Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Jan 29, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 6

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

Enjoy :)



"You awake?"


That has got to go down as the worst question anyone could ask you. I opened my eyes and propped myself up on my elbows. I looked around and saw David and Martin fast asleep. I took a deep breath in and rubbed my eyes. It was still dark outside.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," Ricky said.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Nothin," he said. I looked at him for a second.

"So...what did you wake me up for?"

"For this," he said, and pulled my chin towards his and kissed my lips. I smiled at him.

"What was that for?" I asked, still smiling.

"Nothin. For being you," he said.

"Well thank you," I said. I pulled into him again, returning his kiss. I slipped my hands behind his head and played with the hair at the back of his neck. Suddenly he pulled away from me, and stroked my face with his hand.

"I love you," he said. I looked at him hard.

"I love you too," I said. We kissed again a few times, and both fell asleep.

"Jason! Ricky! Martin! David! Up guys! C'mon, get up get up get up!!" I lifted my head and saw Jason standing in the entrance.

"Get up guuuuuys!!"

"Go awaaaaaaaaay!!" Martin shouted into his pillow.

"Awwwww, c'mon Mart, time to get up, lots of fun today!!"

"'K, you go ahead and we'll catch up," Dave said.

"Naaaah that's not gonna work Dave!" Jason said. After at least 15 minutes of this, we finally all sat up.

"That's better," Jason said. "Now don't go back to sleep!" He turned around and left the tent. Martin and David flopped back down straight away.

"Shower?" Ricky asked me.

"Yep," I said. For some reason I wasn't really in the mood for anything like our last shower session. I grabbed all my toiletries (and flops, of course), and headed to the showers with him. They were packed. I took a seat on one of the benches and waited for one of the cubicles to become available. My eyes started wandering to the other boys showering.

"Hey!" Ricky said.

"What?" I said back.

"Stop looking!" he said in a harsh whisper. I grinned and laughed softly.

"Sorry!" I whispered back. He smiled at me.

Ricky took the first cubicle that was available, but eventually I also got one.There wasn't any hot water, which I hate, so I was in and out of that shower in 5 seconds flat. The showers were empty compared to earlier, save for a few younger guys. Ricky looked down at my dick.

"Woah," he said. "Was the shower THAT cold!?"

"Fuck you!" I said, laughing, and covering myself with a towel. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Later," he said, with a naughty smile on his face.

The day unfolded as usual. During breakfast, Ricky and I didn't have too much to say to eachother. As much as I loved him, I felt that we were maybe spending a bit too much time together, and that we should maybe broaden our circle of friends. Besides, I had sorta been neglecting David again. I decided to talk to Ricky about it. He totally understood and agreed with me. And on top of all of it, there was only about 5 days left of camp. After that we'd head home and get back to school. But there was the train ride back to look forward to!

Walking out of the dining room, I found David walking with a girl I didn't know. As I caught up to him, they parted ways. I ran up to him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey Jase," he said, smiling.

"Wassup, Dave? Haven't seen you lately, bud. That your girlfriend?" I said, lightly punching him in his side. He winced. The smack must've been harder than I intended.

"Yeah right," he said. We walked back to our tent.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothin', why?"

"Dono. You still seem a bit down. You still enjoying camp?"

"Sure," he said.

"Ok, as long as you're ok. Hey - you wanna go to the beach?"

"Nah," he said. It was then that I realised we hadn't been to the beach together.

"You sure? We only have a few more days to go hey. Camp ends soon."

"I know," he said. "I've been a couple of times already. I'll go like one more time before it ends."

"Okay," I said. For some reason I wanted to bring up the topic of what we discussed a few nights ago - I wanted to ask him if he found any guys. But we both felt uneasy talking about it, and I still didn't feel totally comfortable being with Ricky in front of him.

We walked back to our tent, and I decided to just relax on my mattress. We had free time until lunch today, so I figured I'd spend it with Dave.

"Dave," I started.

"Jase," he said at the same time as me. We both laughed.

"You go," He said. I smiled. I paused uneasily for a while.

"Howcome it's weird?" I asked, suddenly breaking the silence.

"Howcome what's weird?" he asked, but I knew he was fully aware of what I was talking about.

"Us," I said. "Why's it uncomfortable now that we know about eachother?" He took a deep breath in.

"I guess I'll be straight with you, Jase." he said. "It's weird because of the way I feel about you. Yes - I love you as a friend Jase, and I have tried to tell myself that it's just friendship. But these emotions are not going away, and lately I can't stop asking myself why I never seized the opportunity when I had the chance."

"Opportunity? When you had the chance?" I asked, confused.

"To be honest, I've known about you for a lot longer than when I saw you and Ricky together. I should've confronted you and maybe things would have been different. But I missed my chance, and I try tell myself that I should be happy for the two of you, and that I should tell Ricky how lucky he is to get a guy like you - cos, lets face it, Jase, you know you are an amazing person, and you know you are fucking gorgeous. And we would have made an incredible couple."

I blushed, speechless. I didn't know what to say. I wished he hadn't told me that, because I was happy with Ricky and I knew that this would just complicate things.

"Dave," I started, "I dono what to say. You're right - the two of us would have been amazing couple. But you know the reality. I'm with Ricky now, and I'm happy with him. As much as I love you - as a friend, and maybe something more - I am with Ricky." I repeated my point, trying as hard as I could to let him down easy. He started to cry. I leaned over and placed my hand on his cheek, wiping away the tear.

"Hey," I said. I put my hand under his chin and lifted his face, so I looked him directly in the eye. "Mine and your relationship is totally different to mine and Ricky's. We have got 16 years of friendship behind us. I treasure that, and I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

He looked straight at me and smiled. He leaned in and gave me a warm hug and a peck on the cheek. We talked a bit longer, went to lunch and sat together. After lunch I spent some time with Martin and Ricky, and we found out that Martin actually had some brains behind those blue eyes.

That was pretty much the last few days. On the last night, Ricky and I returned to the water towers. It was about 3am, and it was a beautiful night. As we did last time, we took a sleeping bag and two pillows. If we did go to sleep tonight, we didn't have to worry about people catching us, since no-one ever came to the water towers on the last night, and because everyone would be sleeping in one of the structures.

"Shit, it's cold tonight hey," I said.

"Want me to warm you up?" he asked.

"Nah, it's ok." I said, teasing him.

"Fuck you!" he said.

"Mmmm, if you insist," I said, kissing him. I ran my hands up and down his body, from his lower stomach, over his abs, to his chest, to his face, and ended up in his hair. To be honest, I wasn't really in the mood for sex - I just wanted to hold him and kiss him and savour our last night. I didn't tell him that outright, but he realised it by the way I was acting.

"Anything wrong?" he asked me.

"Just a bit sad, cos camp's over already."

"Yeah," he agreed.

"You enjoy it?" I asked. He looked at me like I was from another planet.

"Are you kidding? I LOVED it!"

"Good," I said. We spent the rest of the night kissing, touching, and talking. We didn't end up going to sleep. I held Ricky in my arms while I watched the sun come up. I thought about everything that David had said to me the other day. I pushed it out of my mind. I was happy. It was a beautiful moment - lying there holding Ricky, watching the sun come up. It's a picture I'll never forget.

I wondered what he would be like once we went back to school. You learn that on camp, you may become good friends with someone, but as soon as you get back to school, they forget about you. I brushed the thought off. I knew that Ricky and I wouldn't be able to forget eachother.

We had all already packed up our trunks and sent them home. The next morning, everyone grabbed their overnight bags with a fresh change of clothes. Standing outside the buses, everyone said goodbye to the people they wouldn't see back home. This was by far the worst part of camp. I said goodbye to a couple of guys and girls I'd met who lived far from me. We all exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch (but probably wouldn't).

I got on to the bus and sat next to Ricky. David was nowhere to be seen. I was a bit sad from saying goodbye, my eyes all shiny.

"You okay, Jase?" Ricky asked me, concerned.

"Yeah," I smiled, and sniffed.

Arriving at the train station, I was in the same compartment as I was on the way to camp. Even though I was sad I wouldn't be just a walk away from Ricky anymore, I was also happy to be going home. I am actually a very solitary person, and I need my space and time alone. I was getting my car as soon as I got home though, so any time I wanted to see Ricky or David, I could see them.

The train ride home went quickly. Sure, Ricky and I were together a lot of the time, and we comfortably lay next to eachother and kissed while Dave was in the compartment. He must have known I was a bit worried about him, so he reassured me and told me how comfortable he was with Ricky and I.

After 34 hours, the train finally arrived back home. We all got off and went straight into the arms of our awaiting parents. I pulled Ricky aside.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey yourself," he said back.

"Listen," I started. He looked at me blankly. "Camp tends to change things, Rick. People make friends on camp and lose them back home." He carried on staring at me.

"What I'm saying, is that I really love you, and that I don't want anything to come between us."

"I know exactly what you mean, Jase. You don't need to worry. I love you way too much to let being back home seperate us. We'll see eachother all the time."

I smiled. I wanted to badly just to kiss him, to give some closure to the moment, but all I could do was hug him amongst the huge crowd.

We all said our final goodbyes, and piled into our respective parent's cars to go home. I was quiet in the car. I kind of missed Ricky already.

"How was camp, Jase?" my mom asked.

"Unbelievable," I said, and smiled to myself.

That's all for this week. Yes, I know it was short, but I have some things planned for when they get home, and I decided I'd start that on a new chapter. Keep checking back to see what happens when they get home, and as always, send any comments to


Next: Chapter 7

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