

"Drew you can call me anything you want to! I am yours and nobody else's."

Justin and I both got up an met each other in a hug. I never wanted to let go of the man that I loved.

Chapter 4

After our hug, I pulled Justin into a passionate kiss. I felt Justin's hands rubbing my back under my shirt. Justin's mere touch brought goose bumps to my skin. He giggled when he felt them. "Look like someone likes it when I touch them!"

"Of course I do baby! Who wouldn't love your touch." Justin and I were still in a hug when I heard a loud grumble. "Sounds like someone is very hungry! Did you eat breakfast?"

"No, did you?" Justin asked before he kissed me softly on my lips.

"Nope! How about we go grab a bite to eat. I need to get out of this damn hotel."

" I was hoping you would want to go out. This will be my first time out with my new security." Justin said as he bobbed his eyebrows. "My life is so hard." He said as he placed small kisses up and down my neck. "I have to hang out with the man of my dreams every time I go out for the next two weeks."

"I know. What will you ever do?" I said pulling myself away from him while he pouted. "Don't give me that look. I am very hungry, and you are the one that needs to get ready." I pushed Justin in his room and pulled the door shut. "You are not allowed to come out of your room until you are ready to go!"

"That's not fair!" a whiney Justin said from the other side of the door.

I went and sat down on the couch, and started flipping through the channels. About 10 minutes later, I heard Justin's door open. "About time!" I yelled. When I turned around, I saw Justin wearing a light blue shirt that shimmered when the light touched it and a pair of black pants. The outfit hugged Justin in all of the right places.

Justin noticed my stares and said "Would you stop staring at me and come on?"

"Justin, we aren't going to the disco. You have to change!" I said as Justin flashed me a dirty look.

"Who are you to tell me what I can wear? I just wanted to look good for you!" Justin said with anger in his voice.

"Justin," I said while walking towards him, " I am not trying to tell you what to wear. Everyone and their mother will recognize you in that outfit. I just don't want to get mobbed of girls while we are trying to enjoy a quiet lunch."

Justin pulled me into a hug. "I am sorry Drew. I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. How about you come to my room and help me pick something out?" I followed Justin to his room, and he started stripping off his clothes. When we got to his room, I pulled him to me and started kissing his neck. "Weren't you the one that told me I had to get ready so we could go to lunch?"

"Well I am hungry for something else now." Justin just gave me a look. "Alright, Let's find something for my baby to wear." After tossing through his bags I found a simple blue shirt, a pair of jeans, and a hat.

"You pick good clothes." Justin said. "Would you pick my clothes out for me every day?"

"Yea right!" I said with a laugh. "Sometimes, I have problems dressing myself. Now, where are we going to eat?"

"The limo driver said there was a nice Italian place around the corner. We may have to have a bug lunch since we will be driving to Philly later on for a photo shoot. We will probably have to do room service when we get there."

"Alright, sounds good. Do you have time to go out tonight? There is a jazz club that I have been hearing good things about, but I have never had anyone to go there with. You interested?"

"Sure, I would love to go there. Sounds like my kind of place. Let me call the limo driver and we can head to lunch." Justin said as he picked up the phone. While we were in the limo, Justin scooted over and put his arm around me. I was very comfortable sitting there with Justin, but I was worried about the limo driver.

"Justin, we can't do that in here. What if the driver sees us?" I whispered. Justin leaned over and began kissing me very passionately. While Justin was kissing me, he was also pushing the button to lower the screen between the driver and us. I looked up and saw the driver looking at us in the rearview mirror with a big grin on his face.

"Walter, this is Drew. He is the love of my life, and you are the first to know." I was extremely shocked. For someone who was trying to keep our relationship secret, he sure wasn't doing a good job.

"Good for you Justin. It is about time you found happiness. We are almost at the restaurant." Walter raised the screen again.

"J, why did you tell him? We are supposed to keep things secret." I pleaded.

"Oh, Walter is like my Grandpa. He was the driver for N'Sync, and I asked that he be moved to me permanently. We would have a lot of long talks about life in the back of this limo. He was the one that helped me realize I was gay."

"Well, that explains a lot. You will have to fill me in on that kind of stuff." The limo stopped, and Justin and I went into the nice Italian restaurant. Justin ordered for the both of us. "This is very nice." I said while watching how Justin ate his salad. He was very refined. Even though there were several forks, Justin seemed to pick just the right one. Having to go to a lot of charity dinners with my dad, I did quite well with dinner etiquette.

"I though you would like it." Justin said smiling at me. "After dinner I was wondering if you would mind if I went to the gym. I really need to work out, and I know that you already went this morning."

"J, you don't have to ask me if it is okay to go. I am not your keeper. You can go anywhere anytime."

"I know that. I just don't want to leave you alone. I feel bad." Justin said with a pout.

"Justin, I did have a life before I met you. You are part of that now. I will be fine. I promise."

"Alright," Justin said as the food arrived. "Let's eat!" After lunch, we went back to the hotel. Justin left for the gym, but not after me telling him countless times that I would be okay. Luckily, most of my things were still packed. So, I decided to check my e-mail. I had about 50 e-mails. Most of it was junk mail, but I did get one from my sister Ally. She is 31, and she lives in San Diego. It read.


I know it has been a while, and I am sorry. I have been very busy with the law firm. I met someone. His name is Billy, and he is one of the other lawyers in the firm. We have been dating serious for about 6 months. About a month ago, he asked me to marry him. The wedding is in three weeks, and Billy wants you to be one of his groomsmen. I know I have no right to ask you this since I haven't been keeping in contact, but you are the closest person to me in the family. I really want you there. Please call me on my cell with the answer if you still have the number.


I was very confused why Ally asked me to be in her wedding. We have not spoken in a year. After my parents divorce, nobody wanted to speak to any family. Ally and I sort of lost contact. I hated myself for letting it go that long, but I try to work a lot of hours to forget all of the family problems I was having. I guess it worked. I left a message for my sister telling her I could come, and I asked her if I could bring someone. After the e-mail, I decided to take a nap while I was waiting on Justin. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled into bed. I wasn't exactly sure what time it was, but I felt Justin crawl into bed with me. I turned over and saw Justin looking at me with a smile on his face. "Hey Baby! How was the gym?"

"The gym was ok." Justin said as he snuggled close to me. "I like this a lot better. You know you are very cute when you are sleepy." Before I could say anything else to Justin, I dozed back off to sleep. The ringing phone awakened me. I heard Justin talk to whoever was on the line. All of a sudden, Justin jumped out of the bed and pulled the covers off. "Shit Drew! The limo is going to leave in 20 minutes. We need to hurry."

"Ok J, No need to worry. Since I have already packed, I will help you pack."

"Thanks Drew, I knew I had you around for a reason." Justin said with a wink.

"Yea, you will owe me later." I said while folding all of Justin's clothes. After finishing packing, we had someone take our bags to the limo. Philly was a good 3-hour drive from Baltimore. While we were in the limo, we really didn't talk much. It was a very comfortable silence. Justin and I were both napping on the way there. When we finally got to the hotel, we had all of our bags brought up to the room. The suite was very nice. It had 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and a room with a jacuzzi. It was very nice, and I was glad we were going to be spending the remainder of the time there. I was still extremely tired, and I didn't feel like going to the jazz club. "Justin, would you be mad if I said I just wanted to go to bed?"

"No baby, I was actually pretty tired myself. I am ready for some sleep." Justin said as he pulled me into his room. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt and slid my jeans off.

"Justin, I think I may be too tired for that tonight." I said very shyly.

"Drew, I am too." He said with a giggle. "I just want to get you ready for bed." I pulled Justin's shirt over is head, and slowly took of his jeans. He hopped under the covers, and I did the same. Justin cuddled up to me, and placed a very passionate kiss on my lips. After kissing for a few minutes, Justin broke the kiss. I let out a small wine, and he said, "Come on. We need to get some sleep. I love you baby." Justin laid his head on my chest, and slowly drifted to sleep.

"I love you too J." I said as I placed a small kiss on his head. After watching Justin sleep for a few minutes, I slowly drifted off to sleep along with Justin. I was sleeping a lot better with the help of my man. I woke up in the morning to find myself alone. I was about to call Justin's name when I heard the toilet flush. Justin hopped under the covers again, and I gave him a quick kiss.

Justin noticed the quick kiss and said, "Is that all I get?"

"With morning breath like that it is." I said while tickling Justin's side. "I am gong to order some breakfast now. We can stay in bed until it comes." I said while picking up the phone. Justin and I cuddled until there was a knock at the door. "I am going to get breakfast. You stay in here." I said while I placed a small kiss on Justin's cheek.

"Okay, If you are gone for too long, I am coming to get you." He said as I went to the answer the door. I opened the door, and I was in total shock. My dad was standing right in front of me. My dad was waiting for a greeting, but all I could do is stare. Just then, Justin walked out of the room and said, "Baby, what's taking you so long? Who is that?"

To be Continued...

Author's Note: Sorry the story is so short, but I had a very busy weekend. There will be another chapter coming tomorrow. It is going to be very interesting, so please keep reading. Here's a hint. Someone very important catches Justin and Drew in the act. It could change things for Justin and Drew. Also, I am looking for an editor. So if you are interested, please e-mail me. My instant messenger name is Elktonboi. So feel free to IM me also. Thanks for reading.

Please tell me how you liked my story. If you have questions, comments or suggestions. E-mail me Even if you just liked the story, drop me an e-mail. This is my first attempt at a story on Nifty. I need some assurance. Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 5

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