Securing Justins Heart

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Jan 24, 2003



  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction

Recap of Chapter 1

"I am so sorry!" I said trying not to laugh at the situation. The pool was lit, but it was very hard to see anything. The next thing I knew, Justin was pulling my trunks off. He then threw them out next to the towels. I did the same to his. We wrestled around for a while. I was very turned on, and it was almost impossible not to get an erection. Here I was playing in the pool naked with Justin Timberlake. After a while, Justin had me backed up into the corner of the pool. He was holding me back, and his hands were on my chest. I wasn't resisting that much. It was very nice. He moved his hands to the corner, so that I was trapped between him and the wall. I could feel Justin push slightly up against me. We were looking into each other's eyes and moving closer to each other. I could feel his breath on my face, and then he broke away. I saw ass when he got out of the pool.

"I will be inside waiting for you. I don't want you to think I am checking you out." Justin said with a wink. He left me alone in the pool to gather my thoughts.

Was I just imagining what happened there? I am pretty sure Justin and I were about to kiss. I can't fall for a pop star. He is straight. He would never be attracted to a guy, especially me. I have very low self-esteem. I work out 3 times a week. I eat well, and am very athletic. Why am I still single? I can't fall for Justin. He will just break my heart. I headed back to the pool house. Justin and I finished getting my things, and we headed to the hotel. I would be staying in a suite with Justin. We would share a living room, kitchen, and a bathroom. Justin acted like nothing happened. It probably didn't in my mind. Maybe he is just close to his friends. At least I would get to be his friend. We both went to bed, but I couldn't sleep well. I kept thinking of him, and how much I would love to be in his bed. I finally fell asleep

Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning feeling very refreshed. It was about 10 am, and Justin was still asleep. I headed to the shower. Halfway through my shower the door opened. I must have forgot to lock the door. I am still not used to sharing with someone. Justin came in. I was so embarrassed. It was a glass shower door, but it was very steamy in the bathroom. Hell, I wasn't even sure it was Justin at first.

"Hey Pretty Boy! Why don't you take a little longer in the shower? It's not like anyone else might have to pee!" Justin said with a giggle.

"I don't care if you pee. Are you bashful or something? Justin scared someone is going to peek at him?" I said while Justin came closer to the shower. I could just make him out. All he had on was his boxer briefs. Damn, he was sexy! Next thing I know Justin is peeing.

"Sorry!" he said while flushing the toilet. I could see his grin through the steam.

"Smart ass!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Justin stated while he left the bathroom.

After a few more minutes in the shower, I headed back to my room with only my towel around my waist. I had to walk right past Justin's door. I tried to walk fast, but I heard Justin whistling. After we both got ready, Justin and I spent the day hanging out and watching movies. We talked even more. He was really one of the first people in a long time I really felt I knew a lot about. I kept picking up a weird vibe. I would also catch him staring at me when I wasn't looking. I was starting to think he had a crush on me. We were watching our fourth movie (yea, we are bums), and I could feel Justin's leg press against mine. It was a pretty big couch, and I could tell it was no accident. I looked over at him, and we made eye contact. We must have been looking into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes. All of a sudden, I felt Justin's hand move on top of mine. It felt so good to be there with him. We were both moving closer, and then our lips pressed hard against each other's. Justin was kissing me, and I kissed him back. It was such a great feeling. I felt his hand roam over my back, and the other one was holding my face. I pressed my tongue against his lips, and he parted them for me. I explored Justin's mouth for a few seconds, but then I broke the kiss.

"Justin, I can't do this right now." I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Why not? Do you not like me?" Tears were beginning to form in my eyes.

"No, it's not that. It's just that..." Justin got up and ran into his room.

I sat there in shock. I could hear muffled sobs come out of Justin's room, but he wouldn't talk to me. I tried to get him to talk to me for 15 minutes, but nothing happened. He shut me out of his world. I went back into my room, and decided I would go online and talk to Jbaby. Lucky for me, he was online.

Jbaby: Hey D! What are you up to?

DeltaBoynDE: Nothing much, what about you?

Jbaby: Same here. I am having a pretty rotten night.

DeltaBoynDE: Tell me about it. What are you up to tonight?

Jbaby: Well, I am actually visiting Baltimore for a little while, and I was wondering if you would want to meet me tonight? I need someone to talk to.

DeltaBoynDE: Sure! When and where shall we meet?

Jbaby: How about in 30 minutes at the Hilton Bar? That is where I am staying.

DeltaBoynDE: Ok, I will see you then.

I got off the computer, and started to get ready. It was going to be nice meeting J for the first time. I sort of feel like I am cheating. I did like Justin, but we are from different worlds. I didn't want my first real relationship to be a bad experience. I had to fix this with Justin before I left. As I was walking out the door, Justin left the suite. I saw a not on the living room table. It said he was going to the gym, and that he would be back in a few hours. At least I he was gone now, and I wouldn't have to lie to him about where I was going. At least I wouldn't have to go far to meet J.

When I finally got to the bar, I saw someone in a secluded booth in the back.

They were turned the other way, so I couldn't get a good look at him. He was the only person sitting alone, so I decided to take my chances. As I got closer, I could see it was Justin sitting there. He was also drinking. I could see another empty glass next to him. I was struck with guilt. How could I have been so rude to him? It is my entire fault he is drinking right now. I walked up to Justin's booth and put hand on his shoulder. "Can we talk?" Justin nodded no and said, " I just need some time alone right now. Maybe we can talk later."

"Ok Justin, I guess I will talk to you later." I got up, and moved to another table where Justin couldn't see me. If Justin saw J, there would be hell to pay. Even though I wasn't sitting with Justin, I still cared about what he was doing to himself. I saw the waitress go to his table with a drink quite a few times. Well, she came to my table a lot too. 45 minutes passed, and I was getting mad. A friend stood me up. I was almost drunk by then. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to meet him. I should walk up to the front desk and ask for every guest with a name that starts with J. I wanted to give him hell. I was about to leave, when I remembered Justin. He was still here. I looked over at the table, and saw Justin with his head lying on the table. My heart almost shattered. I went to the booth, and kneeled beside Justin. "Justin, can we please talk?"

" Get the fuck away from me. I don't want to get hurt anymore." Justin angrily stated between mobs. I should have been angry by the way he was talking to me, but I deserved this. I also knew the alcohol had a little bit to do with it.

"Please Justin! I know I hurt you, but there are some things we should talk about. I placed my hand on top of his, and he lifted his head to talk to me.

Justin's eyes were red and puffy. I felt so bad. Why did I put someone I care about through this?

"Ok." Justin said as he moved further in the booth so I could sit beside him. " I am sorry for the crude words. I am just having a bad night."

"Justin, It's ok. I deserved it. Justin," taking his hand in mine, " I need to apologize for the way I acted earlier tonight. I shouldn't have toyed with you the way I did. I am so confused right now, and everything happened way to fast. The only way I could react was to pull away. I care for you Justin, but you are the first friend I have had in a while. I don't want to ruin what we have." Justin was starting to tear up again. " I don't want to get hurt Justin, that's all."

"Drew, I understand all of that, and I am going through a lot too. If you couldn't tell, I am gay. I have always known that, but I have to keep up the girl crazy pop star act so I would make money. In a way, my life is a complete lie. No one knows I am gay except for one friend, and well I don't even think he is my friend anymore. I don't have anyone to relate to or talk about guys with. I am very lonely, but then you came along. You are such a great guy. You are kind, funny, sensitive and cute. I thought you liked me too, and I took action on a hunch that you were gay. Also, I have this friend. We talk online a lot, and he knows the real me. After everything that happened tonight with you, I asked him to meet me here. Well, you can see how that went. I just need someone." Justin began crying again. I was still in shock about what Justin said. Could he be Jbaby?

"Justin, this might sound weird, but did your friend call you J?" I asked nervously.

"Yea, how did you know that? Did you snoop around my computer?" Justin asked as he began to get angry.

I started to cry. "Justin, I'm D. You know DeltaboynDE." Justin looked at me and then hugged me very tightly.

"Why do the two guys that I like turn out to be one that is straight?" Justin then got a confused look on his face. "D was gay though. We talked about it all the time. There is something you are not telling me."

"Justin, I am gay, and I like you. You already know that I have never been in a serious relationship, and I am afraid to commit to one with a pop star. I don't want to get hurt." I started to cry.

Justin took my hand in his and said, "Drew, you are the perfect guy. Don't you think it is a little weird that we happened to meet this way? It almost seems like fate. I want to be with you, and I would never hurt you intentionally. I need a chance to prove it to you."

I hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear. "This is fate. You will not only have a chance, but you will have my heart too." We were both crying like big babies. I felt so safe in his arms. After a few minutes of hugging, we noticed it was a little to quiet in the bar. Plus, we had a lot to drink, and we were both sleepy. After we got to the hotel room, we stood there for a little while. We were searching each other's eyes. I leaned in and kissed Justin gently on the lips. My heart was beating so fast.

" I think we better go to sleep, I have a press conference in the morning. I need to get a good nine hours, so I don't get a hangover in the morning." Justin said with a goofy grin. I was disappointed. I wanted to be in his arms all night. I was heading to my room, when Justin grabbed my arm. "Where do you think you are going? My bed seems very lonely with only me in it."

I kissed him again and said. "I thought you were never going to ask." Justin and I went to his room and began undressing. Justin was standing in front of me in his boxer briefs and me in my boxers. Justin was laughing a little bit. "What's so funny?" I asked. He pointed down to my crotch, and started laughing extremely hard. He was leaning over and holding his stomach. When I looked down, I saw what he was looking at. I had a tent in my boxers. I was so embarrassed. I hopped into Justin's bed and pulled the covers over my head.

Justin jumped under the covers next to me. He was facing me now. "Why are you so embarrassed? I am going to see it sooner or later. Hopefully, sooner than later, but not tonight. I want our first time to be special. He kissed me on my lips and layed on his back. I went over and wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest.

"Goodnight Justin, I love you..." Oh shit. I did love Justin, but I didn't want to rush him. "Justin, I am sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I feel so special when you say that. I know that you mean it, and I love you also. I just didn't want to rush you. It's alright. Now, lets get some sleep." Justin turned off the lamp, and placed a kiss on his chest. We both fell asleep right away. I have to admit. It was great being in bed with the man that you love. When I woke up the next morning, I was all alone. Justin didn't wake me up before he left. I went to the Refrigerator to get some juice when I saw the note. It said that he didn't want to wake me up, and that we needed to talk when we got back. I crumpled the not up and threw it in the hallway. I was furious! I had fallen in love with a man that didn't feel the same way about me. Hell, it was probably the alcohol speaking for him. I knew I would get hurt. I got ready and headed to the gym. It was 10:00, and Justin was supposed to be back by 11. I didn't want to see him.

Author's Note: I hope you all liked the second part. It was a fun one to right. If you guys have something that you would like to happen, e-mail them to me. If they go with the story, I will incorporate it in one of the later chapters. Thanks!

Please tell me how you liked my story. If you have questions, comments or suggestions. E-mail me Even if you just liked the story, drop me an e-mail. This is my first attempt at a story on Nifty. I need some assurance. Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 3

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