Secrets and Spies

By Michael Birch

Published on Sep 2, 2017


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

This work is the intellectual property of the author, and is thereby owned exclusively by the author and cannot be copied, republished, or used in any way without the author's written consent. Copyright2017 Michael Birch

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Secrets and Spies, Part two

It was the end of June and John and Rolf had been out on the town all night. At 4 a.m., the sun was already coming up. They decided to stop at "Die Zwillinge" (the twins), a small neighborhood gay bar. It was owned by two men from Rome. They were brothers, but not twins. They had hundreds of photos posted on the walls of them when they were younger and they looked almost identical. They were body builders in younger days and most of the photos were hot nudes. The men usually posed as Roman sculpture pieces. In a few, the brothers had their hard cocks on display, but in most, the cocks were soft. Stefano was the older brother, around 60 years old, and he was the cook. He was balding but his body hair made up for that, as he was a very furry bear. He was short and stocky and probably twenty pounds overweight. He always wore tight leather pants covered by his apron and a white short sleeve shirt unbuttoned to his navel. Bountiful white hair spilled out the V and from the shirtsleeves where his massive arms protruded proudly. He usually sat in a booth at the back by the small stage with his "girlfriend", a much younger 30ish looking blonde Finn called Uti.

Uti wore a short leather skirt most of the time. His cock and balls were frequently visible when he sat or bent over. He also wore a white shirt unbuttoned all the way down. He had short bleached blonde hair and was on the slender side. The two of them were very fond of John and frequently tried to entice him into bed with liquor.

The younger brother, Emanuel, was called Manni. He was usually behind the bar, more often than not, was completely naked. Sometimes he wore a shiny red apron. Manni had kept his body in shape. He was probably in his late 40's or early 50's. His body was also covered in thick hair, but it was blacker with gray mixed in. He still had six pack abs and fabulous pecs. He was quite proud of his large round balls and generous thick cock. His beautiful bubble butt also covered in thick hair.

The bar had a singer on stage some weekends. More often than not, there were young men up there dancing naked. It could probably be considered a hustler bar. Many young men came in during the busy hours to hunt down older tricks.

This was the bar where John met Rolf. Rolf being in his mid-30's, took John for a hustler the first time they met. He was quite astounded when John told him he wasn't.

The two men sat at the first booth by the door when they came in. In the booth next to them they could see what John thought was an older transvestite with someone they couldn't see. The two of them were obviously playing around under the table. Manni came over to the booth with shots of Ratzeputz, a vile liqueur that the owners loved to pass out to patrons. They both ordered beer and a small pizza, thanked Manni for the shots and downed them.

Manni rubbed John's arm. "Have fun sweetie," He said as he winked.

John kept looking around to see if he could figure out what was going on in the next booth. Rolf leaned over and whispered that it was Erika, a prostitute from the street where GIs were fond of hanging out.

John looked at him. "She's a girl?"

Rolf laughed. "Well she was a girl maybe 30 years ago, now she is a grandma!"

They both laughed. They still couldn't see the man with Erika.

Shortly, Uti came with their pizzas. "Johnny my love, oh please rub my cock, you hot boy!" He yelled when he saw who was sitting there. He lifted his leg up on the seat to expose his long cock and shaved balls. "Oh deary, I must tell Stefano you are here!" He ran to the back booth.

Just then, the man in the next booth looked over the divider. "John! I didn't know you were here!" It was Bob, John's roommate.

John looked up at him. "What the fuck you doing here Bob?" John got up and walked over to stand in front of their booth.

"Erika, this is my roommate John, John this is my friend Erika."

Erika smiled and nodded to John. John hadn't noticed before that Erika's make-up was thick enough to spackle the walls. She had bright blue eye shadow and tons of black mascara. Her lips painted a bright ruby red. She was over-weight and her large breasts were barely covered by her tight gold dress.

"Nice to meet you Erika." He turned to Bob. "You know this is a gay bar? It's on the off limits list."

Bob smiled. "Erika was hungry so she brought me here. When we got in I pretty much figured out it was a gay bar. I can`t believe the bartender is naked!"

John smiled and took another long look at Erika. "OK, well, have fun. We're eating our pizza and then going to his place."

Bob nodded. "OK, you boys have fun. I and Erika are going to her place in a few minutes."

John patted Bob on the shoulder and went back to eat his pizza. He rolled his eyes as he sat down. "You really gotta love pussy to fuck that," He whispered to Rolf. They both sat giggling, barely able to eat.

They finished eating. Stefano and Uti came down. Stefano had a tray with four beers and four shots. Uti sidled in next to John and Stefano scooted in next to Rolf.

"Prosit." Stefano said as he lifted his shot glass. The other three also joined in and drank their shots, thankfully, it was ouzo. John looked down; Uti's skirt wasn't covering much. He could see his cock and slender balls hanging down. He noticed that not only were Uti's balls shaved, but his pubes as well.

"My friends, it is so good to see you again, you are my favorite handsome young men!" Stefano boasted. "Mr. John, sometime I wish for you two to be on my stage and dance and fuck for us."

John blushed. "Well, I might do a little dance for you, but no fucking on stage!"

Stefano grinned. "You come tonight and strip for us. I give you a big tip." He grabbed his crotch as he was talking.

"Yes, Stefano, I've seen your big tip. It is very nice, but my friends at the base would not be too happy to have me naked up there!"

"I lock the door so they can't come in. Come you can dance now!" He got up and walked over to the door.

"No, no, not now. I am too drunk to dance. I will let you know. I promise, I will dance for you!"

Manni wobbled over; he had obviously been sampling the stock. He pulled a large table over near the booth, jumped on top, and started dancing. His cock and balls flew from side to side. Shaking his ass and running his hands down his torso, he sang in Italian.

Everyone was cheering him on. Rolf motioned to Stefano; he scooted out, removed his shirt and started dancing on the floor in front of Manni. Keeping his face moving in rhythm with Manni's cock.

Everyone watched the show. John could hear some of the discussion at Bob's booth. It seemed that he was finger-fucking Erika, she was moaning loudly. "You come to my hotel and you can fuck me with your dick all night for $20." she told him.

Bob replied. "I can fuck you all night for free darling."

"No, no. No free fucks, you pay me. I am very good and you will get your moneys worth."

The discussion went on for a while but they were talking in a lower tone and with the singing and clapping, John couldn't make out what was being said. Soon Erika slid out of the booth and walked to the back where the restrooms were.

Manni jumped off the table, grabbed Rolf, and started doing the tango with him. The two looked very dramatic together and Manni's taught strong body was very enjoyable to watch as it pressed against him.

Rolf stopped. "OK, I am getting dizzy, no more dancing." He went over, slid into the booth next to Stefano, and was putting his shirt back on.

Stefano grabbed some of Rolf's chest hair between his fingers. "Hmmm, Ost-Frieser!" He exclaimed, looking at the red hair.

"Yes indeed, Ost-Friesen." Rolf replied, proud of his heritage being from the low lands.

"He is mine tonight Stefano," John said, "You can make your date for another day!"

Stefano laughed and pushed Rolf back out. He looked at Uti. "Come my bambina, we must let these gentlemen have their peace."

Uti and John stood up. "Thank you so much for your hospitality. We love you." John stated.

Rolf agreed. "You are the best hosts in town!"

Stefano and Uti sauntered back to their booth and John and Rolf sat down. Bob stood up and sat next to John, Erika had not returned from the restroom yet. Bob had obviously had way too much to drink. "She wants me to pay to fuck her!" he exclaimed. "I never paid for pussy ever; they can pay me to fuck them!"

Rolf looked at him. "Where did you find her Bob?"

"Hmmm, I think it was the Lovebirds, but maybe not, there were lots of girls everywhere I went tonight."

"Yes, lot's of GIs too, right?" queried John.

"Yeah, too many guys but lots of girls too!"

Manni walked over to the booth. "Heh, your girlfriend snuck out the back door, I hope you're not waiting for her."

"Fuck her, she doesn't deserve my dick." Bob said loudly.

John looked at him. "You want a taxi to get home?"

"No." said Bob, "I'll take the bus."

"Too early for buses Bob, we'll get you a cab."

Rolf chimed in. "My place is only the next block; you can come sleep on my sofa."

John looked at Rolf. He knew Rolf had a one-room apartment and Bob would be able to hear and see the two of them having sex. "You think that's OK?"

"Bob will be asleep as soon as he lies down, it will be fine."

John and Rolf went to the bar and paid the tab and then went back and collected Bob. "Tschuß all." They waved as the three of them left.

They started walking back to Rolf's apartment. Bob seemed to be pretty steady, so maybe not as drunk as they had thought. When they got to the middle of the next block they went into the large street door, walked through the courtyard, and entered the stairway leading to Rolf's apartment.

This building dated to the 1700's and was very grand with stone and ceramic tiles. The bathrooms were added early in the 1900's and were in the stairwell. Each two apartments shared the bathroom on the landing between them. Rolf lived on the third floor. He unlocked the door and they all walked in. It was a very large room, to the left there was a sink, a small cupboard with a cook-top on the counter and a small refrigerator. Toward the left center of the room was a large ceramic oven used for heating in the winter. There was a basic table and chairs and on the right wall a large brown corduroy sectional. Just behind the sectional were French doors to a small patio. There was a large bed frame in the back corner with traditional German bedding. Sheets and fake animal fur throws covered the bed.

John and Bob sat down on the sectional.

Rolf lighted one of his clove cigars. "You guys want a drink?" He asked.

John and Bob both agreed to water. The walk seemed to have animated Bob. He lit a cigarette and gave it to John, then lit another for himself.

Rolf came back with a tray and three bottles of water. "Nastrovia" he exclaimed as he sat the tray down on the ottoman. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off and then unbuttoned his trousers and dropped them. He folded both pieces of clothing and set them on the shelf next to a wardrobe. Pulling off his tiny under shorts and matching socks, he grinned. Rolf was only about 5'6"; he had a husky frame, very nice muscular legs and was covered in red-orange hair. His cock was rather wide and flat looking with an oval shaped head. It was only around 4" long soft, but John knew it grew an extra 3" when hard. Rolf opened the wardrobe and took out some sheets, a blanket and a pillow. He walked over to the sectional, spread out the sheets, and blanket on the end portion.

John enjoyed watching him bending and stretching as he made the bed. His nice balls bounced back and forth and exposed the furry crack of his ass.

Bob sat in silence, but was obviously following Rolf's every movement. "You're a hairy mother-fucker."

Rolf grinned and sat down on the other ottoman across from John and Bob and they all smoked and drank the water as they talked. After a half hour of small talk Rolf stood up, he was right in front of John and he pushed John's face into his fiery bush. "You ready to go to bed?" he asked.

John stood up. "Yes, I'm ready!" John removed his shirt, unbuttoned his pants, and let them slide down. He wasn't wearing underwear so his semi-hard cock popped out as they dropped to his ankles.

Rolf walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around the naked body. He cupped the balls with one hand and circled John's cock with the other. "Bob is getting a gay show tonight!"

Bob smiled. "Yes, I've seen him naked quite a bit lately."

Rolf looked at John. "Really?"

John nodded.

Bob stood up and also got undressed.

Rolf whistled when he saw Bob's hairy body and big cock. "I like that!" He said, pointing.

Bob looked at the two of them and smiled, he crawled to the end where the sheets were. "Good morning all! John, you can tell him if you want." He lay down and covered himself with the blanket.

"Sleep well my friend." Rolf told him.

John and Rolf walked over to the bed. They got on top of the fur blankets and started kissing. John's penis was already hard and Rolf was not far behind. The two kissed and stroked each other's hard cocks. John loved the fur all over Rolf's body and he rubbed his hands up and down and over the man's firm butt. They laid there for quite a while just enjoying each other, they started whispering in low tones and laughed.

They were lovers for almost a year after they met, but Rolf had a hang-up for hustlers and liked having a different guy every night. John was broken hearted when they broke up but he liked Rolf so much they remained friends and they still had great sex together.

Rolf put his finger up to his lips. "Do you want a cigarette? I have to go pee."

"Me too."

They both got up and tippy toed across the room. Their balls swayed with each step and their hard cocks bobbed up and down. They went out the front door and down the stairs to the bathroom. They held each other's cocks down so they could pee. They started to leave the bathroom, but the corridor light came on just as they opened the door. Stopping for a minute they saw an older gentleman go up the stairs. The two scurried to Rolf's door and back into the apartment.

Rolf grabbed two more bottles of water and John's cigarettes. They moved stealthily back to the bed. John noticed that Bob was lying on the sheets uncovered. His cock was rock hard. They shared a cigarette and then started kissing and cuddling again. Rolf slipped down and started sucking John's throbbing rod. He moved slowly up and down the shaft savoring each inch as it glided over his tongue and hit the back of his throat. John pulled Rolf's legs over so he could suck on the delicious red tube. The two of them were slurping each other and enjoying all of their man smells.

John heard some movement, lifted his head, and motioned to Rolf to stop. They both listened closely and they could hear Bob making soft noises on the sofa.

Rolf spoke softly. "Bob, Bob." The noises stopped. Rolf moved up to lie next to John. "He's whacking isn't he?"

John nodded his head in agreement.

"Would he join us do you think?" asked Rolf.

"Mmmm, I don't know, he's pretty funny about feeling gay."

As they were talking Bob sat up, he looked at the two of them. They saw him looking. Bob stood up, covered his hard cock with both hands, he walked over to the bed. "Can I join you guys?" He asked softly.

"Yes, sure," said John.

"We don't want to make you uncomfortable," said Rolf, "If you feel funny just let us know and we'll stop."

"I'm OK," said Bob. He knelt on the bed, his hard cock sticking straight out as he crawled to lie next to Rolf. Rolf could feel Bob's hard cock pressing against the back of his legs and he opened them slightly so the big rod could slide in between. "I've never seen so much hair on a guy," he whispered in Rolf's ear, "it feels really cool." Bob rubbed Rolf's back and buttocks. His hands moved over the thighs and touched the hard red cock. "Nice meat. I like your cock."

"Thanks." replied Rolf. "Your hard dick feels good between my legs."

John looked at Rolf. "What Bob mentioned earlier, we've had sex with each other before."

Rolf asked. "Have you sucked cock before?"

Bob nodded. "Yes, looks like I'll be doing it again!" Bob started kissing Rolf's shoulders and arms.

John joined in, kissing Rolf's mouth, running his tongue in as deep as he could. He rubbed Rolf's chest and started playing with his hard nipples.

Rolf was stroking John's cock as they kissed. He moved the other hand over John's ass and then his stomach. Releasing the cock, he started playing with John's nipples.

John knelt on the bed and leaned over so that Bob could suck his dick.

Bob willingly took it all the way in his mouth and stroked it with his lips. He was slowly moving his own cock in between Rolf's thighs and he could feel the head push against Rolf's balls.

Rolf pushed John's dick out of Bob's mouth and started to slowly suck it and he cupped the balls and rolled them between his fingers.

Bob pulled out from between Rolf's legs and turned so he could lick his furry balls. He then opened his mouth wide so he could take in Rolf's fat rod. He sucked it with devotion.

John leaned over Rolf so he could suck Bob's cock; he ran one hand over Bob's hairy butt as he stroked the cock.

The three men alternately sucked, stroked and kissed each other. Bob was really enjoying kissing John, then Rolf and then John again. He loved feeling the men's cocks pressed against his body and shoving his long rod in their mouths. John started sucking Rolf's cock again and playing with his balls. Bob knelt on the bed, pulled Rolf's head up, and let Rolf stroke his cock with his lips and tongue. He put his hand down and rubbed John's hairy stomach and balls while he fucked the redhead's mouth.

Rolf pushed Bob's cock out momentarily and put a pillow behind his head. "I want you to fuck me." He told Bob.

Bob grinned, stuck his cock back into Rolf's mouth slowly, and started pumping away.

John looked at Bob. He took Rolf's cock out of his mouth and knelt next to Bob. "He wants you to fuck his ass."

Rolf nodded in agreement.

John could see the concerned look that washed over Bob's face. He looked at Rolf. "He's never fucked a guy before." He looked back at Bob. "Don't worry, I'll help you." John pulled Bob back to beyond Rolf's thighs. Rolf spread his legs exposing his round balls and part of his hairy crack. Rolf's hard cock was standing straight up over his stomach.

John turned around and took a bottle of olive oil off the shelf. He poured some in his hand, then he took Bob's hand and he rubbed oil on his fingers. Reaching over he lubed Bob's throbbing cock. He put more oil on his hand and stroked Rolf's cock until it was shiny and slick. He took Rolf's right leg and put it on Bob's shoulder. Then he took the left leg and put in on his shoulder. He pushed Rolf up slightly exposing the furry crack. He ran his wet fingers between the butt cheeks spreading the hair and then started slowly massaging Rolf's hole. As he fingered the hole Rolf relaxed and John slowly massaged one finger into his ass. He moved his finger in and out slowly and worked the hole to loosen it up. "OK, now take your finger and slowly put it in next to mine."

Bob did as he was told. The two men knelt side by side with their fingers in Rolf's hole.

"OK, now slowly turn your finger around so it's up."

Bob rotated his finger slowly so it was positioned like John's.

"You feel that bulge?" He asked Bob. Bob looked at him and nodded. "That's his prostate, you rub that very carefully, gentle and soft, that feels really good."

Rolf was staring at the two men, their hard cocks bouncing as they stroked his ass with their fingers, their furry bodies almost one.

"Oh yeah, that feels good guys, now stick your cock in."

John took his finger out and he took Bob's hand and moved it in a circular motion expanding Rolf's hole. He slowly pulled Bob's finger out and moved over, putting Rolf's other leg on Bob's shoulder. John lifted Rolf's butt higher and pushed Bob towards him until the head of his cock was just touching Rolf's loosened hole. "OK, very slowly, very, very slowly, push your cock against his hole."

Bob did as he was told and hit the sweet spot immediately, the head of his cock disappeared in Rolf's ass.

John was stroking Rolf's cock as he guided Bob in. "OK slowly push your cock all the way in and just hold it there."

"Oh, fuck, your big cock feels so good Bob!" Rolf whispered.

"OK, now very slowly fuck his ass. Let him get used to that fat cock of yours fucking him."

Rolf was watching Bob's furry torso slowly move forward and back sticking his hard rod into Rolf's tight ass.

John moved behind Bob, put his chest against Bob's back, and pushed him down halfway to the bed. He took his right finger and started massaging Bob's ass, just as he had with Rolf. He slowly worked his finger into Bob's tight hole. As he was playing with Bob's hole, he was licking his neck and ears. His free hand played with Bob's balls. Bob was very slowly moving in and out of Rolf's juicy ass. John leaned in and whispered in Bob's ear. "Hold very still for a minute. I'm going to slide my cock in your ass."

Bob looked back at him; he had tears in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but John put a finger over his lips. "Sssshhhh!" John slowly positioned his cock to fuck Bob. Very slowly, he started pushing his cock in, but he felt Bob tense up. "OK, relax, don't squeeze, just let my cock in." He felt the butt cheeks loosen up and he slowly pushed his rod into Bob's hole.

Bob's dick was fully inserted in Rolf's ass. John slowly moved his cock half way out of Bob's ass, he leaned over. "OK, pull your cock slowly back out of Rolf, as you do my cock is going to go deeper in you. When you push back into his hole, my cock will slide out of yours. Move slowly. Make your cock and ass feel good at the same time."

Bob followed the instructions perfectly and slowly he was fucking Rolf while being fucked by John. John had his hand stroking Rolf's cock and Rolf was playing with his own nipples and stroking his fur.

For several minutes Bob was slowly fucking and being fucked. "I'm going to cum John."

John leaned against him. "Slow and easy, let it last, you don't have to cum now, just feel how good it is."

"No, I don't think it will wait, I'm going to cum."

John started stroking Rolf's cock faster. "Rolf, you ready to shoot big boy?"

"Oh yeah, keep stroking. I can feel my balls spilling."

Bob's body started quaking. "Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, I'm shooting my load in you Rolf!"

Rolf unleashed a huge load. It shot all the way up past his face and all over his chest and stomach.

John started quivering also. "Yeah baby, yeah baby. Your tight ass feels so hot." He shot his load in Bob's ass and then he pressed down on Bob's back and they were all lying on top of each other. Bob's torso squashed down on Rolf's cum laden hair.

John slowly pulled his hard dick out of Bob's ass. Bob's cock was already partially soft and had popped out of Rolf's hole.

"That was so fucking hot Bob; your cock is so good." Rolf told Bob as he kissed him.

John rolled over next to Rolf. He licked cum off Rolf's face and beard.

Bob rolled over to the other side. He rubbed his hand in the cum on his chest and then rubbed the cum on Rolf's chest. He held his hand up and licked some of the cum off and then leaned over and ran his tongue through the hair lapping it up.

John scooted down a little and was licking up the cum with Bob. He pulled Bob's head closer to him and stuck his cum covered tongue in Bob's mouth. Bob licked the tongue, closed his lips around it, and sucked it into his mouth.

Rolf sat up slightly. "Heh, you guys can share, it's my cum!"

Bob took another lick of cum and kissed Rolf, he ran his hand through the cum and rubbed it across Rolf's lips.

"Mmmm, nice." Rolf said.

John sat back a little and then slid across Rolf's chest getting cum all over his fur. "That was good." John said.

Bob smiled. John looked at him. "You OK Bob?"

"Oh yes, no worries. I wanted it and I got it. I must be gay. I loved fucking you Rolf." He put his fingers around John's cock. "Fucked by a man. I loved your cock in my ass."

Rolf laughed. "You're more gay than John now. John has never been fucked in the ass!"

"Yes, and it will take the right man to do it too!" John replied.

"What? You've never had your hole fucked?" Bob looked amazed.

"Nope, just a finger here and there, no cock has been up there."

"Heh, rub a dub, dub, let's get these three men in a tub." Rolf led the way to the bathroom.


It was another warm afternoon and Bob headed to the room after eating his supper. John wasn't there, per usual. He stripped off his clothes and grabbed a towel. Taking a page out of John's book, he walked down the hallway naked on his way to the showers. There were a couple of guys shaving at the sinks. One was the black kid that he saw John sucking one time. He went into the shower room, it was very steamy. He hung his towel and turned around, seeing Roy at the third shower down on the right. At the end shower on the left was a guy he had never seen before. He passed by Roy. He patted his ass as he walked by. "How's it going?"

Roy grabbed his hand and pulled him back, he whispered in Bob's ear. "Heh, this guy is asking all kinds of questions about John." He held up his finger. "Shhh!"

Bob nodded and headed to the shower opposite the new guy. Bob turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature then turned around and stretched his arms up and held the showerhead with both hands. He gazed at the young man opposite him. The guy was extremely handsome, around 5'10". He had the kind of perfect body that Bob wished he had. Muscular, well proportioned; the body hair perfectly aligned with the contours of the muscles. He had small nipples residing in dark brown hair. His cut penis nested perfectly in the ball sack and reached all the way down between the two perfectly sized testicles. He watched as the stranger showered, taking in every inch of the glorious body. The man looked at him and smiled. A beautiful, even smile showed just a hint of the perfect teeth in his mouth. He had piercing blue eyes behind long eyelashes. Naturally, the man's haircut looked to be perfect as well, even while dripping with water.

The man walked over with his hand extended. "I'm Terry."

Bob dropped his right hand to shake and then put it back up on the shower head, letting the warm water run over his body. "I'm Bob, nice to meet you."

"Oh, yes. You're John's roommate aren't you?"

Bob looked at him. Out of the thirty or so men on their floor, how would this man guess he was the Bob who was John's roommate? "Yes, we've been roommates about nine months now."

Terry started soaping his body all over again. He slowly lathered up his chest and stomach; turned with his back to Bob and lathered the crack of his ass, bent over slowly ran his hands up and down both legs. He lifted one leg then the other to wash his feet. Each time his balls hung down in the wide opening between his thighs. Turning around he looked at Bob and soaped his balls and cock, stroking slowly for a few minutes. Then running his hands up his stomach and over his nipples. Bob was mesmerized as he watched. Suddenly Bob realized his cock was sticking straight out, hard as a rock. He hadn't even noticed that Roy had already left. Bob quickly released the showerhead, turned around, grabbed his soap, and started soaping his body. He realized the new guy was well aware of his excitement.

"So Bob, you and John get along pretty well then?"

Bob looked down, and to his relief, his dick had gone down somewhat. He turned around while soaping up the rest of his body. "Yeah, I guess. We work different shifts so we don't see each other much." Bob soaped up his ass while it was turned away from Terry, to alleviate any suspicion of play.

"I hear he's been here quite a while, he speaks a couple of languages doesn't he?"

"Yes," Bob said. "I've heard him speak German and French. I believe he speaks Spanish and Russian also. He seems to be pretty smart."

"Yes, that's what I've heard. The guys down at the gym pointed you out and said you were his roommate the other day."

Bob looked at him. "Really? What day was that? I don't remember seeing you there."

"Friday night, I was just coming in and you were headed for the steam room."

"Oh, OK, yeah probably just missed you then."

Terry nodded. "So you guys don't hang out?"

Bob saw where this was going. He wondered if this guy had any clue what happened on this floor. "No, I barely know him, we've talked briefly a couple of times but, like I said, we work different shifts so I barely see him except in passing."

"You ever go to the gym at Oranian Tor," Terry asked.

"Not familiar with it. Why?"

"Oh, it's a big gym, two shower rooms, a huge sauna and steam room, a mud room and cold and hot dips. They have an Olympic size pool too. The best part is you can work out naked. There's a bar and disco connected and you can go over there naked too. It's pretty hot; you should check it out some time. I've heard John goes there a couple times a week."

Bob looked at him. "Really? John looks to be in good shape but I didn't think he hit the gym."

Terry laughed. "Yeah, a lot of people work out in different ways there, it's a popular place. Hmm." Terry stepped closer to Bob and whispered. "I've heard he sucks dick."

OK, now Bob was sure this guy was trouble. "Dude, I hope not, I'd be scared to go to sleep!" Bob turned around towards the wall to hide any guilt that might be showing in his face as he rinsed off.

"It's not that I care. I'm pretty liberal, just wondered if you knew."

Bob turned the shower off and turned around. "No, I never got any strange vibes from him, but who knows what he does in town." He walked over to his towel.

Terry turned off his shower and followed him. "Yeah, you hear rumors all the time. Half the time the guys talking are jealous or something."

Bob tried to laugh. "Yeah, you never know what people talk about." He finished drying off and left. "Have a good night."

"Heh, you too." Terry replied.

Bob couldn't get back to the room fast enough. He walked in the room and saw John and Dave were sitting naked on the sofa. "Heh, guys, heads up, there is a guy asking questions about you John."

John looked at him. "What, who?"

"I don't know, some guy named Terry. Hot looking guy but he asked me if you sucked cock!"

John laughed. "Well there are enough people who know I do, so who knows what or who said anything."

"He told me you hung out at a German gym downtown and intimated that funny stuff happens there."

Dave laughed. "Is that the one at Oranian Tor? I've been tempted to go there. I've heard it's real easy to work your nuts off there."

Bob grinned. "Yes, that's the one."

John smiled. "I love that place! I go quite a bit and there is a lot of fucking and sucking and god knows what all. I like to sit at the bar naked and watch all the muscle men with swinging dicks, it is very hot. The sauna and steam room too, damn. They are a good place to sweat out your frustrations! Oh, and it is on the "Off Limits" list too."

Bob sat down and grabbed a smoke. "Well I just thought you should know. Probably should be careful about giving head in the shower until we find out about this guy."

"Yes, for sure, you said his name is Terry?" John asked.

"Yeah. I wish I had looked to see which direction he went to, but I was so fucking nervous I just wanted to get back here."

John licked his lips. "So you did say he looks suckable?"

Bob laughed. "Dude, I was standing there looking at him, didn't realize I got a full blown boner pointing straight at him! Embarrassing!"

Dave and John both laughed. "I'm going to have to spend some time in the shower and see if I can meet him, I'm curious now!"

"Be careful." Dave said. "So, I guess you pretty much know about me and John?"

Bob looked at Dave. "Meaning?"

"Like that we're sucking each other off."

"Well you two are sitting here naked right now, so, yeah, pretty much. I did wonder about that. You're married right?"

Dave grinned. "Yup, she's sweet too. I'll show you a photo some time. She knows I suck dick. I used to suck off her brother, that's how we met."

Bob grimaced. "So, you from Alabama or something, sheep, cows, brothers?"

Dave started laughing so hard he could barely talk. "No, I'm from Ohio, but we suck our brothers there too! The first time I had sex was when I was thirteen, sucking my older brother on the back porch. I'm not gay though, just like to suck dick."

Bob grinned again. "Yeah, me too, you want to know a secret Dave?"

"Hell yes, tell me."

Bob leaned over, "Don't you fucking tell anyone, you hear."

Dave shook his head, "Promise!"

"John fucked me in the ass a couple weeks ago. It felt pretty good. I might let him do it again."

Dave looked at John. "Really? You never told me that."

John looked surprised. "Well if Bob hadn't told you, you would have never known. I don't kiss and tell."

Dave looked back at Bob. "I heard it hurts a lot."

"No, dude, John is so gentle and slow, it feels good."

"Well then, maybe I'll let him fuck me too."

Bob dropped his towel, stretched showing off and sat down. "So you're up to something now or do you just sit around naked and talk?"

John laughed. "Yeah, he just about had my cock in his mouth when you walked in." He lifted his hand to reveal his growing dick. "Did you want to join in?"

Bob smiled. "Hell yeah, seeing that narc in the shower got me all riled up, I could use a good suck!" He stood up and walked over to where the other two were sitting.

Dave got on his knees and took Bob's dick in his mouth. There was knocking on the door.

"Fuck man, a guy can't even suck a dick in peace anymore!" John said.

Bob grabbed his towel, and standing behind the door, he opened it a crack. Terry was standing there. He had gotten dressed in white shorts, tennis shoes and a black tank top. He looked exceptionally hot.

"Yeah?" Bob asked.

"Heh, does John happen to be in? I'd like to see him?"

Bob turned around to the other two, who are scrambling behind the wardrobes. John was pulling on a pair of sweat shorts as he stumbled toward the door. "Yeah, just a minute, he's here."

John opened the door. "Holy fucking shit! Terrence Fucking Adams Junior! What the fuck man!"

Terry grinned broadly. "Heh guy, how you doing?"

John stepped back and opened the door. "Come in mother fucker, what you doing here?"

Terry walked in. "I just got stationed here. On my way I stopped back home on leave. I saw your mom and she said you were here, so I figured I would look you up. I'm living down the hall."

"You want a beer man?" John walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of beers. He handed one to Terry and turned, "Heh, Bob and Dave, come meet my High School buddy!"

John opened his beer and sat it on the table, he dropped his shorts and sat down on the chair next to Terry and grinned.

"Same ol' John I see, always buck fucking naked."

"Yup, I like to advertise."

Bob and Dave sat on the sofa.

"How did you get a room up here? There is like a waiting list for this building."

Terry grinned. "Yeah, when I got here I asked the billeting guy where you lived and he informed me I couldn't get in here. We made an 'arrangement' though. He put me in with Bob Richards. I guess he's only got another 5 weeks here."

Dave looked up. "You're in with TSgt Fat Fuck Richards? What an ass!"

Terry grinned broadly. "Yeah, he was sorely pissed. I guess they don't double bunk seniors, and yeah, he is fat and ugly. Speaking of ugly, he sure said some ugly things about you, John, when I told him I was looking for you. He said you were a fucking faggot! I told him I had known you all my life and you for sure weren't gay, but he said for sure you're a cocksucker!"

John smiled. "Yeah that asshole. He and his little cock can go fuck themselves. He's just pissed because he didn't pass his review and they're forcing him to retire. He was going for 30 and now he's out at 25. Too fucking bad, what a pig!"

Terry smiled. "Yeah, I don't know the guy, but in two days, I'm pretty much fed up with him. So you're not a fag then, eh?"

John laughed again. "Yeah, you know all of those rumors about me in school? That I sucked off the whole football team? Well they were true, I did, and quite a few of the basketball team too!"

Terry winced. "Fuck dude, you should have told me. I thought we were besties! Hell, I didn't get to suck a dick until basic training!"

John stared at him "You're gay too?"

"Yup, I remember gym class. You always had a hard on; I wanted to suck you so bad!"

John stood up. "So you wanna suck me now?"

Terry pushed him back. "Dude, that's fucking rude. I don't even know these guys!"

Dave stood up, shook Terry's hand. "Hi, I'm Dave, this is Bob, we both suck dick too!"

Bob laughed. "Yes, Terry and I met in the shower."

It was Terry's turn to grin now. "Bob and I met in the shower. I wasn't sure, but I guessed based on the impressive boner he got looking at me that he was gay too."

Bob grinned.

Dave reached down, pulled off his shorts, and then took off his t-shirt. "Bob and I are both straight, but we like what the boys have to offer too, so go ahead."

Bob looked over at Dave. "OK, this is getting a little weird now. First I'm thinking this guy is a narc and now you and John are taking your clothes off in front of him."

Terry looked at Bob, "Why did you think I was a narc?"

"You were asking all of those questions and knew who I and John are. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion you were after us."

"Oh, I see." Terry stood up, kicked off his tennis shoes, pulled off the tank top, and pushed down the shorts. "You feel better now?"

Bob dropped his towel again. "Dude, I just have to say, I appreciate how much hard work you must do to keep your fucking body so hot!"

John grabbed Bob's hand. "He was that hot in High School too, I think he was born hot." Everybody laughed.

John looked at everyone, all four guys were naked, and John's cock was hard. Dave's was getting that way. Bob was just staring at Terry holding his cock down and Terry was grinning from ear to ear.

Terry sat down in the chair and started stroking his cock. "So what's the story with you guys? You just party together and suck each other off, or are you paired up, or what's going on? I'm the new guy remember."

John took it upon himself to decipher the group. "So you and I were buddies in school who have never done it together. Bob is my roommate; we've sucked each other a few times over the past few months. Dave lives down the hall, we've sucked each other a lot, and Bob and Dave have never done each other."

Bob had taken a seat also and was stroking his hard rod, looking around at the other guys. "Yeah, Dave and I were just about to start when you knocked. Other than that, I've been with John and one time with John and his friend Rolf."

Dave added. "I've sucked a lot of guys in the shower and so has John. I think we're the two "go to" guys for cock sucking."

Terry nodded. "So do any of you bottom?"

John looked up. "No, pretty much just cock sucking."

Bob looked at John. "Bottom, does that mean get fucked in the ass?"

John nodded. Bob looks at Terry. "John fucked me the other day. I'd do it again, maybe."

"What about you John. You like getting fucked?"

John shook his head. "Never been fucked, some day maybe, but I'm not looking for it."

Terry lifted one leg up. "I'm a pretty good fuck. I have a tight hole and I can take it for a long time. How about cum? Anybody here eat cum? I imagine Bob and Dave don't eat cum, huh?"

Dave went over to Terry. "You shoot your load in my mouth I'm going to roll it around on my tongue and swallow it. I love eating a man's cum."

Bob stuck out his tongue. "So I'm new to this, but I've eaten cum. John even kissed me with my cum in his mouth, it was pretty hot!"

John looked at everyone. "We're like a bunch of generals; we have to strategize before battle. I say we just start sucking and see what happens."

Terry grabbed John's hand and pulled him over to the chair. "Dude, I've been waiting for years to suck your dick, I'm going to start with you!"

Bob stood up and grabbed Dave's cock. He pulled him over next to John. "I think you need to take turns on all of us."

Terry reached up and put John's cock in his mouth then he took Bob's cock in one hand and Dave's in the other and started stroking them. John looked over at Bob and licked his lips. Bob leaned over and started kissing him. He pushed his whole tongue in John's mouth and licked the inside thoroughly, and then he started fucking it with his tongue. Slow, quick and deep, licking the lips between brush strokes. Dave leaned over, licked John's nipple, and stroked his stomach hair and his ass. Terry then moved over to Dave's hard rod and started sucking it, long, slow wet strokes. Licking around the head each time it came out. He was stroking John's wet cock and John had taken over stroking Bob's dick. Bob's cock was oozing pre-cum and Terry saw and jumped on it, licking it off before it dripped and then started sucking the cock like he did the other two, soft, slow, and wet. Dave pulled John's head over and started kissing him deeply. Flicking their tongues together and teasing as his tongue darted in and out of John's mouth.

Terry released Bob's cock and stood up. He started kissing Bob, then moved in and joined John and Dave in kissing. Bob leaned down, took Terry's cock in his mouth, and started sucking it hard and fast. He playing with his perfect balls with one hand and felt his furry crack with the other. Bob worked one finger into the crack and started fingering Terry's hole. Terry leaned over and buried his face in John's chest hair. He rubbed his face back and forth and licked the nipples with each sweep. The men's hands swept over each other's bodies. They played with balls, stroked cocks and felt hairy stomachs, chests and asses. Bob raised Terry's arms over his head. He licked one hairy armpit, and then buried his face in the other. John sucked on Terry's cock and fondled his balls while Dave started licking Terry's crack, running his tongue deep into the fur. Terry spread his legs to gave Dave access to his tight brown hole. Dave worked the hole with his tongue, then licked his finger, and started working it in Bob was still working on the pits and licking nipples and kissing his mouth with long strokes of his tongue.

Dave stood up and started rubbing his rock hard rod in Terry's crack. He bent the man over slightly as he played with his balls and continued to prod his cock against the hole. John went over and got a bottle of oil, he rubbed it on Dave's dick and on Terry's ass. John then lubed Terry's cock and started stroking it while he helped Dave work his penis into Terry's hole. Bob wiped some of the oil off Terry's slippery cock and started sucking it slowly. Felt the foreskin melt back and the hard head hit the back of his throat. Dave bent him over a little more and gained full entry into his manhole. He started methodically pumping the hot man's ass while John stood behind him massaging Dave's balls and ass crack.

Terry was moaning. "Fuck me Dave, that feels so fucking good. I love your hard cock in my ass."

"Take my hard rod, feel my dick in your tight hole."

Bob stood up, stroked Terry's cock, kissed his nipples, and ran his face through his chest hair.

John slapped Dave's ass. "Let me in that tight hole." Dave pulled his cock out slowly and John slid his rod inside. "You like my man meat in you fucker?"

"Oh hell yes, John, fuck me hard!"

Bob put his cock in Terry's mouth and started fucking it slowly while John took care of the other end.

Dave stood to the side stroking his own cock watching the other two fuck Terry.

"It's your turn Bob." John said as he pulled out.

Bob walked around to the beautiful round ass cheeks and gently slid his meat in.

John went over to Dave and started sucking his dick. Dave bent down low and was sucking Terry's cock.

Bob was pounding Terry's ass. John moved over and started fucking Terry's mouth. He's taking it in fast and deep.

Dave dropped Terry's cock from his mouth and started stroking it with his hand. He moved next to Bob. "Let me back in that hole, I want to finish him off."

Bob slid out; he moved in behind Dave and started fingering Dave's hole while Dave slowly thrust into Terry's butt. "I'm going to fuck you Dave. Are your ready?"

Dave looked around. "Fuck me big boy." He held still momentarily while Bob slid his cock into the virgin hole. "Oh, mother fucker you got a huge cock!" He yelled at Bob.

Dave was stroking Terry while he fucked his ass. Bob was playing with Dave's chest and nipples while Dave's fucking motion slid his hole over Bob's dick.

John was fucking the hell out of Terry's mouth. He started moaning loudly. "You want to swallow my load cocksucker?" Terry nodded in agreement and John shot a creamy load in his mouth.

"OK fuckers, my load is ready, who wants it?" Dave asked as he pulled out of Terry's ass. John knelt down quickly to catch the load in his mouth and Bob stepped over, shoved the head of his cock in John's mouth also, and squirted it in with Dave's load.

Terry stood there, stroked his cock watched John's mouth overflow with cum. He pushed the other two out of the way, pushed his cock all the way down John's throat, and yelled as he cums. Cum was spilling out of John's mouth and Bob and Dave knelt down and started licking his face and chin gathering up every bit of the jizz.

Terry knelt down with the other three; his mouth was still coated with John's cum. All four men kissed each other spreading the sperm from one mouth to the other Bob bent down and licked each of the other's dicks clean. He rejoined the others for a group bear hug.

John leaned over to Dave. "You're officially fucked!"

Dave smiled. "Yeah, I got my fag cred."

Bob looked at John, "So now the only real faggot who hasn't been fucked is John. I think next time his ass is on the line!"

"No, no, I'm not getting fucked, believe me!" John smiled.

"We'll see." Bob looked for a towel. "Should we split up to shower?"

"Hell no," Terry said, "we came together, we can get clean together."

Bob gave Dave and Terry towels and John grabbed his. "We do the John walk to the shower?" They all walked down to the shower naked, no one was in the hallway, but when they got to the showers, Roy and another man were in there.

"Well, well, well." He looked at the four of them. "I'll bet you guys weren't playing poker!"

The other guy leaned over to Roy and whispered something in his ear.

Roy smiled. "Look at their dicks, them is used up and ready for the hay."

Bob grinned. He leaned in to Roy. "I guess you were right about my roomy, he's a hell of a cock sucker."

"Yeah, I know." Roy answered. The other guy was looking at the four of them. You could see his dick was aroused at whatever he was thinking.

Roy looked at him. "You wanna suck me?"

The other guy pulled away looking crazy at Roy.

"You want me to suck you then?" Roy asked.

John walked over to the two of them. "What's your name?"

The man answered. "Jim."

"Well, Jim, I've never seen old Roy there suck dick so do me a favor and let him do it, I want to watch!"

Jim turned beet red and turned away. He rinsed off, dried himself quickly and left.

"I guess we scared him off." Dave said.

Roy laughed. "You fuckin' homos scare us all! But as long as you're here, someone want to suck me off too?"

John laughed. "We're done buddy, looks like it's your hand on your cock tonight!"

Everyone laughed. They all showered as a group down at the end, soaping each other up and playing as they cleaned off all of their fun. They all went back to Bob and John's room. Dave and Terry got dressed.

"Heh, thanks for the welcome, see you again soon I hope!" Terry left.

Dave went over to Bob. "Thanks for being gentle with my ass; I hope you fuck me again!"

Bob grinned. "Heh, you're the third guy I've fucked. I can only get better."

Dave waved at John and he also left.

"Damn, dude," Bob said, "less than a year with you and I'm sucking cock and fucking guys in the ass. I mean this seriously, Thank You!"

John laughed. "Heh, you want to sleep with me tonight? I mean sleep, right."

Bob shook his head. "Even in the best condition it's hard for me to sleep with someone. These beds are too small for two guys to sleep together."

"I understand, just wanted to be close to you."

Bob walked over to him; he massaged his cock and ran his fingers through John's chest hair. He put his arms around John and pulled him close. The two men embraced for several minutes then Bob put his mouth on John's and kissed him deeply. "You're my best friend."

"Yeah, I like you a lot too." John replied.

Bob went over and sat on his bed. "Fuck dude, a four way?"

John laughed. "Fucking faggot mother fuckers! Dude, Terry likes to get fucked doesn't he? He took all three of us."

John smiled again. "Did you ever think you'd pull train on a guy before?"

"Hell no!" Bob was fondling his cock. "Heh, do you think that guy Jim is going to say anything?"

"What can he say? He saw four naked guys in the shower and Roy asked him for a blowjob. If anyone has to worry it's Roy."

"Yeah, I guess, it's not like he saw me fucking two guys in my room and sucking 3 cocks, jeez!"

"Jeez or jizz, you ate cum again too."

"Yeah man, you know I'm really liking sucking cock. You realize we're probably the four best looking guys on this floor and we're all cock suckers."

"Yeah, if they only knew, we'd all end up in jail together."

"No doubt, they'd probably separate us and make us suck fat fuck dick."

John laughed. "You know that the rules say you can't be gay. They don't say you can't suck dick. There was a guy when I first got here that they caught sucking a dick in the bathroom downstairs. They prosecuted him, but because he was married, they proved he wasn't gay. So they told him to stop sucking dick and let him stay. How's that for a blow job!"

Bob grinned. "Well, I sure don't want to have to try to prove anything!"

"Yeah me either, best not to get caught."

"Let's go eat, I'll show you another place I like. It's right down the street."

Bob got up and put on jeans and a shirt, the two headed out.

Next: Chapter 3

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