Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on May 4, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 13

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

Ricky wasn't lying next to me when I woke up. It wasn't like him to get up and leave without saying goodbye. While trying to gather my thoughts in that weird period of when you just wake up, I heard a door unlock. I quickly pulled the duvet cover over me, to realise it was the en-suite bathroom door that unlocked. Ricky walked out, butt naked, cock swinging as he walked, rubbing his hair with a towel.

"Morning!" he said, with a huge smile on his face.

"Hehe, morning," I said. He reached down and took his dick in his hand, putting on a high

pitched squeaky voice.

"Hewwo Jase!" he mimicked his penis talking to me. "How are you this mowning?" I lay there smiling and shaking my head. Ricky dropped his towel, ran towards me and did an athletic high-jump onto my bed.

"Oh you've got to be joking," I said. "You can't possibly still be horny. I blew enough come last night to not jerk off for three weeks!"

"Tough," he said, leaning in even closer and biting my bottom lip. My dick got hard and got the best of me (once again). I stroked his back but my eager hands soon found their way to Ricky's wide spread legs and warm, clean anus. With one hand I cupped his butt cheek in my hand, squeezing and stroking it, with the other, I began to run circles around his hole.

A loud rapping at the door made Ricky fall off my bed. He jumped to his feet, erect cock slapping against his stomach as he looked at me in shock.

"Bathroom!" I commanded, looking around for a pair of boxers. I smiled as I saw his firm butt bounce as he darted to the bathroom and closed the door.

"Coming!" I shouted to whoever was behind the door. I found a pair of boxers and slipped them on while doing a super jump out of my bed, landing a few feet behind the door. I took a deep

breath, and simultaneously pulled the door handle down and unlocked the door, so whoever was outside wouldn't hear I locked the door.

"Dad!" I said, startled. "Uh, morning."

"Morning, Jase," he said. He kept quiet, eyes wondering around the room.

"Uh...Whatsup?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just wanted to come say hi."

"Okaaay..." I said. "Hi!" I was getting nervous. "Something wrong?"

"Nope," he said. "What you doin' today?"

What was he doing? Why was he hanging around my room like this?

"Dunno," I said. "Maybe just chill at home."

"Oh. K. Come down and have breakfast."

"K," I said, closing the door. "Phew," I sighed to myself. I walked over to the bathroom door, knocking on it.

"Coast is clear, boy," I said. The lock in the door click and it opened.

"Jeez," he said. "That was close." His cock was still semi-hard. I gingerly took it in my hand as he came closer to me and started stroking it up and down. He kissed me again, and threw me onto the bed, slipping off my boxers. He carried on kissing me, not letting our lips part as he got me hard and started to lube up his cock. He was instantly hard again, and I got hard just as quick.

He turned me onto my back and spread my legs slightly. Slowly he pressed the head of his dick into me. I felt a slight bit of pain, but he did it very gently so as not to hurt me too much. I felt his body come closer to mine as he eased the entire length of his cock into my ass, and lay down on top of me, not thrusting yet; just lying inside me.

From behind he kissed me again, and then slowly started humping my ass. He broke our kiss and propped his torso up, his hands running up and down the length of my back and shoulders. I rythmically beat back into him according to his thrusts.

Suddenly he pulled out of me and turned me over onto my back. He lifted my legs up into the air, squirted some more lube into his right hand, and inserted his throbbing cock inside me again. He let my legs rest against his chest, and with his right hand, started jerking me off.

His thrusts became quicker, as did his hand on my cock, and it wasn't long before we both started

moaning and coming close. He pulled out of me, and took both our cocks in his right hand, beating them one on top of the other, as we came at the same time.

He flopped down next to me with his hand still on my cock, massaging and stroking it gently as we lay in the afterglow. I felt my eyes relaxing, but they soon were wide open with fear.

"Jase mom says that you must come down for break-" The door burst open. Ricky and I were lying stark naked, covered in come in broad daylight. I had forgotten to lock the door after my dad left.

"Dad!" I said, desperately trying to cover Ricky and myself up with the blanket in a hopeless attempt to pretend nothing had happened.

"Jason! Ricky! What the FUCK are you two doing? What is this?" he screamed.

"Dad - I - " I stumbled over my words. I was panicking so much I didn't know what to say. My dad took two giant steps forward, raised his hand and hit me hard accross the face, causing me to fall off the bed.

"Get out of here!" he screamed at Ricky. He gave me a concerned look, unsure of what to do.

"Go," I whispered. He jumped off the bed, grabbed my boxers and a shirt and ran out of the house. My dad watched Ricky as he ran off, then turned his attentions back to me.

"My own son - a fucking faggot! I can't believe it!"

"Believe it, Dad," I hissed straight back at him. I grabbed the towel Ricky had dropped earlier and wrapped it around my waist. When I stood up, I was taller and stronger than my father. I began to head for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his eyes piercing my soul. I wouldn't allow myself to cry.

"After my fucking faggot boyfriend, Dad!" I shouted, staring straight back into his eyes.

I pushed him out of the way, and ran down the stairs taking them two at a time. I grabbed my keys and opened the front door. My father was coming down after me, but I was already in my car and out of the garage by the time he got close. I glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw him shouting and shaking his fist in the middle of the road.

I was so angry I'm surprised I could drive properly. I turned the corner into the street I used to drive Ricky home in. He was walking on the sidewalk, in pyjamas. I slowed the car down and stopped next to him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey baby," he said, getting in. "I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have left you."

"Don't worry. It's not your fault," I said, kissing him reassuringly.

We drove the way to his house in silence. I pulled into his driveway and turned off the engine.

"Thanks for the ride," he said.

"Listen," I started. "I was just wondering -"

"With pleasure. My mom won't mind at all." I smiled.

"God I love you," I said.

"I love you too, baby," he said. "We'll get through this."

He gave me another kiss and got out of the car. I grabbed a shirt that was lying on the back seat, and slid it on. I glanced in the mirror again, and looked at my cheek. It was red and already starting to swell. I sighed and got out the car. As I walked toward the front door, I started thinking about how long I would be staying here, and how I would explain my appearance to Ricky's mom. I really wished for my dad to understand, but I really needed to stay here, at Ricky's - my safe haven, until things with my dad cooled down.

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Next: Chapter 14

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