Secrets of a Hotel Porter

By Duncan Jules

Published on Oct 8, 2017


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction(we can wish right) and is purely my own fantasy. It involves several celebrities from YouTube sensations to Film stars, whom I don't know personally(again I can wish) or know of their sexual orientation. This story depicts males in sexual situations. Thank you for reading. Feel free to contact me on

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The Teen Wolf guys had gone without much of a cya later but that was not awful I didn't expect anything more to be honest. This weekend we would have in the hotel Tom Holland who was in town doing TV Shows, Caroline Flack, Ant and Dec and Cameron Monagan who was staying with us another 7 diferent times in the coming months.

It was a Friday night so everyone was happy relaxed and the bar was requested to be open later then normal by Cameron which it would be all the times when he was staying. It was pushing midnight when Cameron left with yet another women on his arm and left Flack and Holland talking at the bar with various unknowns sat at a couple of the tables.

I looked down at my watch and then at Tom as I remembered previously when I had gone through his room after he left which was only a few months ago I had found he had left some rope. I had thought nothing of it especially as I saw some rope similar attached to his suitcase so that he could spot it on a conveyer belt but I had a weird feeling everytime I had bent down he had been eying up my arse. Unable to shake this feeling I purposely dropped the pen from the bar and bent over in front of him. Looking at a mirror I could see he was staring directly at it. The game was on could I really get this guy to fuck me. Even tho it was recently I had been on my knees on here for a guest I vowed that I would never sleep with any guest other then in there room as there was far to much risk for me and them.

Another drink and Flack had left him sat there on his own I approached cautiously and started speaking quietly, "Last time you was here." I said lying as quiet as possible, "We had a few mentions of you taking a guy back to your room." I noticed him going red, "They said you was a little..." I paused, "loud." I pulled a key from one of the floors we was still refurbing and put it on the table, "This floor is just waiting to be completed the rooms made up and we can use the rooms for over flow."

Looking confused at me smiled, "You trying to chat me up?"

"If I was?" I retorted smiling at him.

"Well pass me the pen and a napkin." He said taking the key and the pen and napkin. He whistled over to someone who was on the table behind and whispered in his ear and then passed him the key. "Hes my assistant."

I looked at him and smiled he was tall, chubby, black and bauld. "Not my type of assistant." I smirked quietly before looking at Tom who passed me the napkin back and moving back to where his assistant had been sat.

I opened up the note and read it 'Froy told me about you, go up to that room at 1am my assistant will get you ready for me'

I screwed up the napkin looked at Tom and then threw the napkin away.

Around 12:45 I managed to lock up the bar and I headed without consideration to the room. The why not attitude was awesome Tom Holland added to the list of celebrities I had slept with was enough of an incentive. That list was growing substantially and included footballer, rugby players, actors and YouTube stars but always in hotel rooms. As I got to the room I had a sense I was being watched and I looked around before walking in.

This whole floor was being refurbed so that we could start shooting a reality TV thing in a few months as another income. Which seemed a really bad idea to me why would celebs want to be filmed in hotels this is where they go to get away from the limelight but this was something I could not change. I was glad to see Toms assistant fully dressed as he spoke to me in the deepest accent I have ever heard, "Put these clothes on and get on the bed on your back. Quickly and Quietly not a word." I obeyed my cock jumped I don't know why I was and would never be attracted to this guy. I removed my clothes and put on a pair of black trousers and another white shirt and tie and laid on the bed. "Put your hands onto the head board one here." He said pointing at the left side of the head board. "And one here." He now pointed to the right. My hard cock tenting in these looser then normal trousers. I felt him wrapping rope around my wrists and tie me to the head board. "Legs spread now." He spoke with great authority. He then tied rope around each ankle seperately but did not attach it anywhere.

He looked me up and down and left the room the door ajar.

"Hello." I shouted not knowing what was happening it was then I heard the door open and someone peer round the corner it was to dark to see them but the light illuminated me so it was obvious. I heared the sound of a camera snapping a picture and then someone leave the room the door now wide open. Laying there staring at the roof I tried to free my wrists but to no avail about an hour later I heard the door close and in walked Tom in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. "About time."

"You do know the web takes 2 hours to get free from right so you've got another 30 minutes before I can let you free. But until then!" He said walking upto the bed and stepping on to the bed. "Froy spoke highly of you and asked if you got his note."

"He did!" I spoke surprised.

"Yeah he sent you a postcard." Tom said walking over mehe dropped onto his knees his cock covered in cloth just inches from my mouth. "I am sure it is still there. But less about the past and more about the now. No teeth!" He pulled his boxers off and moved his cock to my lips. I could only look up and open my mouth. "Suck it." I happily let it glide into my mouth and tried to figure its length I knew it was bigger then average but I was not sure the actual length as it slipped in my mouth. I felt his balls slapping my cheek everytime he moved in and out of my mouth. He slide in my mouth as he groaned, "This is only lube your getting." He then started to leave it in my mouth for longer before he counted down, "Ten, nine, eight till its in the state its going in you, seven, six, five, four. You don't know how I will fuck you how hard and deep, how rough or smooth. Three, two, one... Good lad."

I looked up at him as he pulled off his top his body was amazing like all these celeb types I don't know how they do it. He got off the bed and pulled off the trousers he had me in and then ripped the shirt till all the buttons had popped off leaving it just covering my extended arms. Naked and tied to the bed he lifted my right ankle and tied it to the head board and did the same with the left. My ass now firmly on display. He placed his wet cock at my hole before ramming it in hard his balls slapped my ass, he pulled out and rammed it in hard. He had a steasy rhythem and everytime he went in hard and his balls would slap my ass. He stood slightly so he was in a squat and lifted my arse so I was looking straight at my hard cock which he now began to stroke.

"Ohhhhhh mphhhhhhh ohhhhhyyyyyy" My moans nonsensicle but loud.

"You work your ass well your as good as they say." He said but each word was in time with another thrust deep into my ass. "You take ohhhh" He continued. His thrusts then paused as he heard someone on the hallway. He stopped for a minute his bell on the entrance to my hole.

Then he looked at the door suddenly drove back in with no warning and drove in, "Ahhhhooooohhhhhhh" I screamed not expecting it. The whole hotel must have heard.

"Found a weakness have I?" He sniggered out my ass again not moving in or out resting. My own cock on the verge of coming.

"Yes sir I love it like that." I replied just wanting release.

"What was that I didn't hear you?"

"Yes si..." I was prevented from finishing as he drove deep into me making me scream yet again but his time with the loud, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhyeeaaaaa" My cum spurted out my cock covering my face as Tom started fucking me how he was before as drop after drop of cum covered my face. As my load subsided I had to close my eyes as cum finished dribbling into my eyes.

Tom had stopped and as I heard him cum I opened my eyes he had an lust filled smirk on his face as he said, "Open up." I did expecting him to insert his cock for cleaning or something but all he did was throw cum on my face. He winked at me and stepped back, "You gotta have it stuck on your face for two hours it been my web and all." He said cockily as he pulled on his boxers and putting back on his shirt. He walked away as I was left to call out, "You cannot leave me here."

About five minutes later I saw another flash of a camera and I was unable to really figure who it was as they scuttled out the room again. It must have been another seven or eight minutes when the assistant came in with a knife and cut the ropes. He looked at me and then smiled before putting down an envelope and walking out.

As I untied all the rope from my wrists been free and all but the pain it would have been explaining why I stunk of cum and had rope around my wrists when I walked into the manager. I then started to look around the room for a towel. Unable to find one I took the tie off and the ripped open shirt, used the shirt used it as a towel and headed over to the envelope upon opening it there was a note with five names Froy, Dylan, Jack Wilshere, Thomas Atkinson and Tom with their numbers next to the names. At the bottom was a note, 'Text us your numbers so we can ensure your ready for when we are back around.'

I smiled as I read again remembering how each had been so diferent but with each of them I had loved it so much.

Not like my next experience where all my rules went out the window.

Next: Chapter 3

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