Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Jan 20, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 5

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

Enjoy :)

Now fully awake, we walked back to our tent to get changed into some fresh clothes. David and Martin were out of the tent, probably in breakfast, so Ricky and I exchanged a few kisses while we dressed ourselves. I slid on a pair of light blue Billabong boardshorts and a Levi's top (label junkie, I know, but I always like to look good). I grabbed my cap since I really didn't feel like doing my hair, and slipped it on. I put on some shoes and socks, slapped on some suntan lotion and stepped outside.

"Excuse me, but I do believe you've forgotten something." Ricky called back to me.

"I have?" I did a quick run through of what I could've forgotten. I couldn't think of anything.

"Yes, it's very important. Sunscreen."

"No - I put on already." I corrected him.

"Not for YOU, silly!" He smiled at me. I smiled back and re-entered the tent. He threw the bottle of sunscreen at me and I caught it. He took off his top and I poured some cream onto my hands. Ricky turned his back to me and I smeared a little bit over his shoulders. I moved down over his arms and to his side. I slid my hands forward towards his stomach. I rubbed the cream in over his beautiful ab muscles. God I loved his abs. There was nothing better for me than running my hands over his stomach. I moved up and rubbed some into his chest. I started kissing his neck and nibbling on his earlobe. He giggled and turned around to kiss me again. I went back down and rubbed the remaining lotion back on his stomach, and slipped my hands down his shorts, just to tease him.

"Hey, you can't just do that and not follow through, Jase!"

"Oh, can't I? I do believe I just did!" I gave him an evil smile.


"Oh come on, you're like a nymphomaniac! We just had a steamy love-session in the showers not half an hour ago!" I pointed out.

"Um, I'm sorry, have you SEEN you?"

"I have, yes..."

"Well then you should be able to understand why I can't keep my hands off you!" He said, smiling.

"Try," I said, more coldly than I intended. He gave me puppy dog eyes. "That's NOT gonna work, Becker." I said. I was still starving and I wanted to get some breakfast!

"Fine!" he said. I could tell he wasn't sore about it though. He started to walk past me when I stopped him and leaned in close to his ear.

"I'll make it up to you tonight, in more ways than you can imagine." I whispered. That had him smiling for practically the whole day.

We finally made our way down to breakfast. I decided to sit next to David this time, since I hadn't been paying much attention to him lately. I sat down next to him.

"Hey Dave," I said, reaching for some cereal.

"Well hello, Jason, so nice to see you." He said, without looking up from his bowl. I looked at him questioningly.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"What's up with ME? What's with you?!" He asked, quite loudly. Some people looked at us, but then resumed their conversations.

"Nothing!" I said. "What are you talking about?"

"Where have you been lately? I never saw you the whole day yesterday, you never slept in the tent last night, and I haven't seen you the whole morning until now! Where have you been?" Think quick, Jase. You need to save yourself from this.

"Jeez," I said. "I'm sorry I haven't been with you for too long Dave, but we are here for three weeks and I was just out, you know, meeting new people I guess."

He sighed.

"Okay, you're right. I'm sorry I screamed at you."

"No problem bud," I said.

"It's just, Martin has been upsetting me."

"How?" I asked.

He sighed again.

"Long story," he said. "I don't know if I can tell you."

I took the last gulp of my cereal.

"Come, lets go talk." I said. We got up from the table, threw our bowls in the bin and left the dining room. I turned back and saw Ricky sitting next to some girls I didn't know, talking happily. He caught my eye and winked at me across the room.

Dave and I walked in a similar direction as Ricky and I had the previous night. In fact, we walked to just in front of the water towers. We sat down for a while, not saying anything. I waited patiently for him to start.

"I don't know how to explain it," he said.

"Just come right out and tell me," I said.

"Great choice of words," he said. I formed a vague idea of what was to come, but didn't know if I was on the right track.

"Why has Martin been upsetting you?" I asked.

"I dunno," he started. "It's like, all the way here on the train, he was all worried that he wouldn't meet any friends or any girls and that no one would like him. And for some reason, the fact that I had friends and had been to camp before made me feel, I dunno, like, better than him in a way."

"Better than him?" I asked.

"Not better than him, really, just like, I was more popular than him, and he looked up to me, and I had someone who admired and respected me. And now he's made friends and already has a girlfriend, and I know I should be happy for him but I just feel sad that he isn't speaking to me anymore. And then you too - you've become friends with Ricky and I feel really left out."

"I'm really sorry bud," I said. "I will try my best to include you from now on."

Again he sighed.

"But that still isn't the main reason I've been feeling down." he said.

"Tell me Dave. You're my best friend, and you can tell me anything."

He was quiet for a while.

"Jase, I know about you."

My heart skipped a beat. I cleared my throat.

"Know what about me, Dave?"

"Don't be stupid, Jase. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I saw you with Ricky last night."

"You were spying on us?!" I asked, hardening my tone.

"I was looking for you last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and I remembered how often you used to go to the water towers last camp and I figured that'd be the first place you would go. I took a walk up here and saw you and Ricky sleeping in the same bag."

I was speechless. I honestly did not know what to say.

"And I'm not angry because you are gay or you are bi or whatever it is that you are. It's that you didn't tell me. I've suspected it for a while now, and it makes me sad that you felt you couldn't tell me."

"I - I'm sorry, Dave. I just, didn't know how you would react. I thought you would take it badly."

"Why would I take it badly?" he asked. "You're my best friend, Jase. I don't care. I would never, ever let our friendship slip away."

I just looked at him. I don't think anyone has ever said something so beautiful to me before. I felt a tear in the corner of my eye fall onto my cheek and slide down my face. David smiled and I saw a tear drop onto his cheek to. I lifted my hand to his face and wiped it away for him. He lifted his hand to his face and grabbed my hand. I looked directly at him, asking with my eyes what he was doing. He closed his eyes. He tilted his head down a bit, and put his lips to my hand, and kissed it.

"Dave?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes," he said. "I am." I could not believe it. All these years we had been best friends, and I never even considered him to be gay. He was so straight acting, always playing sports and with girls. But when I thought about it, all his mannerisms, some of the comments he would pass about other guys, and just things he did in general - it all made sense.

"Wow," was all I could think to say.

"I know," he said. "Didn't expect it?"

"Not at all." I said.

"Yeah, well. Surprise."

"But why are you so upset, Dave?"

"I dunno, Jase. I guess it's because I always suspected that you were gay, and that maybe we would get together. Then I saw you with Ricky and I not only felt like I had lost my chance, but that you had found someone better and you were going to forget about me."

"Hey," I said, sternly. "I could never forget you. What I have with Ricky is something totally different, and he could never and will never replace you. Dave, I love you. You are my closest friend."

That made him smile.

"Thanks Jase. I love you too."

I gave him a hug and I could hear him drop a few more tears. I felt so much closer to him.

The rest of the day passed by quite quickly. I walked back to my tent and found Ricky there, searching for something in his trunk.

"Hey beautiful," I said, standing in the entrance.

"Hey," he said. He looked at me a little harder. "Have you been crying?"

"Hehe, yeah, a little," I said.

"What's wrong?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"Nothing, just had a nice long talk with Dave."

"Everything cool with you two? I noticed he was a little off to you at breakfast."

"Yeah, everything's perfect now."

"Good," he said. "You wanna go to the beach?"

"Definitely," I said. I grabbed a bag, stuffed my beach towel, sun cream and water into it. I grabbed my shades out of my trunk and we headed to the beach gate. It was only about a 10 minute walk to the beach, which wasn't bad at all.

Before I knew it, it was already 6:30. We fell asleep on the beach and slept straight through lunch. I woke Ricky up and we went for one last swim in the sea. We came out, dried off, got dressed and walked back to the campsite. We went straight to supper and started walking back to our tent in the dark. When we got inside the flaps I took Ricky and gave him a kiss on the lips. He laughed and put his hand on my cock, over my pants. I started laughing, but was interrupted.

"Hey guys," Dave said.

"Oh my God! David! What are you doing here? We were just - "

"It's okay, Ricky." David said. "I know." Ricky gave me a questioning look.

"Dave saw the two of us last night." I said.

"You did?" Ricky asked defensively.

"Yeah. It's cool though bud." He laughed. "I'm gay." Ricky breathed a huge sigh of relief and let out a little laugh. He kissed me again, to show Dave that he was comfortable with him. David smiled.

"You two are so cute," he said.

"We know," I said, and winked at Dave.

"I'm off, then. Gonna try find me a boy!" David said. A thought crossed my mind about Scott, but I decided not to say anything.

After Dave left, I got up, zipped the tent closed, and hammered a peg through it to "lock" it. You learn these things by the time you get to your third camp. Have I mentioned that too many times?

I reached up to the headbeam and switched on the flashlight to a dim setting. Ricky was lying on his back, looking at me.

"I've waited the whole day for you, Jase. Now I want you all to myself."

"I'm all yours, baby." I replied. I lay down next to him, and we started kissing again.

We broke our kiss to take eachother's shirts and pants off.

"I wanna be totally naked with you, Jase." I leaned in and kissed him to show my acceptance of this. I slipped off my socks, and took my boxers off. Ricky did the same. I lay next to him, completely naked, and getting hard quickly. I couldn't stop kissing him, and touching him, exploring his body, while he explored mine. The two of us were rock hard.

"Jase," he whispered.

"Yeah," I whispered back.

"I want you inside me." I carried on kissing him, and turned him so his back faced me. I reached behind me and grabbed some lubricant. I poured some onto the tip of my finger, and rubbed it onto his hole. I poured some more onto my hand, and smoothed it over my fully erect cock.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I need you, Jase." That was the confirmation I need. I lifted his leg slightly, and slowly slipped my cock between his crack until I found his hole. I gently pushed the head of my cock in, and Ricky let out a little yelp, but reassured me to continue.

I carried on pushing inside him, and eventually all 6 inches of my cock were inside him. Slowly I slid out, and then in again. Gradually as he got used to me and my rythm, I increased my speed. I slid my hand around his waist while I was inside him, and started jerking him off.

"That feels unbelievable, Jase, don't stop," he whispered. I had built up the motion to a steady rythm, and I felt myself getting close.

"I'm gonna come," he whispered.

"Me too," I replied. Quickly I pulled out of him, he turned around and we took eachother's cocks in our hands, eachother's tongues in our mouths. He kissed me deeply, and I kissed him back. We started moaning together, and at almost the exact same time, came over eachother's stomachs. Even after we had ejaculated, I could not stop kissing him. I did not want to get up from where we were lying, but I had to. I was the rational thinker here. I grabbed my boxers and threw him his pair. I cleaned up with some tissues, and got into my boxers, as did Ricky. We lay down next to eachother, holding eachother under our sleeping bags. That's how we fell asleep, and my dreams were filled with images of the day; Martin, David, and of course, Ricky.

That's it for another few days guys. Have you got any ideas about what should happen with Ricky and Jase? If you do, or if you have any comments, please e-mail me at


Next: Chapter 6

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