Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Feb 1, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 7

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

It had been three days since we got back from camp. Even though while I was there, I kinda wanted to get home already, get back and settled, be able to take a shower without flops, and sleep in my own bed, I missed it. I missed Ricky. I had only seen him once since we had been back, and we hadn't even been able to touch eachother.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I almost never heard the phone ringing. I kind of hoped it was Ricky.


"Jase?" someone asked.

"Yip?" I replied.

"It's Jake. How you doing bud?"

"Great 'n you?" Jake and I were school friends. He wasn't on camp, but I had spoken to him since I got back. He was incredibly good looking, and I had liked him for a while, but I was almost sure he was totally straight. But then again, these days you could never tell who was and who wasn't.

"Good thanks. Listen bud, I'm having a party at my house tonight, at around 8. You wanna come?"

"Sure, I'll be there."

"Great - see ya there."

"Hey," I said. "Can Ricky come too?"

"Becker?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Sure, why not?"

"Ok. See ya later," I said, and hung up the phone.

It was my first Saturday since I'd been back. Not that it made much of a difference - I was still on vacation, and school only started in two weeks. I had already gotten my car the day after I returned home - a beautiful, silver Golf4 GTi cabriolet. Leather interior, 2.0 liter, fuel injection. And if you don't know what that means, just think of it as a fuckin' hot, fuckin' powerful car!

I realised that Ricky hadn't seen my car yet. I decided that I'd go for a drive with him, just to show off a bit. I jumped off my bed, still in just my boxers, and grabbed the portable. I dialled his number and walked into the bathroom. While the phone was ringing, I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair really needed a cut.

The phone rang three times before there was an answer.

"Hello?" Ricky answered.

"Hey," I said.

"Jase!" he exclaimed. "How you doin'?"

"Pretty good, boy. You busy this morning?"

"Nope," he said.

"Wanna go for a drive? Maybe see a movie or something?"

"Sure," he said. "I'm still in my PJ's though. Gimme like 15 minutes and I'll be ready. Your mom gonna pick us up?"

"Nope," I replied.

"Oh, ok. Well, see you in 15," he said, kind of confused.

I decided to take a quick shower. I slipped off my boxers, and closed the bathroom door behind me. I turned on the hot tap, then the cold, got in and closed the shower door. I wished Ricky was with me.

I got out, dried off, pulled on a pair of jeans and a vest. I slipped on some sneakers and walked back into the bathroom. I poured some gel into my hands and did my hair, and then slapped on some aftershave. I left the bathroom, walking over the full-lenght mirror. I stood in front of it, looking at myself. Even though I was casual, I looked good. I lifted up my vest, and tensed my stomach. I had lost weight on camp. My stomach was much more defined now, and quite tanned too. I looked at my six pack, and left my room on an ego-high. I know, I'm quite conceited. So sue me!

I ran downstairs, grabbed my mobile and and my car keys.

"I'm goin' out for a while, Mom!" I shouted as I opened the front door.

"Okay Jase, don't be back too late!"

I walked outside and pressed the alarm for my car. It beeped and unlocked. I opened the door and got in. Straight away, I pressed the button to take the top down. It was way too hot to drive with the roof on. It wasn't too far to Ricky's house, only about 15 minutes. I put the key in the ignition, put it into first, and switched on the radio. Sonique's "Sky" came blaring through. I hated this song - it was so overplayed. I always checked to hear if anything was on the radio first, before I put on one of my CD's, but there never was anything good on.

I decided to put on some Creed. I hit the fast forward button a few times, to get to "Higher". It wasn't my favourite song on this album, but it reminded me of that one night at camp, in the tent with Ricky. I smiled and shouted the words as I drove.

I pulled up in Ricky's driveway about 15 minutes later. He was standing outside, waiting for me. He was wearing light khaki cargo pants and a dark, plain t-shirt. He looked as beautiful as ever. But when he saw me and my car, his face dropped in absolute amazement (and jealousy, probably). I switched off my music, got out the car and stood next to him, looking at my car.

"Well?" I asked. "Whatcha think?"

"Oh, My, God!" he said. "You fuckin' dick! I can't believe you got this car!"

"Not too shabby, eh?" I loved my car.

"Not too shabby? It's fucken awesome!" he added.

"Thanks," I said. I gave him a kiss on his lips. I felt a warm sensation run through my body. I hadn't seen him in almost two days! I missed him, ok?

"C'mon," I said. "Let's go for a drive."

We both hopped into the car - me, using the door on the driver's side, Ricky jumping over the door on his side. I just laughed and shook my head. He sat in the passenger seat beaming and inspecting the car.

As I turned the car on again, Creed came through the speakers on full volume. I turned it down so I could hear what Ricky had to say.

"Hey - we played this on that night - "

"Yep," I said. I smiled at him. He smiled back at me, and put his hand on my thigh.

We arrived at The Lakeside Mall about 20 minutes later. I could not believe how dead it was for a Saturday morning. We walked to the cinemas, to check out what was showing. I was in the mood for a comedy.

"Hey," I said. "You seen Scary Movie yet?"

"Nope," he said. "You wanna?"

"Yeah!" I said. "I hear it's really funny."

"Ok," he said.

Like the gentleman that I am, I insisted on paying for him. He bought popcorn and drinks for the two of us though, as a compromise.

We walked toward the cinema and gave our ticket to the lady at the door. She directed us to our movie and told us our seats.

The cinema was empty. There were a few people right at the front, probably a mother and her young kids, and one or two couples sparsely spread around the cinema. Ricky and I took our seats right at the back. The movie hadn't started yet, but the cinema was dark.

I put my arm around Ricky's shoulder. He leaned in closer to me, and put his hand on my lower stomach, just above my dick. Even him touching there turned me on so much, that my cock started to get hard.

"Excited to see me?" Ricky asked my dick, laughing. I laughed too. I leaned in close to his hear and whispered.

"Like you can't believe," I said. He leaned back up to whisper in my ear.

"When the movie starts," he hinted. I smiled. God I loved this boy.

About ten minutes later, the movie started. By this time, I didn't even care about watching it. My cock was rock hard and I needed Ricky right then and there. He unzipped my jeans and lifted my vest halfway up my chest. He pulled my cock out of my boxers, and immediately began sucking it. Softly at first, but gradually harder. I had to use almost all my concentration to remember I was in a public place, and I couldn't moan as loud as I wanted to.

I leaned over and slipped my hand down the back of his pants. I felt his totally smooth butt, and slipped my finger into his crack. He sucked harder, and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I blew my load inside his mouth, and he swallowed every drop.

He lifted his head up to me and I kissed him. He kissed me back, and we frenched for a solid 5 minutes.

We then watched the movie. It was hysterical. I loved the way Ricky laughed. I had this great feeling inside me the whole movie, and we held eachother the whole time.

After the movie, we got back into my car and started to drive home.

"There's a party at Jake's house tonight." I said. "You wanna go?"

"You sure it's okay for me to go? I don't really know him."

"Yeah," I said. "I asked him if it was cool this morning. And you can sleep over at me tonight as well."

"Mmmmmm, now that's an offer I can't refuse!" he smiled.

Come back soon to see what happens at the party, guys. Comments or suggestions to


Next: Chapter 8

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