Securing Justins Heart

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Jan 24, 2003



  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction

I was sitting alone at his usual station in the Port of Baltimore. I work the most boring shift of the day, but was also told it wan the most important shift. I am a security guard at an expensive car lot, and I make pretty decent money. I just moved up to Baltimore two months earlier. I wanted to "find" myself up here. I was still having problems making friends, but I did have my dad here. My dad is a top executive for a bank in Baltimore, and he is also at the top of social and business circles. He is a very powerful man in this town. That was the main reason I started school in the first place. My dad was doing everything he could to get me into a good school or get a nice job, but I wanted to earn it all myself. So after leaving school in Charlotte, I decided to work from the bottom to the top as a security guard. Even though it was a security agency, my dad is still pulling strings for me.

I was getting promotions left and right, and was always getting the easy jobs. I was about to finish his 7-3 shift when I got a call asking me to come into the office.

I got to the office around 3:15, and was immediately seen by my boss Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson was an older man that was beginning to bald. He went to school with my dad. I sat down in the black leather chair in front of Mr. Johnson's desk.

"What did I do this time?" I asked with an annoyed look on my face.

"Why do you think you did something wrong?" Mr. Johnson asked already amused.

"Every time I come in here I am in trouble for something."

"Well Drew, not today. You are actually getting moved to a new assignment. It is a high paying job, that asked for someone around the age of 20 and very good with hand-to-hand combat."

I stood up and began pacing around the room. "Why in the hell are you moving me to another assignment? I was finally getting settled in the Port. Did my father put you up to this?"

"Now hold on just one second Drew. I am doing this because you are the only qualified person on my team." Mr. Johnson was starting to get angry.

"I went to school for criminal justice for two damn years, and I get the easiest jobs there are. I am tired of my dad bribing his friends for me. I can do it on my own."

"Drew!" Mr. Johnson yelled as he got up from his chair. "Sit down and listen before you start pointing fingers at anyone" Mr. Johnson continued after I sat down. "Your dad was asking me to give you boring jobs so you would get bored with it here, and go work with him. I tried doing that at first, but you are now a valuable part of this team. I am giving you this job because you re qualified, and if your dad can't find out about this."

Then, I slowly began to realize I was overreacting. "I am sorry sir. It's just that I am used to my dad paving the way for me. Thank you for this opportunity. What kind of job is it?"

"Well, you will be working for some big wig that just arrived into town, and it is very confidential. Hell, I don't even know about it. It will only be for 2 weeks, but it will be 24/7. If your dad finds out, he will have my ass. It will all be worth it though. You will get 50 grand for all 2 weeks.

You will be staying there so pack your bags. You are doing this job. This might be your big chance to get out from under your dad's hold. Doris has all the information you need. Now get out! I have to make some calls." Mr. Johnson watched Drew walk out. He knew he would probably get into some trouble, but he didn't care.

It just turned 4:45, and I had a meeting with his new employer at the Hilton. I arrived at the hotel right at 5. When I got to the desk, I gave the receptionist the room number. "They have been waiting for you! You are very lucky."

I was starting to get suspicious of who I would be working for. This person must be pretty important to make the receptionist blush. On the way to the room, I was stopped by 2 police guards and frisked. After finally making it to the conference room, I was ushered in by 2 bodyguards. I sat down in the room on one side of the table. A handsome man in his mid thirties came in.

"Hi." The man said as I rose to my feet. " I am Johnny, and I work with Jive records. You must be Drew."

"Yes" I said shaking Johnny's hand "I'm Drew Delancey. It's nice to meet you Johnny." We both sat down. I couldn't help but admire this man. He had black hair and was very fit, and I felt like a mere commoner around him. Wait, to him I was.

"Drew, I have heard a lot about you. I am sure you have already been over the salary information. After signing these papers," he slid over a large stack of documents "the money will be transferred into your account. There are also confidentiality papers in there too. Now, this is the big bang right here. You will not be my client's security guard. You will be more oh his best friend. One of his old bodyguards was fired, and he went psycho on us. He has been following my client for a few weeks now, and he has forced my client to hide in his room. We don't want to tie him down. But if this stalker gets alone with him, we won't be able to protect him all of the time.

The stalker hasn't tried to hurt him yet, but we need to catch him in the act. That way we can get him arrested. We will slacken up on security when you are around. If the staler feels security is light, he will make his move. It will be your job to stop him when he finally does. Do you understand?"

"Yea, I think I got it, but who is your client?" I asked curiously.

"Right now." He told the security guards to send him in,

Then, Justin Timberlake walked in. My mouth dropped open. Justin was one of the few celebrities I thought didn't have a big head. He seemed very down to earth. He was also very hot, and I liked him ever since N'Sync started. When I realized I was staring, I stood up and shook Justin's hand.

"Hi, I'm Drew Delancey. It's a pleasure to meet you." I broke the handshake.

"I'm Justin Timberlake. It's nice to meet you too." Justin said with a cute smile. I am glad you will be hanging out with me for the next few weeks. I don't want you to think of me as a boss or a star. I am just a regular guy like you, and I hope we can grow to be good friends. I was wondering if we could start hanging out tonight. I could go home with you and help you pack if you would like." Justin stated while smiling at Drew still.

"That would be great. You seem very down to earth, and I am sure we will get along just fine. I wouldn't mind a new friend. I just moved here a few months ago, and I don't know many people here. Do you want to get dinner before we head over to my place?" I still had a goofy smile on my face. I was still in shock.

"Is that okay Johnny?" Justin asked.

"Sure you guys get out of here. I will be in touch in a few days. It was nice meeting you Drew and good luck with Justin. He is a handful." Johnny said while leaving.

"Don't listen to him. I am very down to earth. Shall we go?" Justin asked as he put his arm on Drew's back to guide him out.

Justin's touch sent goose bumps all over my body. I hope he doesn't find out I am gay. Nobody really suspects me being gay. I was always the ladies' man in college, but I never had sex with any of them. I would always use the excuse that I was "waiting until marriage," but I was really waiting for the right guy. The only person I was ever interested in was an online friend. His name is Jbaby, but I just call him J. My name is DeltaboynDE, but he just calls me D. He is also gay, but he travels a lot. He is also a virgin, and waiting for the right guy. Who knows? Maybe someday I will met him. Justin and I went to a small Italian restaurant. It seemed very romantic, and Justin kept smiling at me. Maybe that's how he treats all of his friends. We talked about everything with each other. I felt very close to him, and I was impressed of how down to earth he was. We went to my dad's house to pack up some stuff. He was out of town for a few days, and I was very fortunate for that. If he were there, he would have asked a lot of questions.

"You have a really nice house. Where do you stay?" Justin asked with a hand on my shoulder.

I did notice he was a very touchy person, but who's complaining? "It isn't mine. I am just staying with my dad until I decide what I really want to do.

He is temporarily letting me stay in the pool house. Maybe I will get my own place after I finish helping you."

"Oh." Justin said with a sad look on his face. He seemed sad at the though of me having to leave after 2 weeks. " Do you want to go for a quick swim? I might have to borrow some trunks though. We look about the same size."

"Sure. It would be fun. I haven't had many chances to swim with someone. I hate swimming alone." Wow! I was going to get to see Justin in a pair of my swimming trunks. I was starting to get a little turned on. After we got changed. We both jumped in the pool. I love swimming at night. Justin looked very good shirtless. He took care of his body. We had at least one thing in common there. At first, we were just swimming around and talking. Then, Justin started to get a little feisty.

"Justin, please don't dunk me. I hate staying under water. It makes me feel trapped." I reached over when he had his guard down and dunked him.

"Oh, it's on now!" Justin managed to say when he resurfaced. He then dunked me and held me below his waist. I was grabbing for anything to get to the surface. That's when I pulled his swimming trunks completely off.

"I am so sorry!" I said trying not to laugh at the situation. The pool was lit, but it was very hard to see anything. The next thing I knew, Justin was pulling my trunks off. He then threw them out next to the towels. I did the same to his. We wrestled around for a while. I was very turned on, and it was almost impossible not to get an erection. Here I was playing in the pool naked with Justin Timberlake. After a while, Justin had me backed up into the corner of the pool. He was holding me back, and his hands were on my chest. I wasn't resisting that much. It was very nice. He moved his hands to the corner, so that I was trapped between him and the wall. I could feel Justin push slightly up against me. We were looking into each other's eyes and moving closer to each other. I could feel his breath on my face, and then he broke away. I saw ass when he got out of the pool.

"I will be inside waiting for you. I don't want you to think I am checking you out." Justin said with a wink. He left me alone in the pool to gather my thoughts.

Was I just imagining what happened there? I am pretty sure Justin and I were about to kiss. I can't fall for a pop star. He is straight. He would never be attracted to a guy, especially me. I have very low self-esteem. I work out 3 times a week. I eat well, and am very athletic. Why am I still single? I can't fall for Justin. He will just break my heart. I headed back to the pool house. Justin and I finished getting my things, and we headed to the hotel. I would be staying in a suite with Justin. We would share a living room, kitchen, and a bathroom. Justin acted like nothing happened. It probably didn't in my mind. Maybe he is just close to his friends. At least I would get to be his friend. We both went to bed, but I couldn't sleep well. I kept thinking of him, and how much I would love to be in his bed. I finally fell asleep.

Please tell me how you liked my story. If you have questions, comments or suggestions. E-mail me Even if you just liked the story, drop me a e-mail. This is my first attempt at a story on Nifty. I need some assurance. Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 2

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