Secret Signs

Published on Apr 29, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 004

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

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"Do you see him any place?"

Cris, who had been checking out every guy in the student cafe, "see who?"

"Ben, dummy!"

"Oh, yes sir, certainly sir!"

He knew Cris meant well, "do you have to keep up the false attitude, Cris?"

Knowing, if Dierk, or any of the other `bosses' heard him speak in anything but a directed way of repose, "yeah. I gotta. Really. You don't know."

Adam smiles, thinking, how could an ordinary college student put the fear into another. After meeting Dierk, upfront, Adam thought him harmless, not to mention `cute'.

"I suppose I don't," Adam says, eyes still panning, table to table.

In a way, he suspected Cris not minding, keeping up the false pretenses. Casting a shadow over himself, did Adam really want his slave' to give up those attributes? One thing which stuck in his mind, inherited from his father, situations don't occur, without coming away from them without a valuable lesson, regardless if the outcome is good or bad'.

Then, to cause Adam to look at Cris, "there! He's over by the new kid, Jeffry."

Eyes darting towards where the tip of Cris' finger is pointing, "the new kid...Jeffry, eh?"

He didn't have an extra hand to lead, Cris' own book bag over one shoulder, Adam's loose pile under the other arm, "c'mon...I'll take ya to him."

Adam could only think, `how could anyone want Cris to be anything less than a friend?' Anyhow, it's not how Adam perceived him. Sure, he allowed Cris to carry his books, but it was only for show and his friend's benefit.

"Jeffry, this is Adam," Cris says, in turn, "Adam, this is Ben."

Adam, more focused on the second name, "hey Jeffry...what's up, Ben?"

If Adam had talked to him in the hallway, Ben could have told him `what' was on it's way up!

"C'mon. I saved you a seat."

Square table, Ben standing, out of his chair, steps to his right, "have a seat."

How could Adam not refuse a perfect gentleman!

"You staying or going, Cris?" Jeffry asks.

"If Adam's staying, I suppose I am too!"

"Yeah, I heard about that," Jeffry says, sitting. "How does it feel to be a free man?"

Jeffry couldn't more happier. Since landing here in college, as in high school, he was still as shy as can be. It actually got him into trouble, last two years of high school, being the object of bullies, whose object it was, to make nerd-boys' lives as miserable as possible. Shortly after his senior year started, Jeffry got off the hook a bit, a dude on the high school wrestling team taking a liking to him. Still, it wasn't like, `do me favors and I'll save your bacon from the bullies,' type of thing. All his friend was looking for is a friend who wasn't a jock...and could help him with his homework!

"Glad you're staying," Jeffry's hand invites Cris to sit, though conscious of this off the books `serf' system, turns to Adam, "it's okay if he does?"

Because he felt compelled, Adam replies, "I guess I'll allow it, this one time!"

Ben, without a clue, asks, "what's that about?"


Meanwhile, in the dean's office, wheels of administration were turning. New this fall, to the role of `Dean', Steve Maseratti had to admit, without his assistant, Peeter van Dijstel, he would be lost, up to his balls in paperwork!

"Veteran's readmissions? Can you clue me in on how to handle this, Peeter?"

Steve had come on board in August, which gave Peeter time to feel out how the new dean was going to measure up. One thing with Peeter, if he didn't like a guy, he would steer clear of having to deal with things like little idiosyncrasies. First thing he noticed about Steve, putting aside the thick beard over his good looking chops, was the laugh'. It was the type which, even if it didn't sound like a joke, it made people at least grin. In Peeter's line of work, breaking in a new dean', he had to deal with a lot of screw ups, being there was much responsibility put on the head of the dean of students.

A man who thought ahead, Peeter would do his utmost to accommodate Steve, helping out whenever he could. Later on, say a week from now, month or several months, there could come a time when Peeter needed to ask for small favors. This was his in' to the dean's heart'.

One difference between Steve and his predecessor, was age. Peeter wasn't into men over 60. Nothing wrong with a little eye candy with the younger guys, but what sat right with him, was a guy right around his own age. Being he was in charge, running everything himself for the month of July, Peeter had a chance to peruse applicants' files.

Fact remains, if it wasn't for his assistant's endeavors and recommendation to the board, Steve might have been passed up on the position.

"Who are we talking about?" Peeter walks around Steve's desk and peers at the computer screen.

Steve, he intently stares, but more at the reflection!

He wanted to ask, about the 3 metal letters carved into Peeter's belt buckle, but that would surely give his assistant a sign, "uh, Robert Osterman? Name sounds like he could be close to your area of the world?"

It gave Steve an opportunity to finally lay eyes on Peeter, with him being up close.

Peeter could have smiled, seeing through the reflection, his colleague's eyes dart from waist to face, "I was born in Boston."

"Oh," Steve felt like an idiot.

For Peeter, there was one piece of information he needed to know, Steve being `gay', which, after finding out, has him leading in with, "I wonder if he's seen much action?"

Nervously, Steve mumbles, "who?"

"Osterman? The veteran's file?"

Trick question, Steve knew, by the flush feeling he was going through, most likely his face was red, "you want to check the thermostat? Feeling a little hot in here?"

"Sure," Peeter stands, from leaning over at the computer, makes his way to the door and exits.

A long exhale follows, Steve glad the thermostat was in the outer office. Feeling a little excited' he knew he had less than a minute to check. Second exhale follows, when his jerk-off' hand tells him there is insignificant arousal under the desk!

Now, to focus on that screen. Oops!' Steve things on Peeter's question. Nah,' he shoves it aside, Peeter meaning Osterman's duties in his line of work, not action like in `man-action'.

"There," Peeter says, "things should be getting a little more comfortable in here."

Seeing Peeter reenter his office, minus the jacket, Steve could only think, `I doubt it,' not with those perky peeks pecking at Peeter's shirt!

Knowing the score, Peeter decides to get a little frisky, "now, where were we?"

Steve clams up, feeling a hand on his shoulder, "uh...Osterman's itinerary?"

Intently, Peeter unhands Steve's jacket, pointing to the screen. He reads along, pointing a finger, "says here, Robert enrolled in the `Try One' program, served out his one year term and then...'"

Steve picks up, "got his foot run over by a vehicle. I wonder how that happened?"

Robert looking to be `basketball' status, tall and rightfully handsome, Peeter suggests, "also says, he's looking for a work-study program. Maybe we should offer him a staff position in this office?"

"Are we allowed to do that?" Steve looks up into Peeter's incredible emerald green eyes.

Having been in his position for a number of years and knowing all the ins and outs, Peeter replies with a smug smile on his lips, "certainly. All you have to do is wave your hand," he does just that, "and voila!" He chooses his next set of words, "there's Robert...working right under you."

Steve knew he'd be sorry for showing what was a gut reaction, lifting of his eyebrows, follows it with giddy laughter, "it that so?"

In reality, Steve would much rather be working `under' Robert. From seeing the 21-year old, standing tall with another dude, for certain he hungered, with the thought of being on his knees, being fed golfball-sized nuggets onto his palate.

"That's all it takes," Peeter says. "Shall I start on the paperwork?"

"By all means!" Then, thinking a little too overly energetic, "I mean, if you think he'll be an asset to the office?"

Crooked smile, Peeter says, "we won't know till he gets here, will we?"

"I suppose," Steve tried keeping his cool.

Turning to go out, shifting his head back, Peeter says, "Oh, by the way, Steve, I really like that tie you're wearing today!"

"Uh...thanks, Peeter."

For the next few moments, all Steve could think about is, `he likes my tie...he likes my tie!'


When taken down to Chad's basement, Renaldo's eyes just about popped-out-of-their-sockets, making a panoramic viewing.

"Oh you shouldn't have," Renaldo chuckles, like thinking all of this fine furniture, racks of implements and chains hanging from the ceiling, were purchased for him personally.

"You like it, do ya?" Chad says, proud of outfitting the basement to his own specifications, right on down to stubbiest of buttplugs.

However, when Renaldo turns around, he's quite astonished, "what are you doing?"

While he perused the dungeon atmosphere, Chad had apparently stripped down to his bushy pubes, "getting ready for you."

Liking the sound of it, didn't take Renaldo long to jump out of his pants, "I like the sound of that, `sir'!"

Throwing the hint Chad's way, Renaldo is bent out of sorts, hearing, "`Sir?' thought...I meant?"

It certainly seemed that way, upstairs, when Chad put on this gruff attire, talkin' the talk of an almighty master.

Excited thoughts of being bent over a long pole, whether his cock fell in front of or behind the timber, arms fed through holes of a stock, neck secured as well, Renaldo lost more than his smile.

Since Renaldo had boasted about all the things he was up for, Chad had apparently got the wrong idea, "well, yeah. I was under the impression..."

Mostly, they didn't need words to explain, Chad losing his uppity attitude, surrendering to that of a lowly cock-slave, "oh. Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea?"

"Evidently," Renaldo replies.

Renaldo didn't have long to think on it. Up until now, all the signs were there, Chad's demeanor, speaking roughly and after the big speech he gave about what he's done to guys...

All he knew is, he had to think faster than his brain was allowing him. One of the superlatives, was walking in on a fully stocked dungeon. When or if, would he ever find one like it?

Then, Chad hits him with the classic line, "I guess you're not what I expected," he picks up his briefs from lying on a bench.

Thinking on it, Renaldo thought, the plan wasn't going as either of them expected. Acting quick, he says, "but that doesn't mean I can't get my jollies out of it," sends a message, "boy!"

He was playing it by ear. Chances are, after Chad got his fill, literally and figuratively, perhaps he could take a turn, knee bent and assuming other crazy positions. Lying on his stomach, back or another option, Renaldo didn't much care, long as he was feeling `full-filled!'

Stoking the fire, Chad says, "good to hear that. Got a wicked idea you've always wanted to play out?"

Since taking on the part, Renaldo doesn't disappoint his cockslave, "you'll do everything I tell you to do...starting now!"

His ass was pulsing for a plug, or Chad's plug, but what could Renaldo do? Having a dungeon setup like this, well, he's been in others to compare it with, well-equipped, Renaldo was ready to be set a plan in motion.

"Of course," Chad smiles. "I wouldn't have it any other way, sir!"

One thing, Chad didn't need to be firmed up. Renaldo's shaft halfway `there,' "where's your leather closet?"

"Oh man, this is gonna be great!" Chad led the way to the far side of the dungeon.

Dwelling on what happened earlier today, Renaldo asks, "those cops friends of yours?"

"Why, one of them I'm very good friends with," Chad remarks.

Renaldo knew Chad was leading him right up the alley way, "and which one would that be?"

However, with opening the double-doored closet, that thought dropped out of mind, with Renaldo chanting in long syllables, "holy toledo, Chad!"

Things were neatly arranged, Renaldo lifting a set of leather handcuffs, attached by chains, from a rack, letting them dangle, "nice restraints. Um, it did occur to me, you've known me for only a few hours. How do you know you can trust me?"

Certainly, that would be any man's concern, being incapable of escape, in case things got too intense, not to mention, the host's own home.

Renaldo's smile made Chad smile, but also issue a strong sense of trust, "I memorized the license plate of your limo?"

"Oh really? Renaldo samples the soft leather of a waist belt, "can you imagine yourself trussed up between 2 beams, bent over, sucking down my cock... how do you know your throat won't be so sore, you might be able to utter a word?!"

A dude could be wrong, but Chad was banking on things not getting hostile, whereas he was going to be maimed or ass ruined, "I'll still be able to write it down?"

Truthfully, Renaldo wasn't into some of the hardcore stuff, like stretching out a cock and piercing pins through the barrel. Only good, clean fun, "I suppose."

Placing a leg in a pair of chaps, ready to pull them up, over his hard shaft, Renaldo freezes, "don't tell me you've changed your mind?"

Chad was just recollecting his thoughts, about the riot back at the college, he and the cops being whisked away in the limo.

"No, no, no," Chad has already seen the signs, a man turned on, "what I fibbed about, I know the cops. They didn't really need to use force in getting me off the street and into your ride."

"Oh...and what else haven't you told me, or will I have to interrogate it out of you, Chad?"

"Mighty enticing. I know the cops, Grant and David. They're no strangers to my basement playroom. Maybe you'd like to meet them in person? Oh. Wait. You already did meet them. What I meant..."

Renaldo knew, "you mean, meeting Grant and David in a different environment?" Before Chad could answer, "do they have big cocks and know where to put them?"

All along, Chad been trying to get a feel for things. Rightfully, he had his doubts on Renaldo trying to be the real thing, doing all those things a good dominant character could act upon. Truthfully, most likely his new playmate might find it okay to work him up to tumultuous spurting of human lava, but could see the signs his heart wasn't in it, "why don't I give them a call?"

Not which Renaldo did not mind, facing Chad, naked, he had a lot to offer in the way a man loves to tongue a big set of knockers and the ultimate result of tinkering, "make sure you say there's another bottom'. A very willing' bottom!"

Climbing the stairs, both men felt their nuts and bolt bob between their legs. Following, Renaldo got the birds-eye view, watching Chad's ass switch back and forth with his footsteps. It's not which he was thinking of being too hasty in his decision, it's that Renaldo would much rather have his tongue wedged in that hairy crack!

In speaking to Grant and David, they were on speakerphone, going both ways. Not much was said. More the talk was on `action,' stuff which made more than his heart give off palpitations.

When Chad dropped the conversation, Renaldo asks, "which one talked about `how much pain I can take'?"

"Do you really want to know?" Chad laughs.

For right now, two new friends, neither knew much of the other, than hearsay.

Conniving, Renaldo remarks, "being the host, I'm sure you will want to offer up the best of the two hot cops to your guest?"

Giving an answer, Chad says, "if you want Grant in his uniform, I could call back and request it?"

"He the one with the shades?" it dawns on Renaldo, thinking back to a few hours ago.

Signaling it the case, Chad asks, "should I text him?"

"Well," Renaldo sighs, with exhaling a long breath, "it does look like you have everything and anything in this dungeon of yours, but...if Grant has any `favorite toys', he's welcome to bring them?"

From the way Chad looked at Renaldo, he knew he could have saved himself some breaths.

"Grant? He knows what he likes to use and exactly where to put them!"

"Hmm, doesn't this look interesting?"

There, on the palm of Renaldo's palm rests a cock-shaped buttplug, complete with a big set of balls.

"Brand new. Grant brought it along last time he was here."

Sly tilt of his eyebrows, Renaldo examines the long and fat buttplug, "looks like it hasn't been used?"

Sign, or hint, Renaldo hoped he would be the first to `try it on!'

Smiling, Chad says, "yeah, well that only goes to show you...the way we Grant, knowing how much my ass can take, from experience," he stops for a wink, "my hole is too small and being we play fair'n'square, he didn't want to rip my ass apart!"

The chaps Renaldo had pulled half on, draped down his lower legs. Shifting the black toy in his hand, he bends over, fingering the toy behind his back. Feeling it graze the crack of his hairy ass, "oooh, that in itself makes my ass feel very inviting!"

One of the things about dungeon play, if there's a lot of dudes going at it, coupled with the balance of power, it's possible there could be more bottom-boys `hanging around,' waiting their turn. Too, if there are signs a guy needs rest, they could be strung up and left to recover. That doesn't go to mean a willing victim couldn't have a pair of nasty clippers hanging from the nips, or strangled balls with a long line and weights hanging down. Regardless, recovering from nip-play, ball-play or lashes on the back, it still got erotic watching what was being done to other dudes. That is if they weren't wearing a leather hood. Still, if the ears weren't impaired, sounds could very well stimulate.

"No limits-guy, are you?" Chad proposes.

"Could be," Renaldo wasn't conclusive.

"Doesn't matter either way. Grant, he makes sure the play is agreeable to both players before we get started."

Stripping off the chaps, Renaldo figures he's not going to need the leather pants. In doing so, with Chad standing there, admiring him, like it's the first time he's set eyes on a naked man, there seems to be a connection not born out of `the pain game.'

"What?" Renaldo asks.

Not which either said anything further, they close up the gap between themselves, rubbing hairy bods.

Chad questions, "m-mm, I guess we underestimated each other?"

"How so?" Renaldo retorts.

"I think I might like having a new roommate."

Serious and being funny at the same time, lips about to touch, "meaning upstairs' or downstairs'?"

Right as their lips were about to touch, "Okay," they hear a loud, boisterous voice bellowing out, "let's get this party started!"

Renaldo was about to ask, Chad stepping in, "Grant?"

"Oh," the cop turns to his partner, "Dave brought along a new friend, I hope you don't mind?"

Officer Dave Bernick could be just as ruthless as Grant, "on your knees, boy, when you're addressing the master of the house!"

Old trick, making a guy's knee cave in, perpetrator's knee to the back of the leg, makes `the boy' unsteady, falling with both knees to the concrete floor, "yes, sir!"

Right off, Renaldo was madly in least with the totally hairy front of the officer's boy...lusting to lick. Of his harnessed balls, it made him salivate!

Both Chad and Renaldo had started walking towards Kevin Blye, coach at the college, only to have Grant's arm lifted like a toll gate, "uh, hold it there. You want to taste fur, that's something that's earned, not given away for for free!"

Both disappointed and excited, Renaldo started right into the play, "yes, sir!"

A grin on Renaldo's lips, it told Grant he was looking for some hot play.

Dozens of times, Grant has felt up Chad's hot nips, buried in the fabric of chest fur. With lowering the `toll gate', Grant's hand fans out, over Renaldo's chest, fingertips picking up two perky nubs, "like that, do you?"

It was Grant's way of finding out how much a man can take, working both nips softly.

"Feels good, sir," Renaldo play on his top's emotions.

"I like it when a boy can take what I can dish out," Grant fondles both nubs harshly.

"Pour it on," Renaldo smiles a toothy grin. Then, with his nips getting pulverized, "oh-h-h wow!"

Replying, `yes', to Grant's fingers and thumbs, tightening the grips, "oh, you haven't seen the half of how I can workover these nubs."

An evil laugh told Renaldo, either Grant wasn't kidding, or he was being friendly. Not knowing a guy, it could go either way. Though, right now, with his loins pulsing like crazy, Renaldo was up for `the other way,' "more please, sir."

Dropping his hands made Renaldo sigh like a disappointed kid at a birthday party.

"Let's get you uncomfortable, why don't we?"

This time, Grant's laugh was total `evil'!

Since they weren't fully absorbed with dungeon rhetoric, the five-some spoke freely about `wants'.

Hitting the wooden-over-concrete floor, Grant starts in. Walking over to the double-open-doors, he picks out 3 different, menacing-looking pairs of nip clamps, Renaldo throws hint, "don't forget the ball toys and leather strap?"

It made it easier, Grant liking it, a boy picking out his own wants and needs, "anything else of interest?"

"Might need a shopping cart," Renaldo jokes.

Grant takes it as, "hmm, betcha there's not much here in this room you're afraid of, huh boy?"

"Except what's trying to bust out of your pants, `sir'?"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 5

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