Secrets Behind the Music

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Mar 24, 2000


The secrets behind the music Copyright 2000 by: Stu -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi everyone! Well here it is, my second story in the Nifty Archives! If you don't remember me from before, I am the author of the Nick, Lance, and JC series. I don't know if you have read it or not, but I would ask everyone who reads this story to read the other one. Ok, this story is about the bands N'Sync and The Backstreet Boys, but along the way there will be more apperences by other music celebs.

Now the legal stuff:

Anything said in this story does not reflect or impose anything on any of the mentioned characters. If these types of stories offend you, or you are not of legal age, please leave the arcives. And for everyone else, enjoy!

Chapter 1- Love and War


They all seemed happy on the outside, their good looks and charm was a good cover-up to the public, but behind closed doors it was a world turned upside down.....

It had all started the day after the two bands were put on the same tour, a new promotion from their label Jive Records. Neither band wanted it to happen, but because of their contracts with the label. The first day they all got along well, trying to take the situation and make it good for all of them, but it didn't happen. The bands found each other unstadable, the guys from N'Sync couldn't stand the fact that the BSB could not be at the places they needed to be at thr right time, and the BSB couldn't stand that the guys from N'sync were such fan hogs. This only was the begining......

" What is your problem Chris, I mean I'm standing there talking to one of the fans and you come breezing in and steal her away from me." Kevin asked as he walked into the hotel room that they were forced to share. Chris slammed the door behind him and walked into the room.

" Yeah and I think that you being late for the photo shoot was inexcusable too." he said angerly.

" Don't talk to me like that, I'm not a child." Kevin said defending himself.

" Well you sure as hell act like it, always playing pranks on everyone and throwing your food at people, that's real mature." Chris said attacking him verbaly.

" Oh well excuse me for having a little fun, Mr. Serious. You walk around thinking that the fucking universe revolves around your punk ass." Kevin said getting into Chris's face.

" You'd better back off before me and these friends of mine unload on your face." Chris says showing his fist to Kevin.

" Oooo I'm really scared." He says giving Chris a push. Kevin gets pushed back and the two start brawling with each other. The fight is more like a wrestling match than a brawl, neither of them throw a punch at each other. After awhile Kevin manages to roll on top of Chris and pins his arms to the ground. " See, you can't attack me, you'll lose everytime." He says in a serious tone of voice. They remained in the same posistion for a couple of minutes, staring into each other's eyes. Chris squirmed a bit and trying to get up, but Kevin held him down to the floor,

" God I hate you." He said as Kevin got closer to him.

" I hate you too." Kevin said getting EVEN CLOSER to him. Then he leaned in and started kissing Chris! The two roamed their hands all over each others bodies, rolling around on the floor, tounge wrestling, grinding against each other. After a bit Kevin pulled back, looked into Chris's eyes and said with a smile, " I still hate you."

" Same here, dirtbag." Chris responded with a grin.

" bastered "

" bitch "

" whore "

" slut "

" I love you."

" Me too." Chris said before continuing to making out with Kevin on the floor.

" Would you just stop bitching at me, Lance." Brian yelled to his roommate across the room, who was complaining about how Brian had gone through his stuff. " I said I was just looking for a bottle of hair gel."

" Well you could of asked me first before you went through my stuff." Lance said walking towards Brian's suitcase. " How would you like it if I just opened your bag." Lance said before opening the bag. As he did, a small picture album dropped out of the the bag. " Wel what do we have here?" he said picking the book up.

" Give me that!" Brian said grabbing for the book. Lance turned his back to prevent Brian from getting at it.

" Yeah yeah, shut up." Lance said opening the album. " What the hell.....all of these pictures are of me. Me at the Grammy's, me at the American Music Awards, and me at Spring Break. Brian, what is this about, do you have a crush on me." He asked Brian, who was turning every shade of red that there is. He nodded in response, " Well you're sure as hell will have to forget it, 'cause I'm not gay." Lance informed him. " But I do know who is and has a crush on you." Brian looked up.

" Who?"

" Come on Justin, just this once, JC told me that you do this sort of thing for other people that you tour with." AJ asked Justin while sitting next to him on the bed. Justin got up and went to the window to look out at the City of Los Angeles, all lit up for the night and the moon gazing down upon the city. He turned around and looked at the man he saw before him, studied him top to bottom, imagining what was underneath the clothes he was wearing. He folded his arms and said with a sigh,

" Alright take your pants off." AJ did what he was told and took off his pants, which revealed a pair of baby blue boxer shorts. At the sight of this Justin could not help but smile, " That's my favorite color!" he exclaimed. AJ smiled as Justin made his way over to him, removing his shirt and wifebeater in the process. AJ laid back on the bed and Justin began to pull his boxers down, revealing AJ's beautiful 7 incher, and the trial of hair that ran fron AJ's navel to his cock dove Justin crazy. " Hmmmmm I see that you have a bunch of qualities that make me horny. Are you ready?" He asked. AJ nodded his head and Justin got down to business, no pun intended. He first started by licking up and down AJ's cock, just toying around with AJ's mind. Then he began to push down on his cock, taking it in an inch at a time. AJ laid there and moaned as the teenager moved up and down with a steady pace. Closer and closer he got to his orgasm. Justin spead his pace up, going up and down, faster and faster.

" Oh yeah...oh Justin...OHH!!!" AJ shouted as he shot his load into Justin's mouth. He laid there trying to catch hisbreath as Justin got up and went to rinse his mouth in the bathroom. He put his clothes back on and crawled into bed. Justin turned off the bathroom light and got into his bed. AJ looked over at him, " Thanks man, I needed it." and drifted off to sleep.

Two officers walked up to the hotel's front desk. The woman stood there and greeted the two,

" Welcome to the Plaza Hotel, how may I help you?" she asked

" I'm Officer Manhime and this is my partner Officer Fedelgo, could you please give me the room number for one Nick Carter." the officer asked with a smile.

" I'm sorry sir but I need some ID, that information is restricted." She said politly

" Of course." Manhime said opening his walet and showing her the id.

" Ok, sorry for the incovinience, the room is on the fifth floor and it is room number 4536." She said pointing to it on a floor map of the hotel.

" Thank you miss." he said before him and his partner went to the elevator. They got in and pressed the button for the fifth floor.

" So you remembered the warrent right?" Officer Fedelgo asked his partner.

" Yep right here." He said pulling it out of his pocket. The bell dinged as the elevator reached the fifth floor. The door opened and the two officers got out and walked down the hall. " 32......34....ahh here it is room 4536." he said as they walked down the hall. Officer Fedelgo knocked on the door and was met by Joey opening the door.

" Uhh can I help you officers?" He asked scratching his head.

" Acctually yes you can, is Mr. Carter here?" Officer Fedelgo asked.

" Yeah, hold on I'll get him." Joey said before walking back and shaking Nick, trying to wake him up. " Hey get up Nick!!" he yelled at the sleeping blonde.

" Uhhh What do you want Joe?" Nick asked sitting up.

" Well why don't you ask these two police officers." Joey said as they walked into the room. Nick looked at the two and Officer Manhime spoke up,

" Nicholas Carter, we have a serch warrant, could you please show us your suitcase and any other luggage that you might have. Nick gulped and walked over to his suitcase,

" Here it is." he said as JC, Brian, Howie and Lance walked into the room. The two officers opened up the bag nd serched through it,

" Well, well, well what do we have here?" Manhime said as he held up a ziplock bag full of a white powder. He put some on his finger and tasted it. " Oh yeah, this stuff is definatly crack cocaine."

" Nick what the hell is going on here?" Brian asked Nick. He didn't respond.

" Alright Nick, please lay down on the floor and put your hands behind your head." Officer Manhime comanded. Nick did as he was told and Fedelgo put handcuffs on him, " Nicholas Carter, you are under arrest for possesion of illegal narcotics, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorny, if you cannot afford one, then the state will provide you with one. Do you understand?" he said. Nick simply nodded his head and he was escorted down to the awaiting police car that was outside. Luckly no one was around, so he was unnoticed. As the car sped off to the police station, The guys all had the same thought on there minds, 'Why'

To be continued -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Well there you go, Chapter 1 of this soon to be great story. Please send me anything about this story to

And thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 2

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