Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Oct 26, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 18

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

Nothing really life altering happened during the duration of the last semester. It was all pretty much routine, going to school and coming home, learning hard for final exams. We did have our ups and downs, but nothing serious at all during the 'down' parts. What really surprised me was a phonecall I received a few days before my last exam.

"Hello?" I answered after three rings.

"Jase! Hello you sex bomb!" came the reply.

"Uh, hi," I said back, and couldn't help laughing a bit.

"How the fuck are you? I miss your hard cock and your tight ass man!"

I was a bit thrown by the vulgarity of the question - if you can even call it a question.

"Uhh, who is this?" I asked.

"Who do you think it is?" he replied. I hated it when people said that.

"I have no idea," I said, even though I had a vague idea of who it was.

"Only the biggest stud with the hardest six pack around," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"That describes a lot of people, I'm afraid," I said. He was a bit taken aback by my quick retort, so he was silent for a second. Then, with no other quirky comments, said simply:

"It's Scott!"

I took a deep breath in. What the hell did he want? How did he get my number?

"Oh, hey," I said.

"Mmmm, so enthusiastic. No appreciation for the guy who gave you the fuck of your life about a year ago?"

"Scott if you keep talking like that I'm gonna put the phone down," I said aggressively.

"Okay okay," he said. "Sheesh calm down man!"

"I'm quite calm," I said. A pause, then: "Any reason you calling me?"

"What? I have to have a reason to call a friend of mine?"

Friend? Who was he kidding?

My silence was the reply to his question. He sighed.

"Ok fine, so I didn't just call you for no reason."

"Well..?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know if you are coming to Summer camp this year?"

Before I replied I realised that that was the exact way Ricky asked me last year, same wording and everything.

"Uh, yeah, I'm going, why?"

"You wanna be in my tent?"

"No," I said.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm still with Ricky."

"So? He can be in my tent too!"

"Scott we've told you before - the two of us are exclusive."

"Too good for a threesome now hey? It might be in your best interest to reconsider, Jase."

"Is that a threat?" I asked.

"Not at all. Just... a suggestion. Gotta go!"

And put the phone down. What a dick, huh? I called Ricky up and told him about it. He listened carefully and congratulated me on my assertiveness. I beamed.

"So how is studying for exams going?" he asked, changing the subject.

"It's not," I said. "I don't think I realise how close they are, and I'm really taking my time about it."

"Get your ass into gear, Jase," he said.

"Why don't you come over and get it into gear for me?" I asked, smiling.

"Fuck I'd love to," he said. "But something tells me that inverse functions and indices are more important. And maybe that 'something' is my mom."

I laughed.

"Kay," I said. "But tonight, call me once you're taking a break and I'll come pick you up, we'll go see a movie or something."

"Sounds good," he said.

So anyway, he called me up later and we went to see Final Fantasy. I'm crazy about the series of games for PlayStation so I insisted that we see it. The animation was amazing, but the story was lacking a bit. Anyway. I'm trailing off again.

Exam time came and went, both of us passed the year, and before we knew it, Ricky and I were going shopping for camp-stuff.

As we walked around the mall, going into clothing stores and browsing things we would need, I couldn't help but stare at our reflections in every store mirror that we passed. We were such a good-looking couple! And even as he walked a foot or two in front of me, I admired the way his calves curved outward below his knees and came to a point a few inches above his ankles, and how his board shorts hugged his tight bubble-butt. I admired the way his shirt hung loosely away from his lower back, but clung tightly to his broad shoulders. I admired how his muscular, athletic arms extended from his sleeveless shirt, exposing veins and arteries running up and down his forearms in complicated highways. I admired the way the back of his neck was as tanned as the rest of his body, and how his soft, dark brown hair came to a straight end, parallel to his shoulders, except for some fine whisps of light brown hair that ran down the rest of his neck.

I sighed, closed the distance between us, put my arm around his shoulder and whispered in his ear:

"God I love you so much!"

He looked at me, flashing me his award-winning smile.

It took us most of the afternoon to get everything we needed. Since the train to camp would be leaving tomorrow, we both went to our respective houses, pulled our trunks out of our garages once again, and began the annual ritual of packing.

I stuffed practically every piece of clothing I had into my trunk, as well as most of the non-perishables that Ricky and I had bought earlier that day.

The phone rang.

"Hey," came the still sexy voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hello boy," I said. "Ready for me to pick you up?"

"I have another idea. Why don't you put your trunk into your car, and spend the night here for a change? I'm always sleeping at your place!"

I thought about the idea for a second, and couldn't find a reason to say no.

"Okay," I said. Ricky was quiet.

"That was easy," he said. I laughed.

"Be there in 10," I said, and hung up.

I went into my mom's room and told her what the new arrangements were.

"So Barbara will take you to the train station tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yep. It's all organised. So will you take me to Ricky's so I don't have to leave my car at Mrs Becker's?"

"Of course, honey," she said. I turned to my dad, who was lying next to her. I walked up to his bedside.

"Cheers Dad, see you in three weeks."

"Goodbye my boy, have an amazing time!" he said, and kissed and hugged me. I smiled at him and left with my mom.

We arrived at Ricky's house at around 10pm. I rang the bell, and he came out to greet my mom and help me with my trunk. I set it down in the hall, and took my overnight bag into Ricky's room. I set it down next to his King-sized bed. My cock got the better of me and a very naughty image flashed across my mind. I smiled.

My mom and Barbara had tea together while Ricky and I chilled out in the den watching TV. I had my hand on his upper thigh; his arm was around my shoulder. Now that I think of it, I can't even remember what we were watching, but I think I was lost in the simplicity and the ecstasy of the moment.

At around 12am, long after saying a soppy (and embarrassing) goodbye to my mom, Ricky and I rose from our relaxed positions on the couch and moped to his room. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I slipped out of my clothes and slumped onto his bed, face down, naked. He came out of the bathroom, also naked. I loved that whenever I saw him naked he was totally uninhibited, even though he was under full lighting.

As he walked passed me, I saw the side of his muscular upper thighs and butt. He stroked my hairless ass, squeezing it tenderly every few strokes. He slipped two fingers inside my crack, spreading my legs open. He swung behind me, and started flicking his tongue over my hole. He licked so tenderly, so sensually, so passionately. My cock got hard instantly, and started throbbing, oozing precum. Ricky licked his fingers and slowly slid two of them inside me, getting me used to the feeling of having him inside me. As he fingered me, I bucked my hips into the mattress, rubbing my rock-hard cock up and down it.

Ricky climbed on top of me, rubbing his gorgeous dick along my lower back. He kissed me from behind, and never broke the kiss, even when he slid his cock inside me. Gradually, he built up his thrusts to a steady, fast speed.

He pulled out, slid his hand under my chest, and motioned for me to turn over. I did so, and while I moved onto my back, Ricky sat up on his knees. Before he lifted my legs up to rest against his shoulders, I looked at how beautifully his abdominals looked with a 6 inch cock below them. He smiled at me, lifted up my legs, and slid back into me.

He picked up where he left off, sliding in and out of me with regular thrusts. Each time he pushed himself into me I could feel his cock inside me. I slipped my hands around his shoulders, bringing him closer to kiss me while he made love to me. My hands lowered to his gorgeous ass, which was even firmer now that he was flexing it. I held on to his tight cheeks, pulling him into me as he thrusted. I had not as of yet touched my own cock, and neither had Ricky. I left one hand on his ass, and with the other I was about to grasp my dick, when he stopped my hand.

"What?" I asked.

"Wait and see," he said, smiling.

My hand went back to his ass, and the pleasure he was giving me while he was inside me was so intense, I wished I could have stayed there forever.

Suddenly I felt a powerful, tingling feeling that seemed to originate from the center of my lower abdomen. Waves of pleasure rippled through my body, and I squeezed Ricky's butt even tighter. Shot after shot after shot exploded onto my upper chest and even has high as my neck, as I experienced the most powerful orgasm of my life. Ricky closed his eyes, slipped out of me, and carried on thrusting against my inner thighs. He shot twice, and slowly reduced the speed of his thrusts as he regained his breath.

"Oh.... my... God...." I stammered, as I tried to catch my own breath.

"I told you," he said, unbelievably proud of himself. "Am I not the king? I made you orgasm without even touching you!"

In my bedazzled state, I could not think of anything except the recently passed moment. I was already exhausted, and after kissing him and touching him all over, he must have gotten up to switch off the light and close the door, because when I woke up the next morning, we were still both naked, lying on top of the bed, him on top of me.

It was time to leave for camp.

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Next: Chapter 19

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