Secret Signs

Published on Jun 10, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 08

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


At 32-years old, even a few years before, Todd Bravo gravitated towards less than his age, rationalizing it made him feel `young'!

He had noticed, in a bar, restaurant, any public place, it easier to flirt with guys in this bracket, most out for a one-night stand. Yeah, not all were out for what hid behind the pocket of his tight jeans. Strangely though, hardly any were relationship seekers. Those who were, did not fit what Todd was looking for. What was it that made a man which fit the mold? Tough to explain, Todd always claimed he would `know him when he saw him'.

At first, Todd blamed it on being a mere 7c, guys looking for a 9-incher, a mouthful, a real ass-crammer. In his early years, he took to being versatile, packing it in, either mouth or ass. He credits turning 30, to the turning of the tide, preferring to suck it up, literally. One thing he hasn't lost, the ability to fit in with the younger crowd, as he was doing now.

With Dierk king' of the castle, Todd was surprised his eyes hadn't made Cris Konstantino his prey. For the longest time he's seen the 21-year old come and go, but never zeroed in on him. Maybe that was because every time he saw Cris, he had clothes on. Except for those few, isolated times...and that cock? Oh-damn, what man could only wish for that size!' Not which Todd was `small.' Only a few inches shorter, he suspected, while stealing glances of Cris, during the heightened period of everyone doing their own thing, an hour ago at Braddock's. Besides, at his age, Todd couldn't be picky about size. And, when it came to slipping it onto his tongue, whether big or small, it all was good. Half of running his tongue up and down a tantalizing shaft, were the groans exuded, slowly discharged from the mouth of the guy he was working over!

"Got the hots for him, do you, Toddy?"

Quickly Todd took his eyes off Cris, addressing Kevyn, "what ever do you mean?"

Typical response, when getting caught!

"Never mind," Kevyn just smiles. He turns attention to the others, riding in the back of the limo.

Kevyn sat just so, by the window of the dividing line between driver and passenger.

"Never mind what?" Renaldo overhears.

"Nuthin'," Todd says.

Though, Todd could very well wind up with a crick in his neck, turning his head around to peer into the back area, trying to catch a glimpse of Cris.

He was sure Todd's mind set on him, but Kevyn wasn't sure Cris was the focus, because strange things can happen, riding up front. While the driver's mind is on the road, the passenger has a clear view to checking out the situation.

Kevyn turns around, facing the rear of the limo, hearing Joey say, "that was the best shopping trip I've ever been on!"

Benj joined in, mocking, "right, Joey. Like, how many shirts you have on under that one?"

Kevyn, not his first time modeling at the request of Stephen Braddock, knowing him `quite' personal, fills the boys in, "didn't I tell you to fill your shopping bags till they're ready to burst?!"

They all laughed, Joey smiling. Truly, he wasn't a shoplifter and when realizing, comparing himself to the others, shopping bags hiding their feet, began stripping each shirt. With separating the labors, he got whistles and shout-outs, each time the bulk of shirts lifted up, exposing his deep navel and thin, dark treasure trail. Other than the Tt and around the nips, a stylish haircut, Joey was clearly `bald'!

Cris leans over when Joey's head gets snagged up in the first shirt off, "mm-mm."


They laugh more at Steven's remark.

Cris didn't care. One of his favorite tongue-sinkers came, darting into a dude's navel. He even liked shallow ones, tip of his tongue working `the button'!

Some of them were getting the idea, Joey, since departing company with Cris and hanging with Steven Scanlon, model he met after the show, there were some boyfriend rivalries going on. Too, not knowing Steven well, they were finding out him not the lowly, silent, shy type he's pretended to be.

Regarding the `boyfriend' status, Adam does call it, "jealous, Steve?"

"Nah," Steven replies sheepishly, reverting to his shy-self. He even offers a tiny `sorry' to Cris.

Cris wipes his mouth and sits up.

The stripping continues.

Adam is quick to change subjects, "man, I hope Mr. Braddock doesn't have a cow, that we trashed the place!"

Cris says, all jolly-like, "looks worse than my bedroom at home!" He then got to thinking, "hey Adam, am I still rooming with you?"

Not all that familiar with the castle, he passes the buck, "I dunno. Ask Todd, why doncha?"

Adam smirked at everyone else in the back of the limo, like Kevyn was the only one who `knew.'

Happy-go-lucky-guy, Cris jumps out of his seat and advances to the two seats nearest the window. Almost like a bro-hug, he places an arm around Kevyn's neck, feeling as if he's ready to dive through the windowed partition.

"Hey Todd, Adam wants to know if there's room for me at the castle?"

Benj turns to Adam, regarding who was doing Cris' bidding, "Cris, he has a way with words, eh?"

More than comfortable with the guy who gave him his first collegiate blowjob, Adam says, "that's okay. I'll get even."


"Yeah," Adam jokes, "work-study? Slave? Like, what's the difference?"

Smiling, all cute-like, Benj says, "I can be your slave, you know?"

Adam had caught wind, rumors of Benj's work-study being transferred, from the dean's office, into his personal care, "I was counting on you being there for my special needs!"

"Oh?" Benj differs, "I was hoping to be more to you than a cock-slave?!"

"Trust me, I plan on using you for much, much more!"

Regardless of how the chips fell, both were betting on more then a master-slave relationship. Romantically, their lives seemed to come together as more as couple status, rather then labeling, top' or bottom.'

Whereas it came to servicing Benj's stalk, Adam found he could enjoy the licking, sucking and frankly the purring sounds his lover made. Benj, he hadn't pictured wearing a condom, but learned an important thing about relationships, that a guy had to give and take. Taking Adam's cherry, made him not only feeling awesome sexually, but sealed the bond between them. It reflected on how short spell they've known each other, but ready to stick together for all time.

Renaldo was used to wearing formal wear, a tuxedo-like outfit as coverup while in service to the Eastman family.

Todd, it was a different story.

Even though the pair had left Braddock's department store `casual', polo shirts, matching slacks and sports jackets, Todd felt way overdressed, "uh, can't we detour to something less sophisticated along the way?"

Right then, Renaldo gets a vision, "sure. Let me know if you spy a park!"

Living for the past couple of decades in the area, Todd says, "not on this route. You have to make a few turn offs, if you want to `detour'!"

Smiling, both knew what' kind of park Renaldo was looking for. Unsaid, the two had like, past histories, which included adventures to the grassy expanse. For Todd, before he became an official resident at the castle, a secret rendezvous took place across a field, over a knoll, down the other side and on to the little building.'

Todd reminds, "did you forget we have passengers?"

"Oh...right," Renaldo's smile turns into a grin, "wouldn't that be sweet?"

Todd could picture it himself, Renaldo and himself, stripped bare, lying in the folds of a slew of college boys!

Though, Todd had his own opinion of why they made the park bathroom facilities limited to 1 stall and 1 urinal. The one he frequented, it was lucky if enough room to stand and take a piss. The stall couldn't possibly be handicap accessible!

Regardless, Todd spots something at the side of the road, a little ways ahead, "how about the bar & grill?"

Seeing the log cabin establishment, "would be a shame to let Dominic's reservation go to waste?"

Countering Renaldo, Todd entices, "at night it turns into a gay bar?"

He needn't be coerced further, Renaldo setting the right directional signal in motion and making a brisk turn.

"Hey, this isn't the golf course," Kevyn's voice billows through front and back of the limo, holding onto Benj's knee, the turn making his bod sway.

Involved in separate conversations, all eyes peer out smoky windows.

"Where are we?" Adam asks, like he would know, being an out-of-towner.

Cris, while no one's paying attention, lifts Joey's designer tee shirt!

Reading it off the sign, one voice rivals the other, "`the Lumberyard Bar & Grill'?"

If they didn't know each other, Adam might've taken offense, spotting Kevyn's hand on his boyfriend's thigh!

"Oh right," Kevyn recognizes, "Todd and me, we've been here a couple of times," putting the `p' in pizzazz, "a lot of hot guys hang out here."

Adam was going to say something, about the hand,' but Kevyn had redeemed himself. Yeah, he thought Benj and he had something special going, but how does a guy know if another guy is the one', unless fully looking at the options?

Steven, whom has led very much a protected lifestyle, born and raised in the Bible belt of the American midwest, it sticks in his mind the word `bar', "gee, I've never been to a bar before."

Now, there's something he and Joey find they have in common, "really? Me neither."

What follows, are all the other guys in disbelief!

On the other side of the coin, Cris is no stranger, "well, you don't know what you're missing, boys," he takes it upon himself to mentor them.

Stepping out of the limo, Cris is right there, in-between Joey and Steven, leading them right up to the front door.

"Oh, I forgot," Todd whips something rectangular out of his hip pocket, "I got to talkin' with Dominic and he said, just in case we needed something extra at the golf club..."

In his hand was a titanium Amex card.

"Uh, mind if I take a look?"

Cris was ready to snatch it out of Todd's hand and would have succeeded, if Renaldo didn't get first dibs.

"Never you mind," Renaldo says, having snatched it from Todd's fingertips.

"Yeah, and don't be so grabby," Todd condemns the 21-year old Greek-American.

It didn't stop Cris from walking Joey and Steven through the front door.

Perhaps, if Todd were more accommodating, Cris might have held the door for him, instead of Todd' becoming the doorstopper'.

"Thanks," Renaldo smiles at Todd, walking through.

"Uh, the card you snatched away from me?" Todd interrogates.

"Right here, for safe keeping," Renaldo says, slipping the credit card in, behind his belt buckle!

Looking down at Renaldo's crotch, Todd says, "uh, I dunno how safe that will be?"

Cocky, Renaldo replies, "well, you know where it is, when you want it!"

Strangely, when they walked through the front door, the inside did not resemble a bar & grill at all. Instead of rock, country, middle of the road music playing and crowds of drinkers with their bellies up to the bar, light classical music wafted their senses. Except for a well-dressed dude behind a counter, no one else could be seen.

"I'll handle this," Todd says.

Renaldo was stunned, like, "what the fuck?"

Fortunately, the titanium card hadn't lay submerged, under Renaldo's balls, but rather sat on the bridge of his shaft. Therefore, it was an easy pluck for Todd, fingertips producing the card he once held in his hand.

"Bet that gave you a jolt, eh Ren?" Benj says to the limo driver.

"Ren?" Renaldo questions the breakdown of his name.

Overriding the usage, Adam says to his bf, "Todd, not one to be ashamed of his actions, eh?!"

The boys were laughing it off, Renaldo fabricates a lie, "for your's information, I `did' feel something!"

Adam was brave enough to reply, "then how come you're not showing it, `Ren'!"

Since Renaldo had known Adam for half of his growing-up years, the two could joke, cut each other down and still be friends at the end of the day. Benj, he looked upon the frat boy and Adam having entered into a permanent status of a relationship. Then, it occurs to himself, all the superlatives he was building in his mind, of Todd.

Before his thoughts could run away, too far ahead of himself, he was being called by name, "hey, Renaldo, you wanna come over here a minute?"

"Duty calls?" Adam jokes.

Like he was leaning a hand on his hip, anyone could take notice of his middle finger standing out from the rest!

"What's up?" Renaldo stands next to Todd.

Well, the first thing which was up, was a neatly coiffed, handsomely bearded dude, who seems at first to grow in height, as he approaches the counter.

Todd takes the helm and because he's no stranger to the place, "you and me, we're playing chaperone tonight. Seems like Dominic's credit card gives us carte blanche to the place, but that doesn't mean the guys can go hog-wild!"

The boys had taken to checking out the lobby, moving along until they stood by an unlit fireplace.

However, they made a bolt for the lobby desk once more, with seeing something unbelievable.


There was a reason for Benj's reaction and Adam wasn't blaming him one bit, a man approaching the desk from a side door.

Dressed-for-less, the dark, ginger-haired dude wore only a pair of white briefs and as the circle of friends approach him at the same time, they hear him say, "you called for me?"

Of course, he was answering his superior, but Cris had wished it was for him, personally!

"Gentlemen," the lobby clerk laughs at his own joke, "and ladies," that's where the laugh came in, "Johnston will be your escort for tonight."

From there, Todd took over why the dreamy 28-year old, who already knew Johnston and what the specifics of his job were, lecturing like a father to young sons, "you are to stick together and do as Johnston instructs."

`Johnston,' Cris exhaled, mentally thinking of the appearance. Even though the employee stood there, arms folded across his middle, Cris salivated over how those nips tasted. And...right below the forearms, that deep navel looked like it could be a meal in itself. But what did not escape Cris' view, was the thin, ginger line, painted from bellyhole to briefs and what was filling up the pocket!

Adam was the first to acknowledge, as they went their way and Todd dragged Renaldo off in another direction, "where do you think you're going?"

With a little giggle, Renaldo says, "Todd says they've got a," he didn't want to say dungeon', nor torture chamber', "kinky room downstairs."

However, there was no fooling Cris, "ooh, can I come!"

Suddenly, Johnston's sirloin steak had become rancid!

Todd, he kind of had the hots for Cris, but by no means did he want some young dude stealing the spotlight. However, anything Todd hates, is a pouter, "oh, all right. Come on then."

At least he said it with reluctance, giving Cris the chance to change his mind.

It didn't work!

"I guess it's the 5 of us," Adam says.

Odd number of the group, Kevyn says, "Not for long, if I can help it!"

Sure enough, Adam and Benj pairing up, well as Joey and Steven, that left Kevyn walking next to Johnston. Main topic was Johnston, not employed there when Todd and he frequented the Lumberyard.

While it was quiet, being able to hear music blasting in the far distance, the others listened to Johnston tell about himself.

He left many gaps, after the usual, farm boy out in Iowa, gay, leaving home, and then, skipped over the rest of his 30 years of life, picking up on when he started working at the Lumberyard 4 months ago, which took all of a few minutes.

"What about you?" Johnston turns the same question over to Kevyn.

Other than Kevyn working his way to becoming a supermodel, the rest knew piddly-squat about his life, which made them also a silent audience.

"Not much to tell," Kevyn made it known, "you know, strict family, gay, kicked out...I made it to New York City, met up with right people, by accident and voila! Here I am!"

Steven, with secret thought, doubted things were that tough for Kevyn, a raving beauty in his own estimation. No, his thoughts were not of Kevyn meeting the right people, but the right people coming onto to Kevyn. Through his own experiences, Steven knew about himself, though appearing shy, reserved, he could just as well be the opposite.

Adam, if put on the spot, his life would be a lot different, except for keeping it from anyone but Renaldo, the `gay secret'. However, there was one thing to say, "you guys and Benj have a lot in common."

Johnston Murphy, he seemed quite businesslike, however that remark caused a crack in the facade, making him utter a guttural giggle, "is that so?"

He did take notice, Adam seeing Johnston look deeply at Benj, his boyfriend doing the same, like they were suddenly making a connection.

Breaking that possibility, Adam lifts his arm up to Benj's shoulder, "definitely so."

Continuing their walk to the far end of the hallway, Adam didn't stray from the thought of him and Benj,' vs. Kevyn and Johnston,' likes, dislikes, whatever other vibes picked up on.

They stop in front of a small counter, built right into a door. Only, the top half of the door was swung open.

"What do we have here?"

It was an older dude, to Adam, looking to be about 50 or 55-years old. Other than some of his father's business associates, Adam didn't know many men that age, so it was hard to judge.

"This is Roy. He'll take your clothes, if any of you want to leave them behind?"

Same stance, Johnston stood there, arms folded across the middle, waiting. It humored him to stand there and be a spectator. The reactions of some were priceless. Especially some college boys, first time away from home, whether gay or hetero, taking off their clothes and at least stripped down to what he exhibited, just briefs, could be very overwhelming. Every now and then, a shy lad would come down that hallway, leave his pants, but keep the tee shirt and briefs on. Johnston bet himself, before the night was out, he'd lose at least the shirt!

Kevyn, he wasn't a bit shy, pulling his shirt off overhead, removing his belt from the loops, unfastening the button of his pants, lowering them, taking them off over his ass and placing them piece by piece on the counter.

Benj was ready to thumb his briefs, shuck them, but then looks up at the chaperone.

Johnston, with an apologetic smile, motions with his hand, "uh, rule number one, no nudity on the dance floor."

Not which he was thinking about that, but Benj trying to figure out how far the stripping was to go. Then it came to him, the reason for the bulge, Johnston signaling them it wasn't okay to strip off the briefs!

Roy, over energetically says, "what about the rest of ya's?"

He laughed like a chain-smoker, a long wheeze, which sounded kind of comical. Made a guy laugh, but also because he was so `elderly', it carved him into the image of a dirty old man.

"Why not?" Benj takes the old man for a ride.

"Oh wow," it did indeed stir Roy's loins, looking upon Benj's bulging pecs.

At least Benj knew `that much' taking off of clothes was allowed.

Adam smiled, same reaction, same reaction when Benj unveiled his chest. Apparently, Roy didn't get out enough!

Behind the short counter, Roy was able to kick to the right a small block of wood. Uncomfortable to stand on for an extended period of time, when it came to gazing upon a college frat's package, the view was impeccable!

He might have thought his reaction incognito, but when a guy looks upon another stripping, he tends to forget others are around to size up the situation.

Especially his colleague, Johnston, says, "any time you want to take the other guys' clothes, Roy?"

Smart-alecky, Kevyn says, "I don't mind waiting."

Kevyn also didn't mind standing there, studying every inch of Johnson's bod, from the full, ginger-brown beard, to the small fibers of hair showing from the leggings of his briefs. It was enough to make a man salivate!

"I had a feeling," Johnston replies in a sarcastic manner. Of the pack, he had an idea Kevyn the lost, lonely sheep.

Usually he would get some kind of loose remarks from patrons and let it go right over his head, but with Kevyn, he was kind of digging the lad himself!

Regardless of how a dude pictured him, Johnston had in his mind the `perfect' guy for himself and Kevyn was fitting that model of a man, tall, muscled, hardly any hair from neck to navel, though he could get used to tonguing around the hairy nips. About whom was studying who, Johnston had much experience with checking out a dude, without him knowing it. Like, his eyes had already traveled down Kevyn's thin trail, from navel-opening and back again, more than once. It's as if Johnston's eyes could be the force which caused the briefs to sag.

Glances had to be made secretively and with quickness. Peripheral vision was a plus, a guy not even knowing another dude could have visual access and not show it. Being the new guy added to the five, he would be the one under the gun, where stalking was concerned.

It was Benj who was one step ahead of Johnston, being the one to say, "I think we're all set to go?"

"Right," Johnston clears his throat and makes an abrupt about face. He was also thinking it a damn shame he had to take his eyes off Kevyn!

Meanwhile, downstairs, when Todd knocked on the door, and hearing a pattern knock back, Cris says, "I guess you have to know the code?"

Todd, reading right through the lad, says, "yeah, I've been here before!"

"Really?" Renaldo had already guessed it.

It was a heavy door too, one which could block sounds, loud and boisterous.

"Oh boy," Cris was excited, his loins like drums, picking up the beat.

"I'll say," Renaldo was also very moved by sounds escaping men's lips, as their tormentors tormented.

They hadn't gotten 5 steps from the door, hearing in a plain-spoken manner, "oh goody, I was starting to feel bored."

"Grant?" Renaldo was astounded, seeing the dressed-down policeman in his leather getup.

"Hey," Todd says.

With more interest in Renaldo, Grant sidesteps his buddy. Grabbing the top of the only clothes he has on, briefs, Grant dictates, "it's sir' to you, boy'!"

Very happy to hear that, Renaldo's face lights up, saying, "yes, sir!"

Todd, seeing Grant lead Renaldo over to an X-frame, says, "so, what do I do with you?"

Cris, like reciting lines to a famous poem, says, "I'm yours to use and abuse!"

Into it, but not as much as some others, Todd knew he wouldn't fit the part, "well, let's see who else is `bored!'"

On his second step, Todd puts on the brakes, his palm against Cris' stomach.

"What?" Cris looks around, desperately seeking a top man at ease.

Before he can think on it too long, Todd is dragging him by the arm, whistling out loud, at a shrieking tone, yelling, "hey, Denny, you look like a man with a lot of time on your hands?"

Turning around, Cris is in heaven!

Bulky guy, cross between a muscle-head and a former cub, "wow!"

Denny Barnum turns around and like Cris has pictured him, a ginger man, dark beard, mass of hair from shoulders to chaps, muscle-cub build, he smiles when he sees Todd, "ready for a workover?" he laughs nastily.

"Nope, even though I like your `kind' of workover, no offense, Denny!"

Bringing forth Cris by the arm, as an offering, right off Denny assesses Todd's bargaining chip.

Stabbing him in the tummy with a few fingers, Denny says, "a little scrawny."

Knowing protocol, but not into the s&m role-play game yet, Cris lets it be known where he stands, "made to use and abuse, for your total pleasure, sir!"

Denny checks out the `merchandise,' reaching up and giving both of Cris' nips a hefty squeeze and tugs, "feel good, boy?"

Cris didn't answer, but rather his cock did for him, Denny not hesitating to loosen his grip on the left nip, reaching down, into the basket of briefs and finding out for himself, "nice hard-on, boy. I reckon you care for more than fingertips?"

Again, Cris remained silent, fitting into his role.

Todd, forgetting about that stuff, because the one and only time he got tied down by Denny, he admitted he wasn't into the kinky stuff, except the ropes and cock in his mouth. He had already gotten Denny horned up, so they followed through with some wild sex.

"I guess I'll take him off your hands," Denny replies.

"Thanks. I'll be upstairs on at the bar if you need anything?"

It was time to step out of character, Cris saying, "you're leaving me alone, Todd?"

Toothy smile, Todd says, "don't worry, Denny will take real good care of you...wouldn't you, Denny?"

"I certainly will," Denny leads Cris deeper into the playroom, by his cock!

He trusted Todd, so Cris figured he could trust Denny, even though a little on edge.

Todd, he was confident Denny would be `gentle', though he suspected Cris could take much before caving in. The thought of himself, about 2 years ago, finally getting up the courage to descend the stairs he was walking up right now, speaking up saved him a lot of pain. Though, finding out Denny being not only fair, but a hot top-lover.

"Now, I wonder where Kevyn has gotten to," Todd says to himself, having shut out the dungeon noise.

"Hey, Todd," he hears over his left shoulder.

Turning around, "`Burg, how's it going?"

It wasn't only the students who called their theater arts professor by his `slang' name.

"Okay. Just got here. See any action worthy of my attention?"

"Depends," Todd says, "whether you mean upstairs or downstairs?"

"I think I'll stick to upstairs tonight."

"Oh, then I have to warn you, you might run into some CCCC students," Todd replies.

No sweat off Karl's brow, "cool. I've been wondering what some of them look like in the raw!"

Todd always liked that, when Burg referred to it as in the raw'. Kind of had a sleazy overtone to it, which rattled his balls!

"Then maybe we can find some together!"

Whereas Todd may lead, he allows `Burg to do the honors. It was even more of a pleasure, watching the college prof strip down at Roy's closet!

"Mm-mm," Todd says, when `Burg drops his pants.

With a twisted brow, acting like he was the wiser man, Karl says, "might not make it to those college boys tonight!"

Even though they both worked on campus, Karl and Todd never have gotten it on. They fool themselves, by throwing advances each others' way, never following through on `threats'!

"Ready, professor?"

Accordingly, Karl looked to be as ready was ready', carbon-copy dress coded, stripped to the bellyhole, then a cool trail leading to the treasure. Below the balls wasn't of interest to either of them, though each has tried out the footy' thing!

Walking into the bar, the men's minds were on same thing, maybe for different reasons.

Not which it made a difference to `Burg, meeting up with some guys that might be in his first semester Theater classes, he just wanted to know what he could be up against, comparing the Lumberyard to CCCC classes, uniforms to briefs.

Todd, he scanned the horizon of the bar/lounge, for the purpose of reconnecting with Adam, Benj, Joey and Steven.

Kevyn? He could be floating anywhere. With Todd, he and Kevyn could be on the same page or reading separate chapters, making history together or going at it solo. They figured, about open relationships, theirs was on the top of the open `open' list!

"Oh! There they are!"

Not having every face branded on his brain, `Burg had a tough time picking out who Todd was wading through the crowd to find. Certainly, there was a crowd tonight. Usually was, the first part of the semester, freshman getting their feet...and pubes wet, checking out who was who, by way of drinks and dancing.

When Burg did catch up to Todd's ass, it made him smile, seeing a few of his students in nuttin' but briefs, if indeed a spectator could call a skimpy string and a pouch, briefs'!

"I hope you all are behaving yourself?"

Adam responds, "How could we not, Toddy?"

`Toddy'? Todd dwells on it, "tell me, how many beers have you guys downed since we parted company?"

He didn't get a direct answer, but could see more than a couple of chugs and at least 1 empty mug a piece.

"What's it to you, `dad'?" Benj says.

Todd's impression of Benj, the second one, after those bulging pecs, was how mannerly he could be. Now he wasn't so sure of his opinion.

"I wouldn't let him get away with that," Karl gives Todd the heads up.

Of course, Karl more into that s&m shit, Todd could be a little more lenient. Though, he had no problem with a naked dude, trussed up on a dungeon frame and playing with his cock and balls, for the sheer pleasure of making him beg to shoot semen, "maybe you should teach the lad a lesson, `Burg!"

He would, except this is where the boundary existed, between college and the after school playground. Sure, he'd love to have Benj up on a scaffold, eagle-spread, naked, work those perky nips, while massaging what was in his briefs. Karl Hamburg had a talent for keeping a guy on edge.

"Hmm, don't tempt me, Todd!"

Then, that was the last Todd saw of Karl for awhile.

"So, what are you all drinking?"

Whether Todd was of the dad' age, or a little younger than that, he wasn't a crisp teen or twenty-something guy. However, the younger gen' loved his musculature approach at keeping himself up to date. On the side, some loved his carpet of hair, from the shoulders on down.

For certain, Benj, an avid gym-guy, admired the `old man' for keeping up with an exercise regiment. On a whim, he thought about working out someday with Todd, wondering if he'd be able to keep up!

When it came down to it, Todd's table wasn't drinking much other than the first round of water, "you're kidding?"

Adam is quick to point out, "some of us need our brains for thinking, tomorrow morning?"

"Oh," Todd says sarcastically, "and you think all I do is sit around all day and twiddle my thumbs?"

Benj comes back with, "oh, what else are you talented at?"

Without alcohol to fuel their humor, they all laughed their asses off.

Todd, bearing the brunt of a joke was good about it. Not all about sitting down with a bunch of older guys, drinking, laughing along with them, he knew taking some mild putdowns, it wasn't going to turn him into a crusty, cantankerous old man!

Since Benj had come down on him, it was time for Todd to give back, "just give me five minutes in bed, lad, and I'll show you how good I am with my thumbs on those bulky pecs o'yours!"

He made a squishy gesture, fingers applied to thumbs, squeezing, mashing, the whatnot, when something so good done to nips, translates to getting the nuts pulsing.

It kind of put a dent in Benj's stab at humor, especially since it was almost like feeling a pair of hands on his pecs, thumbing at his perky niplets. Going along with it, half-seriously, "bring it on!"

"Oh, you think so, do you?" Todd pushes back, out of his chair.

When Todd walks around the table, behind Benj's chair, he plucks the glass of water out of the lad's hand.

Defending himself, Benj is kind of embarrassed about it. with the raging excitement of the music, dancing, the wild atmosphere of the place, Adam says, "I don't think anyone is paying attention, Benj?"

Jaw dropping open, Benj says about his boyfriend, "I can't believe you're encouraging him!"

Steven, more outspoken than Joey, "I think it would be kind of fun!"

Silent one at the table, Benj says to Joey, "and you?"

"I guess it could be fun," Joey shrugs both shoulders, agreeing with his new boyfriend.

Benj had taken to safeguarding his pecs, corralling them up in the box of his biceps.

"Well?" Todd cracks his knuckles.

Brazenly, Adam and Steven override Benj's attempt to protect himself. If Benj wanted to really stop the two from wrestling arms down to his sides, he could have bounced them out of their seats and across the room, such was the power behind his guns.

"Now all we need to do..."

They watch as Todd reaches down, over Benj's shoulder.

Frankly, Benj didn't mind at all, feeling Todd's chest on the top of his head. Kind of erotic!

Hands slide, from shoulder to pecs, "and there we are!"

"Ready?" Todd buttered up his fingers and thumbs.

About to go down on Benj's nips, he hears from the side, "hey buddy, if you want to do that kind of stuff, take it downstairs?"

Freezing in place, Todd's head slowly rolls to his left, with audacity reacts, "and who gives you the right to..."

Todd was ready to eat his words, eyes set upon a hairy beast of a man, decked out in a leather harness, covering a mass of dark hair.

"Chief bouncer," even though it was not an official title, "I'm given the authority to deal with patrons who don't follow the rules."

The four colleges boys remain silent. Times like these, when faced with gazing at a muscle-cub, it was better that way.

"I see," Todd replies. He pretends not to know the guy.

Walking around Todd's back, his eyes follow the `chief bouncer'.


Adam says to Benj, "I can vouch for you, if you don't have...?"

"I don't have," Benj looks up, into Todd's face.

Todd utters "no problem."

Then, it seemed like the bouncer relaxed on the protocol, introductions enough to satisfy knowledge of the legal document.

They went the rounds, from Benj, to Adam, Joey and then Steven. Todd rounds it out, "Todd...Bravo. Yours?"

It was then, Todd losing interest in Benj's hot nips, walking away with the burly bouncer.

In reality, being new at the Lumberyard, the bouncer had taken it upon himself, after stalking out Todd, whom he found out from the bartender who he was, to move in on his territory, "oh, I didn't give it?"

Knowing something was up, Todd jokes, "what do I have to do...take you down to the dungeon and interrogate it out of you?"

Not many men have found their way into the bouncer's hole, "Gio Alberti. And you?"

Knowing he already did, Todd didn't see it a problem, making sure his name was indelible on the bouncer's brain, "Todd. Todd Bravo." Whenever the occasion presented itself, Todd always said it like `Bond'.

Very few have found their way into Gio's life, through his ass, but there were those few whom he felt turned onto enough to offer, "I get off at 2, if you're interested in working `my' nips?"

Walking away, Todd also got a wink. Strangely, but not so remote, he thought, tweaking up Benj's nips wasn't such a huge infraction that it would warrant having the bouncer to come over and reprimand him.

"Say la-vee," Todd circles the table and sits, "so, where were we, before I was so rudely interrupted?"

Well, of course, the most important topic on the table, was not Benj's bulging pecs!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 9

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