Secret Signs

Published on Mar 6, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 002

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

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"Next right."

Renaldo makes a right, more excited hearing Chad's voice, than that of his `GPS'. App he paid for, the voice was very sexy!

"Left at the next stop sign."

Looking both ways, first to the right, Renaldo studies Chad's profile, which includes sweaty hair, glued to his chest and barreled stomach.

"See the gray house up ahead?"

It was tough not to notice a home, second story looming over a row of bushes and other foliage, as if sitting on a green cloud.

"Do I pull right in the drive?"

Smiling, Chad says, "after I open the gates?"

Now who was getting the looks!

It was a beautiful day for Renaldo and he wasn't talking sunshine, but Chad getting out of the car and walking the short distance to a pair of iron gates. He smiled, seeing Chad's water-soaked pants making them sag, revealing partial `crack-age'!

Waving, Renaldo proceeded slowly through the gated passageway. With purpose he had to watch where he was going, so distracted by the driver.

Funny though, like a stealth jogger, Chad went on ahead. Even stranger, after catching up with him and putting the limo in park, Chad never showed signs of being out of breath. A moderately nice bod, surely Renaldo would have been huffing and puffing.

From the hood of the car, around to the driver's side, it's Chad offering a helping hand, pulling on the door handle, "well, how do you like the place?"

With full, frontal assault of the wet welcoming mat on Chad's chest, Renaldo replies, "looks great!"

Eyes on him and not the house, Chad says, "you should see the inside!"

Folding a few fingers inside the belt buckle, where knuckles meet a massive swath of hair underneath a deep bellyhole, Renaldo jokes, "I can hardly contain myself!"

"Woof!" Chad remarks, a toothy grin on his face. "Me neither!"

Hands going at one button of Renaldo's shirt, Chad's fingers feel behind the long, black necktie. Unfastening one button, he feels inside.

"You like toys?"

"Who doesn't...especially soft toys?"

Oh boy,' Renaldo thought, probably his smiling lips giving the sign, how much they could wind up enjoying each other, "then I better get my toy' bag from the trunk!"

Both going to the trunk, Renaldo says, "oh, by the way, if you could, there's one toy left out of the bag, sitting on the back seat?"

Sure enough, opening the back door of the limo, one of the chair-like seats has, sitting on the cushion, a fake cock', which has Chad thinking, oh my!' He did feel a little bad, the tall, thick, black item being fatter and longer than himself, at full mast.

"See it?"

Standing outside the limo on firm ground, Chad retrieves the cock-shaped replica, "a little tough not to?"

Army duffle over one shoulder, Renaldo states, "not which I mean it as a replacement of `your' big buttplug?!"

Each were hyping the other up, which was no coincidence.

Chad, keeping his new friend guessing, "never got any complaints from anyone!"


Meanwhile, crosstown, Adam hadn't even met his roommate, when lo and behold, a head sticks through the door opening, "okay if I come in?"

"Cris? What are you doing here?"

Right after saying, Adam felt stupid. Didn't Dierk already throw a clue his way?

"Dierk sent me over," Cris was told to be `gentle,' "he said we'll be rooming together."

`No doubt,' Adam thought, one suitcase under Cris' arm, another hanging from a hand. A backpack, two straps straddled Cris' pecs. The other hand had a leather briefcase attached to it.

"I already chose the bed near the window, but if you want it, I could..."

"No, no, no...I'll take this one," he drops bags on the floor and bed.

"Okay, but like the guys say, we'd better hurry it up and get to least me, since I hear `Burg is a real bastard about us being late?"

Indeed, Cris was in the acting class. He wasn't when he entered the college, but because Dierk was, he changed his major from playing the flute, "yeah, we better hurry."

That solved that, Adam knowin Cris' first class the same, "so, you want to be an actor too?"

"Uh," he wasn't sure it was his calling, Cris saying, "yeah."

For an actor, Adam thought it unconvincing. Yet, wasn't that why they were there, "then I better think of what to throw on."

When Dierk had instructed Cris, that he better not hear any complaints from Adam, that it would be a bad reflection on him. It was thought, Cris wouldn't be having any problem bowing to Adam's every whim. For certain, tasting his engorged shaft, sucking on it, lips keeping it firm, Cris could only hope Adam would come to think of him more than a mere cock-slave. More than his tonsils tickled, Cris loved the feeling of being `pummeled'.

More than a jeans and tee shirt college environment, Adam pulls a dress shirt from his bag. Holding it up and letting it carousel from a fingertip, "looks a little wrinkled. What do you think?"

Perfect solution, Cris says, "if you get any complaints, you could say `I' didn't have time to iron it?"

Walking over to where Cris stood, with uttermost curiosity, Adam says, "why would I want to say something like that?"

Apparently, Cris knew Adam didn't get it', wasn't following.' As thing would go, Dierk set the standard. He doesn't fully know Dierk's background, but that he came from a strict household and was told how to act, where he could go, what friends he could hang out with, it was enough to go on, breaking free of restraint at college.

They were pressed for time, "it's complicated. I'll explain later."

By the time the two had dressed, they had resembled two lookalikes. In their bags they did have dress-down clothing, but in order to enter a class, students needed to dress appropriately; dress shirt, white tee optional, black pants, black jacket, black necktie, brown shoes. A dude could incur demerits for not following dress code.

Every professor had their quirks. Like, walking into Burg's class, "gentlemen, you're late. What do you have to say for yourselves, Constantino?"

Adam was stymied. If `Burg was speaking about Cris, why was he the one being targeted by the prof's eyes?

Seeing he wasn't getting any response, Prof Hamburg turns to the culprit, "well, Constantino?"

He was more than surprised, Cris answering for them both, "I tried hurrying us along Professor Hamburg, but..."

Okay,' Adam thought, it's Hamburg and not Burg. He felt relieved, not being put on the spot, Burg addressing Cris. This way Adam could check out his acting instructor!

"You've held us up long enough Mr. Constantino. I'll address your tardiness after class. Take your seat."

Glancing to Adam, `Burg was more low-keyed, "you too."

Surprised, Adam wondered why it was only Cris taking the heat. Indeed, something strange was going on here, but being the newcomer, knowing Cris was a sophomore, well, he had some catching up on to do!

"And you must be Mr. Eastman?"

"Adam Eastman, it tis," Adam replies.

It seemed like the atmosphere in the room was full of shy guys, no one saying a word, quiet as a morgue, `Burg saying, "I see. Why don't you give us a short sketch on your acting experience, Mr. Eastman?"

Adam did begin, but was interrupted. Apparently, when you spoke, unless you were on stage, acting out, a student would be required to stand.

First day of classes and at some other times during teaching a course, Professor Hamburg would have a student come to the front and face the class, "why don't you approach the lectern and speak?"

"That's okay," Adam replies, "I'm okay talking from here."

Of which Adam could not see, jaws dropping, eyes focused on the professor. He could see `Burg didn't like what he heard, eyebrows raised.

Quiet enough, pins could be heard dropping on the floor. Well, there was a case of a pen, which sounded like pebbles on a snare drum!

Arms folded across the middle, `Burg writes something on the ledger in front of himself, "I see. Well, Mr. Eastman, we don't have all day, if you want to get on with it?"

Somehow, Adam was getting a kick out of it, `pushing' the Prof's buttons, at least that's what the tingling in his loins were relaying to him!

"Uh, sure," Adam looks to the partitioned ceiling, dwelling on the subject of his acting past.

Of course, he was rubbing the prof the wrong way, "well, while you're thinking about it, Mr. Eastman, we'll move along to..."

"No. Wait. I've got it," Adam replies.

Oh man,' Dierk Ongar was thinking to himself, while his balls were irking him on, does this guy got moxie or what?'

It made Dierk, seeing Adam much of what he is made of, got the balls' to take on Burg like this?' It made him smile, with visions dancing in his head, of what a team the two of them could be...

"I really don't have much experience, but picture myself as a damn good actor, even though I only acted in a few high school productions." Smartly, Adam adds, "I hope to learn a lot from this class, under your tutelage, Professor Hamburg."

Dierk sits back, stretching feet out, loving the ass-kisser approach. He loved it when a student had the balls to outfox `Burg!

Right off, Karl Hamburg thinks one of two things, the sincereness' of Eastman's words, or being bull-shitted. His balls were trying to convince him of the false attitude, since he thought of Adam being the hottest member of his class since Dierk Ongar' came on board last year!

Yet, he wasn't allowing any student to boss him around, "those are bold words Mr. Eastman. Let's just see if you're going to live up to them."

From Adam's quaint smile, acknowledged nod, sitting without permission to do so, Hamburg's balls were churning with delight. Certainly glad he was, Eastman speaking from his seat, or how else would he hide the bulge in his pants.

Next few students, Professor Hamburg had them stand and speak about themselves. He surely could not expose his liking for Adam Eastman, until his excitement of having the student in his class subsided. It was rare, Karl having to lecture a class, staying hard for the whole period!

Fortunately for the professor, the first day of classes were shortened, to give new students time to leave, exchange books and materials, find the next class.

Like usual, the first day, the 36-year old professor watched students file out in rather rapid succession, mass building up at the door, according to their haste to depart.

Not Dierk. Taking his sweet time, he hangs back, till shoulder-to-shoulder with the prof, "hot, isn't he?"

Knowing Dierk, rather professionally and personally, `Burg replies, "I see you got to him?"

"I know the difference between a leader and a follower, when I see him. That's all," Dierk replies with confidence.

"I suppose only time will tell, which of your predictions come true?"

Last year, Prof Hamburg and Dierk had quickly developed a teacher-student relationship, but not in the traditional manner. Much like Adam stood up for himself, that's the way it all started with Dierk Ongar. A couple of weeks into the semester, `Burg sensed Dierk as being a certain kind of student, one looking for more than an acting experience on the stage, reciting lines by Eugene O'Neill, David Mamet, Tom Stoppard, Tennessee Williams, Ferico Garcia Lorca, Harold Pinter or Shakespeare.

It's why he even bothered applying for the position at this particular college, finding the opportunity to instruct a class on `boys-only', trying his hand as a playwright. Having watched dozens of gay porn videos, gave Karl some ideas on how to structure his plays. No better way for an actor to develop, whether gay or straight, than to find a part, acting as a gay man!

Structuring the course curriculum in a traditional fashion, what the college didn't know what was really going on in class. Karl's take, that was for only the prof and his students to know. By the time a student reached their senior year, they could perform Shakespeare or any other play with crafted precision. Three years prior to graduation, well gallons of semen would keep the balls rolling, in the process.

After having their chat, Dierk promises to `mentor' Adam Eastman, in exchange for a high grade.

"Need help carrying your books?"

Stopping in the hallway, right outside theater class, Adam looks with squinted eyes, "uh, no thanks Cris. I think I can manage."

Walking away, leaving Cris standing there, Adam felt he was a little cold. He couldn't put down a guy for wanting to help, in the name of friendship. Turning full circle, "uh, what's is your next class, Cris?"

Then it was really fuckin' strange, Cris whipping out his schedule, which he says-like-gloating, "we both have the same schedule."

It dawned on Adam, how Cris could tell a thing like that, when he hadn't seen `his' computer spit-out, "really?"

Probably not as smart as he should be, Cris should not have acted too hastily, in order to get Dierk's plan cooking, "well maybe we do? You got your schedule handy?"

"Of course," Adam replies.

Whether pity, or finding out, the cock-sucker from his morning shower was his roomie, Adam had to admit he was taking a liking.

Backing down on the sarcasm, "let me get it out."

Searching, it was like Adam feeling himself up. Back pocket, he was more used to Renaldo's tongue planing over his ass. Front pockets...Renaldo's head over his pubes. Upper left jacket pocket, oh man, why did Renaldo love to suck nip?

Cris, thinking on Adam's words, `get it out,' like, his mouth was just watering to have his lips wrapped around that hard shaft, again, tongue licking on the inside...dammit, if he wasn't feeling it!

Due to more than Prof Hamburg's theater class, Cris had learned much from Dierk last year. Though, after tasting Adam, didn't have remorse for being pawned off. Chances are, Dierk already had stalked some freshman to handle his own personal needs. All Cris could think about, watching Adam fidgeting for his schedule, is how he could make both of them very happy men. Isn't that the way it usually goes?

"Oh, here it is...I knew it was here someplace," Adam retrieves it from the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

For one thing, Adam wasn't surprised, nor amazed, given the weird way things were going today, to find he had the exact same scheduling as Cris, "that's weird."

"Yeah," Cris replies.

Though, Adam senses something even weirder, Cris not at all surprised to find any discrepancies in their schedule, like he didn't know already?

"Well," Adam takes it on the cuff, "looks like we're headed off to study hall. Great way to start the day."

Before Adam could get two steps forward, Cris is tugging at his arm, pulling him backwards, "or we could get in extra theater credit?"

"Oh? How would that go?"

"`Burg...he's got 2nd period free too and gives extra credit for any student who wants to get ahead, by putting in unscheduled class time. I'm game, if you are?"

Either of the frat would know, Karl Hamburg being very good at manipulation, ways to coerce the dean into juggling his classes in order to meet special needs.

What better way to start his first semester of college, than Adam getting on the prof's good side, "why sure. I'm always willing to get ahead."

Cris' take... `get head'?

Pocketing his schedule, Adam says, "okay, so where do we go...back to the auditorium?"


Meanwhile, it's already decided, Renaldo finding Chad's spacious lodgings not only fit for a king, but his new friend acting like one, "here's where you'll be staying."

With high hopes, Chad walks into this spacious, modern decorated room. Big bed in the middle, complete with a canopy frame, the usual dressers, night tables, rugs on the floor, one big window, frosted-over glass, "very nice, but are you sure you're okay with opening your house for a stranger?"

It being so, Chad already starts sharing, by unbuckling his belt, "yep and the rent's really cheap!"

Thinking about it, his employer paying the rent, Renaldo senses it a good idea not to let on about that part, "that's good, because I probably can't afford much, such is the life of a servant!"

Chad's attitude starts to weaken, stray away from the friendly type, "well, why don't we start on this month's rent, by having you strip out of that uniform, get on your knees and start paying!"

Oh wow,' Renaldo thought. Something he and Adam had only touched on the subject of, roleplaying, being they ran out of time,' "yes, sir. How do you like it...quick, or nice and slow?"

After stripping off his pants, allowing briefs to fall to his ankles, Chad carries himself over to the bed, "nice and slow. Yeah, put on a nice strip show for me."

Getting on the bed, Chad lays his head on the puffy pillow. Spreading legs, he runs a hand down his hairy trail, connecting with his semi-flaccid cock. Watching Renaldo moving slowly, a hand pinches his own nip. Not which Renaldo's fully carpeted frontal assault wasn't giving him `motion', there wasn't a faster way of getting Chad hard, than tweaking up his nips!

The slow approach, Renaldo was compelled to get between the sheets, or rather under, mouthing off on his new landlord, so he sped up the pace.

"Don't forget to save something for me," he says.

Realizing he was firming up rather quickly, Chad pulls a hand away from his cock, tweaking both nips, "oh don't you worry. When I come... `I COME!'"

Down to shucking his briefs, Renaldo says, "only once?"

Snidely, Chad says, "depends on how good the cock-coddler is!"

Renaldo was loving it. In the limo with Adam, things could get a little bossy, but with a fully devoted dominant, once he got on the bed, it was all he could do, not to spring a leak.

"Yeah, get that tongue under my it into my ass."

Same time his tongue ventured under the bulky orbs, Chad took both wrists, dragged them up to his hairy chest, dropping hands on the pecs, "I like it hard."

So did Renaldo!

Which is why, doing what was commanded of him, gave Renaldo's own balls a jolt, hands mashing and pulling. Working hands on Chad's hairy chest, feeling out the peaks and toying with them, the renter couldn't help but render, "y'know, I like mine worked too...roughly!"

Slowly, each were playing the other, which made Chad say, "is that so?" he reaches into the side table draw.

Like a kid at his own birthday party, opening gifts, Renaldo remarks with glee, "hell yeah!"

"Hmm," Chad says, holding the broad-ended nip clamps by the chain, "maybe we should escalate."

By that, he meant skip, from the novice pincers, to rugged edged.

"Even better," Renaldo says.

And...being that he's already discovered his landlord, liking the kind of play which could drive him wild, Renaldo furthers, "uh, you wouldn't happen to have in that draw, something for my balls?"

It would be no problem if Chad didn't have any other torture toys, Renaldo having plenty in his camo duffle bag.

"Matter of fact," Chad rifles through the draw, "got these little, nifty gadgets. Bought them to use on nips, until one of my playmates suggested putting them snuggly around each sac?"

In early play, questions were good, suggesting how far the top man could go. What Chad has discovered, after several sets of these kinds of question, learning how much pain can be derived for both their pleasures, question became unnecessary.

"Hey," Renaldo gives in, "I'm up for almost anything!"

Music to Chad's ears, "hmm, maybe later I'll show you the basement!"

Thinking of the basement, Chad threw the screw-fed clamps, destined for Renaldo's ball-sacs, back in the draw.

"Ready to satisfy my every little whim?"

He even knelt on the bed like a dog, Renaldo ready to respond to his master's calling, "woof!"

Literally from rags to riches, from working for a landscaper, to buying into his own business, a modest amount of lottery winnings put Chad on top.

Still he had to work. He could spend, spend, spend, but knew if there wasn't anything coming in, in the way of employment, he could kiss those winnings goodbye.

First priority, he wanted his own place to call home. A foreclosed home was a perfect fit. It helps having friends in different fields of work.

For instance, one of his `bottom' friends happened to have a real estate firm. All it took was one hot night at the realtor's pad, to establish a forever friendship.

Chad reckoned, good tops are tough to find. In some conversations, he wasn't talking about his 7" fuck-tool, but the assortment of special furniture, gadgets and rope systems, eventually taking up space in his basement.

He took it as it came. First things first, when meeting up with a dude, Chad had to find out if it were just for a suck and fuck session, or if his bottom wanted to venture into some other sick stuff.

However, with Renaldo here, Chad needn't go to the trouble of all that feeling out of a guy.

His new home came partially furnished. Seems like the previous owners only cared about taking personal items and that had been mostly the bedroom contents. Searching for bedroom furniture, he happened to meet a `lovely' salesman.

Chad was amazed, how instead of reading the young salesman, David, the furniture guy, was way ahead of him. When he saw the bed with the tall wooden canopy, Chad felt a stirring in his soul. Picturing one of his tricks, neatly tied eagle-spread to the end...well, that was just one of the thoughts Chad dreamed up, purpose of the sturdy looking canopy.

What psyched him out, David must've had his own discovery going that day at the furniture store, like reversal mind reading, he quipped, `makes a guy want to stretch out and relax, huh?'

Chad's jaw dropped, watching the mid-20's lad stretch arms overhead, out to the sides, matching the position with his legs. It was all Chad could do, not to pop a boner, thinking of what he'd like to do to David!

Thinking they were on the same page, Chad returned with, `turn around why don't ya, so I can get a better picture of it!'

Not much thought was needed, after Chad had the salesman take his jacket off, turn around, spread eagle, then picture that tight pants bottom!

It was the second man added to what would become a circle of friends. Third was the salesman, who traveled all the way from New York City, bringing catalogs of a special' variety of furniture. There for the ensuing delivery, the Leather Variety Shop' salesman even provided the workmen, to assemble the furniture, when delivered to Chad. By the time his basement was set up, the place reeked of spent semen and sweat!

Right now, even though Chad lusted to find out how Renaldo's sharpened sucking skills worked, he felt they could branch out later. After all, having a glorified bottom in the same house, same bedroom, there would be plenty of time to explore.

That's why Chad got right to work, retrieving a pair of leather cuffs from the night table, forming them around Renaldo's wrists, with arms behind the back. It was a fun kind of thing Chad could get chuckly over, watching how a boy worked himself on the soft mattress, off balance and trying to catch `the worm' in his mouth!

Probably why Renaldo defied the master, saying, `easy for you to do!'

Standing on the bed, not his first time, Chad held onto the upper part of the canopy railing, steadying himself.

Poor Renaldo, as he dug his knees in, hands cuffed behind his back, impaired himself from falling to the left or right. Of course, there was that perfect scenario, when a boy fell `forward', and with mouth open, landed right over his target.

There was always the danger of getting one's throat impaled!

It was fun for awhile, but Chad saw they weren't getting too far, Renaldo consistently losing balance, `okay, enough of that for now,' reason being, Chad was getting close.

Renaldo, he was tired of the carnival game and not getting anywhere near the prize. He was quite surprised, lying there faced down in the bed, that there wasn't anymore sucking required. Nope, right there, face in the covers, Chad mounted him and drove their sex on home!

Afterwards, unfair as it might seem, Chad dropping a load, both lying on Renaldo's squashed meat, the landlord seemed to care less if the sheets became wet.

"Oh man, that had to be at least a 2-month payment!"

Right off, Renaldo wasn't giving two hoots about whether he was covered with the rent, "great, so do you think I can come now, too?"

"Why don't we give it a look?"

Heaving his bod off of Renaldo's back side, Chad helps to flip his boarder over, "well, it looks like you came a little."

In an act, meant to disturb, Chad takes a hand, moves it right over Renaldo's shaft and rub the pre-cum into his matted stomach, right up between the pecs.

Knowing the same, like if he had been involved in a more progressive manner, to shoot his load, Renaldo says, "you gotta do more than that!"

Turning mean, a good act which Chad could do, he reaches for the chain attached to the 2 nip clamps, "I think I can oblige!"

Not many men could get him hard all over again, but Renaldo's fierce gasping, the sounds of a man squirming, the pain, plus the pleasure of stroking, it certainly did make Chad get another raging hard-on.

Instead of lifting legs, Chad chooses to do something he's always wanted to do. More like a ritual, of sealing some kind of deal between another man, he places Renaldo's legs on his shoulder. He wasn't kneeling, but rather sitting on the bed.

Renaldo had wondered what-tha-fuck Chad had been doing? It would have been so easy to poke him in the ass, but not with sitting on the bed. He should have not wasted any thinking, Chad sitting on the bed and shimmying himself forward, soon their shafts were neck and neck.

"Oh. I was wondering," Renaldo says, feeling Chad's hand on his cock.

Except, there they were, two cocks in Chad's firm, landscaping hand. Big as a tortilla, it seemed, the grip smoothed together both of their shafts and sooner than later, were being stroked.

He wouldn't feel it until later, Renaldo's arms still locked behind his back, which when sex is employed, things like that went unnoticed.

The buildup was amazing, both shafts being stroked by 1 hand, Chad's other gripping at the chain.

He had complaints, thought friendlier than if he hadn't shot a `gallon' of cream, Renaldo scolding, "I don't know what hurts nips or my wrists!"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 3

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