Secret Signs

Published on Aug 5, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?

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`SeCReT siGnS' 15 Epic End

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


Well, when Todd strolled in at the ungodly hour of 7am, a peculiar thing had occurred. He doesn't remember quite how he woke up in the woods, a mile away from the Lumberyard, stripped naked, but at least not lying on bare ground. Doesn't quite mix, being bare-naked and exposed to the elements.

Last night, he does remember having a few beers, with whiskey chasers, after the festivities surrounding Renaldo and Cris' birthday celebrations.

Though, Todd does remember having a craving for being in either of the birthday-boys' position.

Regardless, his gummed up pubes, hairy chest caked with dried goo, ass hurting a little, Todd knew he must've had a great time.

Only downside to all this, waking up on a tarp in the woods, he couldn't find a stitch of clothing!

Being the outdoors type, Todd knew how to clothe himself, break off 2 branches, to cover front and back. Fortunately he knew this territory better than anyone, due to keen hiking skills and loving the outdoors to explore. This is why he was able to keep on track, while keeping a low profile among the forest. Only tricky part was crossing the road, an unmarked drive-thru, easy to run across early in the morning. Real traffic didn't build until 8-ish. He was just within the limit. Looking both ways, the scenery was blank, so he made a dash for it.

With no sweat he dodged into the opposite forest. From there, working his way back to CCCC was a cinch. Part of the Castle complex bordered the woods, so it was a quick jog and Todd was waltzing in the back gate.

Taking his usual morning dip was like stepping out of the back cottage. Across the pool didn't do it though. Quite groggy and trying to work all the slime off his bod, he had to linger some!

Grabbing this giant, pink tube, which resembled a big, big tire, Todd sat his butt in the middle hole. Like usual, weight being the catalyst, he sent a tsunami to all shores of the pool!

Too bad he didn't have his sunglasses. Though, with the sun coming over the mountains, he didn't really need them. Todd thought, if anyone happened by, they would not be able to detect his bloodshot eyes.

Regardless, Todd was contented with relaxing in the oversize tube. One arm kept him from falling through, the other making contact wherever it stirred him to do so, either nip or lower!

Soon he found himself dosing, which was not a particularly good idea, knowing legs and arms could give way, his big butt pulling the rest of him through the tube and down to Davy Jones' locker.

Todd knew the limits of the tube and how much he had to hold on, so doze he did.

Rude awakening came, a big splash, probably rivaling his own tidal wave, because it interrupted his siesta, splashing water all over, "what the hey?"

Opening both eyes and wiping the spit out of them, Todd looks around. No one to be seen on the outskirt of the pool, he checks the next best place for someone to play hide and seek.

Looking out over his cock, Todd didn't spot anyone.


"Oh-shit!" Todd fumbles, tipping himself out of the tube and into the drink.

Submerged, Vincent had surfaced at the top of Todd's head, the one attached to his shoulders!

"Scared ya, did I?" Vincent blew bubbles, while flaying arms in slow motion kept him from sinking.

"Of course not," Todd refuted.

"Even just a little bit?"

Wet hair in his forehead, Todd couldn't quite make out the whole picture of whom he was looking at, though he seemed quite cute, "maybe a little. Next time announce yourself, though?"

"Will do," the 26-year old wore a toothy smile.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Not knowing who Todd was, "I slept in with Adam and Benj. I'm Vincent, by the way. What's your story?"

Swimming the tube over to where Todd jumped out of his pants, or would have, if he was wearing any, "I'm Todd. I'm the caretaker here...and what do you mean you slept in with Adam and Benj?"

"Well, not exactly `slept'. We played around a little last night.. I mean," Vincent looks like frowning, trying to recollect the difference between night and day, "this morning. Then we fell asleep. We woke up and did it again, but more quickly than the first time. What a trip!"

"Apparently," Todd was still trying to get it through his head, the couple letting another into their tight tryst. Like, he never dreamed their romantic rendezvous would ever be opened up to a third, except for innocent play.

Grabbing hold, the two float around the pool, opposite sides of the float.

Todd, he was waiting for the water to calm. Having a very wide, open porthole, he could easily see down, into the center of the tube, but couldn't make out anything, other than Vincent like him, no swim apparel!

"So, what do you take care of?"

"Business. Anything which pertains to the Castle. Plus, the inhabitants, so I thought. What about you? What do you do?"

"Right now I'm in between jobs. Trust me, I've had a lot of positions, but really found the right know, one that I want to spend the rest of my life doing?"

From there, it went to the subject of college, which Todd was astounded, Vincent having a degree in science, geology, "and you're not doing anything with it?"

It's then that Vincent elaborates, telling about home life, back in Lamington, New Jersey, then transitioning to his attending Boston University.

"I had intended on becoming a veterinarian, but then switched to geology. Truthfully, I wanted to pursue oceanography."

It seemed as, the pair floating, attached to the big, almost see-thru pink tube, they became in sync with which way the circle spun. Without even a gesture, Todd would take it to his right, Vincent to the left when it neared the edge of the pool, or put the other propeller boxed into a corner.

"So, what is it you want to do?"

"I dunno. Trust me. If I knew I wouldn't be checking clothes at the Lumberyard, though it is kind of `moving'!"

"I'm just curious...none of my business really, but where are you staying?"

Rather than report he's been living out of his car, Vincent says, "did I mention I'm new to town?"

All which he's seen and done himself in life, nothing much slipped by Todd, "uh, no. You didn't, matter of fact. So, how does it feel sleeping in a hot, sweaty car, night after night..."

"Have you been spying on me?"

"Why, because I've guessed the truth?"

"Maybe," Vincent says, a little embarrassed, or at least acted that way.

Todd kindly offers, "y'know, the bungalow has two bedrooms and I'd be willing to give up number 2 for a lad such as yourself, until you can find other living arrangements?"

Vincent wasn't sure, for one thing, of getting mixed up in a relationship, before putting roots down, but for certain Todd was right, not fun waking up and sweaty, not a result of some hot sex, "sure. I'll take a look."

Perfect prank, not which Todd hasn't allowed another to suffer', he lets go of the tube and in such a way it causes the opposite person to get dunked, "oops! Sorry bout that!"

Face all wet, his scraggly hair being pushed back over his head, Vincent says, "I bet you are!"

Okay, so Todd got the message, Vincent able to take a joke and not get-raged.

Climbing the ladder out of the pool, Vincent is ahead of him, hauling his ass up the side and jacking himself up with one foot, "allow me," he extends a hand to Todd, like a perfect gentleman.

"Oh, thank you ma'am!"

As Todd laughs, Vincent sees no reason why the present isn't a good time for revenge, "oops!"

Feeling a pull on his arm, Vincent allows Todd to slip from his grip, "sorry `bout that!"

Showing Vincent he can man-up, he places both hands on the side of the pool. It looked so easy, Todd was sure he could heft himself up and out.

With failure, "I guess I'll use the ladder."

Again, Vincent offers a hand.

Again, Todd notices wet junk hanging almost in his face, "uh, I'll pass this time!"

"Suit yourself."

Though, Vincent was almost sure Todd was going to shy away.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Adam and Benj stir from dozing off, result of that high-powered threesome with Vincent.

Sniffing, Adam questions Benj, "catching a cold?"

"Nope. Just wondering how come I'm not smelling coffee!"

Rising out of bed, Adam doesn't hesitate, "I thought it might be a bad coffee smell, but then I's you!"

First out of bed, Adam hightails it off to the shower.

Fumbling with the sheets, it holds Benj back, trying to keep up with his tail end, "I'll get you for that!"

Surely enough, he catches up with Adam, in the rather large, square, free standing shower stall, "mm-m, this feels good."

Designed by a student, when a dude steps into the shower, it turns on automatically. Not just that, but immediately a warm temperature flow over the head, down the shoulders and beyond, that is, if the person stands directly underneath. Trying to escape from his lover, Adam had passed under the shower, which set it off.

Briefly the shower turns off, Adam's back to the wall. Benj enters, walking underneath, "yeah. You're right. Feels mighty good...but, I think it needs some improvement!"

Benj reaches out and grabs Adam by the hand, dragging him back in to his space.

It was the first time in several hours the pair were not feeling like anything sexual should begin to commence. Instead it was like, `you wash my back and I'll wash yours' type of thing. However, Benj's brand of washing his lovers' back was putting him in a full bod hug, soap in hand and then working at scouring the sweat off.

He loves it even more, having said, "me next?"

"Turn around."

Benj was hoping for the same thing, but the change up was even more gratifying, feeling Adam soap up his meaty pecs and working both hands down his thin trail, till it was tried, making him hard again.

"I don't think I'm feeling it."

Slimy, soapy, limp, Adam says of Benj's cock and balls, "oh really? I couldn't tell!"

Rather than dwell on why either of them were not getting hard over their shower attempts at getting it up, Benj says, "maybe we try again in a few hours?"

After showering off and flinging open the bathroom door, Benj takes another long inhale, "mm-m, now there's the aroma I was missing this morning when I woke up!"

"Right," would disagree, but went with the coffee wakeup call.

Since they knew classes were cancelled for the second day, Adam and Benj took their time dressing. It seems like in between pulling on briefs and dropping shirts over their heads, stopping for a little sugar prolonged time building up their wardrobe.

So involved in themselves, they had forgotten about their third bedfellow, until Benj holds up a pair of briefs, "uh, I wonder what happened to Vincent?"

It's then Adam remembers getting up to take a leak, "oh, I wouldn't worry about him. Not with Todd being the perfect hostess!"

Then, ascending upon the kitchen they don't find either Vincent, nor Todd, but slaving over the stove, "Tommy?"

Adding to their act of astonishment, they see Cris walk in the backdoor, carrying a platter of bacon, "Tommy says there's nothing better, than barbecued bacon!"

To his other half, Adam says, "at least they're awake!"

Though, to himself Benj couldn't deny the same, after feeling soapy pecs in the shower, hint of Adam's pubes pressing against his ass!

"Is that so?" Adam walks over to take a taste, "mm, not bad."

He also had one to place on the palate of Benj's tongue, or which Benj wiggles his eyebrows. He couldn't remember whether the first, second or third time, between yesterday and today, that he enjoyed having more than a strip of bacon placed on his tongue, saying of it, "I have to agree. Very tasty indeed!"

About ready to sit down for breakfast, Tommy says, "oh, we're eating outside, if that's okay?"

The two had thought they were going to be consuming coffee, eggs and bacon, but when they open the backdoor,

Benj walks over to table, packed like a hotel banquet, pastries, fruit bowl, enough fit for a king, "Mm-mm, is this all for me?!"

Picking up a banana, Adam puts it to Benj's lips, "no, only this!"

Finding out the answer to their question, in through the back gate filters guys, all explaining the building engineers found a crack in the foundation of student dining.

"Really?" Adam says.

More of an explanation would follow, Todd coming out of his bungalow, Vincent with him.

First to taunt them was Benj, "find yourself a new friend, Todd?"

While in the bungalow, Todd had given Vincent the heads up, that this might be the case, so he had already worked up a line, Vincent saying, "oh, so much, much more!"

"Fast work, Todd," Benj gives him a high five.

To let them know what he knew, Todd says, "oh, we probably didn't do much more than y'all did?!"

Benj blames, "well Adam, he had a little too much to drink and all."

He did have a plate all made up for Benj, Adam holding his own in the other hand, but upon hearing that, "oh really, Benj? Here, Todd."

Watching the plate pass by, right under his nose, Benj says, "I was joking, okay?"

Todd hands it back, "here you go, Benj. Uh, I better see what happened to Vincent!"

Scurrying away, Benj apologizes, "me bad."

"I know," Adam chomps on another piece of bacon, "but it's fun to watch you squirm!"

They weren't by themselves for long, Cris and Tommy coming over to chat. Right after, Joey and Trever, whom they haven't seen in a dog's age approach, plates loaded up.

"Studying hard?" Adam asks.

Behind them Denny, Tommy's cousin walks in, with Steven, the `supermodel', almost!

Before Adam could get an answer, everyone is stunned when Prof Burg walks in the back gate, carrying a towel, wrapped behind his neck. It dangles down, but beyond that, Burg doesn't have a stitch of clothing!


"You can say that again," Adam adds.

Before their eyesight could linger too long, `Burg takes a leap into the pool, losing the towel seconds prior. Taking a long swim, end to end, he emerges, retaking the towel and wrapping it around his loins.

Then they went back to eating breakfast and talking up what everyone did last night.

Though, for Benj, all he could do is dwell on that dream he had last night. For certain, having nips and balls worked over, it surely did seem so, so vivid and real, which prompts him to say, "Adam, are you sure we came right home last night?"

"Why, Benj? Did you have your clone make a guest appearance?" Adam snaps back.

Slowly, even though it's been a short time since he's come to know Benj, Adam could tell something was up, "when we're alone, you'll have to fill me in on the full details of your wet dream."

"Might get pretty wet?"

"Probably not any wetter than the bed was this morning!"

After `Burg, they stopped keeping tally of whom invited themselves for breakfast.

"Hey, Adam?"

The voice was familiar, Adam turning around to the stud, "Kevyn? What are you doing here?"

Adam just stood there, accepting Kevyn's hug, while the super-mod explains, "I know this is probably only open to your frat-bro, but I have a proposition for you."

Probably Kevyn West was the only one dressed fully up to the neck, though his collar was unbuttoned down to his navel, Benj saying, "um, do I get a hug, too?"

"Why not," Kevyn breaks his hold on Adam to scoop Benj up in arms, "how you been?"

"Good," even though Kevyn's pubes pressing close to his, Benj felt the resurgence!

"Food smells good, but before I stuff myself, I wanted to tell you, my agent, he saw pictures of the fashion show at Braddock's and thought you might be interested in a career, Adam?"

"What about me?" Benj asks.

Standing there, Adam and Kevyn became spectators to Benj, working every muscle in his bod, flexing arms overhead, to the sides, doing a few squats which... the underside of the butt looked mighty-fine!

"Nice, Benj. Very nice," Kevyn says, but keeps chatting with Adam.

Adam had gotten the impression, "uh, Kevyn, you do know Benj and me, we're together?"

"Oh sure," Kevyn suddenly remembered, "I know that!"

The Barnum cousins came within speaking distance, Tommy saying, "lookin' good, Benj."

Denny adds, with excitement, "`very' good!"

"Thanks," Benj replies, "at least someone thinks so!"

"We were wondering," Tommy says...

Denny there to pick up the conversation, "if you would think about..."

Tommy again, "becoming our personal trainer?"

"You would be doing us a huge favor?"

"Why me?" Benj knew of the gym in town.

Tough to explain, Tommy didn't want to go into it, being in college, his older cousin, Denny, helping him make down payments on his education, "it's complicated."

"Yeah," Denny carried on, like they were both attached to the same telephone wire, "trust us, we really need a, pardon the pun, `strong' trainer?"

Looking over the two bare chested cubs, Benj could see where they were toting around some fat, and feeling `sorry' for them, "sure. Why not? When?"

"Hey," Todd sneaks up behind, Vincent with him, "I overheard. Can we get in on that?"

Benj smiles, knowing it was more than physical fitness Todd was after, but more enticing was thinking of the `good' he would be doing, "sure, if it's okay with Tommy and Denny?"

With `no classes' today, the continuing drama with buildings cracking, the friends thought, no time like the present to get into top, physical shape.

Then, to throw a wrench into their plans, Todd gets a call. Looking down at his cell, on one of tables near the pool, he sees whom it is coming from, "hold on, I got a text coming through."

Right after Todd's phone starts playing a cute tune, those who have brought theirs to the pool, start sounding off, until it sounds like a kooky symphony!

Todd didn't need to bestow the news on them, it appearing on every phone, buildings safe - classes will be resumed as of noon time today.

"Rats!" Todd says of the good-bad news.

Generally there was a disappointment circling the throngs of boys and men.

However, those whom it pertained too, couldn't have had their dreams of working out together, shattered by Prof Burg saying, "regardless of whatever the dean's office dictates, I will be holding class at 10am, in the theater. Anyone who doesn't show, show up the next time to claims your F'!"

Adam, for one, who would've liked to have had the morning to prep, boldly states, "like, that's really cold, Professor `Burg."

"Yeah, isn't Eastman?" the theater prof laughs it off.

Though, towel wrapped around the waist, Karl wasn't a bit ashamed or taken aback by walking around campus like that. This time he had something to think about...Adam Eastman and how much the lad reminded him of himself at that tender age of 18.

For certain he was going to go with Cris' idea about presenting some `gay' Shakespeare, finding some place for Adam to express himself in a way which would get any gay man's balls boiling.

One thing which Karl did care about, was not walking the campus with the crotch part of his towel throwing out a damn pup tent. He thought about something else!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

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