Secret Signs

Published on Aug 1, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?

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`SeCReT siGnS' 014

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


"Oh I can get rid of this!"

Both Benj and Adam laugh. Nothing like being the only one in the crowd, walking around with briefs clothing the loins.

"Yeah, I have to admit," Adam bends his neck to the left, shifting eyes downward, watching Benj peel his briefs away, "it's your `best' view!"

Reason Benj had left his cock'n'balls covering on, instead checking the skimpy Nouguet briefs at the booth in the hallway, as planned, the couple had hidden away a cellphone. Of course Benj got looks, with the iPhone nestled away under his soft cock, the balls pushing it upwards, making his shaft more pointy and bulging!

Knowing where they were going this time, they didn't make any wrong turns, heading straight for the stairway leading to the underground.

Bottom of the steps, the place very crowded, Benj reaches into his cock-pocket and retrieves the phone. He hands it over.

"Yep," Adam holds the phone for his lover, "this certainly will be a night for Renaldo to remember!"

"Adam!" his name rings out.

Taking the phone, passing from his right hand, to left, onto Benj's palm, "here, hide this!"

It was part of their plan, to record the night's happenings and surprise Adam's limo driver on the playback.

Caressing Renaldo was short, sweet, a simple hug. For certain, it amused Adam to see this bear-of-a-man grab Renaldo by the arm and drag him back to the space in the middle of the room. Defined by a circle, hooks were screwed into the ceiling. Anyone could picture what it was for, a stage for a very special performance.

"Did I give you permission to leave, boy?"

Benj leans over Adam's shoulder, saying with a lust for action, "oh-damn, is Renaldo gonna love this!"

Tilting his chin to the left, Adam says, "only Renaldo?!"

Truth be told, everyone's eyes were on center ring. In the crowd were the invited, the room also open to spectators whom were outside Renaldo's circle.

"Nice crowd," Adam observes, panning the room.

His eyes fell on persons of all make: hairy, smooth, muscled, bear or cub-type, a panorama of ages. In particular though, a group younger dudes mixed with older bears gathering near the circle around the guests of honor. Most had checked their whole wardrobe, allowing it all to hang out!

Quite by error, the Lumberyard had scheduled 2 parties for the same night, in the main chamber of the underground. At first, the frat-boys were a little perturbed, by having the older, hirsute crowd in and among them, but then some of them liked the feel of cocks slammed against their asses, which instantly made up for the mistake. Happens when a party is booked, last minute opening the party up to whomever walked in off the street, the room getting a little `tight' with crowd control!

Then it sparks Adam's interest, "Is that who I think it is?" Taking a few steps closer, "why didn't you tell me it was your birthday, Cris?"

Mostly, Dierk had taken Jack's advice, trying to be nice to Adam, which is why, instead of a shove, he places a hand on mid chest like-a-stop-sign, "wanna stand back, Adam...please?"

It did phase Adam, Dierk completely out of character.

Even surprising Benj, who had the cell-cam all ready to begin rolling, "what was that all about?"

Well, he didn't really know Dierk that well, but from what he's initially seen and heard, he could be a real dick, "I dunno," Adam said, like in a haze.

A hand to Adam's shoulder, Tommy Barnum, whom had been one of the hybrids of the crowd, frat-boy/cub mashup, "don't worry. I'm going to make sure Dierk doesn't do anything he'll regret."

Benj giggles, "you gonna let him push you around like that?"

Being Tommy was a bulky cub type, Adam looking like a weakling next to him, "uh, yeah."

With the variety of dudes surrounding the action, Adam was easily distracted. It wasn't the first time he had looked upon Tommy's pecs, bulked up, but not as tight at Benj. Still, covered with a light dusting of ginger-brown fur, they were quite exquisite!

"Oh. Okay. Whatever," he backs Adam up.

Barging right into Benj's bold chest, him saying, "mm-m, that feels kinda nice!"

"Likewise," Adam laughs, placing a hand behind his back and caressing his boyfriend's balls. "How about this?"

"Mmm! Are you sure Renaldo will miss us if we duck out?"

Strangely, Adam senses something weird, not only himself playing with Benj's balls. His head got in the way of his boyfriend holding the cellphone horizontally, trying to get a look of who was on Benj's right side.

In his best big boss interpretation, Adam says, "hey, wanna watch where you're putting your hands?"

"Oh, its you Adam!"

Realizing it a friendly hand which had reached around Benj's hip and tried fighting for ownership of the cameraman's balls, "Todd?"

Todd had come to the party with TC, but soon went off with Renaldo and his friends. Entering the underground, with the surge of the mixed crowd, he lost sight of them. Or rather, perhaps he became more infatuated with the idea of gravitating towards the college crowd!

"Oh. Hi," Todd retracts his arm like a scared snake.

Compassionately, in a friendly sense, Adam says, "if I should happen to wander away, can you make sure Benj is `taken care of'?"

"Would be my entire pleasure!" Todd is all smiles.

"No," Benj stops filming, "it would be more `my' pleasure!"

He laughed, Adam acting like a meanie, "did I give you permission to stop filming?" he laughs his ass off!

"Um, any time you want to go mingle, Adam?"

Adam had the idea Todd was trying to get rid of him and he certainly knew why!

Already the wheels of Todd's brain were turning, his balls churning at the thought of keeping out of Benj's viewfinder, which meant sinking to his knees!

The way birthday parties played out, the `birthday boy' was tethered eagle-spread, arms and ankles snagged up in soft, leather cuffs and then hoisted up, while the legs prevented lift-off. When done with binding the victim, he resembled the X-frame.

After the first time two separate parties were accidentally scheduled for the same time, center-circle was outfitted so 2 could `hang'. A few options, bods could hang side by side, front to front, or back to back. Each positioning had it's advantages. Side by side, each willing victim were subjected to different forms of endurance, which made it interesting, variety spicing up the show. Front to front or back to back, depended on the space between, how they were treated... or mistreated!

About ready to get started, Grant assesses, "this is all wrong."

An experience, strung up in the underground `dungeon', was out to produce a gratifying concept, meant to stir up a feeling of pleasure-produced-pain. Being the first time Dierk has been at the Lumberyard playroom, it confused the hell out of him.

Taking it for what it was worth, instead of running the show, he become runner-up, allowing the hot top man, otherwise which he also knew, `cop' take the reins, "how so?"

Grant, who could become easily swayed by a hot man, wanting his expertise, a common frat-boy, it was rare to have a student in the trade.

"Hm-m," Grant stands there, one arm across his middle, the other, elbow pocketed in hand, fingers tapping on lips, "okay," he breaks formation, "this is what we're going to do."

It didn't go without notice, Grant, the main man at the moment, also a police office in the town. Even though anyone could I.D. him, based on his high profile, when Grant filled out the required paperwork, mostly for insurance reasons, he didn't put he was a cop, rather basketball coach.

On the paperwork to be filled out, before a soul entered the basement play area, in huge, larger than life letters, it was written in BOLD lettering: what goes on in the underground basement, stays there'...later on, someone in the underground - you pretend you don't know them out on the street'.

Whomever manned the desks, ordinary brown banquet tables, folding chairs for seating, it was the most asked question, the idea kind of vague.

Most visible of them all, Grant, a town policeman on occasion has pulled over a guy who has hung around' in the underground. At times he's chit-chatted over the hot evening they've had. Often, in lieu of a speeding ticket, he's sentenced the offender to his own brand of community service'!

"Okay, this is what we're gonna do..."

Grant didn't actually lend a hand, rather called on the underground dungeon-master' for the evening, whom was Geo. Usually the bouncer that circulated the building, watching out for guys needing to be bounced'.

"What, do I look like a maid?" Geo complains, seeing not only Grant walk away, but Dierk with him. Looking around, he cries out with a shriek of a whistle, eyeing up a certain someone, "hey Benj, come give me a hand, will ya?"

`Center-stage', a place where only players were allowed, Benj took the opportunity, handing his cell over to Adam.

Instead of doing his own dirty work, Grant takes Dierk off to the side, hand to shoulder, like a mentor should do.

"First time, eh?"

Dierk, not wanting to reveal certain things, says, "yep."

It moved Grant in certain ways, to hear what another's experiences entailed, "so, what has been your prior experience?"

Not the question Dierk had wanted to be confronted with, sticking to it, "a little of this, a little of that."

Very much on the up'n'up of dungeon etiquette, a 31-year old, who had his first s&m experience in his late teens, Grant mulls it over, spits it out, "let me guess. This is your first time in a dungeon?"

While speaking with Dierk on a 1-to-1 basis, Grant was able to do some traveling, from eyes to pubes and back.

"Um," he decides to crack, "yeah."

Standing there, it wasn't only the leather, apparatus on the walls, the tables and frames used for bondage, but what drove him to reaching down lightly stroking the secreted grease out of the tip of his shaft, it was kicking him up into hyperdrive, "I'd sure like to see what you've got?"

Dierk says, "then maybe we should get back."

Beginning to walk past him, Grant places a hand on his chest, "I was more thinking about something a little more private?"

Certainly, working Renaldo's bod for the night, it was a turn on for Grant, to show off his handiwork in front of a hungry crowd. However, after laying eyes on Dierk, he had the urge to crank things up.

"You mean, you and me? I don't think so," Dierk's chest puts pressure on the hand.

"Well yes, but I was thinking more of a standoff?"

Sometimes, for Grant, things could get stale, so he found a new way to grease up the griddle and turn up the heat.

First, to get things off his chest, Dierk says, "the hand?"

"Oh. Right," Grant replies, dusting palms off. Laughing, saying something contrary, "I guess I should be punished for that?"

Dierk looked at him cock-eyed, "like, what's that about?"

A rugged individual, upholder of the arm of the law with a vengeance, when the situation called for it, Grant breaks his state of being, bending halfway, moving his head towards Dierk's left pec and takes a sample lick.

He bit his lip, Dierk feeling `wet' on his perky nip, a lick over the light fabric of his ginger-brown chest, which surprised him, much like when he made a team rival footballer do the same, moans.

Standing, "what I'd love to really do to you!"

Not knowing much about this mumbo-jumbo s&m stuff, Dierk responds, "but I thought you were a..."


"Yeah. I am, but there's always that 1%, when a guy's gotta experiment, if you know what I mean?"

Not knowing exactly what Grant was driving at, Dierk says, "no. I don't."

When Gio comes back, to tell Grant all is set up, he has unkind words to say about Grant escorting Dierk off to a private chamber.

Changing over Cris, to face Renaldo, it took time and energy.

Grant gives him more grief, telling Gio he's leaving.

"Now where am going to dig up two more top-guys to fill the void?"

With the great odds facing Gio, this was going to be a challenge.

When Grant and Dierk walk off center-circle, Adam takes it upon himself to remark, "what the hell was that about?"

Hearing it, Gio's HD-hearing picks up on it, zeroing in on the one who said, his voice ringing through the crowd, "you!"

Looking around, Adam wondered if the finger pointed in his direction meant, "who me?"

Benj just had to capture this on his cell, Gio walking towards his boyfriend, then Adam complaining he was the wrong sort of guy to pull this off.

With the crowd getting restless, especially the birthday boys, Gio had to pull strings, "okay, if I owe you one, will that get you to the center-circle?"

"Owe you one?" Adam questions. "Like, how would that go?"

"You know," Gio grew impetuous, "owe you one, like `owe you one!'"

Fortunately for Gio, Jack Key, who had come to the Lumberyard to get some drinks with Dierk, then abandoned, had found his way from the upstairs bathroom.

There was a downstairs bathroom, but that was only for kinky use...watersports and the like.

Coming down the stairs once more, he pushes his way through the crowd and happens upon Geo, "hey, you see Dierk?"

"Wow," Gio remarks, having viewed Jack from head to crotch, "you know anything about s&m?"

"Probably more than I do," Adam nudges his way behind Jack's ass.

Kind of enthralled with the bear look Gio took on, Jack felt a lie was in order, "sure, I know a lot about that stuff."

Picking up the rope which acted as a barrier, Gio says, "well then, step into the ring!"

Cris would've left the circle and gone over to Tommy and asked him, but tied up for the moment, all he could do is jerk his neck, to get Tommy to come to him. Everyone knew it tabu to enter center-circle, so there was back and forth yelling, until Tommy points to his own ear, mouthing the words, `hold on, I can't hear you'.

Stepping into the tabu zone, Gio is on it, "hey, where the hell do you think you're going?"

Tommy says, "I was' going to offer to help you' out, but never mind!"

Going off to mind his business, Tommy wore a smile.

"Hold on a sec there..."

Little did anyone know, except Gio and Jack, they were fighting over who was to do who. Not which Jack was against playing with a frat boy, he liked the looks of Renaldo.

Gio had another job to do, bouncing those whom deserved it. Turning from Jack, he says, "okay, Adam." Unknown to him, Adam had to go take a leak. "Adam?" Then, turning to the camera man, "where did Adam go, Benj?"

"Little boys room. Nature call."

He knew the crowd was getting beyond moody, "y'know, cameras are illegal? You could get kicked out?"

"Are you going to kick me out?"

"I'll let it slide, if you do me one intsy favor and take up the other place in center-circle?"

One thing bothered Benj about this proposition. Looking overhead, he spots only 2 sets of hanging devices, "well," he still stares upwards, "it would be my first time, so you'd have to go easy on me?"

Eyes back down, on Gio, he looks at the leatherman with much the same reaction, in question.

"What I meant," Gio takes Benj in the curve of a friendly arm, "you wouldn't be hanging from the rafters, if you catch my drift?"

Well, as it turns out, Gio winds up owing 3 favors.

When Adam learns of what Gio wanted to speak to his boyfriend about, "you, Benj?" he laughs.

Flexing his biceps, "What? I don't look mean and dangerous?"

Adam responds, "to a flea maybe!"

Truthfully, Benj had the build, but not the demeanor, something Adam drew off of, sweet, cute and often funny in expression, which hardly made Benj the picture of a mean ogre, even if it were make believe.

Dropping all that power out of his hands, Benj laments, "and I was thinking of at least ten ways to cash in on that favor Gio owes me!"

"Oh? This favor is only for you?"

"Of course not. What's your's is mine and what's mine is your's, isn't it?"

He got Adam there, "but we're not married yet, Benj?"

"Oh-damn," it made the cell slip from Benj's hand, "was that just a proposal?"

It would be something to think about later, but as it stands, since Benj hadn't turned the cam off on his cell, he got the informal proposal on video!

Jack, having not been an organized dominant-top-dungeon-master, wasn't sure to start, scratching his head, while surveying Renaldo's hairy bod.

Knowing exactly what was running through Jack's head, "Ps-s-s-s-st! Grab some nip clamps, ball harness, flogger and a medium size buttplug...the kind with the belt, which holds it in place."

Well, Jack did wonder where Tommy went and soon found him at a wall, choosing this'n'that.

"You look like you know what you're doing?" Jack asks.

"I've done a little, even though I'd rather just have the sex. But...since Gio owes me a favor, I'll collect later!"

Jack got a quick lesson in Torture 101, having mentioning what Renaldo suggested to him.

"Depends on how much you want him to scream," Tommy held up two different calibers of nip-clamps.

"He didn't say," Jack claims.

"Take both. If he doesn't wince when you put these rubber-coated ones on, then switch off to the croc clips."

Jack took both, asking, "which ones are you taking?"

"Neither. I'm using these," Tommy smiles, holding up both hands, moving index fingers and thumbs, like he was squishing something.

It wound up, Jack tossing the clamps on the table next to where they were both bound and using the same `implements' as Tommy.

Though, with Renaldo mocking, "this is sissy stuff," Jack changed it up, going right to the croc clips!

What can happen at these affairs, `happened', dudes feeling left out and soon those who personally did not know Renaldo and Cris, left to do their own business. It thinned the crowd out tremendously.

"Hey," Jack calls out, looking at Adam.


"Looks like he means you," Benj, holding the phone still, looks around.

Even some of the frat's whom had come out to help Cris celebrate his birthday, had vanished. Cris didn't care. With Tommy there, that was all that mattered.

Gio knew the club was trying to cut costs, playing bouncer and ringmaster, but being asked to get a mop and pail to clean up, that was pushing it too far. Though, when he saw one lonely dude, what he perceived as a college kid, he handed him the mop and owed another favor!

Center-circle wasn't any different.

While Jack reeked havoc on Renaldo's nips, Tommy, was gentle with Cris, tweaking his, leaning in and sweetly delivering some heavy metal sugar.

With the flogger in his hand, Jack painted some stripes on Renaldo's back and ass, while the croc clips were swinging, tiny weights attached.

Tommy still treated Cris sweetly, but to keep up, dropped a hand and worked his balls some. He also made Cris lick his hand off, when some sap flowed out!

Last on his list, Jack had a buttplug in his hand, but it didn't make any sense to him, when he was already primed to plug Renaldo with his 7c.

"Hey, you got a condom?"

Gio didn't, saying, "usually guys provide their own, as the rules go."

Jack, already seeing he could rule Gio's mind, "well, go find me one and hurry it up, before I shoot my load on the floor and make a spectacle out of you, licking it up!"

`Well!' Gio didn't voice opinion out loud, but thought this kid had a lot of fuckin' moxie!

While searching for a condom, which he couldn't readily dig up, he wondered what Jack's punishment would be for not finding one. Then it occurs to him, this is center-circle and not one of the play rooms. He wasn't about to crash anyone else's fun and games. Gio did have one gripe, paying some dude for a condom, when he could have bought a whole box...but the guy was cute, so he let him slide!

"Here you go," Gio says, holding the packaged condom on the tips of finger and thumb.

Tearing it open with his teeth, Jack says, "you're too late. I got one off some guy."

Gio's jaw dropped open, partially surprised, but in disgust that some young college frat had ripped him off - all for nothing!

When the time came, for the willing victims to get their birthday fucks, all of Cris' friends had left, which didn't make Tommy feel all that bad!

Renaldo, his small circle of buddies were still there.

Benj got some good angles, holding his cell between Jack's pubes and Renaldo's ass. In fact, he was amazed at how easy it was to get some video of a cock sliding into a man's ass.

"Hey, I think I'm getting pretty good at this!"

Renaldo and Jack, they didn't give two hoots about Benj's opinion.

Cris, well Tommy was still working him up to the blast off stage, hands flicking, over and over, working sore nips with sharp, metal teeth. A well-oiled machine, in sync with each of its parts, the moans of pleasure came at the precise moment for each, like two opera singers in a duet!

"I know you!"

Adam, who was engaged in stroking his own cock to the tune of the two happenings up center-circle, turns his head around, "oh? And who are you?"

He had to swallow, Adam turning his head, then whole self, drawn like a magnet to the tall, dark-haired, from shoulders to... dude.

He giggled, saying, "we met briefly...Gary Lime...I would have been your dorm chaperone, if you had stayed?"

Still not remembering, Adam is frank, "sorry. I can't seem to recall."

"Not a problem," the 32-year old hairy muscle-hunk replies, stepping over to Adam and offering a hand to shake.

Giddy thought, Adam was hoping maybe for a `bear-hug'!

"Good to meet you...again, I guess?"

Apparently, Gary did meet not only Adam, "your boyfriend," he nods towards Benj getting all the good angles, "he a porn photographer major?"

The beard caressed Gary's smile, which to Adam, sweetened the whole facade, "I don't think they offer that course at CCCC...but maybe they should!"

Only once did Adam catch Gary look at the activity he had been engaged in, but what gay man, when presented the opportunity doesn't check out a naked crotch?!

After a laugh, Gary says, "well, if they ever do and need an older model, you know I'll have my hand up first!"

Was funny, Adam laughing along, but really with hidden desires, playing Gary's supporting actor, "and I'll be next!"

After that, the two turned their attention to Jack reaching the apex of drilling Renaldo's ass.

Benj, he was having the time of his life. Not long after getting into the swing of camera-ship, it's not like his shaft wasn't reacting.

Of it, Gary says, "doubt very much they'll be much sap left, after your boyfriend's done filming!"

Getting wise, Gary not the only one checking the meat supply, Adam jokes, "I could say the same for you!"

Knowing he had checked Adam out, the same reciprocated, he confronts, "mind if I..."

Adam didn't feel a bit boyfriend-unfaithful, allowing Gary to handle his cock, not until Benj turns around. Then he felt mighty guilty when the cell-cam turns towards his waistline!

Dropping Adam's dick, Gary apologizes, "sorry, Benj!"

All Benj had to gripe about, wasn't what the hirsute hunk was doing, but, "who's he?"

"Gary," Adam names his cock-handler, "says he knows us from when we lived in the dorm."

More, Benj didn't care as much who he was, but that, stroking his boyfriend, it kind of fit the script, "well, should we get the camera rolling?"

"No," Gary questions, "you don't mean?"

Physically taking Gary's hand and placing it back on his hard 8-inches, Adam says, "that's what he means...that is, if you don't mind?"

"Long as it's coming from your boyfriend," Gary was accommodating.

While he was at it, Benj filmed Gary, who every now and then would bend over Adam's pec, giving his nip a quick lick or gnaw!

Jack, he didn't feel bad, perhaps a little `prankish', when he was ready to come, pulling out of Renaldo's ass, ripping the condom off and squirting streams of his goo out on the floor. His smile grew, Jack's mind running away with himself, thinking of Gio down there, on his belly and licking it up.

However, Gio, seeing the crowd dissipate, went about his duties to the Lumberyard, making sure everything ran along at a hunky-dory pace. It was his job to make sure there wasn't any trouble and if there was, the `trouble' would be out the door on their ass.

Unlike Jack, going at Renaldo like a rabid dog, Tommy, the gentleman he is, asked Cris if he would mind getting his birthday `strokes' in private. Cris let down from his bondage, he and Tommy left.

"Where are you going?" Adam asks Jack, when the fucker walks away.

With no answer, Adam question the cam-man, "where's he going?"

"I dunno," Benj says, a grin on his face. Holding up the cell, "but I sure did get some hot shots!"

Adam and Benj didn't stay, leaving right behind Tommy and Cris.

Not sorry, but to their surprise, Gary says, "mind if I tag along, or don't you two do that type of stuff?"

Said in a timid way, Adam knew Gary thought he was treading on a pane of glass, "well," he put it, "we never have!"

Walking up the stairs, neither Adam, nor Benj, gave Gary a concrete answer, just going with whatever will be, will be.

Right at the top of the stairs, to the right, at the end of the bar, Gary exclaims, "Todd!"


"What are you up to?" Gary walks over, giving Todd a hug.

"Waiting for you!"

From there, Adam and Benj kind of guessed where this was going. Though, Gary wasn't without an apology.

Proceeding, they found their way to the hallway closet, retrieving their clothing.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Benj asks, stepping into his briefs.

"Why, when we go home and have some of our own bondage fun!"

On the way out, they did see their college prof on his way in, Benj calling out, "Professor Hamburg, how goes it?"

Already knowing he had the hots for Benj's bulging pecs, replies, "okay, but I'd do better if you were on your way in and not out?"

It did tickle the two, their college prof acting like it was an invite, standing there, like he was waiting for an answer.

Hesitating too long, he offers, "or we could go to my place?"

Again loitering in the parking lot and trying to figure out what was the right thing to do, `Burg hassles them, "c'mon. Follow me to my place."

For a fact, because Cris had mentioned to them, it wasn't every frat-boy that their theater prof invited to his private mancave.

"I guess we could..." Adam took the upper hand.

Strangely, when they got to `Burg's place, a nice ranch house on the edge of town, they sat around in the buff, watching old movies their prof had made when he was in college.

The three sat together on a sofa. Whenever Benj or Adam got up, to go to the bathroom, Burg would scoot over and take their place. When they came back though, he would scoot back. It wasn't too eventful, until Burg put on the last reel, showing them his attempt at making a gay porn movie!

"Oh," Benj exclaims, pulling his cell out of his pants pocket, "got something you might want to take a look at!"

No, what `Burg wanted to look at is Benj once again without the shirt on...maybe less!

Adam fills in the blanks, "Benj filmed my," he didn't mention limo driver, "friend's birthday party."

Knowing where Benj and Adam spent the evening, time wise and leaving goo on the floor, their prof disputes, "but they don't allow filming in the underground?"

"Gio didn't seem to have a problem with it," Benj says. Right after, he realizes Gio's last words, if someone asks, `he' didn't have anything to do with it, "I mean..."

Not being able to conjure up another excuse, before `Burg turns this into a circus, "he did, did he? I'll have to speak to Gio about that."

Holding his cell, Benj says, "well, you want to see some hot porn or not?"


Spectator, Adam loved watching the two react.

"On?" Benj questions.

"Is this going to be a 12-tissue cleanup?"

Adam does break in, "you grade a student on how many tissues it takes to sop up the sap?"

"Oh no!"


Adam and `Burg flock to Benj's arms, peering into the lit screen.

"It's out of focus!"

Not which he was angry, Adam not really wishing for Gary's hand on his cock to go viral, "oh what a dam shame."

"Well," Professor Hamburg says, "if you want, we could always do a redo, with a real camera?"

A giggly laugh, Adam proposes, "will it be starring your cock?"

Being Burg had just shown up at the Lumberyard, he and Benj leaving, their prof would be more likely to have the stored up energy'!

"Maybe we could work something out?"

Leading the collegiate couple to a back room, Karl Hamburg knew he was taking a big gamble, having two frat boys in the privacy of his home.

"Of course, what goes on here, stays here, if you know what I mean?"

"Of course," Benj and Adam agreed.

Placing a hand on a knob, "and, of course this will not affect your grade?"

"Or," Adam was about to cut a joke, something about it making for a nice bribery tool, suddenly loses his train of thought.


It resembled an ordinary bedroom, rug on the floor, dresser, lower bureau, armoire, except the full sized bed, with an overhead wooden canopy, standing away from a wall.

Photographic equipment stood at key points of the room, lighting as well.

However, this was not as shocking to Benj, and surely Adam, as a stripped-naked dude, staked out to all four corners of the bed, lying there with a gag in his mouth.

`Burg, seemingly ignoring the two, says, "I hope you've been a good boy, Gill?"

It was 3 years ago the prof had happened upon one of the landscapers at CCCC. Guillaume `Cabe' Cabrere had, right after graduation from high school, gone to college. His first year, Cabe was unsure that what he was doing, was what he wanted. Choosing the next best thing, against his father's wishes, he went into the navy. While in the service, something happened which changed Cabe for life...or at least part of how he wanted to live his life.

Two things happened in the navy, which would influence this.

First, he came across an amateur group of actors who could sing and dance. Cabe had a great singing voice, but only a few dance steps which would hardly impress `Dancing With the Stars' producers. He soon learned and turned into a top notch amateur, offstage song'n'dance man.

Second event, right after his first show, he was sent out on a mission. Unfortunately, their small ship had ventured into Iranian waters and the whole crew was taken captive.

Divided into groups, it seemed like the interrogators was choosing them by the muscled vs. the mediocre. Cabe, a devout visitor to the gym sported big, muscled pecs, slight covering of hair, stripe down six pack abs, deep navel on a taut lower stomach. Very muscular, one bicep sported a tattoo of a cross.

Stripped of his shirt, that was one facet of Cabe's bod which stirred up his captor's interest.

"You Christian?" came the slight broken English, with a British twang.

Instead of name, rank, serial number, the usual drill, Came replies, "What of it?"

Some factions don't give a damn about the `Geneva Convention' which had Cabe taking the butt of a rifle in the gut. Others of his group protested, even as Cabe was being walked out of the room.

Apparently, the leader, regardless of the strict religion he followed, took Cabe to a private room.

Cabe was amazed, that compared to where he was brought from, to where he was now, they looked like night and day, or rundown, cold facility, compared to a lavish bedroom.

Like his chosen circumstance now, in his captive state, Cabe was stripped naked and tied eagle-spread to the bed.

After the guards had left, the head honcho starts making himself comfortable, unbuttoning his uniform, stripping it back over his shoulders, "not that it matters, but do you happen to be a `gay' man, Private Cabrere?"

Again, he should've avoided confrontation, stating name, rank, etc., "fuck you!"

Truthfully, Cabe wasn't giving his stripped down interrogator the benefit of the doubt. Fact is, man-to-man combat could be just as satisfying in the sack, as in battle, just a different choice of weaponry!

"Hmm, we will see about that!"

By now, any guy could detect what was about to happen. Not meaning to show it, when the interrogator allows his cock and balls to fall out of his pants - no briefs - Cabe did wet his lips.

Any second now, Cabe had the idea his interrogator was ready to jump on the bed, divide his legs and begin the `interrogation'. Certainly, the long, thick shaft he held on the palm of his hand, was paraded in front of his eyes for sole purpose of gaining a confession!

As it goes, while their governments were working out the details of release, Cabe was treated in a cruel manner, chest and stomach whipped, his interrogator trying to gain truth, not why the navy ship was in foreign waters, but to whether he was `gay'...or not!

No words were really needed after that first time. Sitting on Cabe's red, welted chest, it stung, but taking that thick, fat cock in his mouth was like a bowl of sweet cherries. Not to mention, in case Cabe got any ideas about `biting down', a noose was tied around his balls, the other end in reach of his interrogator. New to him, Cabe didn't mind it if his balls got a tug now and then!

He hadn't a clue to what day it was, only hoping the navy would take their time in the negotiations. All good things coming to an end, they did finally settle. Last night a captive, Cabe wasn't tethered to the bed and showed his interrogator how they made love in the `West'!

"So," Burg started in, "are you ready to film a real' porn movie, Benj?"

For certain, Benj had a feeling the hot man, bound to the bed, would be one of the characters in the movie, "um, depends on who the actors are?"

Adam bows out, "not me, that's for sure! I'm standing right over here," he takes to leaning an elbow on the dresser, "out of the camera's eye!"

"Any other takers?" the prof asks, looking to Benj.

Getting himself off the hook, Benj says, "I'm going to be behind the camera. Remember?"

Stripped down to his hairy ass, Hamburg again assumes that famous position, arm across the middle, the opposite elbow in the pocket of a hand, fingertip tapping at his lips, "hmm, it does seem like we're missing at least one key player."

Reaching to his pants, the prof emerges from a pocket with a cellphone.

"Just give me a minute."

Listening to a dial tone, while fondling himself, `Burg says, "this'll just take a minute."

A few seconds into `Burg's call, Adam and Benj look at each other when they hear the name called out...

"Bobby. Yeah, I was wondering if you're free for the moment?"

He wasn't, but the voice in the background was about to free up the lad.

Threeway conversation, between two people, Bobby forked information over to the dude in bed with him and relayed it back to Karl.

Next name named startled the couple as well, their prof saying, "okay Thomas. You don't mind?"

"The auto shop?" Adam guesses.

More importantly than recognizing a name, Benj says, "if Thomas is coming over, tell him to bring some toys, mainly nip-toys?!"

"You're pathetic, Benj," Adam tells him.

Apparently, Thomas did get on the line, `Burg relating the same message, "Benj says not to forgot your duffle bag of toys!"

To Adam, Benj says, "I didn't say that!"

"Does it matter?" Adam gives Benj's nips a little tweak!


It didn't go by `Burg without a notice, "like that, do you, eh Benjamin?"

Adam, in a truly joking mood, says, "yeah he does, but they're only for my use!"

Jumping on the mocking bandwagon, Benj laughs, "ha, he got you good, `Burg!"

Snottily, `Burg got his revenge, "that's Professor Hamburg!"

"Oh, come on," Adam disputes, "it's not like we're in the classroom."

Then it comes to Benj, "hmm, just what do we call you, when we're doing stuff like this?"

It made Prof Hamburg smile, thinking this just might not be the last time he sees these lads `making porn,' "let me demonstrate."

Reason for only 3-speaking people in the room, Hamburg goes over to the bed, leans in half and plays with the strap at the back of Cabe's head.

Right after removing the `silencer', a red rubber ball attached to a leather strap, Cabe says, "thank you, master."

"Master?" Adam and Benj speak out at the same time, followed by hilarious laughter, which seemed to be mocking the prof.

Now, if that were Cabe, he knew what would be in store for him, not which he minded a good flogging on the back, across his big, tough pecs, or abs, to him an invigorating tool to get the endorphins, and more, going!

"So," Hamburg goes to rebuckle the gag, "what do you think now, Benjamin?"

Adam, wanting more answers and sure he wasn't about to get them from their theater prof, "no, leave it off," Adam walks over by the bed, "I've got a few more questions."

Cool, calm and collectively, Hamburg says, "sure. Interrogate any way you would like to."

Meantime, while Adam delivers `fifty questions', the prof works his way over to the other side of the room, "so, Benjamin, care to try on some jewelry, which I'm sure will get your loins pulsing?"

Over both pecs `Burg had zeroed in on both perky nubs and with the knuckles of both index fingers began working the hard tips.


Slowly, with more volume than before, Benj felt the pulsing, not only from the theater prof's applying more and more pressure, making nips swell...


"I don't believe it," Adam says.

"Me neither," the man stretched out, tethered to the bed says, looking up at Adam, stroking to the action.

It did call attention, not to his boyfriend, with nips being sweetly worked over, but down at Cabe. First, it made Adam smile, the familiar wanting' sign, lick of the lips'. Then, turning his stroking hand in his direction, the hard shaft now lying out on the stroker's palm, Adam half-jokes, "oh, you want this, do you, `boy'?"

However, Adam's joking only made Cabe salivate to the point of dribble, which slurred his words some, "if it pleases the master?"

On the other hand, across the room, Benj had succumbed to not only the master's hand, but also the whims of what is expected of a lowly slave, "damn-yeah!"

Then the action stopped!

Not Adam, who kept up the pranking, standing at the side of the bed, legs spread shoulder-width, hand gently stroking, producing the sweet oil Cabe desired. Onto the unused hand, Adam's finger didn't waste a drop of the oily creme secreted from his shaft, reaching down and mixing it with his self-proclaimed slave's wet lips.

Again, joking, it made Adam giggle, feeling touch of lips to his finger, "had enough, boy?"

`Burg, he was just getting started, on again-off again, like a faucet to water, stroking both cock-barrel and nip, alternating left and right with the starting-stopping, "you want to come so bad, don't you boy?"


Yet again, Benj would have to wait for his drippy faucet to turn into a shooting stream, the prof applying pressure to both shoulders, a familiar sign in his world of fantasy play, telling the boy to sink to knees.

"Wait," Benj still took the hint and now talked `up' to the master, "I thought I was going to come..."

Not only did Benj see, when he looked up, at the prof's evil, smiling face, lips curved up into a seductive grin, but a hand on not his shaft, but stroking the `other' big one, "in time, boy, in time."

Rightfully, the age difference, the prof 32, Benj almost 20-years old, they could pass for father-son, but with Adam standing there, passing off a tasty meal to his tied-down cum-slave, 19-years vs. 29 didn't fit the pair.

In fact, Adam thought it weird, calling the tattooed, muscled landscaper-maintenance man, whatever his function at CCCC, a `boy', when in his eyes he was a certified older dude, "bet you want the whole thing, eh boy?"

"Yes, sir."

Strangely, it strikes Adam to look over at the other two, "hey, isn't he supposed to be saying `please'?"

Adam started to chuckle, all of this a joke, but it wasn't so, seeing his boyfriend on knees, head bobbing at his theater prof's pubes!

His jaw dropped, with a reaction making him stutter, "really..." he swallows, "Benj?"

Having an answer for almost everything, Prof Hamburg turns to his student, "you got a dam hot cocksucker here, Eastman!"

What lured them into the college prof's home, special bedroom, were a number of factors; hungover aura of being in the underground cavern of the Lumberyard, more beer than can be consumed without having a little buzz and sheer desire to know more about this s&m stuff, tempted by fingers working sensitive nubs...

for certain, Adam still had that buzz going for him, "oh. Okay."

Seeing Benj having a go at not only making his prof a happy man, Adam has the drive to want the same for himself!

Like mounting a horse, same time one knee is to the left of Cabe's right thigh, the other leg is being thrown over the whole torso.

Adam could go either way, push up, place both legs on the inner thighs and `go to work', but carries through on his original idea. Not so different than if it was gravitating towards oral sex, Adam scoots up Cabe's abs.

Only difference than making love, a more forced approach, his victim tries like hell to see what he's feeling, wet tip of a cock, a pair of balls, dragging up his treasure trail. Cabe never thought, this supposedly going the other way, a top-man's cock moving in the opposite direction, for the purpose of working his tight ass.

Still, it's all good, "Oo-oh-aah."

Seeing Cabe's mouth open as he voices opinion, Adam, wasn't getting anything out of dragging his cock up the hairy abs-trail, butt feeling the tips of his slave's hard nips, and the final positioning of the flange of the shaft on wanting lips, mimics, "you want to taste my juice, boy?!"

Though it was no joke, Cabe surely to placed on the punishment block, "damn-yes!"

It's times like these, a bottom-boy wishes he wasn't tied eagle-spread to a flat surface, without the feasibility to take hands and feed a hard shaft into the emptiness of a wanting and waiting mouth. Though, to compensate, there's always the tongue!"

Way beyond this stage, Benj is fully in the throes of tantalizing the master's ding-dong. Several times already, the feeling of tit-for-tat, he's massaged, bathed the sides and tip of `Burg's stiff shaft.

Feeling the pulses, dispensing a controlled excretion of sweet cream, he's made the master sing like poetry, "yeah..yeah, boy...I'll make a cum-sucking pig outta you yet!"

Not only a cocksucker, Benj has his own opinion on that theory. Seeming like an hour ago he first fell to his knees, there's no opportunity to look down, see how much of his own goo he's extracted. Only, once in a second or two has his long shaft touched the floor, feeling `wet'. Though, a pool of gooey oil is not the only benchmark for noting he's having a hot time.

More into it now, Adam has leaned over and though boy-Cabe's wrists are already lashed to the upper, wrought iron fence of the bed, still, hands in hands, he pins his victim to the bed.

Forcibly, Cabe couldn't give opinion if he wanted to, other than self-gratification, a humming sound, hard shaft plunging in and out of the throat. It wouldn't be the first, probably not the last time he's had his windpipe circulation cut off. Though, with experience Cabe how to live with it, without losing consciousness over it!

On the other hand, not which he has his cock-master apologizing over it, Benj has gagged several times.

One of the things the master to the new cock-slave has not impressed upon, was praying-hands-behind-the-back. If Professor Hamburg had done this like a well rehearsed script, he would have cuffed and linked the his slave's wrists at the back. However, it wasn't all the bad, feeling not Benj's lips on his hard stalk, but the occasional hand, all he has to say about that, "you'll get used to it, boy!"

And, each time he said it, which was often, he laughed, `Burg putting a hand to the back of his cock-slave's head, forcing his shaft deep, down the throat!

Now, the next time he did this, Benj, hands using the prof's thighs to dislodge the thick bat, he starts into an uncontrollable coughing spree!

Turning around, he announces, "oh-damn, I think I'm gonna hurl!"

Not the first time for Burg, he reaches for the emergency pot', an old spittoon.


Adam to the rescue, "Benj?!"

Though, instead of hopping off of Cabe's chest, Adam un-spoons his lover, pulling soft cock away from the ass.

Coughing still, Benj swings his legs off the bed and sits up.

"What brought this on?" Adam half-sits up, reaching an arm around his lover's shoulder.

"I dunno... I think I was having a bad dream...though..."

There wasn't much covers covering them in the bed, Adam saying, "you still feel like you want to hurl?"

About his dream, Benj thinks on it, "um, not really. I mean, I don't think it was the beer and lack of food from last night that..."

Still foggy on Benj's mind, for Adam, "well, we didn't have that much to eat, damn that `Burg!"

Perhaps more guzzling of the booze than Adam, Benj swears it off, "do me a favor?" he forces himself to lie down again.

"What?" Adam responds, repositioning himself to lying half-on, half-off his boyfriend's bulky pecs.

"You'll stop me before I ever go off the deep end and drink that much?"

Pinging one of Benj's perky nips, Adam sends another message, one of pain and pleasure, "and of this?"


Act of signifying `enough', he places both palms over his meaty pecs.

Smiling, Adam had to say, "I guess you learned your limits last night, eh?"

Not which he remembers the binge, mix of pain, pleasure, booze and developing passion for having clamps and clips of varying degrees of size and `bite', Benj smiles, hands slowly slipping off pecs, "what exactly did happen last night?"

Trade off, Adam says, "I'll tell you...right after you tell me what you were choking over in your dream?"

Though, as they were both lying there, talking about it, it didn't escape their teen minds, how their building of ideas about what did happen last night, before departure from the underground, well, crotch grinding up against Benj's right thigh, coupled with a hand working his boyfriend's shaft, "how many times do you reckon I came last night?"

"Why?" Adam frivolously poses, "you want to know if you broke your previous record?"

What did happen last night, after Tommy released Cris from his bondage, the pair took off, leaving Renaldo still tethered with arms in the air.

Adam knew Benj had ached for the same experience.

Gio had happened by and upon hearing Benj say something like, wanting to experience it all someday', remarked, why not now?!'

The underground playroom closed down about hour before the upstairs bar. Dancing had stopped, music reduced to soft alternative pop, a time for couples to unwind, sober up if need be.

So, at around 2am, whereas most couples were winding down, Benj was being wound up!

"You don't remember what happened when they were cutting Renaldo down?"

Smirky lips, half a smile, Benj replies, "nope."

"Don't remember how these got like this?"

Too bad Benj had relaxed his palms, or rather maybe it wasn't that bad, "owch-stop-that!"

Another ping to Benj's sore nip, "oh, but I thought a felt a reaction?"

Normally, a ping to his sensitive nips, would give Benj quite a jolt. But jolt upon jolt last night, left his limp could to rubble.

He didn't need to reach down, look at his crotch, his lover already tell him what to think, "I guess I must've leaked out a lot last night?"

Slight chuckle, Adam says, "oh, Gio and his friend," he prolonged the curiosity, "they really had you going!"

Knowing Adam was jerking him around and not by the cock, "oh-come on...are you going to make me suffer?"

Said like joking, "I think you probably had enough of that last night, Benj...then again, as Gio put it, enough is never enough!"

To help prove Gio's theory, Adam scoots a leg over, replacing his hand with mashing pubes together. Slowly his tongue begins to work one of the `never-enough' places.

"You know," Adam catches a drip of saliva from streaming down his chin, "I'm kind of liking the idea of chomping on your nips?"

Like role-reversing it, Benj takes the back of Adam's head and with his own head planted in the pillow, "don't stop."

So much for words, as Adam has learned time and time again, `actions' speak much, much louder...

like, the mashing action getting much, much, much, much more intense!

Just when a dude thinks his Chevy is outta gas, he squeezes that last ounce of fuel out and gets that last mile in. Adam, orally working his boyfriend's pecs over, hands taking over, lips move down that skinny abs-trail.

He smiles, a slight indication he's building up another volley of volcanic momentum, well, a hand to his crotch, Adam is sure of it, ready for another go around.

Last night, or rather in the wee hours of the morning, he was sure shooting off his pistol 2 times was the max he could get out of his churning balls. But no, they must've been working on some reserves Adam never knew he had!

When finishing up on center-circle, Tommy cutting Cris loose, with Gio's help, they had gone their own way.

All through the night, from about 9pm, even though Benj was filming Renaldo's sweet ordeal, Adam could see how his boyfriend yearned to be suspended from the ceiling, his nips clamped-like-Renaldo. Maybe balls snagged up in a noose and weighed down, that could have been Adam's thinking, like could a man's orbs withstand so many fishing-like weights hanging from them, especially with a man coming at him from the rear and fucking the living daylights outta him?!

It's likely, Benj's dream last night was based on more than fiction.

Truth, they had gone upstairs, were at the hall closet collecting their rags, when come upon by Adam's theater professor.

Both bf's had thought that was the end of their evening, when Burg walks in with a dog' on a leash.

"Oh-damn," Benj had reacted, about ready to feed his arms into the sleeves of his tee shirt, placed around the neck.

In reaction to Benj, the obvious, eyes darting back between the dog' and master', it was tough to contain himself.

"Uh, are we ready yet?" Adam hints. Knowing what his bf might want to partake of, "or not?"

Adam was dressed, even though he skipped fitting briefs to his ass, stuffing the skimpy Nouguet slingshot into a pocket. He's already summed up, wearing a stringy thing, with a cock-pocket attached, was like nothing at all.

"Hold on a second," Benj says, frozen in place, "I'm thinking on it."

Boyfriend, head over his lover's shoulder, it was like Benj was spying on the prof and his `dog'.

They both smiled when Professor Hamburg says to the hallway attendant, "you lose any of my clothing and you lose your virginity!"

Adam thought it funny, Benj a little skeptical of the would-be threat, carried out, if the lad behind the half-door were to lose anything as valuable as leather chaps and vest.

Though, with that out of the way, it caused a tear in the pair of onlookers, Adam saying, "Professor Hamburg! It's me, Adam, from your theater class?"

Grabbing up the chain he had, connected to the authentic collar his `dog' had around the neck, Karl says point blank, "Adam who?"

Granted they've only had a few classes together, but back at CCCC, the prof has surely learned to put Adam Eastman' to the face. By the time second class had taken place, Prof Hamburg didn't even need to look at his class roster, able to call out Mr. Eastman.'

Since Adam had been through an evening or guys tossing around terms like master' and slave', he's surely gotten positions down pat. Probably, Adam would've been more reserved, if he hadn't still had a buzz on, mix of the evening's festivities and booze, "uh, wait a minute there, professor?"

Benj's expression, he wore the familiar, oo-oo-ooh', long, drawn out like a sung tune, mouth shaped like an o', eyes buggin' out, saying under his breath, `you've got your nerve, boy!' It made him giggle at his own words, but still conscious of how the prof would react to his bf's hand on his bicep.

"You've got a fuckin' nerve, Eastman?"

Funny, Adam thought, he didn't mention his surname!

From what shenanigans went on this evening, Adam and Benj taking a peek into different rooms of the underground, viewing a myriad of ways in which guys liked treating dudes, how dudes like guys treating them, working through pain and pleasure, Adam's not abashed to say, "yeah, I know," he laughs!

Not too sure about that, Benj cautions, "uh, Adam, I wouldn't do that if I"

While Benj gulps, Adams hand snatches the chain out of Burg's hand, reels the dog' in and smashes lips together!

Of some of the things they learned tonight, you don't go against a master. How would a master know if he was talking to another master, or a boy'? In some cases, whereas the boy' were not `clothed' in a lowly manner, only interaction could prove it. Though, a top-to-a-top, pretty much a few words and staring eye-to-eye could tell a lot.

Here, Adam daring to leash in another man's property and kissing the `dog', he comes out of it, jokes with his stunned prof, "is that spearmint or peppermint I taste?"

Benj could only think, the audacious attitude his bf has on the prof, very soon he could be tasting blood!


`Burg, grabbing the leash back, walking away, Benj says, "lucky for you, I'm sure he could've done some damage to that pretty-boy mug of yours!"

Thinking himself funny, Benj laughs.

"You think I'm pretty, `boy'?"

The place winding down for the night, not many were passing through the hallway. Alone, except for the relief lad hanging over the check-in, Adam gets the impression, "I bet you wish it were you on the collar end of that leash, eh boyfriend?"

The 50's year old dude having gone for the night, the 25-something lad butts in with his 2-cents, "if you don't take him up on the offer, I will!"

With the commotion, ongoing with Adam's theater prof and the aftermath, with the prof and his `dog-boy' walking away in a huff, Adam and Benj finally turn their attention to the attendant.

Plain, with little but his cute nose, deep-set eyes, shaggy haircut, small patch of hair midchest, `uneventful' abs, not much else can be seen, behind the counter.

Since Adam had monopolized the conversation with prof, Benj sighs, "I don't know what you'd do, boyfriend, with two dogs!"

Adam rolls his eyes. Certainly, he's not the only one with a buzz on.

Interrupting both their trains of thoughts, Gio comes by, "got everything squared away, Vincent?"

"Yes, sir," Vincent replies.

Perhaps Gio would've liked to have taken Vincent home, yet knew playing around with other employees was prohibited. Besides, he was sure there were lots of other boys who would line up to fill his shoes, taking a crack at pleasing a master all night!

To make a long story short, back in the bf's bed, Adam is sliding down Benj's bod and with his dick kicking up, sits up, spreading his lover's legs.

Benj, he would have loved for Adam to comment about his own hard stalk, but feeling the tip of a cock at his ass, well this was a time to remain quiet. Certainly, very soon, within minutes he'll be moaning and groaning with pleasure.

Just as Adam is about to penetrate, they hear a squeaky `mouse', "hey, okay if I play along?"

It's then, Benj wonders whether the dream he had last night could have been a dream, "where did you come from?"

For sure, in his mind a mashup of what was and what could have been remains cloudy!

Half in-half out, Adam playfully swats the tip of his boyfriend's shaft, "that's Vincent, you idiot!"

Giving Vincent recognition, the 26-year old taking on more the demeanor of a teen like themselves, Benj says, "oh-damn. I guess I forgot."

Truthfully, when Adam woke up, he had to do a quick check, taking attendance. In bed with him was Benj, but to verify they didn't fall asleep without a third, looking over the side of the bed, sure enough, there was Vincent, curled up in a fetal position on the floor, dozing.

"Well, I certainly didn't!"

What started out last night, or rather around 3 this morning, the lovers giving in to the persistent clothes-checker's badgering, they took him home.

Vincent claimed he would be no trouble, only looking for a place to crash. Even though the Castle had more than one bedroom, Vincent claimed it would be no trouble to curl up on the floor.

Too tired to think, Adam went along with it.

Now though, peering down at him, kneeling at the side of the bed, arms resting on the mattress, head propped up on hands and those puppy-dog eyes staring with a want to join in, Benj feels more of a want, reflecting on a few hours ago, "it did feel kinda good, feeling Vincent up, from the inside, out...while you did your thing?"

Slight recognition, Adam does recall, "oh. Right."

It then filters back through Adam's mind, of not only checking Vincent, curled up on the rug, but what made all of them tired out.

Then, a curve to his plain-faced lips, staring into his lover's eyes, perhaps Adam hurried his opinion over the jetlag of kneeling there, shaft half-buried, "if it makes you feel good, I guess why not?"

Indubitably, he loved it then, Benj, with Vincent bobbing his ass up and down his pole, while his ass was being split open, "climb on...climb on!"

At 5'9, undeniably for a muscle hunk like Benj, to have a lightweight straddling his middle, it was of no imposition. Then, as Vincent lowered his ass down, Benj didn't even need to lend a hand, it going right down his pole like it was oiled.

A night-into-morning event, filming videos of this, taking still-shots of that, Adam would have thought about grabbing his cell phone, taking pics of Vincent's ass gobbling his boyfriend's thick pole, but more engrossed in feeling and the visual three-way going on.

It got very hot in the room for a morning which normally was without the heat of the previous day.

Feeling Benj pulse, Adam could only gather it from Vincent, facing his lover, the two having a contest, to see who could stimulate the others' nips the most.

They didn't need any tools but hands, fingers and thumbs, Benj mauling Vincent's nips, the 25-year old doing the same back, "oh-damn, Vince!"

From the onset, Vincent had reprimanded them both on occasion, "I hate that's Vincent!"


Benj played it up so dramatically that he could have probably aced Prof Burg's theater class with and A+, after having Vincent' squeezing, twisting, pulling on his nips without remorse!

Adam, he didn't give two hoots what the two were doing to blow off steam. For certain, working his own cock in and out, a hand around Vincent's waist, grabbing up the only cock not stuffed in an ass, Adam was kind of liking this three-way business!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 15

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