Secret Signs

Published on May 17, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 006

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

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Renaldo was always careful of who he played with. Other than park visits, with Adam, he did have a small circle of friends, interested in the same thing. It was a shame Adam's father made him a displaced man. The limo driver yearned to be with his buddies, even after meeting Chad. Though, now with Grant, Chad's new playmate, dishing out the orders, memories tended to fade.

"There," Grant says, admiring his fancy handbook.

One of the things which put Grant in the stages of a fucking-hard erection, was the prelude to the inevitable. He enjoyed starting with the basics and then 2-hours later, on the rebound with a massive thrust, resulting in pints of goo on the flow.

With the ballgag in his mouth, Renaldo could only deliver muffled sounds of what his bod was telling him to feel. From the first steps of his `torture', collared to wooden stocks, both neck and wrists snagged up, bound, Renaldo had only felt the beginnings of what was about to happen to him.

Purposely, his tormentor had placed his pubes behind a wooden railing. This made Renaldo's completely parallel, from the waist up, to the floor. Except for a picnic table at the park, this was the only other time he was placed in this position. An advantage for the one whom fucks, it could not be denied, his bottom was also in the ideal position.

After placing Renaldo in the optimum bondage, whereas his hairy chest, back and butt were vulnerable to the top-master's whims, "mm-mm," Grant shows signs of wanting to make his boy suffer, poking a finger into the boy's tight ass, "this should make for a tight fit?"

Not which it was important, Renaldo thinking, `why do they even bother,' to ask questions, when a gagged mouth keeps a guy unable to voice opinion?

However, a huge groan escaped, throaty gesture, Renaldo feeling more than one finger!

Well, at least Grant tried, "mm-mm, doubly tight. Sure gonna have fun tearing into your ass, boy!"

Truthfully, Renaldo knowing his own anatomy, knew the potential outcome. Too bad he couldn't communicate to his captor, he was looking forward to it!

"But first...a little warmup to get the juices flowing?"

Renaldo thought it kind of stoopid. Well, he couldn't look down upon himself, but knew he was already rock solid, heaviness of his cock making his balls the sag towards the floor.

He gulps, feeling something wiggly trained over his back. It sent shivers up his spine. In the process of being snaked up over the shoulder blades, down, over his ass, Renaldo knew what the warmup was to entail.

It wouldn't have been the first time Grant used this technique to get the plumbing going, "shall we start with a mere 10?"

Again,' why ask, when the willing victim cannot willingly respond? Though, it's not like Renaldo hasn't been there, done that,' felt chest, stomach, pubes, ass, invaded, mouth used. Right now though, he was filled with lust, to feel his back leather-massaged.

He had been under the lash before. Nothing which broke the skin, but leaving a pink `rash'. When that first lash came across his back, he felt like he was going to swallow the ball gag!

The other 9 lashes trained over the left side, right side, below the shoulder blades. Playing on his cock-slave's emotions, Grant made each strike uneven in the duration between. He knew how to drive a man and his cock wild with lust.

His shaft pulsing with gladness, Renaldo knew not where or with what force the soft leather play across his back. He didn't need a cellphone picture to see that his cock was dribbling. With each pulse of his balls, he knew a dribble escaped.

Part of the `fun', which became synonymous with the giving and taking, Grant knew, the gummy goo which escaped through the tip of his own dick, most likely his victim was doing the same. At least he hoped it to be, for without both getting something out of it, would give it the go ahead for a developing relationship.

"Oh my," Grant leans over, seeing a long, sinewy strand of `glue' slowly make its way from cock-tip to... "what do we have here?"

Renaldo really wanted to taste Grant's sap, not his own, but tasting it off the master's fingertips, there was something erotic to be had here.

Rude awakening, attempt to keep the faucet flowing, without verbal warning, Grant cracks the leather strap over Renaldo's back!


Grant was lenient, unbuckling one side of the gag, "now, what was you were going to say, boy? About to beg for 10 more?"

Intentionally, Renaldo was ready to give Grant a piece of his mind, for what felt like his back was sliced in two, but what he didn't count on, when the gag falls to the floor, Grant's hand moves to his pubes, "um," there's a gulp of saliva, "yeah...I mean yes, sir...10 at the least."

Grant, with cheerful attitude, says, "That's what I thought!"

He knew how to work a guy, doubtful Renaldo could take more pain, but without something to gain, "you'll open up, if you know what's good for you!"

His own words left Grant giggling. Stepping it up, the off duty cop unsnaps the codpiece of the leather chaps, borrowed from the closet. He always chose these leather pants, because he knew, when disengaging the easy-removal pouch, the snap-sound could be heard out loud. If a boy's legs were spread far enough, Grant could visually see the cave opening pulse open and close. Though, with Renaldo, it wasn't so, not with all that hair clogging his view. No matter...Grant would still plow on through.

Before he could plug that hairy hole, the cop needed a lube job. Walking around the table, to Renaldo's opposite end, he unlocks the ball gag for good, tossing it away. "Looks yummy, eh boy?"

He had it in mind to acknowledge his sir's generous offering, but before Renaldo could get a word of gratitude out, the bulb of Grant's cock was plugging the opening!


There it was again...why ask a question, when it can't possibly be answered?

"Let's see what you're willing to give up, to earn it!"

With clamps placed on each nip, silver chain dangling from Renaldo's furry chest, it was easy for Grant to snag it up in a few fingers.

Same time he pulled, Grant forces himself on Renaldo.

It's not the first time he's reacted to pleasure, mixed with pain, which in the washout, it gave Renaldo the same, pleasurable sensation.


Walking back to the dorm, from the castle, which they could not get into, the door locked and apparently not handed the key, the quartet walked 2 by 2.

Exhausted on the subject of surrounding areas of Nyack, NY, where Benj was from, Adam calls over his shoulder, "so, where is it you said you were from, Cris?"

Often, mention of his hometown drew people in like a magnet, of anywhere near the Hollywood, California locale. Feeling okay with his 3 companions, Cris says, "Malibu. Ever hear of it?"

"You're joking, right?" Adam exclaims, jaw-dropped.

"Nope. He's not," Joey replies for his bud.

"I see," Adam replies. It seemed to him, he knew Cris longer, but apparently, Joey knew more!

Benj steps it up, "know any surfers?"

"Oh well," Cris adopts a humble attitude, "my house wasn't on the beach."

"You had your own house?"

"No Benj. Not me personally, though most of the time, it would seem that way."

This sent Cris off on another tirade, telling about being an only child, with parents tied up in their careers. They learned of a distant cousin, wanting a change of geography, living at the modest mansion on Windy Way, north of Pacific Coast Highway. The cousin eventually became Cris' `nanny'.

"A male nanny? Hmm," Adam was suspicious, "he didn't happen to be gay?"

Signaling to the affirmative, Cris says, "and hot!"

Their relationship was a modest one. What Cris found out, which he wondered, Lucas Zitnik' was not part of the Constantino family, by blood.' Rather, his father had happened upon Lucas at a convention, selling computer systems. As Lucas put it, to Cris, it wasn't his typing skills which eventually won Lucas a job in his father's firm.

"Okay, so no big deal," Cris explains, as they begin to walk at a snail's pace, "people today can be anything. So what if my dad's into girls, and boys. I can live with it!"

Benj, more conservative, Adam was just the opposite, wanting to know all, "you and your nanny get it on, Cris?"

In his own mind, Adam felt he wasn't much different than Cris, growing up almost like he didn't have parents, Renaldo his main source, like a gay encyclopedia.

"Not much. I mean, we never did anything anal. Lucas, he showed me a lot of stuff, like how to come on to a guy. Man, what a good kisser!"

"Is that so?"

It put a damper on things, Adam and Benj smiling, after Joey threw in the trick question.

"Cool your jets, Joey. Nuthin' happened, okay?"

"I think we have a lot in common," Adam says, placing an arm over Benj's shoulders.

A little deficient in that department, Cris follows Adam's lead, placing his arm over Joey's shoulder, hand hanging down half a chest.

Looking down at his left pec, Joey just wished to God those fingers would graze over his chest. However, being they were getting along so well, most likely there would be lots of time for that stuff later on.

Finally, getting back to the dorm room, everyone but Joey decides, they've taken all that needs to be hauled over to the castle.

"Um, I've been meaning to ask," Benj started out at a snail's pace, like treading on thin ice, "about that shopping trip and me...with no clothes?"

Cris pops the question, "now wouldn't that be a treat!"

Joey clinks knuckles with Cris, agreeing, he'd love to see Benj in the raw!

"Don't get any ideas about that," Benj is quick to defend his nude bod against prying eyes!

Adam gets the idea, not which he doesn't mind Cris' lips rapped around his cock, "Joey must have a whole dorm room of stuff to move?"

Cris was afraid to ask, so was glad Adam offered, "it's okay if Joey rooms with me?"

Unsure about the layout of the castle, Joey questions, "are you sure there will be room for me," he looks to Cris, "I mean, us?"

"Of course," Adam replies. "What do you think, Cris, that I'm going to have you and Benj do battle over who's gonna suck me off?"

Benj liked that idea tremendously, saying decisively, "yeah, you and Joey are definitely rooming together."

Joey says, "What happens if the castle only has one bedroom?"

Not which he wouldn't mind doubling up in his own bed, Adam wanted a nice night with Benj and himself, "well, I'm sure they castle has at least 1 closet!"

Cris' jaw drops open, his saliva making a clicking sound, "after all I've done for you, Adam?"

"Oh right," Adam makes the connection, Cris' lips wrapped around his pole, "don't worry. We'll give you the `big' closet!"

Joking, Cris says to Joey, "I guess we could stand up and have sex?"

After hiking over to Joey's room, where the 18-year old freshman hadn't had much time to unpack, it took minutes to repack the few items lying out on the bed.

Benj, since he was on scholarship, working in the dean's office, volunteered to hop on over there and snatch the key to the castle.

When the other 3 reach the `most', a very small trench of water and easy to maneuver bridge, they are surprised, Adam saying, "hey, what happened to my gear?"

They had left everything at what they thought was the front doors, a two-door entryway, with 3 steps leading up to it.

Before the others could speculate, a man steps from the bushes, "I took the liberty of taking them inside. Any problem with that?"

The three didn't know what to say, especially since he was naked from the waist up!

"Hi. You must be Adam," he walks towards the lad.

"Uh. Yeah. That's me," Adam says, `shopping' the guy's bod from face to neck, to the rest of him, eyes falling sharply and then returning.

"The name's Bravo. Todd Bravo." Said with such sincerity and a straight face, Todd felt he had to shed a little light on how flexible he could be, laughing, then delivering, "last time I checked," he giggles!

Benj, he didn't fear a thing, that is, until Adam came along. Truthfully, now he had something to `worry' about, but not worry, thinking he could ever lose a guy whom he adored and ever losing sweet feelings he had going.

Sensing something, Adam says casually, "I'm Adam and this here, is Benj."

Even though Benj was reduced to a nickname, Todd says, "oh, I know all about you two."

"You do?" Adam replies.

Benj, having scanned over Todd's bod, "uh, right, but did you know?"

The smile on Benj's lips kept both Adam and Todd guessing.

"Uh," Benj cocks one eye and un-puckers both lips, "did you know your fly's open?"

Almost as much as Todd's bear-looks, did Benj enjoy the laughter. It was that kind which at least could make a guy smile.

Adam felt it too, wanting to further, "well, you going to do something about it?"

Not which Adam was of concern, should Todd's cock pop out of the zipper, that it might get caught on jagged metal.

"Can't. Broke this morning while I was cleaning out the pool." Knowing everything about the pair was an understatement. Though, not being one who had assumptions and not fish out the truth, "and when I went to pull my pants on, that's when the zipper failed." Fishing for the total truth of the matter, Todd smiles when he addresses Benj, "but thanks for the heads up!"

Benji knew he had been snagged, but instead of forking over the whole truth and nothing but the truth, "you're welcome."

It made Todd lose the smile, disappointed Benj a plain ole do-gooder and not checking out the hardware.

"Um, Todd?"

"Yes?" he faces Adam, hoping all hope was not lost, that possibly one of `em could be gay.

"This box is getting kind of heavy, if you could show us what happened to the rest of our stuff?"

"Of course!"

Broken zipper, at this point Todd didn't worry if his all-together popped out, "here, let me help you with that."

Convinced Benj was straight, he didn't give up hope of Adam being the same. Stepping over to him, he purposely reaches an arm over the bundled box clutched up in Adam's arms.

"Oh, you don't need to..."

"What's-a-matter?" Benj asks, when Adam falls silent.

Up on stuff, the 32-year old castle-caretaker knew how to play a dude. Reaching over the edge of a box, knuckles pressed against a guy's abs, fingers, almost like he was ready to dive down under the belt line to grab up a pile of meat, Todd removes the box from Adam's handling, "got it. You can let go."

Benj had already deduced, probably Todd was wearing briefs. No way, a zipper stretched open that far, couldn't show nuthin'! Didn't matter now, the box obstructing his vision.

"You sure?" Adam releases.

"Hey, I get a lot of exercise around here. Me strong like bull!"

Todd laughed it off, turning to walk towards the castle door.

Behind his back Adam was making fun of Todd, flexing his guns, mouthing off the words, `me strong like bull!'

Hands full, at least Benj could mimic, liking more than biceps when it came to a strong bull, wiggling eyebrows!

"In your dreams, boy!"

Todd wasn't sure, wondering if he picked up on Adam's words correctly. For certain, he would not mind at all being the blond's servant for life. Though he never infringed upon the former occupant, Dierk Ongar and his boy-toys, he knew, by having some friends in town, in on the same kind of sex, plus, fun, what the term `boy' meant. Suddenly he got an insatiable desire to fall down on both knees and worship Adam.

But he didn't. Instead, "well, here it is," Todd's knee pushes against the door latch, casting one of the doors wide open.

"Wow," Adam says with moderate excitement.

More baffling, was the concept. Outside, after passing over a small footbridge, over a skinny stream of water, they had come face to face with the double doors to the `castle'. Flanked on both sides was a long stucco wall.

Through that double doored entrance, even Benj had reaction, "sure never expected this."

"I get the same from everyone who enters through those doors," Todd reacts. "Never what a person expects."

Since Todd had passed over Benj, for Adam, it didn't go unnoticed.

Benj, he figured the same, Todd Bravo just an ordinary caretaker of the castle and ever though he had changed his mind about him being gay, at least Benj could have a few whack-offs over his incredibly hot physique.

As it went with Adam, he had his own opinion, one which Benj would have liked, especially after Todd had gone and set the box down.

Any gay man, top, bottom or other variations of the same, would enjoy the pants ride down the butt, expose the crack, which in this case was as hairy as Todd's chest.

"Uh," Adam ventures to say, "you might wanna jack those pants up in the back, Todd? Um, you're `showing'?"

Eating it up, it's not like he didn't want Adam to drop his pants and give him a tender chomp on man meat, "reading you loud and clear," Todd sideswipes past Benj.

On the defensive, Benj holds a hand against Todd's abs, "uh, hold it a minute there, tiger!"

Adam, he never looked upon Todd as a sex fiend, but rather a lusty dude, slowly losing control. He could handle himself, but it was kinda fun having Benj step in, block the caretaker from taking a step closer.

Holding up both hands, like Benj was arresting him, "can't say that that didn't feel good!"

It also went unsaid, Benj's hand like a shirt to a hot iron, feeling the follicles of Todd's abs, which sets Benj to joking, "you one of them homo's?"

Well, Todd's jaw dropped open, like a big, fat, meaty cock was ready to be set on his palate, "I, uh, um..."

With Benj's arms free of the box, it only lent to serve purpose to Adam's sudden prank, butting his pubes up to his boyfriend's ass.

"Oh-damn," Todd recites his favorite phrase of surprise!

Off guard, just barely, in the nick of time, Benji was able to catch himself from pinning Todd to the floor.

It fit perfect in Adam's scheme of things, "trying to put the move on my boyfriend, Todd?"

Within inches, face to face, Todd says, "you two are boyfriends?"

Stoking the fire, not which Benj didn't have to think, of his cock on fire, leaning into Todd, "well, it was plain to see you had the hots for Adam!"

The two were reaming into Todd, like they had a script in front of them, which pushed more buttons than mashing cock against cock, "truthfully, I had no idea. Trust me. Scouts honor, I don't fraternize...with the frat!"

Adam was letting it play out, though didn't want the perfect moment to slip by, "I'm sure Benj ready to do more than frat with the handyman!"

Turning over like a pancake, on the floor, Benj looks down on himself, saying, "wow, look what you did to me, Todd!"

It's then they both find out, Todd not wearing any briefs.

"Oh-damn. Trust me, I didn't plan this, guys."

Cocky, Adam selects his words, "how do you know we didn't?"

Not which he hasn't been glancing over at Benj's tent, sits up on his elbows, "uh, you want to see the bedroom?"

Liking Todd's suggestion, Benj says, "I'd like that," but then realizing what he just put forth, "uh, we both want that, right?"

Reaching down with two hands, Adam offers a heft off the floor, "who not?"

However, the 3 didn't make a bolt for the stairs, Todd giving them the royal tour of the castle. When they did finally make it to the bedroom, it was to open the blinds, allow afternoon sun to stream through, crack open a window, feel the breeze, Todd saying, "the designer purposely made this so a gentle breeze blows through, not a tornado!"

Perhaps, when Todd turned from the window, he might have expected to see both boys in the buff and ready to shuck his own clothes.

Adam certainly felt like he needed some release, but refrained, "what about the backyard?"

Normal reaction, Benj strips his shirt off overhead, "I could sure use a swim!"

Right now, Todd wanted to more than swim, but kept his cool, "no problem."

Neither Adam, nor Benj said anything about swim gear, so Todd let it be, leading the pair downstairs and to the back of the castle.


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 7

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