Secrets Behind the Music

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Apr 2, 2000


The Secrets Behind The Music Copyright 2000 By: Stu

Hi again everyone, I would like to thank everyone who have responded to the story so far. Also I would like to thank everyone who has read my other story, Nick Lance and JC. Anyway, I would like to encourage the readers of this story to also read, "Two out of Five" and "Just and JC". Both are by Kevin, who is a wonderful author by the way. Ok, I would like everyone who reads this story to send me your questions, comments, suggestions, and anything else to

Now that damn legal stuff:

This story is completly fictional. Anything said in here does not imply that the characters mentioned do whatever is said. If you are not of age to read this material or if this stuff offends you, please do not read this story. To everyone else, enjoy!!!

" I'm going down to the police station, alone. Try not to leak this story to anyone." Brian said putting on some street clothes.

" I'm coming with you Bri." Kevin said putting his jacket on.

" No your not Kev. He needs his best freind down there, not anyone else. If you guys need me, I'll have my cell phone on." He said walking past his cousin and out the door. Brian made his way out of the hotel and called a cab. " City precinct." he said getting in the cab. On the ride over Brian thought to himself, ' Why would Nick do drugs? He's always been the one at parties and stuff, to be the designated driver.'

" Turn to your left." the man said who was taking the pictures. Nick did so, and the photographer took several snapshots of him.

" Alright son, this way." another officer said leading Nick to his holding cell. He sat down on the cot and buried his head into his hands. ' Why did I have to start doing this stuff.' He sat there and started sobbing. After ten minutes of thinking to himself he heard the guard talking to someone.

" Yeah he's here........Hey Carter, you've got a visitor." he said stepping aside.

" Brian?!" Nick said as he looked up to find his best freind standing in front of him. Brian stood there with a look of depression on his face. Nick stood up and went over to the bars and held onto them. " Why did you come here?"

" I came here to find out what the hell is wrong with you. Why the hell are you doing drugs?" he asked. Nick looked at Brian with tears rolling down his cheek, he was speechless, he didn't know why he got into doing drugs, it just happened.

" I don't know Bri. I was at a party once and you guys were having the time of your lives, and I was feeling like crap. I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air, and a group of guys were up there and offered my some." he explained as Brian listened with disbelief." So seeing as I was so depressed I thought ' What the hell, it's not like anyone's going to care.' And so I had some, got addicted, and had been doing some ever since." Nick said trying to stop moping.

" Nick that party was like a year ago, you've been adicted since then." Brian asked as Nick nodded his head 'yes'. " Jesus Nick, don't you have a fucking clue to what that can do to you. Why didn't you come to me if you feeling this way." he asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

" Remeber the last time I came to you with my problems Brian. We ended up sleeping with each other, and the next day you said that we could be a couple, because you were to afraid of what the guys would think of you. You made me feel so cheap and dirty." Nick said with tears flowing from his eyes.

" I'm sorry about that Nick. I was to afraid of coming out to the rest of the guys, you and I have been best freinds for years. We've told each other everything, and didn't care if what we did was bad or good, we are best freinds. you Nick." He said starting to cry as well. Nick looked at Brian and was about to kiss him...

" Alright your time's up!!" the guard said walking into the room and almost catching the two.

" I'll be here tomorrow, try to stay alive." Brian said with a smile. Nick responded with a smile of his own and Brian left the room. As he did, Nick fell back onto the cot and began to sob.

" Oh shit!!" Officer Manhime said grabing his head.

" What is it?" his partner asked.

" I forgot the evidence, I left it at the hotel." he responded walking back to his car.

" You what!!! How could you forget about that, it is the only thing we have to convicting him." he yelled at his partner.

" Well I'm going back to the hotel to get it. Stall the cheif before I get back." He said getting in the car.

" Yeah, he'll have both of our asses, if you don't find it." he said as the car sped off.

At the same time.....

" What is it Joey?" AJ asked as Kevin followed the two into his room. Joey made his way over to the nightstand and pointed to the bag of Nick's cocaine.

" Oh my god, they forgot the stuff." Kevin said picking it up. "What should we do with it?"

" Flush it." AJ said.

" Are you serious?" Joey asked.

" Just flush it, the cops can't convict Nick if they don't have the evidence." AJ said as Kevin made his way to the bathroom. He dumped all of it in and flushed the toilet. AJ took the bag and went out on the balcony with his lighter. " Nick, you owe me one." he said as he lit the bag on fire.

Brian paid the cab driver and walked into the hotel, where hundreds of reporters were there. As he made his entrence they swormed over him and started asking questions.

" Brian is it true that Nick Carter was arrested for posestion of drugs." one asked him. " No comment." he replied.

" Is it true that several members of 'N Sync are also using drugs." another asked. " No comment." These questions continued as Brian made his way to the elevator. Security broke the reporters off him and he rode up to his floor. As the elevator went up he thought ' Does he love me?' the question kept repeating in his head until the elevator 'dinged' indicating that he was at his floor. As he made his way towards his room, he saw AJ walking out of his room.

" Hey Brian, how's Nick doing?" he asked. Brian looked at him with teary eyes and began to sob. AJ walked over to Brian and pulled him into a hug. " That's ok Bri, I know how much you care for him."

" He looks like hell AJ. I miss him so much." Brian said through his tears.

" Don't worry Brian. I've got some good news. The two cops that were here forgot to take Nick's cocaine, so I flushed it, now they can't convict him on any charges." AJ looking at Brian, who in turn smiled.

" So then they'll have to let him go right?" he asked wiping a tear from his face.

" Yep, unless he has any more that they haven't found yet." AJ said as Justin and Joey walked into the hall.

" Thanks AJ." Brian said hugging him, so hard that the air was rushing out of his body. He tapped Brian on the shoulder,

" Air!" he gasped. Brian let go and gave AJ a grin.

" Oh sorry about that Bone, so when do you think that he can gte out?"

" Don't know Bri, I guess tomorrow, thats if the cops don't try to pull anything. Good night." AJ said walking into his room.

To be continued....

Alright, I know this chapter isn't very long but I am busy. I'll make it up to my readers in the next chapter. If you have any comments, suggestions, or whatever, send them to

Thanks for reading

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