Secret Signs

Published on Jun 26, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 010

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


It was so amazing!


First off, as it turns out, once everyone found their seats, there were some in the class who were not there yesterday.

Turning to his left, Adam, whom had been seated between Cris and Benj, says in hardly a mumble, "what have we got here?"

Sam and Phill had just entered, finding seats up, in the theater-surround arrangement of chairs.

Adam, gave call, "psssst!"

However, he sat back, losing his joy of seeing his pool-buddies, after `Burg flashes raised eyebrows, a look of dismay.

Mouthing, `sorry,' Adam exhaled. Though, he knew he wasn't in dire trouble, Prof Hamburg mellowed out with a smile.

Whether Adam knew it or not, there were benefits to living in the Castle'. One, was getting away with murder', unless it was actually murder!

Besides Adam's slight outburst, there were more important issues for the prof to work out, like finding out the identities of the two new students, "you must be..." a finger trailed down Burg's roster, "Etcheverry and Filgren?"

Adam was gaining an opinion of Prof `Burg, like every time someone spoke to him, he had to draw up an analysis.

"I'm Sam' and he's Phil'."

Truly, the uppity way in which Sam replied to Prof Burg, Adam was sure he had gotten the theater prof's dander up, that any second, Burg was going to march over there and slap Sam hard across the chops.

However, the 32-year old Theater prof kept his cool, sending a message, "we'll work out our etiquette after class, Mr. Etcheverry."

Adam would not term it sarcastic, at least not on purpose. More, Sam's attitude was `defiant', but not in an acting way. It was just how Sam conducted himself, finding that out this morning, after the two hopped out of the pool. Sarcasm could be something misconstrued as nasty, but the way Adam looked upon it, Sam was way too cute for shenanigans like that.

On the side, thinking about it got Adam to thinking about it, those balls bopping up and down, which had him softly, in a whispered tone, remark, "coconuts!"

Fortunately for Adam, Prof `Burg had moved on to finding out about the aspirations of his two new thespians.

Though, Benj had picked up on it, keeping his voice incognito, "coconuts?"

"I'll tell you later," Adam said, wanting to focus on the volley of words between student and teacher.

Later would not do for Benj. Sitting there, thinking about `coconuts' not only made his mouth water, but was very glad the height of the row of seats obscured any buildup!

Then, right in the middle of Prof Burg, almost interrogating' Sam over past experiences, they hear a knock, then a voice, "would this be Theater class?"

Benj says into Adam's ear, "oh goody, something new for `Burg to feast his eyes on!"

Regardless, for Prof Hamburg, this was a new student. Not only that, for the mixed group of classification, according to the year of matriculation, the entry of this student had him guessing. Rather than focus on the usual age of a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior, he went on looks alone, "you've come to the right place."

There was only one entry on his roster, student unaccounted for, which gave Prof `Burg inclination, "you must be Thomas Filgren?"

Two things occur, Adam taking note, which he conveyed to Benj, "whatever happened to our royal greeting?"

What Adam was talking about, is `Burg, walking across the front of the room, arm extended the last second, welcoming the new student into the classroom.

"Age," is how Benj partially perceived things, "plus the gravity of the situation?"

Cris throws his two cents in, "I can't wait till Burg finds out what we' know."

They had gone on what Cris had told them, `Burg being gay and now, on the up-and-up, this morning, learning TC was also...

With the prof and TC's hands connecting, in a cordial shaking...

TC says in a correcting manner, "that's, Thomas Cavanaugh Filgren."

Professor Hamburg was batting a 1000, with the other 998 waiting to kick him in the butt! First Sam, with the hard-on attitude, now this, `Thomas Cavanugh Filgren?'

"Have a seat, `Mr. Filgren'. We're just about to get started."

Walking over to the first row, which would place him directionally in the center of the theater-like setup of seating arrangement, "you can call me TC...or," he laughs, "Mr. TC!"

There, `Burg had carved another notch of a student with an audacious attitude, "what was that?"

More interested in getting on with the classwork, rather than being entertained by what seems like the prof flirting with a student, especially since it was Phill's uncle, Sam lectures, "he goes by TC. We all call him that."

This was very disturbing to Professor Hamburg. Never, in the years he has been here, has he been such ridicule and defiance, "I beg your pardon," he had forgotten, running a finger down the page, stopping at the two handwritten entries, before `Thomas C. Filgren', "Mr. Etcheverry?"

Courteously, composed, Sam wasn't out to knock the professor down too many pegs, only push his buttons a litte, "my father's paying big bucks to send me to CCCC." He didn't mention it in a way, which would embarrass `Burg, flirting with a student, "I was hoping, my first day of class would be filled with quality instruction?"

At least three students sat there with dropped jaws, Cris, Adam and Benj.

Snapping a pen open, `Burg put a check next to Sam's name on the roster, not which he would forget anytime soon, a certain individual in his class, with his head too far up in the clouds, and he didn't mean an iCloud!

It did ruffle his feathers. However, Karl Hamburg knew who paid his salary. Not an ass-kisser, he swallows his pride a little, "I will certainly take that into consideration, Mr. Etcheverry."

"Oh-damn," Benj comments to Adam, "he certainly has balls!"

"He ain't the only one!" Adam couldn't get it out of his mind, Phill's balls dangling between his legs this morning, "coconuts?"

Benj did giggle out loud, but covered his mouth. Certainly Sam had hit a raw nerve with Prof Hamburg and he didn't wish to embellish on that.

Fortunately, Prof Hamburg remained cool, calm and collective and got on with the lesson. Though, explaining the art of acting in Shakespeare's time, he did have a problem focusing, beyond the first row!

As the buzzer sounded...a bzz-z-z-z, rather than a dinging bell, the class did hold a moment of silence, wondering what was up with that.

Right afterwards, `Burg announces, "I'd like to see Mr. Filgren after class."

TC was quick to point out, "Which Mr. Filgren would that be, sir?"

There. The bat had swung again, which Prof Hamburg wondering `who' was out to get this morning?!

"Thomas Cavanaugh Filgren?"

Flashing a tight-lipped smile, "That's me!"

The rest made a beeline for the door, wanting to get in a sip of water before next class, or indulge in a number of other things.

However, TC did remain behind, as requested, "you wanted to see me, sir?"

That certainly made the theater prof feel old, knowing at the most, only 4 or 5 years difference in age, "I think we can go forth on a first name basis, that is, when outside of the classroom?"

Having inside knowledge, from what he gathered from the pool this morning, TC is unashamed to take the first step, grabbing the theater prof by the necktie and reeling him in, with words, right before their lips clash, "oh, I'm counting on much more than that, `Karl'!"

Right off, Burg thinks, he's done his homework!'

On the defensive, as he would be with any student who dared to take advantage, Karl had both hands propped against TC's shoulders, but slowly the force he had to keep them apart, gave way.

In breaking off the kiss, Karl says, "well, that's highly irregular conduct between a student and professor?"

"Hey, if it's one thing I learned in the Army, a guy might not get a second chance, so go after it with great guns!"

Unlike the other students, wearing shirt, tie, jackets, TC had misplaced his tie this morning. Too, he had excluded the undershirt, which made the dress shirt appear Chlorox-white, his off-white skin and dark-auburn bod hair give off a faded tint.

"I like that philosophy. Care to embellish on it?"

For moments there, it seemed like a lesson in theater, taking a theme and making it more than it is.

"I definitely would, perhaps over dinner and drinks?"

Before TC had even made it to theater class this morning, he was hashing over the information gathered from his friends this morning. All through class, in addition to taking notes, in the margin he was jotting down words, which expressed feelings which hadn't much to do with acting in the time of Shakespeare.

He knew it probably ridiculous, but Karl asked anyway, means to find out, "are you staying in the dorms?"

TC had thought about it, "not at the moment. For now, I'm staying at the Castle. It's a rather unique residence on campus..."

Karl cuts him off, "I know of it." Rather than commit himself to mentioning his own lodgings, "why don't we do dinner and then worry about the later?"

Fixing the tie, firming it up under Karl's chin, TC says, "of course. Who knows, maybe we won't be compatible!"

After he leaves, Karl felt compelled to lock the door. Walking over to the far side of the windowless room, he unbuckled, unbuttoned his trousers, zipped down and fished his almost fully extended shaft out of his briefs.

It lurked in his mind, "compatible, is it?"

There was a certain textbook he had on the shelf, in times of emergencies like this. Opening to the center, wherever the pages were not stuck together, he pumped his cock like mad. It only took a matter of seconds before the white goo shot out like a fire hose dousing an inferno.

A big-cummer, several ropes of thick creme shot onto the pages, making words blurred. When `all done,' he settled into catching his breath.

Still, even after a momentous eruption, working his hand, from deep within his pubes, to just under the bulb, more phlegm excreted out in globs.

Taking care to not have any dribbles of long, sinewy goo drip down onto his clothing, Karl first made sure it was all squeezed out and then...because he forgot to take out a hankie, in the heat of the moment, he licked his paw off.

Certainly, the prof was glad that after this class, he had prep time.


"That should be a class to remember," Adam joked.

Benj differed, "I'd rather have it stuck in my brain, the little hearts you were drawing on your note pad?"

Well, what Benj meant, was not the physical jotting down of notes, via pencil and pad. More, it was the little emoji's Adam held down with his finger and dragged to an open page.

"Yeah, but unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get our initials in those tiny little hearts!"

It was sweet, Benj taking it as such, which had him thinking they were the only two passing between classes in the hallway.

"Hey, wanna cut that out?"

Defending himself against the hall monitor, Benj states, "it was only a peck?"

"Peck? Kiss? Really, Mr. uh, what is your name?"

Adam, knowing they were in trouble, took the coward's way out, "uh, see you later, pal," he leaves Benj with a love-tap to the abs.

It did distract, Benj questioning, "pal?"

Benj had seen him around, but didn't know his name. Too, he wasn't a classroom prof. That he knew, dressed more like his high school football coach, crew neck shirt, gym pants, whistle.

"Benjamin Blowe, sir."

Smirking, the other guy says, "you don't have to salute. We're not accustomed to a Navy salute?"

"Army, actually," Benj says.

"Oh," it was immaterial. With more things of importance, "you play sports?"

"Played football in high school, but thought, starting out fresh, I'd pick another sport. What do you suggest, Coach, um?"

Students didn't need to, but adult faculty were required to have plasticized name cards hanging on a chain around their necks. Maybe he should've been more reserved, instead of reaching out for the card, turning it around to read, "Coach Hardiman?"

Immediate response, "so you can read. That's a start. What sports might you find an interest?"

Even with the jacket on, Coach Hardiman could tell Benj was well-muscled.

"What do you have to offer?"

That put a couple of blips into coach's thinking, cock pulsing once or twice. Coach Hardiman had a long list of names, particular one from each class level, sophomore, junior, senior years, whom he's enticed with his way of thinking, along to his own liking. Of course, every man loved sex, but for him, he loved to mix `exercise'. It's what propelled his shaft into a hefty shoot-off. Perhaps he was staring at what could be, Benj championing as a freshman choice.

"What are you good at...sports-wise, I mean?"

Benj smiled, coach sounding off with a bunch of hardy giggles. In a way, he thought there might be some `under-tones', other than being like a joke. Regardless, he play along.

"In high school I played football, but I had this ankle injury while in the service, so knew I'd never play...professionally, that is."

Being CCCC were a small college, they didn't have a coach to match every sport. Therefore, Hardiman carried a few sports under his belt.

Taking Benj under the wing of his arm, he began walking him towards the gym, "have you ever thought about swimming?"

In height, they were both about the same, 5'10-11. Weight, bulky, which it didn't make it past Benj, Coach Hardiman kept himself in good shape.

About the swimming, Benj responds, "nope. Though, I do know how to swim."

It was Benj's time for a little chuckle.

"Why don't we check it out?"

Really, he wasn't sure. Often teased about his big, bulky pecs, "I might make a big splash?"

Hardiman didn't doubt that, already perceiving Benj as the kind of guy whom worked out regularly, packing on little fat.

"Like I say, only way to tell, is to try it!"

Walking in the gym, they seemed to be alone. Alone, yes, until from behind they hear, "I'm here. Where do I change?"

Apparently, Coach Hardiman was in a fog, regarding the youth standing there, "Merrit, was it?"

"Marek," he replies.

Being Marek's eyes were on Benj, not the coach, "hello. I'm Marek Bzinski."

Benj could not deny, he was cute, "Benjamin Blowe, but my friends call me, Benj."

Both stood there, not making a move, so coach did, "you're here for swimming," he counts on one hand, "wrestling, football, or..."

Apparently, there was some instant infatuation there, Marek grilling, "what are you here for, Benj?"

Shrugging both of his hefty shoulders, "swimming, I guess," turning to Hardiman, "right, coach?"

`Two', well Alec was okay with that, "right!"

"Then that's what I'm here for. Where's my locker?"

He pushed ahead of coach and Benj, right to where he thought it would be a good vantage point, "I'll take this locker."

Coach says, "there's a lock on it. You'll have to find one..."

Before Hardiman could finish, Marek says, "I want this one."

Benj and coach exchange glances, Hardiman refocusing on the freshman.

Leaving it to the two to hash out, Benj says, "I'll go look for an empty."

Right next to Marek was another locked locker, of which he says, "and Benj can have the one next to mine."

Apparently, Marek was pushing all the right buttons, Coach Hardiman feeling a hard-on building. Rather than get a bulge, which could be noticeable, since he didn't wear briefs, jutting out from his pubes, he excused himself, "I'll go get the master key."

Benj speaks up, "really, it wouldn't be an imposition for me to go find an unclaimed locker?"

Speaking with a little accent to his voice, Marek says point blank, "I don't know about you, but I'm gay. Being so, I want the best view of the other guys undressing. I hope I do not offend you, Benj?"


"Who me? Nah. I'm not a hater."

The way Benj said it, got Marek to thinking, "you like boys?"

Not thinking he wanted to be as open, Benj wanted to think on it.

However, more the intellect on such matters, Marek pursues, "you like to suck cock, or take it up the ass?"

Caught off guard by this presumptuous freshman, Benj fumbles with his words, ""

To save the day, Coach Hardiman returns, "I rarely have had the opportunity to open a student's locker," he sorts through 5 keys on a link, "so I don't really know which one it the master."

Apparently, Marek was the master here, "I'll find it," he pulls the keys from coach's hands.

Benj wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but could not deny being amused!

"Well...okay," coach replies, smirking at Benj.

Again, Benj raises and lowers both shoulders, like `he don't know!'

After 2 tries, Marek unlocks the locker he wishes to use. Then, says to Benj, "excuse, please."

He unlocks the one to his right. Taking both locks, he turns to Coach Hardiman, "here you go. You can give these to the previous owners of these lockers, to find new ones."

Tight-lipped, two things are on Benj's mind; what coach is thinking right now and how cute Marek is being, even though he has a helluva nerve!

Without batting an eye, Marek says, "c'mon Benj. Let's make room for our stuff."

Cleaning out both lockers, Coach Hardiman is more stunned than anything. Weird though, instead of watching the two lockers trashed, as Bzinkski starts removing gear, he carefully folds and places them on a bench to his left.

Benj just stands there and with immediate reaction, "I feel about doing this to some guy I don't even know..."

Boldly, Marek says, "if they have a problem, they can see me. Besides, coach," he directs at Hardiman, "you can apologize and tell them you didn't know these two lockers were already taken, right?"

Finished up with removing a few team speedos, two towels, deodorant and other personal items, folding and lining them up on the opposing bench, Marek closes his locker and opens the one he designated for Benj, "here, let me give you a hand, Benj."

"Um," coach was about to put his two cents in, no which he seemed to matter, or that he wanted to voice his opinion.

"If you've got something to do, coach, don't let us hold you up?"

Said in a way, anyone could tell, it translated to `scram'!

"I do have a few things to do," Coach Hardiman replies, walking back to his office.

One thing would be, taking care of the building erection!

Now, before Benj could inject thought, Marek is ahead of his thinking, "perfect for us here. Oh, you are `gay', right?"

Coach wasn't the only one feeling the heat, and apparently Marek was picking up on his vibes, glancing down at Benj's cock-pocket.

Seeing no harm in the truth, Benj says, "uh, sure. I"

Busying himself with helping Benj clean out the locker next his, Marek says, "cool. Then, if you notice, we have the best views of the locker room."

Surely, Benj, if he were thinking...was thinking like Marek, pivoted in the corner of the rows of lockers, facing Coach Hardiman's office, they had a clear view up the alley to the right and left.

"I don't know about you," Marek is unabashed about saying, "but me? I love watching guys taking off their clothing, especially when they drop their underwear. You, Benj?"

For certain, he didn't know Marek, so wanted to watch what he said, in case he said something which he would regret saying later on, "I dunno. Maybe. I never really thought about it," even though he has!

Rather than dwell on it, Marek moves on, "so, you didn't tell me. Are you a top or a bottom?"

Rightfully, with Marek moving fast, Benj couldn't recall if he said he were `gay'. Apparently, thinking he had, "bottom," but made it clear, "but I'm in a relationship."

"Really?" Marek is ahead of him, "you and your partner do threesomes?"

"No. I mean, we haven't thought about it, but I don't think he would go for it."

"What about you, Benj?"

What about Benj, well he had it on his mind, Marek stripping off his shirt, "uh, we're only into each other for right now."

Inadvertently, he had left himself open for criticism, "so, maybe I can help you figure that out!"

`Maybe,' Benj thought to himself, though it wasn't because he was really thinking of doing a threesome, but that Marek was being so aggressively truthful.

With Marek dropping his pants, Benj says, "say, you wouldn't happen to have an extra swimsuit, would you? I hadn't intended on..."

"No," Marek smiles, "but being you don't have one, I won't wear one either. We're the only two here. I'm sure coach won't mind."

So, there Marek stood, completely naked, stuffing his gym bag into the locker and slamming the door shut.

"Don't be shy, Benj. I know what guys look like!"

The cackle made Benj smile too and weirdly, he didn't hesitate to strip down, "if you say so."

Strangely, Benj got the impression Marek could talk his way out of anything. Not which he thought he was taking advantage, but not wanting to be a prude.

One `very big distraction', was what was dangling down between Marek's thighs. In turn, with Marek's careless attitude, Benj doesn't hesitate to question, "um, how big are you?"

"Soft or hard?" Marek replies.

Walking to the swimming pool, clothed only in towels over shoulders, Marek handles his own soft shaft, "when hard, ten inches. I had a guy measure once. Was very erotic. You?"

Holding his own shaft on the palate of his hand, Benj assesses, "never measured."

Standing side by side, Marek takes Benj's shaft in his hand, "mind if I take a look?"

Benj was ready to laugh out loud. Between nervy and behaving like all this was a joke, "like, do I have a choice?"

"Here, turn around and face me."

Marek did most of the turning, Benj thinking, 'this certainly could be erotic!'

Tip of Marek's cock stabbed him in the balls, but Benj's shaft came to within about 2 or 3 inches of touching hairy wires.

"Two inches less, I'd say. You're an 8!"

Benj wasn't about to mention circumference. With Marek's hands-on activity he was already fattening up. Surely, anymore playing around with cocks and they'd both be making the floor slippery!

"I'll take it!"

Then, from the locker room they hear a commotion, Marek mentioning, "oh good, more contestants for our contest!"

"Aren't we supposed to be trying out for the swim team?"

Benj questions.

"You want to be on the swim team?"

"Football's out, since my ankle injury. I'm not really a wrestler. Yeah, I think swimming could be for me."

With conviction, after dropping their contest, Marek says, "no problem. I can test you."

"Oh?" Benj asks, as they continue walking towards the pool. "Are you on the team?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure we will be."

"Okay...well'er, do you know a lot about swimming," Benj holds one of the double-doors for Marek to pass through.

"You know, a guy says he has a black belt in karate?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I have the same thing in swimming. Trust me. I'm good."

Benj had the idea Marek was good at a lot of things and he was just skimming the surface.

"Sweet," Marek says, looking up at the highest level of the diving platform. "Race you to the top!"

Did Benj have a choice? Everyone does, but he was feeling kinda horny, so caught up and ran alongside Marek, just to see that log bopping up and down!

Even though Benj's hand was on one of the rungs, to climb up, "ladies first!"

Accepting, Marek says, "don't do anything silly!"

"Wouldn't that be sweet," Benj remarks, thinking how hot it would be to get his tongue lodged in that hot ass!

Perhaps Marek was thinking the same. Halfway up to the second level he stops.

Going full speed himself, half the time Benj didn't look up. Marek's stutter causes him to half-climb up the pair of legs above, "problem?"

"Not yet," Marek calls out, again moving upwards.

On the top platform, Benj gets the impression, "I didn't think I was afraid of heights?"

"Here, take my hand."

Benj wished Marek had taken his cock. It felt good, the way he gently measured them. He took Marek's hand.

"Now what?"

"I jump first. You watch to make sure I am out of the way."

"I know what you mean," even though Benj didn't, except in his own way, "lots of guys say there would never want to get smothered by my pecs!"

"They are very fine," Marek admires, rubbing hands through Benj's chest hair, over perky peaks, "I could do much for you."

"I'm sure you can," Benj began getting lost in the euphoria.

Something Benj learned, whereas Marek could be serious, he also was a tease. A hard pinch, he turns and dives!

"That was dirty," Benj says to himself. Though, he couldn't deny, feeling his `sore' nip, it really didn't translate into something to scream about. Was hardly red!

He took a little too much time, hearing Marek call for him to dive.

Taking notice of the at least 1 somersault in the air, Benj yells back, "nothing fancy!"

It wasn't. Not even a dive, he had never done a cannonball from way up. He could have sworn he felt bottom, but after the swim up, was sure he was going to hear criticism from Marek.

"That is good. Next time I try that. Again?"

Next time up, Marek let Benj go first on the ladders.

When they get to the 3rd platform, "Benj, you have a beautiful ass. You're partner is lucky."

Sure he was blushing, Benj replies, "thanks and I'll be sure to pass the word on to my partner."

At first he had fibbed, saying Adam was his partner, but started to get very accustomed to using the term, in lieu of `boyfriend.'

"You also ask him if he wants threesome?"

"Sure," though he wasn't sure!

Before diving, they heard a raucous on the other side of the door. Like the wind had blown them open, 6 or 7 guys come walking in. They look up, as Marek and Benj gaze down.

A southern accent rings out, "hot-diggity, it's skinnydippin' day!"

Five of the suits dropped to knees, the last two making a decision to do the same.

Benj doesn't feel the reluctance to joke, "now there's something to get hard over!"

Marek says with sincerity, "yes and I'd like to fuck every one of them!"

"Really? You got that much juice?"

Toothy grin, Marek says, "I'd much rather spend it on you!"

After the snappy remark, Marek jumps, does his twists and turns, breaking water.

This time, Benj did the same, cannonball. When he surfaced near Marek, "frankly, it scares the hell out of me to go in head first from that height."

Feeling a hand on his back, Marek says, "that's okay, Benj. Every one has to start some place. We will work on it."

Beyond comfort, Benj wanted to turn his head, kiss on Marek on the cheek, but he didn't dare, not impressing upon his new friend he was in a relationship.

Thinking upon it, after taking a quick shower, dressing and leaving the gym, Benj realized he made the right decision. If he went around, even giving guys innocent little pecks on the made him smile, rather than frown upon it. Like, what a coward it would make out of him, when it came time for him to confess it to his mate.' Mate?' it made him even smile a bigger grin. Thinking about his conversation with Marek, saying all this stuff about being in a `relationship?' "Yeah, I could get used to it!"

Then, right around the corner, his smiley face met none other than his `relationship,' "oh. Hi!"

With one brow raised, the other flat out had Adam thinking, "something happen that I should be aware of?"

"Yeah," Benj throws it out there, "wanna get married?"

"I got a better idea. How about we head over to the hospital and have your head examined?"

Freaking out, because he had it all down pat in his head, "what?"

Gobbling up Benj's whole arm with both of his, Adam says, "let's just say I've heard of better ways for a guy to propose!"

It left Benj's jaw dropped, "oh. Is that what I just did?"

"You didn't mean it?"

It made Benj gulp spit, "um."

He had to think quick here. Did he really want to back out of a commitment, which his `partner' was thinking as the real thing?

"Of course I mean it. Why else do you think I was smiling?"

Then, again, more silent thoughts, it made him smile, thinking how cool it could be, married-man on campus!

"Well, it's not that it hasn't crossed my mind," Adam returns.

"Really? Like, how long have you been thinking about," Benj switches a finger back and forth, between Adam and himself, "you and me?"

"You mean, `us'? Let's just leave it as, you beat me to it. I mean, about the asking. Truthfully though, I thought how cool it would be, you and me going down to the jewelry store in town and picking out some rings?"

Very happy about that, Benj smiles a very toothy grin, but then suddenly frowns, "but. Oh."

"Wow, you changed your mind quick!"

"I didn't change my mind. It's that. I don't really have enough loot to pay for a ring."

Adam had that thought through, like mother hen' Renaldo had warned him, about meeting a guy who might not have a father with millions in the bank, to keep it cool on the moneybags' issue.

"Of course. I understand."

"You do?"

"I mean," Adam philosophizes, "all I would have to do is plunk down a credit card and buy the biggest diamond in the store, but I know you would want to chip in?"

"Wow," Benj twirls Adam around with his sole arm, him being the `light weight', "that's like so understanding."

This time it wasn't a little peck on the cheek!

Breaking off, Adam says, "I guess this means we're going steady?"


All morning long Dierk's been in a dither.

Having moved into an ordinary dorm room, at least they softened the blow by not pairing him up, but giving him independent living quarters. However, without a `servant', built in laundry room and all the other amenities a dorm room did not have, he cursed his father out, for not making as much money as Adam's!

A knock comes at the door.

"Go away!"

Then, a second knock, but a meek voice, "are you Dierk?"

With living in `the Castle', he had lots of dudes in and out, not only to wait on him with food, spirits, do his laundry, or offering up other pleasures, Dierk was living on easy street. This morning, when he unpacked his duffle, half of his clothes needed to be washed.

However, for the past fifteen minutes, he's been lying there in bed, shirtless, pants pulled down and gently lubing his shaft with spit, whereas a dude's mouth could provide the stimulation.

A third knock, it gave him an idea.

Bouncing up out of bed, he stuffed his junk down his pants. He didn't really care if the pants bulged.

Opening the door, "What's up? You didn't recognize my voice?"

Dierk didn't, recognize his buddy, Jack Key's voice, "of course. I answered the door, didn't I?"

"Here," Jack hands him a bag, "I bought you a house-warming party."

Shape of the bag, Dierk knew it well, "you know beer is outlawed in the dorm?"

"Yeah," Jack walks past Dierk, sets the square bag down and tears into the sixpack, "so I've heard."

Closing the door, his woody still told him he needed something addressed, "hey, give me a blow job?"

Handing Dierk a snapped-open can, Jack says, "fuck"

Jack sitting on the side of a bunk, Dierk does the same, "so, what are we gonna do?"

Knowing very well what he meant, Jack says, "hey, just because we don't live in the Castle anymore, doesn't mean we can't have the life we're used to?"

A little dense, Dierk always leaving the thinking up to Jack, "like, how would that go?"

Giving his friend the once over with his eyes, slight effect of why they don't allow beer in the dorm, Jack says, "man, I love your bod!"

Feeling the effects himself, not being a heavy drinker, Dierk returns, not with saying, but working a hand up under Jack's shirt.

"We've just got to think of this from a logical perspective," Jack shucks his shirt and then bowls Dierk over onto the bed.

The logic Jack was showing, Dierk hadn't intended it be the one on the bottom, with his engorged shaft being pressed into the mattress, crevice being invaded!

It didn't last long, Jack pinning him to the bed, for some foreplay. Dierk takes the hint, flipping his friend over.

"Nah, it ain't going that way, Dierk!"

Sooner than later, the two are off the edge of the bed and on the floor, wrestling.

Then, the door busts open, a dude rushing in, yelling, "oh no, not on my watch! Break it up! Break it up!"

Kneeling on the floor, with both arms extended, the dude was the filling for the sandwich.

Jack, a hand over the dark patch of hair, middle of his chest, he asks, "who the hell are you?"

Dierk agrees, "yeah?"

Both back away from each other, as the dude explains, "I'm your new dorm `sheriff' and I'm not one to mess around with. What's this all about?"

They all look to the door, a wall of bods taking up the space of the door frame.

"Get lost," he says, walking on his knees and closing the door.

Jack bit his lip, that `inviting'!

But all it took was a few seconds to shut out the curious onlookers, and as he's shuffling back, sees the look on Jack's face, "what's that about?"

"Nuthin'," Jack claims.

Dierk, he didn't know what to say, but finally breaks silence, "so, you say you're the new dorm sheriff. Like, what the fuck is that about?"

Now so far from the uniform he wore in `special ops', the 32-year old says, "Gary Lime. Simple fact is, we can all learn to get along," he gets to his feet, "or I can be your worst nightmare. Your choice entirely."

Both on the floor, shirtless, look up at the `tower-of-a-man'. Pushing themselves off the floor, Jack and Dierk rise to almost the same height.

Not sure what to say to a man, who can be just as bitchy as himself, Dierk plays it low key, "you play basketball?"

With the heads up, about many in the dorm being gay, Gary figures the two `wresting' on the floor were doing more than having a friendly square-off, "not basket, but I play ball."

He shot a look, picking on Dierk's crotch to signal his play!

Certainly Jack, whom fell into the role of the more outgoing, approaches the dorm-peacekeeper, "that's cool. Maybe we can get together sometime for a threesome, or more?"

"You're assuming an awful lot here," not which Gary wasn't?

Dierk jumps in on the action, "well, you know what they say, `it takes one to know one'?"

The boys thought they had struck up a friendship and as it had gone at the castle, when the pair came across a hot bottom boy, started to get intimate.

"Uh yeah, well, generally it's manners to `ask before you touch'?"

Mere touch of Gary's hand on his, Jack got the idea right off, to either withdraw from seeing what the dorm sheriff was packing, or risk getting his fingers broken, "you're right. I don't know what came over me."

Getting to the bottom of why he barged in, "so, which of you are going to tell me what was going on here?"

Both would tell later, the personification of Gary's stance, standing tall, about 6'4, the dark, navy shirt, matching baseball cap. He certainly play the part of a ruff looking character!

Then, Dierk says just what they were trying to hide, "you know how it is, a guy gets a few beers in him," even though they only downed 1 each, "and..."

"Wait," Gary's eyes do a room search, "you've got liquor in here?"

Sure enough, not only a slight scent, now that the boys have mentioned it, but the package on the night table, torn open box, empty cans, he picks one up, "this is a very serious infraction, you know?"

Stuffing it all in the bag, what was left of it, "you both are in some serious trouble here."

Good thing Gary wasn't assigned to the Castle, Jack was thinking. He also was thinking of a way out of this. Certainly, both knew the rules, but far above that, once they did one thing wrong, a person gets an impression, "how about we promise never to do it again, sir?"

A guy learns a lot in the special ops unit of the military, both in training and the field. Gary knew he was being shitted upon, however he also had pity for those boys who looked `hot'!

Taking the rest of the sixpack, leaving the empties, Gary says, "okay."

"What?" Dierk couldn't believe it, like he was backing down?

To Jake, it sounded like Dierk was ready to add contradiction, helps Gary with the bag of beer, "thanks very much Gary. If there's anything else we can ever do for you?"

"I prefer the boys get used to addressing me as Mr. Lime. You know, it gets a little too chummy and then what happens, the boys start to think I'm a pushover?"

Watching Gary depart, close the door, Jack and Dierk have much to talk about.

Except, right before they do, Gary pokes his head in once more, "and oh, guys? Do something about cleaning this mess up? I like to run a tight ship!"

At least he left with a smile on his lips!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 11

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