Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Apr 21, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 12

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay guys - not only am I having a bit of writer's block, but someone sent me a virus and my computer has been in repair for a while. Thanks for all your supportive emails. They really encourage me!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I think it was the first time since camp last year, that I woke up with Ricky staring at me. Only difference is that this is probably the first time I was completely naked while he was staring at me. Now I'm not really a morning person, and after last night, you might of thought I'd have slept in. Let me backtrack a little.

--The night before--

"You wanna sleep in my room or down in the den?" I asked.

"Your room. Bigger bed," Ricky said plainly, flashing me that beautiful smile that still melted my heart. Cheesy, I know, but it did. I was so lovesick. I smiled back, walking over to him.

We were standing in front of the stairs, and there was a dim light coming from the TV in the den. I shot a quick look in there, and saw my dad, slumped in his huge arm chair, arms hanging down the sides, and a little bit of drool dribbling from the corner of his mouth. I gave Ricky a 5 second, non-tongued kiss, and took his hand, leading him up to my room.

He shoved me inside, making me fall down on my bed. I let out a slight yelp of surprise, but the naughty look on Ricky's face told me I was in for something different. He turned around and locked my bedroom door. He then walked around my room, and closed all the curtains. He walked toward my Hi-Fi, and put on some soft, slow music. I followed him with my eyes as he dimmed the lights slightly.

"What are you up to, boy?" I asked, smiling.

"Wait and see," he said wryly. He walked up to me, bent down and gave me a hard, deep kiss. His hands ran over my face and through my hair. With one hand, he unbuttoned my jeans. Suddenly, he cut the kiss short and stood up, taking about three steps back toward the door.

His hands reached up to his own hair, and he ran his fingers through it. He lowered his hands, crossing his arms to opposite corners of his tight Levi's shirt. He lifted it off slowly, allowing me to watch every inch of his ripped upper body. He threw the shirt on the ground next to him, running his fingers over his stomach and chest. He softly pinched his nipples and traced around his perfect six pack with his index finger. He looked straight at me. I was in such awe of this beautiful creature stripping here for me, that I didn't even realise how hard I was. My cock was actually sticking out through my boxers, and through my unbuttoned jeans.

"Enjoying this?" he asked.

"I need you!" I said. "Come here!"

"Wait," he said, proudly. "It get's better." Slowly, he began unbuttoning his own jeans. He turned around, showing his back to me. As he slowly fumbled with the buttons, I noticed how beautiful even his back was. I saw his triceps flexing as he got each successive button undone, and how the veins that ran along his forearms were sticking out. His back was tight and muscular, with a clear depression down the centre that emphasised the two large trapezius muscles and broad shoulders.

He finally got all of his buttons undone, and slowly slipped off his jeans, bending down as he did so. I was hard as a rock. He moved his hands to the music, over his body. First his shoulders, then his side, then around back to his perfect, tight, bubble butt. He slipped his thumbs inside the waistband, and because he knew how much I loved his butt, he took as much time as possible to slide them off. I could see him grinning, even from behind.

There he was - standing naked, in nothing but his shoes and socks. For some reason that was some sort of turn on for me - him wearing only shoes and socks - so, walking up behind him, fully clothed, I slid my hands over his sides, around to his stomach, and down to meet his cock. He turned his head around and kissed me while I slowly started massaging his throbbing cock. He pushed backwards into me, rubbing his beautiful ass so that my cock was in between his butt cheeks. It drove me mad. He turned around and we resumed our kiss more comfortably. He undid my shirt, and slipped it off my shoulders. I couldn't stop touching him; his face, his hair, his lips, his chest, his stomach, his butt - I couldn't keep my hands off every part of his body. He continued undressing me, easily undoing the rest of the buttons on my jeans. I stepped out of my jeans, my one shoe getting caught on the ankle of my jeans. I started giggling.

"What..?" Ricky asked, a bit surprised I ruined the sensuality of the moment.

"My shoe," I said, laughing slightly and pointing to my foot. "It's caught," I said.

Without saying anything, Ricky bent down, running his fingers over my body as he did so, and slipped my foot out of my pants, throwing them accross the room. Slowly, he rose, softly trailing his fingers up my leg, around, lightly touching my butt, coming around to my stomach, then my chest, then around again, grasping me tightly with his hands around my back. I met him, wrapping my arms around his naked body, my one hand going down, half resting, half squeezing his firm butt cheek, and the other around his upper back. He turned his head a bit, so his mouth was right next to my ear.

"Do you know how much I love you?" he asked.

"This much," I said, closing the 1 inch of distance there was between the two of us. I gave him a long, warm kiss, that could easily have lasted five minutes without breaking. As soon as I did break the kiss, however, his mood changed straight back to that of a playful kitten.

He gave me a firm shove and I landed on my bed, face up. He slowly walked toward me, his erect cock swaying slightly with each step. He jumped on top of me, and gave me a series of vigorous kisses all over my hairless body. He kissed everywhere; my neck, chest, stomach, and around my cock. He was teasing me. He kissed everywhere except my cock. It was throbbing so hard now I didn't even think that he need touch it to make me come.

With one hand he lifted up my balls, and leaned in, licking me underneath them. If I tell you that it felt as though a thousand volts of electricity ran through my body, it would be an understatement. He'd never done that before - but it was one of the most incredible sensations I'd ever felt.

Still lying on my back, Ricky still licking me, he moved down to my hole. Slowly he tongued it, licked it affectionately. The sensation was just as good, I never knew how sensitive that part of my body was. He stopped rimming me, and suddenly enveloped the entire length of my six inch cock with his mouth. He sucked me so hard, and I was so turned on it wasn't a few seconds before I felt my orgasm approaching.

"Not yet," I said, gently pushing his head off my cock.

I grabbed the container of lube out of his hand, and flipped Ricky onto his back. I climbed on top of him, and sat down on the back of his upper thighs. When I leaned over, my cock almost instinctively went to his crack. I sat up straight, and lubed up a few fingers. I opened Ricky's legs slightly, and gingerly slid two of my fingers into his perfect ass. He didn't cry out at all - the moan that he released was one of absolute ecstasy.

His moan sent me over the top. I had to be inside him. I slid my fingers out of him, and rubbed some lube onto my cock. I leaned over, and without even using my hands, slipped my cock inside him. He moaned again like he did before as I slowly slid inside him. I humped his ass for a few minutes as he lay flat on his stomach. I slid my hands under his chest, and guided him up so I could fuck him doggy-style: my favourite position. He got onto all fours, not letting me slip out of him. I put one hand on my own butt cheek, the other, I slipped round and started jerking him off with.

I fucked him hard for the next fifteen minutes: I didn't know how I could go so long since I had been so close to coming before. I started moaning loudly, still jerking Ricky off, as I felt myself approaching the 'point of no return'. That must have been Ricky's turning point too - as soon as I pulled out of him, he flipped onto his back, and we took over from eachother - I carried on jerking him off, and he took my cock in his hand, furiously jerking me.

My orgasm was so powerful that I was scared I woke the neighbours with my moan of pleasure. I shot three hot loads of come onto his upper chest and neck. Not a second later, my jerking off sent Ricky into heaven, and he shot two loads onto his stomach, closing his eyes and moaning loudly while he orgasmed.

I flopped down next to him on the bed, exhausted, covered in both our come and both our sweat.

"That was...unbelievable," he said, through his panting.

"You're incredible," I said. He looked me in the eyes, and kissed me.

"I love you, Jase," he said. "I'm so happy we're together."

"God I love you, Ricky. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I looked at my alarm clock. 2:17am.

"It's late," I said, breaking the silence while we just stared into eachother's eyes.

"I know." he said, as I started moving off the bed to go get cleaned up.

"No," he said. "The door's locked. Just lie here. We can clean up in the morning." I smiled. He knew me too well.

"Ok," I said, smiling. I moved my head so it lay comfortably in the pillow. I hit the light switch that was above my bed. Ricky's profile, outlined by the moonlight coming through the space in the curtains, was the last thing I saw before drifting into a much needed sleep.

See? I should've slept in! I don't think I'd done that much exercise since tryouts for the football team last season!

Thanks for your patience guys. I'll try keep them coming more often! (excuse the pun :)

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Next: Chapter 13

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