Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Jan 16, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 4

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

Enjoy :)

I woke up with the sun. It must have been around 5:30am, and the sun was already blazing. I reached up and rubbed the crust away from the corners of my eyes. I climbed out of our sleeping bag and lay on top of it. Ricky was still fast asleep. As much as it pained me to, I had to wake him. We couldn't be seen sleeping here - we had to sneak back to our tent so everyone would think we'd spent the night there.

"Rick.." I whispered, running my hand over his face. "Rick...wake up, boy. We have to go back to our tent. C'mon, wake up." His eyes slowly opened. As soon as they focused on me, he started smiling.

"Morning, Jase." he croaked in his morning-voice.

"Hey sunshine. You look like shit in the morning, you know?" I said.

"Thanks. I love you too."

"I know you do," I said, and smiled.

"What's going on? Why'd you wake me up?"

"We have to get back to our tent. We can fall asleep there again."

He took a deep breath in.

"Okay." He was still disorientated, as most people are at that time of morning.

He rolled up his sleeping bag and stuffed it into his backpack. I threw in my flashlight and picked up my pillow. He slung the bag over his back and grabbed his pillow, and we climbed down the towers. I looked around, and I still didn't see anyone. We started walking back to our tent.

We managed to get all the way back to our tent without being seen by anyone. I opened the one tent flap, and saw Martin and David sleeping on their matresses. I wondered what they had gotten up to while Ricky and I weren't there, and smiled at myself.

"What're you smiling at?" Ricky noticed me. I thought for a second.

"You think they have any idea about us?"

"Nah, no way."

"What about you two," David said, startling me and Ricky. My mind raced.

"Uhhh," I stammered, "Well, you know, that we - " Rick came to my rescue.

"That we played a practical joke," he said.

David mumbled something but fell asleep again straight away. Ricky and I exchanged glances and burst out laughing. He threw his bag and his pillow in the tent. I threw mine on my mattress.

"You still tired?" I asked.

"Not really. You?"

"Nah." I said.

"What you wanna do?"

"I have some cool CD's here. We can just chill here and listen for a while." I suggested.

"Sounds great. What CD's?"

I hopped inside the tent and went to my trunk. I shuffled around for a bit while Ricky sat on his mattress (which was next to mine, of course) staring at me.

"Looking at anything in particular?" I asked, without turning around.

"You have a really cute ass, you know that?" he said.

"Why thank you. So glad you noticed." I finally found my CD's. "Okay," I said, and flopped down on my mattress, lying next to him.

"Whatcha got?" He asked.

"Fuel...Creed...Eve6...Neve..." I read the names on the CD's.

"Pretty cool," he said. "I'm in the mood for some Creed."

I unraveled the earphone wires from around my DiscMan, and gave him one earphone. I slipped the CD out of it's case and into the DiscMan. This was one of my favourite CD's.

"Which song you want?"

"What's that really popular one called? I hear it on the radio all the time."

" 'Higher' " I said.

"That's right. That on this album?"

"Yup," I said, and pressed the fast forward button to the song. Ricky was sitting next to me, and I was lying down. I pressed myself up on my hands and put my head on his lap. I stared up at him and he down at me.

"Gimme a kiss, beautiful." I said.

"But of course, monsieur," he said in a terrible French accent. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. I put my hand behind his head and pulled him closer to me. We started kissing harder, and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

"Looked like I arrived just in time again!" said a voice from the entrance of the tent.

"Scott!" we said in unison.

"Surprised to see me, boys?" he said.

"Uh, yeah, kinda," I muttered.

"What are you doing here? Where have you been?" Ricky asked, accusingly. He slid his arm around my waist.

"I've been up all night looking for you two. I'm fucking horny and I thought maybe, you know..." he said.

"Uh, I'm not really in the mood hey," I was looking for an excuse to get him away.

"What ya mean ya not in the mood, Jase. I know you want some more of this," he said, and took of his shirt. I have to say that his beautiful torso was incredibly appealing, but a stern look from Ricky brought me back to my senses. I pressed stop on my DiscMan and pulled the earphone out my ear.

"Listen, Scott," I started. He moved in closer, and started unbuckling his belt.

"Shhhh," Scott said. "You don't have to speak." He grabbed the back of my head and nuzzled it in his crotch. I pushed him away firmly.

"What's up with you man?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said calmly. "I said I'm not in the mood."

"It's not just that," Ricky added. "I don't know how else to say this to you, Scott, but what Jase and I have is a lot more than just physicality."

"Spit it out, Becker." He snapped. Ricky hated it when people called him by his last name. He found it really degrading, for some reason. Don't ask me.

"Fine." I could see he was trying his best to stay calm. "Jase and I are together. Just me and him." He emphasized the word 'Just'.

"Oh," Scott said. "I see. That's okay, I guess. Pretty shit though. Had a good time on the train." I forced a smile.

"Sorry bud," I said.

"S'okay," he said, and turned around and left the tent.

"Phew," I said, "That went quite well."

"Yeah, but I think we were a bit stupid."

"How so?" I asked.

"We were lucky it was Scott that walked in. What if it was someone else? The whole campsite would've known."

"You're right," I agreed, "But I find it quite hard to keep my hands off you, sexy."

"Well," he smiled, "You're just gonna haveta try." I kissed him softly on his lips.

"Lets try sleep till the youthmasters come to wake us up."

"Good plan," he agreed. I turned over on my mattress. He turned the other way, and we both fell asleep quite quickly. Apparantly we were quite tired.

"Morning guys!" A youthmaster I didn't know the name, or recognise the voice of, shouted.

"C'mon, time to get up! C'mon!" Now you have to understand that I am NOT a morning person. Unless I wake up next to Ricky, but that's a different story. So I told the no-named youthmaster exactly where he take himself, which he didn't appreciate very much. Eventually, though, he did manage to wake us up.

"That wasn't very nice," he said.

"Sorry bud, just not the morning type," I said, stepping out my tent with a smile. He put out his hand for me to shake it.

"Jason," he said. I smiled.

"Jason - Jase," I said.

"Nice name," he said.

"I know. When's breakfast?" My stomach was already rumbling. I had quite a fast metabolism because of the sport I do, and I often wake up quite ravenous.

"Bout half an hour," he said. "You can go shower now if you want." Great idea.

"Rick!" I called back to him. He was still half asleep. I walked back into the tent and sat down on my mattress.

"Hey, beautiful," I whispered into his ear. I could see he was awake, but he was just toying with me, pretending to be asleep. I nudged him.

"Rick..." I whispered. "C'mon...time to go shooower...time to get naked together...time to rub soap all over our hot bodies..."

He couldn't help smiling. He opened his eyes.

"Morning," he said.

"Lets go before they're full," I said.

"Okay." He jumped out of his sleeping bag and grabbed his towel and toiletries. We both slipped on our flip-flops. We shower in flops cause the showers at camp aren't exactly the height of hygiene. Who knows what sort of diseases your poor feet could catch while you're trying to shower. And besides that I was a sort of hygiene - freak and I didn't want my feet to touch the shower floors. I know, I told you I was a little crazy.

We bumbled our way to our showers, still a bit sleepy.

"Sleep well, baby?" He asked me.

"Baby?" I said, with a laugh.

"Whaaat, I thought it was cute."

"Awww, it was. I'm sorry." I cleared my throat. "Slept great baby, next to this really gorgeous guy."

"Oh really?" he asked. "Whats his name?"

"Oh, I doubt you know him. He's about yay high, brown hair, green eyes. GREAT butt. Name of Ricky Becker."

"Oh, Ricky, right, I hear he's quite the stud then." he said. He was loving every minute of this.

"Oh shuttup already, you make me want to puke." I said.

"Awww Jase, you really know how to make a guy feel good." he smiled.

We walked into the showers. There was only one guy from a younger group standing there, drying himself off.

"Any hot water?" I asked him.

"Yeah, plenty. Pressure too." he said.

"Great," I said. The guy finished towelling himself off, and got dressed. He shouted some sort of goodbye to us when he left but I didn't bother replying. I had my mind set on one thing.

I slipped off my boxers and t-shirt, still staying in my flops. I fondled my cock, and felt the regrowth of about three days of pubic hair since the last time I shaved. I switched on the hot water in one of the cubicles, and walked to the door of the showers, locking it. When I turned around, Ricky was also standing in just his flops. I walked towards him with a naughty look on my face, hands behind my back.

"My my, what do you have in mind, Jase?" He teased.

"Oh, nothing really, just thought I'd give that Ricky guy a call."

"Fuck you," he said with a smile.

"You wish," I said.

He leaned in to kiss me, and pushed me into a shower cubicle. With both hands I took the back of his head and pulled him in closer to me. He slipped one hand round my waist, resting on my butt, and the with the other he started fondling my semi-hard cock.

"Mmmmm," He moaned. "I love this!" he said, running his fingers over the stubble around my cock. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him again, slipping my tongue inside his mouth, and flicking it over his tongue. He pulled away from me, and knelt down.

He took my fully-erect cock in his hand and started licking under my balls. All the time I was running my hands through his hair. He took my cock in his mouth and started sucking it slowly. He looked up at me, with my cock in his mouth.

"You are so beautiful," I said. I saw him smile at me with his eyes, but nothing was going to remove him from my cock. He was loving this. I turned my arm around and switched on the hot and cold taps. The water came out at a luke-warm temperature, wetting my head, and running down my chest, onto my abs, onto Ricky's head. The water seemed to be a turn on for him, and he started sucking harder and faster.

"Fucking hell Rick, that feels awesome!" I said. That just encouraged him. He built up his speed, and started sucking even harder. I felt myself nearing the point of no return. My breathing got heavier and I started to moan uncontrollably.

"Fuck, I'm coming," I said, and almost immediately shot three streams of cum inside his mouth. Like on the train, he swallowed every drop. He let my cock slip out of his mouth, and took it in his hand, milking my cock, pressing any more cum out. A small bead of creamy white cum appeared on the head of my cock, which he licked off. I glanced down at his cock, which was so hard I thought it was about to explode. Ricky stood up and I kissed him, tasting my own salty semen. There were hundreds of tiny drops of water on his chest. I trailed my finger over his chest and drew little circles with the water. I kissed his chest, going down to his perfectly muscular stomach, and kissing each individual abdominal muscle.

I finally found my way amongst a bush of pubic hair to his rock hard cock. I teased him at first, licking the shaft up and down, and nibbling softly on his balls. I suddenly took his beautiful cock in my mouth, swallowing it's entire length. I placed one hand around his shaft, paying more attention to the head of his cock, while my other hand found it's way around to his gorgeous, firm, bubble butt. I let the shower water wet my finger, and slid my finger down his crack, to his hole. I rubbed around the tender skin, making him quiver with pleasure. Slowly I slid my middle finger inside him, and at the same time starting to suck harder. He let out a little yelp, but soon started to moan loudly.

"That feels incredible, Jase, don't stop, please, don't stop," he whispered. I looked up and saw his chest heaving up and down. His moaning got louder, I started fingering him and sucking him harder. He let out one final, loud moan, and blew his load all over my face. I felt it trickle down my face, and get washed away by the shower. I stood up, running my hands over his body.

"That was amazing," he said.

"You weren't too bad yourself," I said. I grabbed my soap and shampoo, and, sharing the same cubicle as Ricky, we washed eachother. Even in the afterglow, he turned me on so much. I rubbed soap all over his body, feeling his definition everywhere.

We rinsed off and got out the showers. I grabbed my towel and dried off. I wrapped it around my waist and slid my t-shirt back on. I looked at Ricky, and he had done the same.

"All ready?" I asked.

"Yep," he said.

"Okay, lets go." I walked towards the door, and was about to unlock it when Ricky grabbed my arm. I looked at him without saying a word.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said. And I don't think I will ever forget the feeling that ran through my body with the kiss that followed. I pulled away, smiled at him, and unlocked the door.

"Let's go get some breakfast, shall we?" I said.

"Nothing like a good workout in the morning to get your appetite worked up, huh?" he smiled at me. Boy, was he right!

That's it guys. I hope you enjoyed it! As always, if you have any ideas about our two, or any comments about the stories, please e-mail me at

Until next time...


Next: Chapter 5

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