Secret Signs

Published on Jul 24, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 013

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


Right before they were all dressed, Robby and Benj fitting loose clothing over their under-dressings', who should walk in, but the exec who owns the 2 Sean Auto Parts' stores, Johann Schmidt!

"Quitting for the day, Thomas?"


Hanging around the auto parts counter, waiting for the clock to strike 8, closing time for the store, Thomas rushes over, taking both of Johann's hands in his, "I can't recall the last time I saw you!"

Watching the two exchange a bro-hug, chests clashing, Benj, Adam, Robby and Todd smile, as Johann looks over Thomas' shoulder.

Comparably, Thomas was taller than all of them, until Johann walked in the door, towering over the bunch, at 6'4.

"Don't tell me," he approaches Benj, "you've hired us a new employee?"

Thomas knew, he didn't have the power to do that, but hadn't thought of it, how sweet it would be to have Benj as one of their `demonstrators', "it's not which I haven't thought about it, Johann," said an inviting way.

Walking right up to him, Johann says, "what about it, uh?"

He looks to the others.

All at once, they say, "`Benj'."

"Interested in a job, Ben?"

"Benj," Thomas says, cutting Johann's dominance down to size.

After giving Thomas the evil eye, "what about it, Ben-`je'?

Pays big dividends and room for advancement?"

They all viewed what those `big dividends' could mean and it wasn't Johann's tall stature...well, not the one above the shoulders!


Knowing what it could entail, Adam steps in, "no, he's not interested."

If it were the dungeon, Johann might have put a spin in his charm, adding a little rough stuff, but being his own store and apparently face-to-face with a damn cute alpha male, "I see. Your boyfriend, eh?"

Adam, thinking Johann had the upper hand, "good. I'm glad we got that straightened out."

Regardless, Johann, whom came on strong for all his customers, sensing they came in not for spare tractor parts, but to be led into the world of the back room, breaks out of his rough and tough character, chuckles, "well excu-use me for moving in on your action."

How could Adam be angry at such a hot looking store owner, loosened tie, top button undone, showing some of that hot, macho, dark chest hair, "I forgive you."

Thomas clears his throat. For certain, he knows this is not how Johann planned this to go.

"I'm Todd," Todd breaks the ice. "I don't think we've met?"

Smile on his face, Johann replies, "you `think' we haven't!"

"I don't recall?" Todd sounded foggy.

Throwing Todd a smile, he approaches and in his ear whispers, "bailed you out of that speeding ticket...old highway 64?"

How could Todd not remember, the overly horny deputy, new on the job, giving in to Johann's 9-inches. Not which Todd didn't mind, helping to take on the deputy at both ends, "oh yeah. It's all coming back to me now."

Standing there, gazing into each others eyes, like lost lovers reuniting, both had smiles on his face.

"Anyone we know?" Adam asks.

Very well knowing, Johann interrogates, "whatever happened to that deputy, Todd?"

"Beats me!"

Of course, they all wanted to know what the big mystery was, but apparently the two were not ready to share.

"So," Johann asks, "what's on everyone's agenda for this evening?"

"Business or pleasure?" Thomas inquires, since it's been known, Johann hardly ever visiting this location of his businesses.

"Business first, before we really get down to business," he says, with wit!

With reports they were off to a birthday celebration at the Lumberyard, Johann asks, "wouldn't be anyone I know?"

New to town, on Adam's coattails, "most likely not. First year at CCCC. Renaldo is my limo driver."

"Oh right," it suddenly occurs to Johann, "you're Adam Eastman, aren't you?"

Right off, Adam gets the idea, "you know my father?"

"We met at a trade show."

Adam hadn't realized it, "really?"

"Not recently. A few years ago. His company happened to be sharing the conference center, same one as the exhibition. By the way, how is he doing?"

"Uh, um," Adam suddenly got indigestion. He wanted to say fine, but knew otherwise.

Benj had found out, while they chatted up home-life one evening. Most likely even Todd hadn't realized it...maybe he knew, "Adam's father and mother perished in a plane crash, about a year ago."

Knowing it still fresh in Adam's mind, Benj wraps an arm around his boyfriend's bicep, comforts him with the warmth of his bod.

"Oh, I'm so, so sorry."

Thomas, he knew Johann could be a mean s.o.b., such as he found out when he accidentally placed an order for an expensive auto part, without getting a deposit. It also coincided with Johann getting it back in his face, Thomas not taking any grief from anyone. Out of it they became good friends and reason enough for Johann to put his employee in charge of running the private, back room.

"It's okay," what else could Adam say, but accept the handshake and affectionate hug.

Truly, Johann was feeling something for the couple, unsure if it were a little lopsided affection, more breathing in the whole persona of Benj, `the hunk'!

"Well, what time does the party start?"

When informed, in about an hour, at the Lumberyard, Johann says, "hmm, got a `costume' in my size, Thomas?"

For certain, Todd was not going to miss this, watching Johann strip down and fitted into a leather outfit.

Johann, upon inquiring if everyone else had found something to wear, couldn't wait until Benj unveiled his `costume' for the evening!


Meanwhile, Jack was being a good sport. Seeing Dierk down in the dumps, invited him out for drinks.

Accepting, Dierk said it was cool, because he wanted to know more about Jack's ideas on how to get on Adam's good side.

Soon, that thought was derailed. Showering, they came across 2 dudes whom were getting themselves together for an evening out. This was probably the distraction Dierk needed, so Jack thought.

Persuasively, Jack had invites them along.

From this, Dierk discovers, as he fishes for a pair of briefs out of the drawer, "I hadn't realized how persuasive you can be, Jack."

It's something Jack had been thinking of for quite some time, at least from last June, high school graduation, and throughout the whole summer.

From an affluent Boston family, both parents with their own mental health practices, came the prestige of attending a private school. Though, whether rich or poor, peer pressure was the same, only the circumstances different, comparing to college. It was like, high school, in a corral. College, a dude was allowed to roam the whole range.

Even though Jack hadn't the need to, his parents suggested he find a summer job. With attitude he had agreed to do so. Buffing up the physique wasn't the only reward to making it through a private boy's high school, without the bullying he endured from past years. He was then a senior, which was passed on the responsibility to make underclassmen's lives `hell'.

Reluctant to go along, Jack soon found himself to be the target again. He hadn't any intention of going through senior year, suffering like the rest. He set the record straight the very first day of his senior year.

The guys accepted Jack right off. In gym class, they were making a poor junior, down on his belly, do pushups. Not so drastic, but when he was naked, faced down, pushing up from a layer of thumbtacks, scattered over the floor where chest and stomach touched, this is where Jack made his impact. Rather, the junior, after Jack had made the poor guy stop, while reaching his hand underneath to widen the field. Implication, whenever the junior sank down, he cut the distance, barely grazing the floor.

All dressed down for showering, Jack has the audacity to press the sole of his foot on the junior's ass, dictating, "down all the way, dickhead!"

They all laughed when the junior lifted his head to scream out loudly.

The seniors had performed their first hellish prank of the year!

Much as Jack wanted to be a part of the senior class, putting guys through such torture', when the dude got up, thumb tacks embedded in the guy's chest, stomach, cock-barrel and a few clinging to his balls, Jack didn't quite feel like a hero'. He wanted to so much stop what he was doing, but fitting in erased all that!

Fortunately for the junior, the guys about to make him get down and do another 10 pushups, they heard coach's voice.

Everyone scattered, except Jack.

The junior, whom happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, revealed, "last time I'm practicing my tennis game here!"

Having been in his shoes, though not with the tack torture, Jack felt bad, saying, "you can go ahead and take your shower. I won't do anything to you. In fact," Jack manages a small smile, hoping all can be forgiven, "I'll be on the lookout for you."

The dude had thought he had picked all the tacks off himself.

With one remaining, Jack reaches towards his left pec, "uh, you missed one."

Looking down upon himself, the junior searches, "where?"

Before he could find it, Jack is picking it off, "I hope this doesn't hurt?"

That's when Jack got his return smile, "nope."

Tossing it over his shoulder, Jack was sorry he did, for when he took his next step, his foot `picked it up'!

Looking down, he manages to hop out of harm's way, led by the junior, which Jack rewards, "uh, thanks. I don't deserve that."

He is amazed to hear the junior say, "I have a feeling your heart wasn't into what the others were doing?"

"You're joking right? I mean, who's foot do you think was on your ass, pushing you into the tacks?"

They talked while walking around the corner to the showers.

"I know." Probably because Jack was acting harmless now, "I forgive you."

Truthfully, Jack was thinking of get-even tactics, not this, "how come?"

Laughing, another weird reaction, the junior, "okay, if you want, I'll slug you in the gut!?"

"Not really," Jack acts light-hearted, "I had lunch last period!"

It's then Jack realizes what could be a reason for such a tough prank, the junior saying, "if you want, you can do it to me?"

"Do what?"

This was the conversation which opened up a whole new realm for Jack. He had never guessed a dude could want thing done to himself, like having another punch in the stomach.

After the junior had explained a lot of things, Jack was quite baffled about what was coming out of his mouth. However, before the next gym class rolled on in, "we better dry off before we're waterlogged."

Jack went out first, to make sure the coast was, "all clear."

They found out to be in the same aisle of lockers, two benches apart. If it were different, an aisle over or so, both would not make a discovery about the other.

By the time they were dried off and dressed, they knew both were gay and punching numbers into each of their phones.

Jack couldn't believe he was befriending the dude he had helped bully. More importantly, leaving the gym, he was wondering how he was going to work around this?

Later on, at home, his dad was there, his mom en route from the office, "hey dad, a word?"

Dr. Key always knew something was up, when Jack asked that, "what can I help you with, son?"

They always got along, Jack knowing, it went a long way, not to fuss and fight, trusting, it getting him more of the things he wanted; clothes, entertainment, `a car', to name a few.

Too, his dad seemed to always have the answer to life's little problems. Another thing, if parents don't know what their sons or daughters are going through, like Jack, getting bullied last year, then he would probably be going through the same in his senior year. Instead, last year he came to his dad with the problem, which had him hiring a nutritional expert, just for his son!

Jack had to admit, the nutritionist, he knew his stuff and for a 30-something year old dude, was kinda `hot!' Even though he didn't get a lot of what he was saying, it was cool to sit there every week and stare!

So, Jack told him all about meeting `Donny', in such an awkward way. He didn't leave anything out, including pressing bare foot against bare ass.

Frank with each other, Dr. Key knowing his son gay, "did it feel good?"

Giving his father a look, like he was being pathetic, "really, dad?"

Even a straight person could joke like a `gay', at least Jack not taking it offensively, actually more like his dad one of the guys.

"Tacks, eh? That does sound like cruel and certainly, usual punishment?"

"Not my idea. I just happened to come in while they were doing it."

Jack knew he was about to be lectured, which he doesn't shy away from. He knew he was wrong, but at the time, he was also a teenager!

"So, instead of putting your own life on the line, you let this `Donny' suffer?"

"I know."

"Well, it's water under the bridge now, but since you two have made amends, what's your next move?"

His dad with 3 degrees, one a `phd', Jack was out for picking at his father's brain, "that's what I'm wondering. What should I do?"

The way it's always been, not handed the answer to a quandary right out, Dr. Key sits back, sips at his wine glass, says, "what would want to happen, if you were in Donny's shoes?"

"I'd want to be called."

What Jack was leaving out here, is more than the `call'. Really, he saw in Donny what was him, bullied last year, though not quite as dramatically, being lain down on the gym floor in a pool of tacks. Not only the circumstance, but Jack could've very quickly forgiven one of his tormentors, if he became friends, not a foe. Like Donny, his perpetrator was very good looking, studly and could have forgiven 10 times over.

"Okay, you call him. What's next?"

"I want to be friends with Donny," Jack cracks a little smile, "maybe more."

"Aha!" Dr. Key raises his glass, like saluting. Instead, the last drop in the bottom shoots out. "Oh my," he looks down at his white shirt, "your mother will have field day with this!"

The little spot of red he tries sopping up with a napkin, only spreads.

"Take it off."

With the ensuing conversation, Jack's dad exclaims, "what?!"

"Don't worry dad. I'm not gonna jump on ya!"

Both exchange that look, of a subject born, from when Jack opened up to his father, coming out. About coming out, the father and dad have kept it from the mother. Even though they are both accepting' in their consulting professions, Jack-senior has cautioned that it might not go over well, the thing about having grandchildren'. Well, that was several years ago, Jack-junior a preteen, but they still keep the secret guarded, `still' waiting for the right time!

Then, it was only last year, when they struck up a conversation of Jack changing his image for entering senior high school, beefing it up and getting fit. More lanky than fat, really all Jack had to add was some muscle. That's when Dr. Key set up his son with the family nutritionist.

One of the reasons Jack did admire his father's physique, which he studied right now, with stripping off the wine-stained shirt. It's not the first time Jack secretly `drooled' over his dad's definition, right on down to...well, not in recent history, but he's seen what his father looks like in the raw and he has nothing to be ashamed about!

This is another thing the father-son could joke about. Right around the time Jack was buffing it up, his nutritionist, Dr. Rydell had mentioned something weirdly gay', which really didn't have anything to do with the subject. Yet, when Dr. Rydell took a call in the middle of one of his consultation, Jack very well knew what semen' was, then tried to cover it up, that he said it, `semen' when he gets off the phone in a hurry. He thought he mentioned a dude named Bob, Jack knowing they were talking about something not on the food pyramid, but he treated it like nothin' happened.

Jack-senior gave his son a look, when faced with not getting jumped on, "I certainly hope not!"

Jack, being a senior in high school, the product of a psychiatrist and psychologist, being out to his father was no big deal, except in the way he could talk about anything and not feel embarrassed, "not which you won't like it, eh dad?"

It wasn't he had only 1 gay patient, his son, but Dr. Key counseled many from the LGBT community. However, some things out of his son's mouth he didn't laugh it up, but rather just smiled, "let's not go there?"

After all, the father and son had already gone there.' Again, stumbling upon something he should not have been so inquisitive about, it seems Jack, when his laptop wasn't charged, dared to use his father's. What he found on there, if he weren't gay, Jack would have been appalled. But he already knew what being bisexual' was and finding out his dad could be one, well it was another very understanding parent-son chat, which both handled with an adult touch, leaving neither one up in arms, considering the subject.

"Yeah, it might get you hard, eh dad?"

"No comment." Then, moving right along, Dr. Key asks, "so, you and Donny left on good terms. What's your next move?"

"Not sure. That's why I wanted to talk with you."

Jack's dad was the kind of guy, if it didn't happen to him, he knew of someone it did happen to, "the floor's open," he confers, while pouring himself another glass of red wine. He didn't bother covering up his hairy chest, the stripe down the middle, sitting to pick up where they left off.

What was `prescribed', he gave Jack-junior something to go on, which meant Jack would have to come out. He thought Jack could handle it.

"I can handle it?" Jack says with skepticism.

"Strength in solidarity!"

Making a fist, striving to drive the point home, Dr. Key punches his wine glass across the table!

As those teen years panned out, even though Jack did have a tough time his senior year of high school, in the first few weeks. Over the course of the year, others did the same and soon Jack was in the majority and not the minority. Still, part of the outcome, he looks back and sees how wonderful a parent his father meant to him, a guy he can still look up to and find answers, even though Jack knew his dad was lying about having a `gay' affair with Dr. Rydell!

Things from the past, a guy can learn a thing or two, which is probably why Jack catches Kennedy, right before walking out of the dorm room, "so, I'll see you later, right Kennedy?"

Really, Kennedy Wilmot wasn't a matriculated student. At 29-years old, a degree in business, he still did menial tasks at the family laundry and dry cleaning business. The first few times he dreaded going all the way out to CCCC to pick up bedsheets and table clothes from the exec lunch room. A new contract, the family business was expanding to handle schools and colleges. Three weeks into the job of handling CCCC business, Kennedy happened upon Konrad Hummelflug.

After Konrad took Kennedy back to his dorm room that one time, he knew something of what he's been pondering for a long time. Not only did Kennedy love the taste of cock, but could get into a guy making him do stuff.

Konrad, a sophomore pursuing a degree in the science of personal training, set about to help Kennedy firm up his bod. When doing pushups, Kennedy didn't mind it at all, Konrad goading him on, belt in hand, incentive' to do just one more'.

Turning both of them on, every time Kennedy did a pushup, the tip of his hard shaft would leave a wet spot on the floor.

After putting a few stripes on Kennedy's back, Konrad was ready to do some `pushups' himself!

It didn't go without a long, drawn out ritual, working Kennedy's nips, mashing with fingers and thumbs, while the 29-year old laundry-boy tongued his cock.

Even before Konrad set foot on CCCC grounds, he had hoped to find a `man' to get-with-the-sex. It was a dream come true, running into Kennedy, getting the best head. He wondered how he got so good at it, Kennedy saying more from experience. Lots of guys liked it different ways and from a variety of positioning and tutelage, he became a pro at cock-sucking!

Well, Konrad did have something to say about Kennedy's ass clinching his cock, reason why he set him to doing a daily routine of glute exercises!

Back in the shower, Konrad wasn't about to fall on his knees to service Dierk and that's when the tide began to turn. Instead of himself, Dierk turned his finger on Kennedy, "why don't we see how he handles two?!"

It seemed like a good idea to Konrad, the ginger lad wanting to take it back to the room. Back in the room, Jack became spectator to Kennedy's humiliation.

Call it bully-revenge, since Dierk was forced to abdicate his throne, Jack didn't feel pressurized to anyone he wasn't meant to be. Truthfully, he hated it when Dierk treated guys like dirt under his feet. It brought back bad memories, like trying to press Donny's cock and balls into a bed of tacks.

"That's enough!"

"What was that?" Konrad says, lifting the belt from Kennedy's back.

Unlike in high school, Jack didn't flinch. It's not like Jack didn't find out why Donny didn't mind, his bod ground into a bunch of tacks and actually receiving sexual gratification, taking the pain mixed with pleasure. It became another father-son conversation, leaving Jack astounded, to say the least.

Like he was an expert, Jack says, "I don't care if Kennedy `wants it,' what you're doing is..." he couldn't find the right word, he was sure of it, "malicious!"

It was the first time Jack ever saw anyone strike Dierk down!

"Asshole!" Konrad says, slapping Dierk in the face, bouncing his bod off the bed.

Jack couldn't help it, thought, it seeming funny, watching Dierk's cock and balls `bounce'!

"We can still do him," Dierk claimed, pulling up his pants as he ran after Konrad.

"Thanks for nothing," Kennedy rolls over onto his back, with a wince or two.

Jack knew he raised his eyebrows, seeing the leakage Kennedy made on the rug. All he could offer is a sarcastic reply, "sorry, but I didn't want to have to embarrass CCCC with an ambulance arriving at the front of the dorm!"

Then, after a few paces, Jack extends a hand, "here."

On all fours, butt to the floor, Kennedy just looks upwards, before accepting, "thanks."

It wasn't without a few more winces Kennedy rose to his feet.

"Don't think I'm not sensitive to your needs."

Not this mystified Kennedy to beyond recognition, the 29-year old saying, "I don't follow you."

"I'm not an expert at this sort of thing, but there are controlled environments, where you're not going to get your back ripped to shreds?"

"You know...about s&m?"

Shrugging a shoulder, Jack says, "I know, but it's not like I can say I've `been there-done that.'"

"Oh," is all Kennedy says.

Hanging with Dierk hasn't been all a bad experience, Jack liking certain aspects of the association, "but if you can take it, I like a nice ass to work-over?"

What else could Kennedy say, "sounds good."

Though, they both just stood there, without doing anything, not moving a muscle.

A firm believer in not going through something without a reason for it happening, Jack says, "you workout?"

"I guess it shows," Kennedy looks down his taut bod, "right?"

"Wouldn't mind working out with you, long as it's at a slow, even pace?"

One thing Kennedy had gotten out of this experience, a taste of Jack's cock, which sometimes, a taste of honey is worse than none at all!

"I'd like that. But..." he scratches his head, a nervous reaction for what he'd like to say.

"You're really into the s&m scene?"

Same time thinking about it, Jack's really glad he had the kinky conversation with his shrink-dad!

"Yeah," Kennedy acts squeamish about it, "I suppose so. I guess you think it's kind of dumb, a guy my age liking it?"

Not much different in looks than his friend Benj, Kennedy's chest was stocked with these beautiful, bulbous pecs. With little hair, mid-chest and nothing until a stream of black poured out of his navel, "you're really beautiful, you know?"

He didn't think it would hurt, making the first advance, running a few fingers down Kennedy's six pack.

Still, conscious about it, something which Konrad didn't care about, "you're okay with older men?"

It's like gravity were drawing them together on a magnetic level, "I'm a grad student, you know?"

By the time Jack had said this, their pecs were touching, along with lips.

However, Kennedy pulls back, "I don't think I can do this."

Rubbing his hands up and down Kennedy's biceps, Jack says, "I think you can!"

His smile was telling Kennedy something, which made him listening, "but `the other thing'."

"My father is a psychiatrist, I'm going to be one someday. I'm as open as he is about all things. Trust me. I can meet your needs, but it doesn't mean I'm going to treat you like filleting a fish."

The symbolism made Kennedy smile. With degrees in business, it wasn't like he was an entering freshman, with not experience at anything, "I don't know, but willing to see where things go from here?!"

It made Jack smile, when next he and Donny had met. The phone call, night before, had made it easier for the then teens to open up to each other.

With Jack, it seemed to lighten the blow, offering, "I'm headed out to friend of a friend's birthday party, if you want to join me?"

"You mean, a date?"

"I'm not really up on it, but it's at the Lumberyard. I think it's the kind of place you and I can get to know each other. No pressure."

About the Lumberyard, Kennedy says, "I've heard about it, but never been there."

"Me neither," Jack replies, "but I suppose there's a first time for everything!"


"Will you look at us?!" Adam says, entering the front door of the Lumberyard.

Todd felt bubbly all over. It's been awhile since he's been in the company of `youngsters'. Entering the Lumberyard, with such handsome young men, it made whole persona shine, "I'm looking...I'm looking," he chuckles.

However, from different cliques, situated around the lobby, where patrons stood around until their `number' was called, it was Benj getting many of the gazes.

"You sure did outdo yourself," Thomas says to him.

"Me?" Benj replies. "No thanks to you, well," he stops, sighs, "I have to admit," he looks down upon his chest, rings attached to the leather harness, falling directly over his perky nips, "I'm feeling...good!"

"Get ready to feel better," Thomas laughs his ass off, after tweaking-up both Benj's nips, stretching both through the quarter-size rings, squishing with fingers and thumbs.

Not which he minded at all, Benj stands there, mouth dropped open, "oh-damn! Not too much, if you know what I mean?"

"We know what you mean, Benj," Loverboy-Adam says, peering down at his boyfriend's junk-yard.

They both knew what kind of a place the Lumberyard could do for a guy; even more so, the `underground'.

Upstairs, drinks, dancing, meet-ups, breakups, casual rubbing of bods together, feeling a guy out, whether they were going to leave on parted terms, or `take it home!'

The `underground', which is often the slang the basement of the Lumberyard, was literally that.

Two guys meeting upstairs, finding out secret desires, would often wind up walking downstairs. A place where most descended, to work on that ultimate fantasy. For some it was about roleplaying, until they met with that ultimate blastoff. Others, they could meet with the same destiny, without all the dialogue, a top man working a hungry bottom dude, for the sheer ecstasy of pleasure and pain.

If they were lucky, a first meet up could lead to something more.

Unlucky were those who leaked so much...with empty reservoirs had to wait for the second volley to blast off!

On a busy night when the `underground' was in full swing, there could be quite the crowd, which meant standing room only. Tonight, in addition to Renaldo's birthday party, frat-boy Marek was about to turn 20.

Since Cris was Adam's friend, he was invited along to the party. Beforehand, having met Marek at the afternoon barbecue-swimming pool party at the Castle, and having learned there would be another birthday on the same, took the liberty of inviting him along.

"I hope you don't mind?" Cris says to Adam.

"Where is this `Marek'?" Adam asks.

"Had something to do...said he would meet me here."

"Oh," Adam mulls it around, his next fired-up question.

Edgy, Cris diverts the subject, "Benj looks really good tonight."

Whatever the conversation at hand, Renaldo had clued Adam in on the subject-switch, key to avoiding the topic.

Concerned with Cris, having made connection with 2 dudes, "uh, none of my business really, but what about Tommy Barnum?"

That's the predicament Cris would always find himself in, churning balls often affecting how the wheels of his brain turned. Often his judgement would go off kilter.

Unfortunately it's just what happened, when Tommy had to go and Marek showed up at the poolside.

Cris says, "Oh geez...would you believe I forgot?"

Adam could pretty much assume the gist of things, "you said you would see Tommy later, at the Lumberyard and any minute Marek is going to show?"

Not which it was any big deal, Adam confident Cris getting a thrill out of 2-on-1!

"I guess I'm fucked, eh?"

Smiling, Adam says, "don't enjoy it too much, Cris?" he pats him on the shoulder.

From dread, to seeing it Adam's way, Cris' frown turns into a smile, "yeah. Thanks for getting me out of some big trouble!"

Though Cris wasn't sure, thinking of Tommy and Marek could work out to be opposites. Certainly, he was out to have a blast, but wasn't at all sure of the outcome. He knew the 3 of them could be bounced out on their asses, if the action got out of hand. And, dammit! He wasn't about to lose privileges of being let into the underground club, simply over the dispute of 2 tops.

Ready to go back to Adam and voice his concerns, there by himself for the moment, stood Todd, talking with Tommy!

Working his way through the lobby, Cris says, "hey Tommy, or should I be calling you, `sir'?"

Apparently, it wasn't on Tommy's mind, "hey, how you doing, Cris?" Grabbing him up in a bearhug, lips pecked at lips.

Todd, of course he was a little jealous, a hot cub kissing a lightweight, right there in front of himself, "hey, you two want to get a room?" not leaving out, "or better yet, how about a threeway?"

"Some other time, pal," Tommy exerts his right to privacy.

`Oh no', Cris thinks, seeing Marek walk in the front door, over Tommy's shoulder.

Marek had only been at the pool party, hearing about it from a friend of a friend's friend about the birthday festivities. Saying he'd be there, it was called in to the Lumberyard, that some frat boys were looking for a place to celebrate a birthday'. In particular, having met Cris, Marek was really looking forwards to having an enjoyable evening in the underground'.

He had been there a couple of times, knew how it goes, each time eager to meet up with some hot bottom-boys.

"Hey, ready?"

Tommy, standing there with Cris, questions, "who you talkin' to...him or me?"

Todd was standing there, observing. He loved cubs. With Cris `overbooking', certainly he wouldn't mind it working out, his pick of either one. Then again, the other way around, Todd wouldn't mind being someone else's bitch for the night!

In rude attitude, Marek says, "who do you think I meant?"

Since Marek was staring at Cris, Tommy looks at him too, "Cris, what is all this about?"

He had some particular ways of dealing with a situation. One thing he had to outweigh is, which guy he dug more. This afternoon at the pool, he liked what Marek said he could do with him, to get his jollies. On the other hand, what was he looking for in the long run?

Cris was about to do `eenie-meenie-minee-mo...'

Patience not one of Marek's virtues, "okay, forget it. Stop wasting my time."

"Thanks," Tommy says sarcastically to Marek, as he flees the scene.

"What are you thanking him for?"

"For giving you up to me," Tommy wore a smile on his face.

Brushing by them, Todd stops standing there like a statue, "excuse me. No sense letting some hot action get away!"

Todd learned a long time ago, being assertive can be a plus in an atmosphere such as this. However, he should've broke the mold about a minute earlier, the doors to the hallway opening, which meant it was play-time!

The 32-year old figured he would get a jump on the night, but alas, the flood towards door dragged Marek farther away from him.

"Excuse me?"

Turning around, Todd is excited out of his gourd, "Thomas!"

"Got I.D.?"

Thomas was joking, but he didn't hesitate to stick hand in Todd's back pocket, fishing for his wallet!

"Hmm, you always frisk a customer, before you arrest them?"

He wasn't security, though Thomas was on the lookout for those whom scammed the system at the Lumberyard. He's worked there for a number of years and his employers being very nice to work for, treated the him like he owned it joint. Plus, where could a guy get a nice playroom, like the underground, free of a cover charge?

"Nah," Thomas smiles, "only handsome, willing, not afraid of leaping down a set of stairs!"

Though, coming up empty-handed, "did you forget about my I.D.?"

Both knew, the feel of Thomas' hand on Todd's ass, there was a reason for it, "nah. Just seeing what I have to work with!"

"What happened to the cub scout I met this afternoon?"

"Bobby? He's downstairs getting ready. It wasn't planned, but one of the ringers called out, so I talked management into giving Bobby a job," Thomas says.

Sarcastically, Todd says, "bet he's sorry for that!"

It took a long time, for the crowd in the lobby to dissipate, numbering about 50. Like cattle, they were corralled from a large open space, into the tough of a hallway.

Adam and Benj knew the drill, except coming upon the little opening, where they checked their clothing. With leather harnesses, chaps, Benj outfitted with the harness and strap, which extended down to his pubes, strangling his balls, only pants had to be removed.

Only footwear allowed beyond this point were sandals or leather boots. The hallway checker got his jollies one night, a dude walking in with pink bunny rabbit slippers! However, the club made a killing, clients having to purchase sandals, which also included the cover charge. They got to keep the sandals, emblazoned with `the Lumberyard'. At a menial price, patrons liked the souvenir. For the bar and playroom, it added up to profits for the night.

Back in the lobby, Todd and Thomas were about to leave the `corral', when the birthday boy walks in.

Separate clique, it was composed of those Renaldo, recently friending Grant and David, the cops whom had hustled Chad from the activist's demonstration at CCCC and a couple only the town cops knew, cops from out of town. If Renaldo's limo hadn't been commandeered days prior, he would never had met the kinky clan.

Even though he thought he had something with Chad, chief landscaper at CCCC, soon Renaldo realized how much more compatible he was with Grant. He loved the attention, pleasure, pain, it was all good...really good!

From there, the circle had grown to include Ken Ford, Chad's employer, who owned the landscaping business and another one of Ken's employee, straight-dude-Seamus.

Seamus has always had a desire to try new things, which is why, even though he couldn't possibly be gay, he liked hanging out with the gang! Nuthin' wrong with that, except Seamus overdoing it, claiming he was there only to celebrate Renaldo's birthday party. This kept up for the whole ride over to the club. Yet, this wouldn't be the first time the Irish-American, lamented on his condition of the unknowing; straight, bi, gay. Knowing the conversation would make full circle, his friends hushed up on trying to tell Seamus anything.

One of his biggest supporters, Renaldo told the gang, "in his own time, his own way, Seamus will make up his mind."

True feelings, or a plot, whichever, Seamus would always give Renaldo first dibs on wrapping his lips around his big banana, just for lending his support...or maybe it was the way Renaldo got Seamus off?

Wanting to hang with Thomas, it was a big temptation to accept the invitation, to be absorbed into Renaldo's friendship pool.

"That's okay, Todd. I'll catch up with you later," Thomas replies, watching his friend get eaten up by the crowd and disappear.

`Great', Thomas thought, standing there and apparently in a quandary. The one night he took off from all of his jobs, for a night to be with Todd, he turns around to see, "Bobby! I thought you were working tonight?"

"I wish."

"But," Thomas noted the discrepancy, Bobby dressed in a harness and skimpy leather briefs, "you certainly `look' like you're working tonight?"

"I know."

A loner, Thomas knew a little history of Bobby. However, the suggestive way Bobby said that last remakr, plus the night not getting any younger, "well, if you think you could put up with an old man?"

"Oh," Bobby nods to the bar, "that guy over there?"

Smirking, Thomas replies, "no. That old man over here," he fake-sucker-punches the kid in the arm.

It was like Bobby was serious, saying, "feels good. Could you aim for my stomach next time?"

Truthfully, Thomas didn't know much about Bobby, before high school age. Even though borderline failing grades throughout all his schooling years, he's managed to achieve a high school diploma. College? Bobby first claimed he didn't have an interest. When Thomas suggested a scholarship to CCCC, the true story, Bobby wasn't really interested.

Two things were Bobby's passion, working out and playing the willing victim to men whom liked to pour out their fantasies of abusing a guy. Fortunately Bobby knows his limits, high pain tolerance, but also strives to play it safe.

All Thomas did know, beyond this, is Bobby punching his time card at 8pm, punching out on the flip side, at 2am and the job he had to do at the trendy s&m underground, it suited him. Plus, a genuine gravitation towards the 20-year old bottom-boy, Thomas had an inclination to keep an eye on him.

He admired Bobby for keeping in shape and `in shape' is what a dude had to be to qualify for landing a job in the basement area of the Lumberyard.

Certainly, there were clients, both tops and bottoms, masters and slaves, and before anyone even set foot in the underground, they had to sign a waiver.

Bobby was a certain breed', one of the underground's ringers. Some of what went on, employees, who knew how to act, without acting lessons, became more popularly requested. When he set foot in the underground this evening, Bobby knew he was being admired, for his muscular beauty. What he knew was on some of their minds, to breakdown the muscular facade,' tickled him to think it.

When a dude walks in off the street, or rather descends the stairway in the abyss, first person they were guided to is Thomas', or as he went by the name around the club, TC'.

It's why he got a giggle from Todd. No matter how many times he's told him, TC, Todd!', it's always Thomas.' So, he gave up!

Looking over an applicant, TC would look for certain things, mainly the type of bod which could take a night of activity in the playroom.

Technologically inclined, TC kept all records on his laptop, a Mac, supplied by the management. Responsible for pulling the Lumberyard out of the 20th century and changing things up, which meant cash-outs, the ticketing system in the hallway to check clothing, he's also developed a system, by which a patron leaves a `safeword' of their choice, to redeem at the end of the night, when they were ready to dress. If they forgot that word, a few security questions produced the same results. If they didn't remember security questions, they would be inconvenienced by waiting until the whole place emptied out. Most didn't forget!

Using a laptop to record everything, it gave TC a chance to look over the applicant, get a feel for what he looking for and other particulars, like being nervous, which he perceived as a first time experience. Sometimes he would uncover aliases being used, which could be for a number reasons, like a faithful husband being unfaithful, or some, he was still guessing!

He would sit there, ask the questions, listen to the answers, then type them in on a custom application he designed himself. When Bobby applied, TC found out he didn't have a sole relative in the world. At least that's what Bobby had told him. More importantly, age and what the applicant was seeking in a job.

At first Bobby hid some things, by saying throughout high school he made extra money, meeting up with guys, usually in motel rooms. In the beginning it was just for sex...

"Just for sex?" TC tried to draw out what he suspected could be more.

Bobby confided, "maybe more than sex," he waited for TC's reaction, good or bad, or erasing the application in his computer and kicking him out.

It could simply be put, Bobby happening upon some tricks who wanted more.

However, TC accepted it, Bobby filled with relief. For certain, this would be a dream job for him. Getting what he wanted, others benefitting from his pain tolerance and who knows, maybe he could wind up in a master-slave scenario, for real!

First one whom ever approached Bobby with the idea of stripping and getting tied eagle-spread to the bed, he was ready to walk out.

The dude, around 35, coaxed him back, catching his arm before he left the motel room. He complimented Bobby on doing the right thing, saying, no one should fall into the clutches of being tied to a bed, if they didn't know the person with `the whip' in their hand!

Seeing it paid good money, Bobby took David up on his proposal. His new boss set him up with a trainer at a friend's gym. It was a good workout, though Bobby had never known, doing pull-ups, with a punch to the abs in between was a justified workout. First few times, each time his trainer gut-punched him, he dropped to the floor. The trainer, also named David, `Dave', claimed it was a bonafide means of training, for the type of work David was ready to set him up for.

His `pimp' set him up with wealthy men, business execs, corporate men who owned companies, or friends from out of town who wanted a hot evening. All were for the same purpose, either applying techniques of b.d.s.m., or sex, most times a mix of the two. What Bobby learned, there was very little gut-punching involved, but it did build his stamina for venturing into a realm he knew nothing about.

Learning to trust David, there every minute he was tied down, or case may be, a couple of execs bringing in their own bondage apparatus, Bobby often found himself hanging inside a rectangular frame. First it was about the money, but Bobby soon learned what a turn on it could be and surely, the one who hired him, could see how much he was liking it, strands of goo streaming out his shaft.

All was going great. In his senior year of high school, Bobby accumulated enough tips to finance a used car. David had a place for him to stay, in a row house with others whom worked for him. It was a great setup. Though, Bobby never really knew how much David took in, how much he made off of his `talents.'

Out of everything, Bobby loved the gut-punching, which really threw him, when one of those punches was aimed at his balls!

Because David stood right there, every single time Bobby was worked over' for money, he was able to caution the guy not to do that again...or, pour it on.'

Having his say, in between deep breaths, Bobby could voice opinion, it was `okay.' Purposely, he tried not to buckle in, use his safeword. He wound up taking a few knees to the balls, in between his abs getting worked over and that was okay.

On occasion, Bobby would go back to the gym and workout with Dave. Once, when he asked Dave `what else' was there to b.d.s.m., Dave took him to a real leather club. This was after his fourth or fifth time with the client.

In the big city, Dave set Bobby up with a top, good with novices, Ray. Older, built like a big grizzly bear, the 55-year old gave Bobby the ride of his life!

Careful not to go too far, over a period of several months, Ray and Bobby became good friends. Never in his life did Bobby think he would find favor with a dude much older than his 18 years. One of the things he thoroughly enjoyed was the time out, when they lay in bed and did `only sex.'

Strangely, sometimes Ray would be the preferred one, stripped naked and tied to the bed. Who was the master, when he had to beg Bobby to lick or suck his cock?!

In a way, it showed Bobby he could bend, not always play the taken, but be the master, holding back until Ray got hoarse from the begging!

Also, it was the first time in many years someone gave him joy. He would laugh, not because he was being a dominant monster, but that Ray was a good actor, whining whenever Bobby sucked or stroked him. Just sitting there, on his knees, inside Ray's outstretched legs, while he supped on cock, Bobby dared to poke a finger into Ray's crevice. It was the first time Bobby ever fucked a guy, but couldn't conclude whether he liked it or not...he much preferred giving a dude oral.

So, he went back to stroking Ray, and with every 2 or 3 pumps, bend over, lick the tip and...stop!

`Oh, come on, dammit Bobby!'

A session like this, if Ray didn't accidentally shoot streams, Bobby would exert himself, sit on his fat cock and work them both into going off.

It was one of the times Bobby was really happy, not worrying about whether he was going to have a trick, not where his next meal was coming from.

Bobby was devastated one night, coming home and finding an ambulance at Ray's house. He had had a heart attack and passed away.

The one disappointment, even though Bobby deeply missed him, he had kept all his loot in Ray's bank account. Unable to retrieve it, at least he had his car. Ray had introduced Bobby one time to his family. Unhappy with Ray's `house guest', Bobby knew he was never going to get back the cash. Regardless, Bobby had to start all over.

Where one door closes, another opens. He had thought he recognized one of the paramedics and surely, unafraid to talk outside the box, Jim had clued him in. They were hiring over at the Lumberyard, for their underground, a place where Bobby's talents would be most welcomed!

This is where he met Thomas, or as he liked to be called, `TC'.

When offered, no different than one of his tricks, Bobby asks, "What do you have in mind?"

Straight-laced, never at the club has TC heard Bobby joke around, so he knew it was a legit question, "whatever you want?"

Though, TC wasn't sure, when Bobby says, "just sex okay?"

To anyone, TC was a glorified top, liking a scene to go his way, which could include getting a little rough. If the guy he were with wanted more, he'd pour it on. Not a mean person, he knew just what it was which got a dude cookin'. It worked in a mutual way, which is how he felt about `sex only,' without all the roleplaying drama.

"Okay with me," though not sure, TC surprised by Bobby's offer, without the pain' and suffering' part, "sure you don't want me to," he waves a hand, "slap you around a little bit?"

"Do you want to slap me around TC?"

"Not really. I don't feel like working that hard."

"Hmm," Bobby says, "I always thought `fucking' was hard work?"

Sometimes when TC left for the night, he hadn't previously known the dude walking out on his arm. Therefore, if the other guy didn't offer they go to his place, TC would suggest a motel. Even though into tying up a guy, he wasn't going to jeopardize some crazy dude at his own fortress. Once a guy knew where he lived, there could be complications if they didn't develop the right chemistry.

Strangely, not really knowing Bobby, TC got the same `motel' feeling, but once in the car, call it intuition, he changed the game-plan, "my place or mine?"

"Huh?" Bobby looked at him.

However, being, between `Sean's Auto Parts' and leaving for the Lumberyard, TC comes up with another idea, "or a bite to eat first, before we settle in for the night?"

He giggled, but Bobby was still making up his mind, "what'evers your pleasure!"

"Well, since fucking is such hard work, I gotta stoke the steam engine!"

TC pulled into the Chipotle lot, but found the place closed, a Board of Health sign on the door, deeming the eatery to be `unfit for human consumption.'

"Well, I guess it's home!"

It was the first time TC experienced a spark of humor from Bobby, "you don't have to fuss. I'll eat anything!"

He knew Bobby was waiting, to find out if he was funny or not. Not to disappoint, he did chuckle, TC saying, "well, in order to make it fit for human consumption, we better stop at the food market!"

When they finally did get there, there was one problem, TC looking through the dash window, "oops...I thought they were open all night!"

"Like I said," Bobby dares to place a hand on TC's hand, attached to the steering wheel, "I'm not a fussy eater."

Whatever struck him as being warm and friendly, possibly it could have been some of the beats in his lap, pounding out some romantic rhythm, TC leans over and kisses Bobby on the lips.

Bobby backs away at the touch, putting fingertips to his lips, "oh!"

"Did I do something wrong?"

Since this was a first thing for him, like going out on a date, Bobby says, "I dunno."

"Fair assumption," TC says, changing gears.

Next best thing was the Texaco station, the pair going in and picking the last couple of tomatoes, some dairy, a dozen eggs, TC offering to whip up a super-omelet.

Soon as they walk into TC's manspace, Bobby announces, "sorry, but I'm not really `that kind' of hungry."

"Me neither," TC says, but was hungry enough to nibble on Bobby's lips!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 14

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