Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Jun 25, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 16

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

"Christ, Jason," my father said. "What the hell are you screaming like that for?"

The light lit his face in an almost demonic way. His high cheek bones, which I also inhereted, were about the only things that I could properly make out. His eyes and mouth sank away in the light. He walked over to the light and illuminated the whole house with a few switches.

I looked at him.

"Why didn't you answer me when I called?" I asked.

"I never heard you. I was in the bathroom."

"Okay," I said, bluntly.

"Okay," he repeated. We stood there in silence, not able to make eye-contact. As much as I wanted to be all fine with him catching me, I felt mixed feelings of guilt and anxiety.

"So," I said.

"So," he repeated after me, again.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"Out for dinner."

"Oh," I sighed. The tension in the air felt like it was clawing my lungs, making it hard for me to breathe. And then, out of the silence, we both began at once:

"Dad, I - "

"Jase, I - "

I forced a smile.

"You go," he said. I nodded in acceptance.

"Dad, I'm really sorry that you had to find out that way - by catching us together. What I need you to understand is that this is who I am - nothing that you say or do can change me. I'm really sorry if I've disappointed you but - "

"Stop, Jase. You think I haven't known all along?"

"What?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I've known for a long time, Jase. Probably before you even knew."

"But how? I was so careful!"

"You haven't had a girlfriend since 6th grade, Jase. And then... this Ricky boy arrives in your life and over a period of three weeks at camp - you suddenly become so close."

I guess he was right. Ricky and I practically spend every waking moment with eachother - I suppose it is pretty obvious.

"Your old man isn't that stupid," he said, smiling. I didn't know what to say. I seemed to have worked out a whole speech on the way home in the car - but after what he'd just said, everything that I was going to say seemed irrelevant.

"So what does this mean, Dad?"

"What does what mean?"

"This," I emphasised. "Me and Ricky. Your only son being gay."

"It's hard for me, Jase. You have to understand that this sort of thing didn't exist when I was your age. It was the same for all boys - as soon as you finished school, you found yourself a nice wife who would settle down with you, and cook and clean for you while you went to work."

"American Dream, huh."

I thought about him and my mother entered my mind, but I didn't bring it up.

"Exactly," he said. He kept quiet for a while. "I know, earlier, I said some things that... really I didn't mean to say. I was thinking about what I'd said, and started hating myself for saying them. I didn't mean them, boy. I'm so, so sorry."

"So I go back to my original question. What does all this mean, Dad?" I asked him. He took a deep breath.

"It means you're my son. And I love you. And I'll always be here for you."

That last sentence is one that will stay in my mind forever. What followed was something very rare for my father to do; he embraced me tightly and kissed me on my cheek. I couldn't help allowing a tear to fall off my cheek, and I think he did too.

My father was human. Who knew?

"Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, Jase?"

"Does Mom know?" He looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you think?" I shrugged.

"Womens' intuition," I remarked.

"Now what would you know about women, Jase?" he asked, grinning with absolute pride at his hysterical joke. I just smiled. He walked up to me again, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Go back to Ricky's. I'm sure he's worried about you. I know how he feels about you."

So between Ricky's place and back home, my father knew about my personal life, my sexuality, and my boyfriend's emotions? Okay - reality check.

"Okay," I said, hesitantly. I walked the few feet to the entrance hall table and grabbed my keys. I loved the sound that they made as they scraped against the table and jingled when they hit into eachother.

I opened the front door, and I could feel his eyes on me. I turned around.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, Jase."

I smiled and walked outside. I pressed the button on my key and my Golf acknowledged my presence by unlocking it's doors and flashing it's lights at me. I ran my hand over the silver hood as I walked toward the driver-side door.

"Hey baby," I said to the car. "Sorry to leave you out in the cold like that."

I smiled at my own stupidity and quickly questioned my sanity. I was happy, okay?

I opened the door and slid onto the leather seats. Even though it was a couple of months old, it still had that new-car smell; a mixture of leather and cleaning fluid. I loved it. I closed the door and turned the key in the ignition. Without even thinking, my hand went to the radio, and I switched it to the CD function. As usual, Creed came blasting out. I turned the radio down a bit - but I knew I'd turn it up as soon as I was actually driving. It's a definite guy thing - you can't listen to good music softly.

I switched on the heater and the lights, put her into first, and pulled out of my driveway. As I glanced in my rear-view mirror, I saw my father standing in the hall, looking out of the window, hands in his pockets. I had come to know that that was a sign my father was happy or content with something.

I arrived at Ricky's place the usual 10 minutes later. I saw his head peep behind the curtain to see who had pulled into his driveway so late. He recognised me and jumped off the couch to come meet me outside.

"What happened, baby?" he asked immediately.

"Well," I said simply, "They both know. And they've both known for a long time."

I leaned against my car, swinging the keys around my index finger.

"That's great, though," he said. "Isn't it..?"

"I suppose," I said. "But still..."

"What? Don't you want them to know?"

"It's just that I've always thought that if they knew about me, and then about you, everything would be totally fine. I could be all relaxed around them when you would be around and all that kinda shit. But if I think about it - I wouldn't be able to kiss you in front of them."

"You expected that?" he asked, surprised.

"Well, not expected. Just, y'know. Thought about it." He tipped my head up with his index finger. I hadn't realised I had been avoiding eye-contact with him.

"Jase, what you need to understand is that what we are, and what we are doing is something that is very hard for people - especially our parents - to accept. You can't just drop this whole bomb on them and then expect all these things from them. As I said earlier, you have to give it time."

I sighed, and broke eye-contact with him. Again.

"I know... it's just..." I trailed off.

"Look at me, Jase." I resumed contact.

"You know how much I love you, right?" he asked. I smiled.

"And you know that I am here for you. You've gotten through the hardest stage - now it's just a matter of time before they come to terms with it completely. You said that they'd known for a long time. Now that it's official - I mean, now that they both know that it's a reality, it's gonna take a while before they actually accept it. But don't worry. They will."

He slid his hand around the back of my neck. The outside light lit his face in this angelic way that melted my heart. He had such wisdom and such insight. Maybe it was just talk from experience. Either way, I didn't know. But I knew that whenever I talked to him about it, he always knew how to make me feel better.

We walked up to his room, and he closed and locked the door as we entered. I flopped down on his bed as he took off his shirt and came to lie next to me.

"On a lighter note, though," he said, leaning in and whispering in my ear, "We haven't touched eachother this whole weekend."

He slid his hand under my shirt and spread his fingers over my stomach muscles.

"Aaaaah!" I squealed. "Do you know how cold your hands are?!"

"This cold," he said, and shoved both his hands down my pants and around my dick. I let out another squeal and threw his hands out my pants. He just laughed, extremely proud of his actions.

Suddenly, he jumped on top of me, pinning me down on his bed. His tanned, tight chest muscles brushed against me. His mouth went to the side of my neck, gently sucking and licking and kissing it, all at once. That was one of the things that gave me incredible pleasure, and he knew it, and he exploited it.

I slid my hands up his sides and around his back. I breathed in deeply, taking in his scent. Even when he wasn't wearing aftershave, he still had this distinct smell about him that I loved.

I slid my hands down his back, feeling the top of his rock hard bubble butt that I so loved. My thumbs hooked in the corner of his baggy cargo pants, and I slid them down his legs in one quick motion. My hands held onto each cheek of his gorgeous ass, squeezing and stroking them rythmically.

"God, what is up with you and my ass?" he asked, laughing.

"It's just so nice," I said simply. "I love it!"

"How much do you love it?" he asked. He had such a naughty smile on his face that I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"This much," I said, flipping him over and taking my shirt and shoes off. I flipped him over onto his stomach and spread his legs. My hands explored his smooth upper legs and, as always, his butt.

I leaned in closer, taking in the sweet smell of his ass. I kissed his anus, and spread my hands up his back. I began licking his ass, flicking my tongue over his hole and squeezing his butt with one hand. His loud moans of pleasure made my erection grow even more, and with my one free hand I slipped off the remainder of my clothes.

"Fuck that's great, Jase," he whispered hoarsely. I loved the way he spoke when we made love - his voice became so sexy.

After a good 15 minutes of non-stop rimming, I broke away from his beautiful tush, and reached over to his bedside table to grab some lube. I squeezed some onto my finger, and a little around his hole. I gingerly massaged it and spread it evenly over his hole and over my now throbbing cock.

I lay down on top of Ricky, and kissed him from behind. With one hand I slid the head of my cock into his ass, with the other, I held onto his shoulder. Slowly I slid the rest of my 7 inches into his tight butt, and began thrusting with regularly increasing speeds.

With every thrust, I came closer to orgasm. I could feel myself approaching the climax, so I pulled out of Ricky before it was too late, and flipped him over onto his back. I leaned in and gave him a long, hard kiss. He returned, and our tongues explored eachother's mouths.

I lifted his legs up and let them rest over my shoulders. I squeezed some lube into my right hand, but this time it would be to go around Ricky's cock. I slid my dick back inside him, and started jerking him off again. I had done it to him before, and he had done it to me before, and I knew how unbelievable it felt.

It only took about 10 minutes of this position before Ricky started moaning intensely. His moaning got even louder, and he shot three huge wads of come up his stomach and over his chest. I had never seen him come like that before; he was breathing so heavily, his eyes closed, and covered in come. I closed my eyes, gave three final thrusts and blew my load inside him. I slowed my thrusting down to a stop, and slowly slid out of him. I rubbed my semi-hard cock against his ripped stomach as we kissed in the afterglow. We both fell asleep, holding eachother naked.

About an hour later, I woke up. I looked at the digital clock on Ricky's table. 12:06am. Fuck. I looked at the beautiful boy lying naked next to me. The dim street lights coming through the window lit his face and body in this amazing way that made him look even more beautiful. His hair had fallen accross his face and his mouth opened only slightly every time he breathed out. I looked at his chest, and at his stomach, and I could actually see the muscle fibres on his taught upper body. His ribs showed through slightly when he breathed in.

"Baby," I whispered.


"I think I'd better get home."

"Hmmmm...?" I smiled.

"I think I should go home." He sat up and blinked his eyes a couple of times until he got me into focus.

"Go home?" he repeated.

"Yeah," I said. "We've got school tomorrow." He took a deep breath in and sat up in bed.

"Okay," he said. I slid my legs over the side of his bed, and slipped on my boxers and jeans, my socks, shoes, shirt and jersey. I think Ricky was still half-asleep, because he got up and started walking toward the door without putting on a single piece of clothing. His cock swayed from side to side amongst his thin pubic hair as he walked.

"Forgetting something?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh," he said, looking down on himself and fondling his dick.

"I don't care. Everyone's asleep."

He unlocked the door, and walked out. I think he was walking around naked, showing me his award winning ass so that it would make me stay. But it didn't work. As much as it pained me, I had to go home and sleep so I could get to school the next day.

He walked down the stairs to the front door, and switched the hall light on. He grabbed the keys off the hall table and unlocked the door.

"Bye baby," he said.

"See you tomorrow," I replied. I leaned in and gave him a sweet goodbye kiss; him standing in the middle of his house butt-naked, and me standing there, fully clothed. As soon as we broke the kiss, I gave him a playful squeeze on his butt, smiled, and left.

I arrived home at about 12:30am. My dad was sitting in the den, waiting for me.

"Jase, you know you've got school tomorrow?" he asked.

"I know. That's why I never slept at Ricky's."

"Oh," he said. "Okay. Well, sleep well. Love you," he said.

"Love you too, dad," I replied, walking up the stairs as I took off my clothes.

I brushed my teeth, and crawled into bed. It wasn't long before I fell asleep. Just as I was about to doze off, my cell phone beeped. It was an SMS from Ricky. It said simply:

"I love you, Jase."

And I replied, simply:

"I love you too."

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Next: Chapter 17

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