Secret Signs

Published on Feb 9, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?

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`SeCReT siGnS' 001

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


When Adam left for college, he was warned by his father, since he was the main shareholder, to turn over a new leaf and play by the rules, `for once in your damn life!'

However, things weren't that easy for Adam. Hormones kicked in early during his teen years and being there were so many hot guys at his high school, how could a dude cope with not using what God gave him?

Therefore, first day of college, he was up bright and early...smiling, thinking, `the early bird gets the worm.'

When he stepped out of his dorm room and into the hallway, he wasn't the only shirtless dude carrying a towel round the neck, draping down over his smooth bod. Though, he was' the only college boy wearing only' briefs!

Not which Adam was surprised, getting brief looks, stares, smiles, though an occasional guy passed by, with `no interest'.

It made Adam's mouth curl up into a small smile, giving his father some credit for doing the right thing for a change, situating him in an all-male dorm, instead of the coed. He gave himself a pat on the back, having kept his homosexuality from his family. Having some intuition about coming out, Adam knew it wouldn't float too well with the `rents. They were kind of strict that way, wanting to pass the family name on, through childbirth. What they didn't know, wouldn't hurt them. At least not until he found his way through college, finding his way in the world.

On purpose he walked the hallway slow, others passing him by. Reason was real enough for Adam, wanting to check out hot asses. He knew `the right one', the dude he'd stalk first, when his tongue would graze over his upper and lower lips. No-fail, it's always worked for him. However, he became aware of a dilemma, lips wet enough to drool...that's what the back of the hand was for!

However, it's not like Adam was going fuck every man on campus the first day of classes. Sometimes when a dude turned around, his looks weren't up to his standards. A guy didn't need to be drop-dead gorgeous, but according to a fox bod, had to be covered with masses of mossy hair!

A smooth dude himself, Adam loved to feel it, rubbing bods together, masses of hair grazing his baby-butt-smooth skin. Weird, Adam thought on it, till it happened, loving the feel of scratchy hair on his tongue. If he thought on it too much right now...he didn't want to walk into the bathroom with a `semi.'

Heading off to college, Adam did feel bad leaving behind some people within his secretive, gay circle. It's probably why he had Renaldo, the house limo driver, stop along the way...

Not a stranger to traveling alone in one of the family limos, Adam worked up a code, knocking 2 times, waiting, then 1 more knock. Signaling, Renaldo pulled over to the side of the road, entering the town park. It wouldn't be unheard of, a limo taking its owner for a nice drive the heavily wooded area.

Renaldo Colon Montoya Alberghetti, of Spanish-Italian heritage, was one hairy dude and Adam made the most of it. It was the reason, when he got together with the driver. Didn't bother Adam a bit, the livery driver was in his mid-30's.

One last time, for old time's sake, Adam knocks - - -

They had a good system going, Adam and Renaldo. If, when Adam stopped at another driveway to pick up a school chum, there had been an interest, the knock sounded like the regular morse code beats, 2 extra added or - - - - - which could put an even extra brighter smile on Renaldo's face. Never came to be though. Seems like all of Adam's school buddies were either straight, or not saying!

The limo swerves over to the turn off lane and enters the park, Adam smiling. Yet, it wasn't the usual feeling, being it's going to be a long time before he sees Renaldo again. That's why Adam was going to make their playtime extra special.

Leaving the front of the vehicle, Renaldo helps himself to entering the rear, after repeating the same rhythm Adam had used to get his attention.

In parting, Adam wasn't good at last words, so just says, "ready for your last private invasion for a while?"

Climbing in, Renaldo says, "I sure am going to miss taking you places, Adam."

Seeing something in Renaldo's hand, Adam asks, "what's in the bag?"

"Oh," Renaldo reaches into it, "something we've been talking about," he withdraws a hand, pulling a tissue wrapped item.

"No, tell me you didn't," Adam is quick to grab at it, hoping Renaldo did' buy the thing' which caused his teen cock to pulse at the thought of...

With haste, Adam tears the tissue paper to shreds, then holding it up on the palm of his hand, "oh wow, it's awesome!"

That's not what Renaldo was thinking of now. Nope, hungering for the big buttplug up his ass had peaked, back at the adult toy store. Right now, he was readying himself, stripping out of his limo driver's uniform.

Seeing this, Adam says, "I see you're not wasting any time!"

Neither was Adam, after the initial glow of unwrapping the humongous ass toy had passed. Hastily he follows, untying his tie, pulling it from around the collar, taking off his suit jacket, "dammmit all," he curses, "if I had my way, I'd be naked before you, Renaldo!"

If Adam had had his way, he would have arrived at college wearing a tee shirt and jeans. But no, an Eastman family member had to arrive dressed for the occasion, representing the prestigious family.

Like he had always thought, when around the family, he was as good as gold. Playing the game, Adam play along, played his father and mother up. He be darned if he was going to pay his own way through college. One of the things he did figure on, not having a job and lots of extracurricular time on his hands.

"Ready for this?" Renaldo calls Adam's attention.

"Yeah," Adam's mental attitude melts, looking upon Renaldo, all stripped, except the shirt.

"I didn't wear an undershirt, just for you," he gloats, fingertips on the buttons.

"Oh man, you know how much I appreciate that!"

And, not long from now, Renaldo will know just how much Adam liked...lusted, watching Renaldo unveil all that luscious fur!

Sitting in one of the chairs, there were four, Renaldo slowly works each button, opening his shirt wider and wider.

"Slower," Adam says. "Like, I've got to really savor this. It'll be a long time before I see another..."

Like a kid opening a big red fire engine on Christmas day, Adam does the unthinkable for a top, slips out of his seat onto his knees.

"Well, I've certainly got you going!"

Nothing new, Renaldo always repeating the same line, when Adam sinks down on his knees till the tip of his 8c almost touches the floor mat.

It's more or less a stale mate, Adam wanting to run his fingers over the driver's mossy pecs, stomach and stimulate him lower. For Renaldo, his desires go beyond hair, wanting the play to progress to where he's lying down on the mat, Adam sitting on his chest and force-feeding him.

After stripping his shirt off over the back of his shoulder blades, this one time Renaldo stops, "oh more thing!"

Too great a wanting, Adam doesn't wait for Renaldo to rifle through the bag, placing both hands on his pecs.

Tearing both hands from his hairy chest, Renaldo barks, "geesh, can wait for just one moment?"

It's like, role reversal, Renaldo barking out the orders, Adam the lowly bottom, "well, get on with it, already?"

Renaldo, removing a tube from the bag, tosses it at Adam. The tube is caught mid-chest, but Adam fumbles, it landing down further, bopping him in the...

"I bet that felt good!" Renaldo says, the tube bouncing off Adam's hard shaft.

"You're sick," Adam says of it.

Like, who in their right mind would want their cock to be intentionally `beat up?!'

Knowing different, Renaldo into some pretty kinky stuff, has kept it secret, not wanting to turn Adam off. Where else could he have the perfect setup, a 19-year old playing with an older guy? Though, Renaldo did already say it, pretty `adult' of how Adam took it, suggesting the other day, of having something else, besides a hard shaft up his ass.

It's not like they hadn't hashed over the subject, "yeah, I'm a sick bastard!"

"So, what am I supposed to do with this?"

All Adam could think of, was applying it to his cock. Strange though, because Renaldo's mouth-lube did the trick in the past, of firming him up and then shooting...

"The buttplug, idiot!"

"Oh! Right. The buttplug...I knew that!"

How could Adam not get it, with Renaldo gesturing with eyes, nodding his head towards the chair which held the black-colored item?

Not which Adam would admit, to many other persons, other than those he was cordially involved in sexual activity, which other then Renaldo, was his best bud at school and a trusted buddy at his father's company, would he make fun of himself, put himself down, "you're right. I am an idiot!"

"Shall I butter it up, or will you do the honors?"

Forgetting about the world and anything else, Adam says, "what about me?" he holds his shaft on a flat palm.

As it went, Adam got first dibs, touching, feeling, licking at Renaldo's hairy bod, as he lay, eagle-spread on the floor. The back of the limo was perfect, the four chairs spreading out Renaldo's limbs, until it became jackknife' time. Renaldo's bod formed a perfect x', giving him something to grab onto, when the going got tough.

It's not which Renaldo didn't get high and hard, Adam's hands and wet lips working his hairy bod. He did laugh, the first time Adam asked' if it were okay to lick his nips'!

That's how it was, the first few times of the - - - Adam's head filled with so many questions, requiring more than one answer.

Now, things went along without verbal expression, except if either had a notion to change it up.

Which is why, he jokes with Adam, "I think you'll have enough time to suck on my nips?"

Adam gropes himself, "did you forget, you're supposed to be driving me to school?"

So, they did take the usual route, Adam slowly working Renaldo into a frenzy, gasping each time Adam teethed a nip, or sunk his twisted tongue into his deep, hairy navel. As protocol has it, that's where the hairy licks stopped, Adam giving the sign, "okay, it's your turn."

And as it always went, Adam too hard, on the edge, shimmies both knees up Renaldo's bod, till his ass is sitting on a wet chest, "ready to suck down my teen cum?"

Another wordless cue, Renaldo opens his mouth wide. Nothing more said, other than the anticipation of pleasure, Adam leans forward. With a hand aiding, cock lying on his palm, feeds Renaldo the bulb of his shaft. With it resting on his tongue, it signals Adam that he can withdraw the hand.

"Mm-mm," he hears Renaldo murmur, which always makes Adam smile.

First few times Adam heard it, made him giggle!

Soon though, it's not a stab at humor, Adam working his cock in and out, until...

"I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum!"

By this time, Renaldo has reached around Adam and stroked himself.

One last warning, about Renaldo's hard shaft, tall as a flagpole, Adam says, "don't even think about it, Renaldo!"

Although, even though Renaldo has never put it there', Adam has wiped off residue' off the light fibers of his ass.

"Whew!" Adam leans back, his butt falling on the mat, between Renaldo's legs.

Fortunately, a chair is there to lean against, legs flopping down on either side.

Renaldo signals the pleasure, yet still groggy, "whe-ew is right!"

This one last time, Adam gazes upon Renaldo's beautiful bod, "I'm sure going to miss you, Renaldo."

"Are you kidding? You think I'm the only hairy guy in the world?"

He meant it as a sweet remark, in parting, Adam saying with a smile, "I guess not."

They both stare at each other, realizing indeed, this could be the very last time they address each other in the buff.

"Oh! Wait! The buttplug!" Adam reaches for it.

"Um, I forgot to tell you."

"What?" Adam starts to do a nasty habit, squeezing out the last bit of cream, wiping it up his chiseled abs.

By habit, he liked the feeling of each ab, a benefit of working out at the gym so much. His gym regimen was born out of something to do while stalking dudes!

"I have the rest of the set in the trunk. I really had no intentions of you using it on me. It's a going off to college present for you."

"Whole set?"

When they talked about it, using a buttplug on Renaldo's ass, there was a mention of 3; small, medium, large.

"I splurged, on account of," it looked like Renaldo was ready to shed a tear, "us being," he didn't want to say `fuck-buddies,' since all of Adam's spunk went down his throat and not up his ass, "so close?"

Wondering what Renaldo was getting at, "you wanna speed this up?"

The usual, wiping up the remnants, Adam reaches for Renaldo's briefs. God-forbid if the maid were to find his, soiled with gluey-cum. Adam always thought that was the purpose of having servants in the house, to spy on the children and report back to the parents. Well, it's what Adam and his younger brother, George, used to think, after his brother was found to have some marijuana, raveled up in a sock in his drawer, to the back and under the rest of his footwear. Only a thorough search would reveal it.

"Sure. Give a hand?"

Last detail to bring a sweet session of gay sex to an end, Adam reaches to grab Renaldo's hand.

Propelling the driver onto his knees, instead of getting up, Adam moves to his own, revealing, "you know, we never um, kissed or did any of that stuff?"

"I suppose you want to know how that's done too, eh?"

After all, without Renaldo's tutelage, how would Adam even know how to slowly work his shaft in and out of a pair of hot lips, for the purpose of filling a mouth, overflow it with hot cream?

"I really appreciate all you've done for me?"

Adam didn't need kissing 101 to follow through on placing his lips on Renaldo's.

After, Renaldo says, "hmm, I don't think I could improve on that!"

"I'm sure you've had more practice than me."

So, while they dressed, they talked shop, or little incidents from the past year.

"Remember when the cop claimed he saw the limo rocking?"

It was also the first time Adam was witness to 2 men getting it on, "all part of the education package, I reckon?"

They laughed it off, but it wasn't like Adam didn't get anything out of it, first time he ever lined his cock up next to another, Renaldo filling his mouth till it looked like his cheeks were ready to explode, "never forget it!"

Another lesson on life in the wilderness', Adam learned, from Renaldo, whereas the cop could very well rush back to the station and report of what went on in the park, there were measures of trust in place. It wasn't the last time the police officer made unscheduled patrolling of the park. If he wanted to get in on some hot action again', he better choose to keep things in the dark!

Cliffhanger here, when Renaldo did try to swallow 2 loads of spunk, he couldn't. Instead, it overflowed his gullet, mouth and dripped down onto the cop's pants.

Fortunately, on the way to high school, Adam had some homework to finish up on. Waiting for the cop to go into his house and change, Renaldo tagging along, what went on there, only his mind could imagine!

About the last to enter the college bathroom, the guy behind him sticks a hand past and presses on the door, "after you?"

Like the rest, he was dressed in sporty sweat pants, Adam saying, "thanks, but allow me."

Yeah, one of the ways to check out a guy, especially if he's topless from the waist up, is to allow him to go first!

He got a smile out of the dude and a flashing of eyes, from chest on down to where the briefs cut everything else out of sight.


Most likely, what the two were realizing, how similar they were, though Adam could boast more about his abs displaying more `chiseled-ness'.

Not to allow a specimen to go unnoticed, Adam says, "I hear they have a gym here. Maybe we could workout sometime?"

"Maybe," the dude, whom first offered, said with shyness.

Strangely, it seemed like, except the pits, the muscle dude was hairless, but it didn't stop Adam from, "I'm Adam."

"Michael," he extends a hand, "Michael Jeffries. Nice to meet you."

He was pleasant, mannerly, which told Adam he came from a good upbringing, plus `money', "same here." Well, he could've been dirt poor. Either a guy attended with full payment up front, or was on scholarship.

Not on either or their minds for the moment.

Then, not sure either way, because Adam liked the looks of the dude, turned on the comedic charm, "we can shower together, if you want?"

The dude said nothing.

Hesitating for a second, after silence prevails, Adam adds, "I mean, if ever intend on getting to class on time, first day and all?"

"Oh," is all Michael said. "Well, I don't might look a little know?"

Of course it would look like `that'!

"Sure. No problem," Adam backs out on his greatly made plan. He also was left with, `straight.'

Michael thought no differently, `what a bummer!'

However, indeed all the showers were occupied and they had to wait. Not alone, another guy leaned on the sinks with them, each to their own, arms folded along the ridges of their pecs.

"I see you guys workout," the odd guys says.

Nervy, Adam says in a stuck-up tone, "I see you don't!"

More Nervy, Michael says out of the corner of his mouth, "rude!"

Swishing his head back towards Michael, Adam is left with a smile on his new-found-friend's lips.

Michael reiterates, "you were."

Okay, so he was, but Adam didn't need someone reminding him of it, "you think so, do you?"

Then, if that wasn't enough, the fat cub tells Adam, "yeah, you were being rude, but that's okay, because it might not look like it now, but someday I'll be popping a sixpack just like you."

Then, like Adam was invisible, Michael starts having a conversation with the chub, "I admire that a person is trying to help themselves. Good for you."

"Thanks," the chub sideswipes a forearm over Adam's washboard. "I could sure use some tips?"

"Yeah, thanks for the tip, Adam," the chub smiles.

Perhaps more manners than Adam, Michael flips the question, "what's your name?"

Whereas Michael reaches a hand over for a courteous greeting, Adam had a flashback. Off and on, over the past school year, Renaldo had shown him something rather kinky, grabbing a nip, stretching with a pulling motion and then licking his hairy chest. Would get him leaking in no time.

"I'm Bobby."

At first, Bobby wasn't assertive to reach out and shake Michael's hand, so Michael took up the slack, "nice to meet you."

Feeling left out, insulted that some fatboy is stealing his new muscle-friend away from him, "I'm Adam."

Talk about nervy, Michael then says, "in fact, Mr. Musclehead and me could both help you out," he places his eyes on Adam, "right, Adam?"

Fortunately for Adam's sake, a shower goes empty, "uh, I gotta shower."

Coming out of the shower, the wet-headed dude should have been conscious, of 3 sets of eyes stalking him.

If Adam thought he was sassy, the wet-head turns, smiles, saying, "like what you see?"

Then, the trio got more than they bargain for, the toweled waist unveiled, "oopsie!"

Renaldo had warned him about a stunt like this!

A towel, seemingly slipping out of hand, enough to show pubic wires, a flabby tube, Adam knew what that `sign' meant, "I've seen better!"

Though, it was apparent Michael and Bobby weren't as open as Adam, standing there with jaws dropped open.

For the latter half of his senior year, Adam had picked up quite a lot of info from Renaldo, which not only expanded his cyclopedic mind, but also gave him enough moxie to slap the ball back into another boy's court, "are you sure you got clean enough, buddy?"

Both at once, Michael and Bobby switch, from checking out the dude who's lost his towel, to Adam.

Right now, like a tennis match, the wet-head retorts, like reading Adam's mind, "matter of fact, I suddenly realize, I don't think I've gotten all the soap off!"

Walking over to him, the short few inches of stepping space, Adam dares to do something, which Renaldo says will catch a dude completely off guard, stick a finger in his navel, "especially right here?"

He was right in front of Bobby, slightly passing Michael, who remarks, "what?"

Michael had not seen what Adam did. Not which he meant it, just part of the heat of the moment, Michael grabs the wet-head's arm and leaning over in front of Bobby, "what am I missing?"

Unknowingly, Michael had leaned his forearm on Bobby's thigh...

`Like, oh my god,' Bobby is thinking, this smooth back flanking his right pec. He had always thought it remotely possible a guy could be interested enough, that he could establish a romantic relationship, whereas he's put in the position of being able to kiss a guy on the neck. However, the willies win out and Bobby is much too nervous to reach out and touch lips to Michael's neck, or shoulder!

"You..." Michael was ready to blurt out, exactly what Adam was doing, pressing a finger into the wet-head's bellyhole!

Before Michael could complete his thought, Adam pulls it out and mashing his finger against his thumb, "Hmm, it does still feel a little slimy."

With the novelty act over, Michael sits up, which causes Bobby to sigh. Bobby also does a mind check, glancing down into the pocket of his wrapped waist, hoping what he is feeling, is not shown!

"Maybe you could help me clean out the soap?"

Adam thought it dumb, but it was getting his balls churning, so who cared if it were a corny phrase. Renaldo hadn't taught him that line, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where this could lead him, or rather where the wet-head was leading him right now.

"I can't believe it," Bobby says, he and Michael watching the two walk into the shower stall the wet-head just came from.

"I can."

From both watching the pair disappear behind a closed door, Bobby's sharp turn of the head brought him inches from Michael's chin, "oh, sorry."

It made Michael straighten up, "no problem."

Though, it were a problem. It was the closest Michael had ever come to a dude, that is publicly. Michael did think he felt Bobby's boob on his back, but was too shy to say!

Feeling he had to explain it, Bobby says, "it wasn't like I was..."

Putting up a hand, like a stop sign, Michael replies, "you don't have to explain."

Interrupting, their attention is once more drawn to the shower stalls, hearing Adam wail, "yeah, take it down all the way, baby!"

Renaldo had instructed Adam on the various phrases a bottom dude loved hearing, while sucking on a luscious cock, saying it was an act of gratitude. At the time, Adam didn't really gave two hoots. All he knew, it felt more than awesome, feeling a pair of lips take on his hard shaft in words more than he could describe.

However, like he was feeling right now, from the wet-head's perspective, Adam felt he deserved some gratitude...or was it incentive?

"Can you believe those two?" Bobby says.

"Nope," Michael swallows, "can't believe that I do."

Then, to break the spell of the both of them, staring in the direction of human emotion filling the room, comes the occupants of the other two stalls.

One of them turns to Michael and Bobby, saying, "can you believe those faggots?"

Certainly, not too wise over matters like this, Michael and Bobby didn't know what to think, the two toweled boys laughing off the comment.

Michael turns to Bobby, asking, "what do you think that was about?"

Not sure, Bobby says, hopping off the sink, "beats me, but I for one have never been late to class in my life."

Well, Michael has not been that angelic, but since the reason he came here, to shower, he follows Bobby's lead.

Either way, Michael hasn't thought about it, fat or skinny. A guy was a guy, though he was aware, of whether a dude sported a fat or skinny cock. Lately, Michael has noticed a guy's ass, like what was that about?

"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me...coming through!"

Barging their way past Bobby and Michael, two dudes, totally rude, nudge their way into `one' of the two shower stalls.

One of them gives excuse, "don't know about you, but we can't be late for `Burg's class!"

Even though newly developing friends, Bobby asks, in hasty tone, "what's your first class Michael?"

"Theater Arts, I think?"

"Oh cool, you want to be an actor too?" Bobby shows excitement, more like a juvenile.

"Not sure at this point. That's what I'm here to find out...if I got any talent."

For a few short minutes, the noise level in shower stall number 3 had subsided. Then, just as Bobby is about to pop the next question, Adam pops his cork!

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh fuckin' yeah!" his voice rang out.

Still pondering the use of shower stall number 2, Michael and Bobby not fighting over it, but disagreeing over offering it up, each to the other.

"No, you go."

"Nah," Michael thinks he's got it wrapped up, "you go. You were closer."

Truthfully, by about 8-inches, Bobby was nearer the shower.

It wasn't only Adam's glorious rendering, but wet-head' calling out in sweet pain,' "oh yeah..oh yeah...pump me up!"

Then, the door to shower number 1 pops open with a bang, cracking the tiled wall.

Reason for it, "what the that you in there..." there was a hesitation, "Cris?"

No one but Adam could see Cris' next move, freezing in place, saying, "uh-oh. Me bad!"

Adam, sitting on the shower floor, catching his breath, manages, "wha-what's the...matter?"

What was the matter is, Cris stood there, stomach soiled with his own cum, licking off his five gooey digits.

The ornery one didn't extend any kind of courtesy, barging right past Bobby and Michael, "you in there, boy?"

"`Boy'?" Adam questions, getting to his feet.

It was a good, good blowjob, which made Adam weak in the knees!

"Um," Cris says, all nervous like, "could be."

Meanwhile, the dude who scrubbed the other's back, is checking out Bobby and Michael, "hey, I overheard you mention, `theater arts.' That's Burg's class, so you better get crackin'. He don't like it when you're late for his class. Trust me," he gets serious, "you don't want to be!"

Bobby felt a little bad, the dude more in Michael's face than his, but he understood. Usually other trim guys didn't like fat boys!

"Really?" Michael replies.

Though, Bobby could tell Michael showed more of an interest.

Sure enough, the dude reaches out a hand, "the name's Ken Connors. I think I'm going to like this semester more than the last one!"

Then he was out of there.

Adam didn't wait around for the fireworks, ducking out of the shower stall, "man, that dude's crazy!"

"What was that all about?" Michael replies.

"I'm not sure," Adam says with reluctance, "but I think some fishy stuff is going on around here."

Bobby asks, "what makes you say that?"

Adam just shrugged both shoulders, "I dunno. Just got a feeling."

It didn't go by the wayside, Adam thinking Bobby's hairy front `hot', but it didn't match the kind of physique he liked.

"Tough to dry off with a wet towel," Michael whips his from his hips, "try mine!"

"Thanks," Adam replies.

Sooner than later, the dude Adam called, `Dierk', made his exit. Side-swiping Bobby and Michael once more, grabs his towel out of the other stall and comes back. His shoulder butts against Bobby's arm, "watch where you're going fat-boy!"

"Did you see that?" Bobby says to Michael.

"Yeah," Michael jokes, "I think he likes you!"

After hearing what they did from Adam's shower stall, they were sure some dude was slowly dying, but soon they heard whistling!

"Oh yeah," Michael left the rest of his thoughts a blank, pertaining to the dude Adam showered with.

"He sounds okay. I was sure something happened to him," Bobby says.

"Maybe we should make sure?"

Knocking on the door, they both are surprised, "c'mon in!"

Bobby was the first to react, staring Michael in the face, "should we?"

Michale knew Bobby wanted to. So did he!

Meanwhile, in the hallway, "wait up, Adam. We've gotta talk."

"What's up Dierk?"

"Just got a few question I want to ask you."

"Okay, but you've gotta hurry. First day of classes, I don't want to be late."

"No problem. Tell me, was it you who scoped out Cris, or did Cris `invite' himself to shower with you?"

Not knowing what this was about, not wanting to get Cris into anymore trouble, which seems to be the case, Adam answers, "It was kind of my idea. I was still a little horny this morning, so...I hope that's not a problem?"

"I see."

With time passing, Adam says, "well, while you're thinking, I've gotta get dressed."

Dierk liked that, Adam walking away from him, showing he had real moxie. A sophomore, he was looking for guys whom measured up to his standards.

Adam found his dorm room and entered.

Before the door closes behind him, Dierk catches it, walking right on in.

Thinking it funny, Adam says, "why don't you go on and invite yourself in?"

While Adam busied himself with getting ready, Dierk did the interrogation. He allowed his towel to unravel from around the waist and helped himself to sitting on the bed next to Adam.

"Cris, he's a good cocksucker, huh?"

Without admitting he's had only one other, Adam says as he pulls on his socks, "he's adequate."

It was one of the signs in which Renaldo had taught him to measure how good a cocksucker could be. One of the other things, longevity, or how long it took him, between first lips contact and the time it took to jack him off.

"It's all about need and demand."

"Don't follow you there, Dierk," Adam gets up, bends over, reaches for a suitcase.

Turning, he throws it on the bed next to Dierk, opening it up and searching for briefs. Same time he's checking out Dierk!

"It's complicated. We'll talk later."

Getting up and leaving, Adam replies, "sure."

He was intrigued with Dierk, all that beautiful hair on his muscled chest, down his abs, it made his mouth water.

Halfway out of the room, Dierk figures he would give his new friend something to dwell on, "oh, by the way," he pops his head back in, "Cris, he's yours!"

With the door banging shut, it left Adam agog. Now that was something to stand there and think on.


Meanwhile, Renaldo had left Adam and his junk off, seeing him to his room and then jumping in his limo and taking off.

Five minutes into his ride, he gets a call from Adam's father. It was a proposition.

From working for the man for only a short time, Renaldo has only learned a few things. One was, what Mr. Eastman says, goes.' He's also heard, if you don't like it, pack your bags.'

Well, when he heard the first words out of Mr. Eastman's mouth, he was ready to do his own bidding and pack his own bags. His whole work history had been spent carting Adam all over town and he wasn't about to answer to Eastman's beck and call. Besides, he didn't like working for a homophobe!

However, he held his tongue when he heard his new assignment was to look after Adam, that he would stay in the college town, in a rented apartment, free', and still draw salary. After the first semester, if things went well, which meant keeping Adam out of boy-trouble, there would be bonuses to follow. In closing, Mr. Eastman said he knew all about faggots', the disgusting things they did, how they were all diseased in some way, but didn't want to hear about this happening with his' son. His exact, caring words were, let it happen to the other guy'. In closing, Renaldo had mouthed the last dictated order, he's an Eastman and...' and Renaldo had heard that phrase so many times, he didn't need to finish thinking about it...fact being, his voice would trail off as if meaningless, anEastmanissupposedtoact...blah, blah, blah'

With the prospect of water under the bridge, Renaldo seriously began to ponder over the aspect of leaving the past behind and looking towards his future. Life was getting kind of stale, so why not take that leap of faith? For certain, other than Adam and his brother, George, there was little to leave behind, except his worldly goods, which included a nice duffle bag of toys!

In itself, Renaldo's duffle was enough to think on. Highly underused, it was very tough to uphold a reputation, living under the Eastman wing. If ever `caught in the act', it would mean losing a lucrative job. How else could he afford to outfit his collection of buttplugs and other fun stuff?

Much weighed toward finding a new life in Cumber Creek Corners, but already he was planning on returning to the mansion and retrieving his personal items.

Perhaps, dialing Adam's father back, he was being hasty, but always fell back on wise words of his grandmother, like right now which would apply, `he who hesitates is lost'.

It went right through. Apparently, Mr. Eastman was looking to resolve this issue pronto, reason he picked right up. I a few short words, Renaldo accepted the position. As usual, his attorney had drawn up some paperwork. His attorney would be making the trip to Cumber Creek Corners in the morning to have them signed.

Touching off his cell, Renaldo's spirits were high. It wasn't about his new life to be, but that Eastman was sending his attorney. Often he had toyed with the idea, picking the counselor up at the airport, taking him here and there, of approaching him on a certain subject. However, there were consequences for either of them, if word of their clandestine meetings ever got out, so they played it cool. Now, in a place out of the ordinary, perhaps he relight the flame!

Renaldo put it on the back burner. Anxious to get on with it, he put into the limo GPS the name he jotted down, Cumber Creek Corners Realty. Seconds later, it came up and soon as he keyed the ignition, the sweet, manly voice was instructing him on how to get there.

Two turns later, he thought he was headed back to the college. Suddenly, a wall of people were headed towards him. Had he died and gone to heaven, in the lead, a shirtless man in the lead?!

On both sides of him were two police officers. Behind the three were a flock of college-aged people.

Like the cars in front of him, he had no choice but to throw on the brakes, or get a fender-bender. He saw them run past the first two cars. The shirtless - cub - was in the lead. Good thing to, since it was easier to study him, without any obstructions. The cops looked hot too, but nothing like a shirtless man. Not which Renaldo was prejudiced. Underneath those uniforms, there could be hot bods worth tasting!

Regardless, his mouth was dry and it all wasn't from thinking about tasty treats. Almost at his bumper, was the cub and the two uniforms.

They had distanced themselves from the crowd of chasers, after the fire department showed up and pummeled them with water canons.

He supposed they didn't think they were out of the clear, when they started banging on the windows of his limo.

If it were the ensuing crowd, Renaldo would have made sure the locks were clicked shut. However, faced with saving the lives of 3 hot men, one shirtless...well, how could he not unlock the doors!

Stepping one leg out, he reaches behind his own back, to pull the door handle. If a fare, like McNulty, his employer's attorney, he would have stepped out and done the cordial thing, hold the door for the gentleman.

"Here, get in!"

The bear and the cop dive in. Around the other side, the officer is finding his own way inside.

Plopping back down in the driver's seat, Renaldo was glad he had the dividing window open, catching one of the cops say, "we owe you our lives!"

It made Renaldo smile, thinking he was sure he knew a way they could make it up to them.

Even though the engine was going, the limo wasn't moving. Though, the crowd mainly formed around the whole limo.

"Anyone want to tell me what's going on?"

"It's me they're after," the bear leans forward, to speak through the window.

It was as good a time as any to get acquainted, Renaldo throwing to the back seat, "now, who would want to harm such a fine looking gentleman as yourself?"

He knew he caught the bear off guard, leaving a pause in the conversation, possibly to formulate a return phrase, either for or against what Renaldo wanted to hear.

However, one of the cops speaks up, "I can't believe all this is over an old tree, that was falling down anyway."

So, the story comes out, along with names.

Chad Wilson was only do his job. His company was hired by the college to chop down an old tree, which was deemed unsafe by his boss, in danger of falling into the court of the outdoor student center meeting place.

Apparently, some historical society got wind of it, declaring it a monument, a testimony given about how it was a part of the landscape, as the college was being born.

With discrepancy, the college disagreed with making it a `monument', stating they would have to shore it up, or move the student center. Either way, it would have cost money, slated for other things.

People who were not even connected with the college got involved, a stem of environmentalists and soon they had a riot on their hands.

"So, where do you fit into all of this, Chad?"

Of course, the one without the shirt, was of major focus to Renaldo!

"I happen to be the lucky landscaper, in charge of taking the tree down!"

He knew a riot was serious business, but Renaldo thought Chad so cute in his rendering of the facts, "is that so?"

One of the cops was busy with crowd control, wondering if the limo was going to keep them safe.

The other followed the `tree elimination' conversation, which kicked up Renaldo's sixth sense, "kind of put you in the middle, per se?"

"Exactly," Chad replies, though he had thoughts how he would like very much to put something in the middle of the driver's legs!

Apparently, the fireman's hoses dispersed the crowds, but not before his limo got a nice wash!

"Looks like the mob is letting up," one of the cops says.

"Yeah. Definitely we look to be in the clear," the other pops the door lock.

Throughout the whole ordeal, Renaldo was ready to clobber the GPS-dude, rambling on and on about how to get to the realty place.

It caught Chad's ear, "looking for a place to stay?"

The cops exited, a door left open and monitored by one of the officers.

"Not like overnight," Renaldo reports. "My employer has set up some permanent lodgings for me. That's why," he nods towards the dash, "the GPS idiot wouldn't be quiet. I'm headed over to the agency to find out.

"Well," Chad takes on his own corporate action, "I doubt very much it's safe to go back and find my shirt just yet, so I wouldn't mind showing you the way, while things cool down?"

`Why not?' Renaldo thought, "sure. Would be obliged. Why don't you come sit up front?"

Getting out, water dripped over the door opening. Sweating, from running and the heat from wondering if the crowd was going to catch up, Chad welcomed the wetness dripping down his shoulders.

Walking around the limo, scouting for any remnants of the rioters, he opens the passenger side, "I'm kind of sweaty, just to let you know?"

Inside joke, Renaldo smiles, thinking how much pleasure he could derive from relieving Chad of that condition, "no problem. I'll take it to the carwash later."

Chad thought on it, it not making sense, "carwash, huh?"

Again, that sixth sense kicking in, Renaldo might just lose his navigator, but chances it, "or I'll just lick the seat off after you leave!"

He laughed, which would carry it as joking.

But the car door didn't jimmy open, Chad saying, "or, if you didn't want to wait, you could clean it off now?"

Now though, Renaldo knew they were speaking the same language and he wasn't going to have to go through the rest of the day, trying to untangle his balls from his vocal cords, "or, if I had a place, we could go back there and shower it off?"

If he thought he wasn't wasting any time, it could be more said about Chad, leaning over and grabbing Renaldo by his tie, "take it nice and case there's any rioters left."

"Huh?" Renaldo thought, Chad putting it over on him.

"Keep your foot on the brake!"

From the peck of lips, on his, Renaldo says of it, "woof!"

"Take the next left."

"But, the GPS says make a right," Renaldo differs.

"I thought you wanted to shower?"

He did...want to shower and take the next left!

Flicking off the GPS, Renaldo sent a message, "anything you say, boss!"

What a lucky day, Renaldo thought, meeting up with Chad an obscure way and second chunk of luck, having small pieces of his collection in the trunk. Good thing Adam didn't want to take the bag of buttplugs with him!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 2

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