Secret Pet

By D One

Published on Sep 27, 2023


I'm writing this here in the hardware store. Its night and we're closed. I close up now letting my boss Mr. McIntosh leave earlier. The isn't much traffic out front. A few cars go by now and then. But our main street goes to sleep at 7pm.

Anybody who needs things after that hour either waits till the next day or drives almost 40 miles to the nearest WalMart or one of the gas station convenience stores.

Business is good, in fact better lately. It's winter of course. And storm windows were put up by most people sometime ago..about the time I returned from Scotland as a matter of fact.

I was sent to a few homes to help them. The first time I did that the people weren't sure about me when I arrived. I guess they never saw a young man wearing a wide leather collar.

Oh yea, I should say I wear a collar now. Carson put it on me when I appeared at his door and unlike the times before I wore it, he snapped a padlock on it. I got hard immediately. He had the key on a chain around his neck. He was in total control of me^Åthat's the message I got and liked.

But I still wear it; I'm wearing it now of course.

My parents asked me about it, I just told em it was a "current thing" and I heard my father tell Mom it was a phase and it would pass. I rarely sleep at home these days.

The folks took off for cruise and then visited Mom's parents in Wisconsin. I couldn't go.

So I look over the house, keep it clean and the yard trimmed and then report to where I'm supposed to report now.

I guess you can tell a lot has happened since last fall. It's spring now. And I'm getting my things together for college in the fall.

Dad says we should go there in the summer and get a place. He plans to buy a condo for me to share with other kids who will pay rent. He says it's almost as cheap as paying the college money and after I graduate it'll be worth more.

Since I took some classes last summer and will do more this summer, the college won't consider me a freshman, so I can live off campus.. And I get to pick my roommates which is good cause I want to find guys like me, you know gay ones. Maybe I can get permission for a freshmen from the school too^Åcause I need to have a classmate, a peer too. There's a lot ahead of me I know.

I have to be back by 8pm so let me try to cram in everything that's happened since I told you about what happened leading up to my trip to Scotland.

McIntosh, my boss, asked my folks and me to visit his Daughter.

I met Laura. She's McIntosh's daughter. Her last name is Ryan now because she got divorced. She teaches there^Åand she was fun.

I wasn't expecting her to be young for some reason. She gave us a tour around Edinburgh where she lives and teaches.

Then we four went to Stirling which was another modern city and out to the country side. I guess Laura was kind of my date. But I felt like she was a sister I never had.

She told my parents to take off and arranged for them to take a second honeymooner boat ride and stay in some old house turned into an Inn.

They asked me if it was ok and Laura jumped in saying I'd be in good hands. Even I didn't know she meant it.

So that night she took me to some pubs where there were a lot of guys. I assumed they were college student haunts. Laura seemed to know many of them.

And she introduced me to so many guys I thought she was trying to fix me up. But I didn't know what she knew about me.

One afternoon an older man came to her flat and met me. Josh Connery was his name, "no relation to Sean" he told me.

I asked Laura if I should take off and leave her alone and she laughed.

"He's for you. My Dad wrote me and said to introduce you to some of my gay friends" she smiled.

I guess I knew that McIntosh knew I was gay. That was why he introduced me to Carson Miller. But it just didn't dawn on me he really knew about me.

Josh took me on a different tour of the city. Although it included some of the same pubs, there were other places.

Coffee shops where other gay men hung out, he told me where on the campus to go to meet guys anonymously.

"Of course you have to be careful." He would add "better to be with someone you know" he smiled and put his arm over my shoulder. He was hitting on me I knew and I liked it.

We had dinner and went to his flat near campus. Josh was some kind of administrator at the place. Despite the fact he was Scottish, I could understood him. Or maybe I had been there long enough to start to understand the accent.

It didn't matter because in his flat, we drank and kissed and I understood where the night was going and happily found myself naked in bed with him.

It was different then being Carson's doggie boy. It was kind of like the times with Kurt but with an older man.

His furry red head was all over his body and my tongue and hands moved through his forest like a hungry wolf. His cock was huge. I mean it was fat and long and uncut.

He told me how to tongue his uncut cock. My tongue fit under his foreskin and moved around his cockhead. That made him groan and I kept doing it until he pushed me away saying he was saving "it".

I licked the fat stem and tried to swallow his cock. It fit my mouth but there was hardly room for me to move my tongue inside. It moved against the back of my throat and I stifled my gag reflex but his cock was too big.

I knew I needed more practice on deep throating and back home my Pet Owner Carson would continue those lessons when I returned.

He asked me if I got fucked in the states. Apparently that's the main gay sex activity there.

And despite the pain that seemed to last, I sat on his cock.

"Go slow" he warned and I listened fearing I'd disappoint him by not being able to take it.

Josh moved his hands all over my bare thighs and up my torso. He worked my nipples which triggered something in me I guess cause I was determined to have my ass swallow the full width and length of his Scottish cock.

I think we both were surprised when it suddenly began to slid up inside me and I felt his pubic hair against my taint.

He was fascinated about me being shaven and would pet my smooth crotch as he lifted his hips.

Unfortunately his fingers left my nipples when he did that but I still enjoyed the feeling of his big cock filling up my guts.

He fucked me for a very long time. I didn't know if he came and was still fucking me anyway or if he had cum or not.

Then the education began as I was told to get in different positions, some which I had never thought of before.

I was standing on the bed holding onto his headboard as he fucked me holding my buttocks.

Then he had me lay flat on the bed and re entered me to pump me awhile.

We never did the doggie position which I was most familiar with.

And finally he sat up and had me sit on his cock again^Å.holding my nipples and twisting them unmercifully he fucked me making me bounce up and down and then he came.

His face his jamming my but his fingers on my nipples all got more intense. He banged my ass so hard I nearly was lifted in the air as he shot what I'm sure was gallons of cum inside me.

He was surprised when I said I didn't want to go back. I wanted to nest all night in his body fur. And feel his arms around me.

We had breakfast with Laura who had to go to work. Josh volunteered to look after me that day.

Laura said something like "I thought you would" and I blushed. I wondered if her mind pictured me naked being fucked like I had the night before.

"I'm a bit sore" I whispered to Josh when he said we should go back to he flat.

He nodded but as soon as we got back to the flat he stripped me naked and fucked me on my back. I took it; I took it all and loved it.

I realized he hadn't let me cum at all. And my cock was still hard as hell. I started to jack off after he came inside me before he withdrew but he pushed my hand away.

"Not yet laddie" he said smiling.

"We have some guys to meet"

He took me around to different flats..all friends of his. And in each one I sucked cock.

"Americans like sucking" he said "so let's be hospitable" he suggested.

His friends were older men and younger guys, some younger then me. But each time their cocks appeared and I knelt sucking them until my lips were sore and the back of my throat raw.

Some shot their loads on my face. One or two took photos of my dripping face.

And in one flat there were about four young guys. I suspected they were students. He told them I was a very hungry American and they stripped me.

I figured I was about to be gang banged. And despite the fact my insides were sore thanks to Josh's abuse I guess I could take it.

But instead the guys circled around me and jacked off shooting their sperm all over me. I tried to jack off at the same time but Josh told me "not yet" and I lay there hard as hell looking up at the four guys balls and hands on their cocks while they showered me twice.

"We have one more place for you to go" he said and we took a bus for a long ride to another part of town.

It was a pub and despite the fact it was in the afternoon, the place was packed. It was like a postcard for Scotland and the leather world.

There were guys in the type of leather harnesses I'd seen in the states, others wearing brightly colored plaid kilts, others in jeans and shinny black shirts and others in jeans and plaid shirts. There were even some guys I swear were from Wall Street in suits and ties.

Everyone seemed to know Josh. They almost yelled hello like that old TV show CHEERS when he entered.

I drank and ate a sandwich Josh ordered. I met men whose brogue was so thick I could only nod and smile or say some weak "nice to meet you" response.

"Ok when are you going to ask the question?" Josh yelled in my ear.

I didn't know what he meant. I thought he expected me to ask something sexual.

"About the kilts what they're wearing underneath" he continued seeing my confusion.

"Oh" I smiled and told him the story of my first kilt and subsequent. He seemed delighted saying I ought to wear em here.

"Kelly" he yelled and another man about his age came over shook his hand and mine.

"He wants to find out what you're wearing under" Josh yelled. Of course I knew so I wondered why he said that.

"He can look and find out for himself but he has to pay the price" Kelly said more to me then Josh.

Josh put his big hand on my shoulder and pushed me until I was on the floor. Kelly moved over me and his kilt covered me.

I saw his free hanging ball sac and cock. I reached up and touched it. Then he or Josh pushed my head through the cloth and I knew what the "price" was.

I licked and sucked until my face felt the man's cum cover my face. I licked the final drops and he jumped.

Josh pulled the kilt from over me and the two men laughed at me. Kelly poured some of his beer down and I opened my mouth making them both laugh again. He moved the beer flow washing his cum off my face.

Others around us applauded as I stood, wet with the beer and still tasting cum in my mouth.

Josh patted my butt. I guessed I did good for a visiting American in his charge.

We drank a lot more and there was singing. I didn't know the words but I sang anyway and it looked like Oktoberfest drinking I had seen in movies.

Arms around me and others as we sang.

Josh and I stood next to each other letting the processed beer flow from us into a huge trough like thing. Others stood around us, some lifting their kilts others unzipping their flies. I wished I had worn the kilt which was packed in my suitcase.

We both slept the majority of the bus ride home and Josh put me to bed in Laura's flat. He stripped me like a baby and lay me down and then played with my nipples.

Despite my semi drunken state my unsatisfied cock rose and he laughed taking it in one hand and began to take me to the point of orgasm. One hand moved from nipple to nipple and the other hand seemed to be everywhere.

His big finger moved inside me, his hand pulled my shaven balls, his fingers rubbed my taint and his first pulled on my cock.

I'm sure it didn't' take long but it seemed to go on forever and I begged "no" when my body was about to explode. Josh ignored my pleas and I must have erupted bigger then that Hawaii volcano.

Josh uttered something in Scottish and I presumed it was because I had cum all over everything and everywhere.

He wiped his hands on my body over and over again and my cock returned to it's fully effect status.

He jammed a finger in my ass and fisted my cock taking me to yet another much needed peak. I wanted his cock in me and I think I muttered the request. As the bed and room twirled in my head my body stream out some more of my juices and Josh laughed.

"Is he ok?" I heard Laura ask.

"He's fine now just needs to sleep it off. Americans aren't used to our pubs" I heard him say and after the door closed there was quiet.

Or I just passed out, not sure which.

The folks arrived the next day and we continued our tour to places like Glasgow, Dundee and some smaller villages. Dad's ancestors were from Dundee so we spent a lot of time there getting photos everywhere.

He swore one old house was here his grandparents lived and we posed for photos while Mom, being patient, tolerated him and me standing there in our kilts as he belted out instructions.

They were going back to Glasgow and I asked if I could return to Edinburgh to hang out with Laura.

Laura suggested this in front of them and winked at me.

To my surprise they said "sure" and I was on a train back to Edinburgh. I called Laura and asked her to cover for me.

Then in the bathroom I stripped naked and put on my kilts the correct way and a white shirt and some kind of leather vest I had. I probably looked like a tourist imitating a Scot but I ignored that possibility.

I knocked on the door of Josh's flat and he opened the door smiling.

"Nice now that's the way we'll keep you" he said.

I hardly heard his words. I was staring at his hard cook as he was standing there totally naked. Laura had called him I guessed so the surprise was mine, not his.

He pulled me inside and stripped off my clothes except for the kilt. The fucking began and I begged him to take a break.

But ignored my pleas knowing I didn't mean it anyway. Being fucked while wearing a kilt made me even hornier then I was already.

Sitting on his lap with his cock inside me, on my back with his cock pumping me and his fingers twisting my nipples, sucking his cock so it would cum all over my face and bare chest, even doggie position while he rubbed his cock against the sides of my intestines so my hole would tighten around him, or me leaning against the wall with his hands holding my kilt up while he fucked me and spanked my buttock with his other hand.

We went to a pub with me still bare chested and in the kilt later that night. I figured if he wanted me to put something on, he'd tell me. He figured I wanted to be half naked despite the cold night.

There were other half naked guys at this pub some with leather harnesses and kilts on too. So I didn't feel like a complete geek.

There was a lot of nipple pinching of those guys and I got it too.

"Be careful he'll bend over of you do that too hard" Josh warned one guy who intensified his hold on my nipples.

"Ok ok, he's mine" Josh said in a bit "Unless you want him under your kilt"

I would gladly have gotten under the guys kilt if he was wearing one. He was hot! And his fingers had indeed turned my cock hard.

The few days was wonderful. Josh and I were like total lovers. He asked me what I wanted to do.

And I knelt in front of him saying "I'm your property so you get to decide"

He nodded and without any ceremony or pretense took charge. My mouth and ass were his to share and use. He already knew that.

A few guys he knew came over one night and there's not other way to describe the night except "orgy". Just bout anything you can imagine went on.

And it started with them deciding to inspect the American. They stripped me naked, asked about my shaven crotch and played with me however they wanted. Finger in my ass, on my nipples, pulling my balls singing my cock.

Lips on my cock while I sat on someone's lap their cock inside me. It was like a game to see how many ways they could play with the Yankee. I didn't mind. And Josh was having fun with some of them and me too.

Trevor led me to the bedroom and we were sucking each other when Josh came in. His cock took turns fucking Trevor and me while we continued.

I learned later Trevor was a fuck buddy, I guess you'd call it, and I wondered if he was jealous of me taking his place with Josh.

He didn't seem jealous as the three of us moved around and changed positions until basically I was serving the two of them in various combinations.

I woke up in Josh's harms my head on his hairy chest. Trevor's arms were on me and his naked body pressed against my back.

And the trip ended a couple days later.

The breakfast with Laura, my folks, Trevor and Josh surprised me as I arrived at the pub. But it as fun and my folks didn't seem to question me hugging and kissing the two men on the cheek. Maybe it was because I did the same to Laura, not because I thought I should but because I wanted to.

I whispered "thanks for Josh" in her hear and she kissed me.

So that was Scotland.

If there was any doubt in my mind I was gay and not going through some experimental phase in my sexual life,

Mom kept asking "Did you and Laura have a nice time?" and "What did you two do all week?"

I answered enough for her to be satisfied but wondered what she was thinking.

"Did he and Laura have an affair" She is a divorced woman and older then he was. I guess it was ok, he is a grown man, I hoped they used protection."

I doubted she thought

"So Josh and my son had wild animal sex all week. He took my son to bars where he sucked Scottish cock. And that orgy, my boy was so victimized by the horny Scottish men, fucking him like that in his cute little butt and his nice lips."

I smiled. I doubted she would ever envision what went on.

As I mentioned before when we got home there was hardly time to relax. I was going over to Carson Millers so we could leave early to go to Kurt's graduation from boot camp.

I had one day to unpack and repack some things.

When I reported to Carson's, I automatically put on the doggie gear which hung beside Kurt's.

As I begged scratching the back door he appeared and patted my head. But before he led me inside, he unbuckled my collar.

"Good boy Petie nice to see you, I have a gift for you"

He showed me a new wider leather collar which he put around my neck and buckled it into place.

"That too tight?" he asked putting a finger under it to make sure my barking meant "no".

Then he showed me a silver padlock and put it through a ring on my collar. The sound of it snapping shut was both surprising and stimulating.

"Now you're really my property" he said.

I saw him put the chain round his neck.

We had sex as soon as he led me into the kitchen. His cock was inside me so fast I hardly felt it go in. Of course my butt was probably still stretched from Kurt's abuse.

"Good boy" he said after he was finished and then knelt to milk me so I'd shoot on the kitchen floor.

I licked my own sperm from the floor without his command and he laughed.

"My doggy is hungry I see"

And I followed him into the back yard to piss against the familiar tree. It was as if I hadn't been gone for two months.

I followed Carson around the house like an attentive pup should and welcomed his petting me and talking to me. I barked and whimpered and my cock stayed hard most of the time.

I wasn't sure if that was because I was turned on or 19 years old. But feeling it swing as I moved around on my hands and knees added to the excitement.

"I have a present for you later" my owner said.

After I licked the last hamburger and other things from my doggy bowl and lapped up water, he led me to the living room.

I sat on the couch my head in his lap and licked his cock awhile. The door knock stopped me from continuing to lick till my master came.

Gregory appeared. He stood alone, tall and smiling. When he entered he didn't immediately become the doggy I had seen him be the last time Kurt and I saw him.

He accepted a drink and the two of them sat on the couch.

"Down boy" my owner said and I, an obedient dog, sat on the floor.

They watched the videotape of the doggy show Kurt and I had performed in. We also saw Gregory perform.

My cock kept throbbing watching my naked body and Kurt as well. I tried not to laugh as we behaved like dogs, begging, rolling over, playing dead, and trotting fast past the judges. And I held back from applauding seeing Carson accept the trophy and ribbons. I felt proud.

"He did good do him" Carson asked.

"Very good" Gregory said. I was still getting used to his voice since he had barked most of the time when we last were together.

"You did too, I think you both deserve a reward" Carson said as he patted my butt.

"You sure?" Gregory asked.

He was sure, in fact Carson not only watched but videotaped Gregory as he stripped naked and greased his cock.

If I had other reasons to thank Josh for, I had another. My stretched ass took Gregory's massive black cock easier then it would have otherwise.

"My doggy must be horny" Carson said seeing my ass swallow Gregory's length.

I know I neglected my doggy voice now and then as I moaned, groaned and begged.

I wasn't punished. I was rewarded by Gregory fucking me almost as hard as Josh had done back in Scotland.

And I came without my mittened hands or my owners' hands on my cock. Gregory yelled at me to "play dead" and I rolled over my hands and knees in the air.

His cock was already spilling on me as I turned and then I watched it's piss slip open up in a kind of rhythm as thick streams pulsated covering me. I swear he moved his cock around and covered me crotch to hairline with his cum.

I knew or hoped what was going to happen next. Carson clipped on my leash and led me dripping to the bathroom where they both washed me off with their piss.

"Stay" My owner order and he left the room. I heard him and Gregory laughing a bit.

And then I looked up when Gregory came in and petted my head to say goodbye.

"Got to piss first, you want it boy?"

I barked and gladly watched him pull his big thick but floppy cock out as he pissed all over me again.

The door closed and I stayed in place as my owner had ordered.

He bathed me as he had done many times since I became his doggy. He pet me, fingered my played with my ball sac and cock and nipples.

I was led to my doggy bed and slept soundly hoping my owner would keep there forever. But my mind also included memories of Josh and Kurt.

We drove to the base the next morning. I wore my shorts and shirt but the collar remained around my neck. There was no question that it would remain.

We talked, like humans during the trip and I found myself describing in detail my Scotland adventures.

"Take out your cock and jack off boy" I barked automatically and obeyed shooting my cum into my hands.

"Good boy" he said patting my head like a doggy boy. I realized I would always be a doggie boy. And that I even felt like one when servicing Josh though it wasn't a role playing scene.

When I hugged Kurt hello he smiled and said "nice collar" and flipped the lock with his fingers.

The sight of him wearing his Navy uniform was startling and arousing as hell. I guessed Carson knew it or he too was aroused.

The ceremony was long and boring except for all the hot young guys and older men in uniform. I wondered if I had made a mistake and instead of going to college I should have joined the Navy.

Kurt and I could have been together. But we probably would have been caught and kicked out.

Kurt's parents were there and we all had our photograph taken, even Carson was in them.

Kurt was going to spend the next day with his parents and go back home with them until his leave was over.

But he told them he had duty that night, which was kind of true.

When he showed up at the motel I was already a doggy. Our owner had brought the things we wore to the motel and as soon as we checked in he told me to get in the room and dress.

Kurt knocked and came in. He still wore the uniform and Carson ordered me, his Petie dog to beg the sailor for his cock.

As he videotaped us, I sucked Kurt's cock which was not sticking out of his blue pants and feeling his sperm in my throat. It was a welcomed taste.

"You get naked" he said to Kurt and Kurt obeyed. I figured he'd be in his doggy ears and mitten soon.

"No, you two wear these, we're going for a swim" Carson held up two pair of black Speedos.

I looked up at Carson and barked my question.

"Yes you too"

I stood and felt he collar unlocked and removed. My mittens were removed and my naked body was soon wearing the Speedos. My cock bulged. It always got hard when I wore new clothing.

And beside there was Kurt's familiar nearly naked body wearing a similar pair.

We looked like brothers.

Caron wore some trunks and the three of us went to the covered pool where we became teenagers again.

Well we actually were still teenagers so I guess we became human boys again as we played in the water with each other and Carson. We raced, played water polo with some other boys from the motel and tired our bodies trying every swim stroke we knew.

Back in the motel we showered and dressed.

"Stay, I'll get dinner"

He had brought our bowls and everything so his two doggy boys were once side by side feeling each other's bodies with our own as we ate whatever mashed up food he put in the bowls.

But he didn't bring the bed so we curled up on our owner's bed while he played with us, pet us and fed us his cock.

Kurt had to leave early the next morning. But our owner ordered him to fuck me first which he did. His cock was smaller then Gregory or Josh's so it slipped easily into me.

After emptying his morning wood load into my guts, he became human again and one wearing the sexy uniform.

He hugged Carson a long time. They talked to each other.

Then he came to me.

"You can stand" Carson said. It wasn't an order; it was him releasing me from my doggy role.

I hugged Kurt and cried as my mittened hands surrounded him. Out tongues pet each other and it hit me he was leaving.

"Write me and I'll write you, or email or both" he said.

I was too busy kissing him to say I would but he knew I would. Until then I would remember the taste of him and feel him inside me.

"I want you to get underwater and give me your shorts" Carson told me later as we were in the pool area. I knew he was testing me. I didn't care. I obeyed and naked swam back and forth across the pool until someone from the motel came over and spoke to Carson.

"Kids.' He said shrugging "Hey Pete get over here" he handed me my Speedos smiling at me and I put them back on underwater.

"You did good this weekend" he said as we drove home.

"Thank you Sir" I said realizing I had spoken to him as a human. I don't' know if he reacted or not because I was half asleep and soon totally asleep.

McIntosh reacted to my collar when I walked into work.

"Well if anyone asks just tell them you're with a rock group or something, besides you look good in it" he said laughing

So the week went normally with me working in the hardware store and reporting to Carson several nights and the following weekend.

Once in awhile my owner would take me to his friend's house where my doggy behavior delighted and entertained them. Sometimes I would play with their own human dogs or even their real dogs.

And at times I would obey my Master servicing both humans and human doggies. Sometimes I'd get to hump another human doggy. But they weren't like Kurt.

Then Christmas came and my life seemed to begin another chapter.

"Look I've been offered a job and I have to take it. It mean's I'm moving to Texas" Carson told me.

It as sad but since I was going to college this next year I knew we were going to end this anyway.

And on the week before Christmas he told me he had a special gift for two of his closest friends.

I obeyed as I trotted to the back yard and pissed there for what was to be the last time. And he led me into the Jeep.

I noted he had my clothes with him and the bed was in the back.

"I'm taking you to your new owner" he said simply. I almost panicked that some guy I probably wouldn't like was about to assume he could do anything with me he wanted. But it also excited me. I guessed I could leave if I wanted to.

I ducked down below window level less someone, let along a cop, would see an obviously naked boy with a collar and leather doggy ears in the car.

The car parked and I heard a garage door close. This wasn't unusual when my owner took me still dressed as a doggy to another house.

I responded to the leash and crawled behind the sight of my owner's trousers, sad that he would be leaving me and excited that something new was about to happen.

Here is his key.

I looked up just as Carson removed the chain with the key to my collar and put it around McIntosh's neck. He was bare chested and wearing his kilt.

"Thank you I think that's the nicest gift you've ever given me at least since you were my doggy" he said

McIntosh patted my head like a dog. He had never recognized or talked about my doggy role but of course he knew about it. He was the one that had made it happen.

Carson leaned over and patted me then hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Be a good boy and do everything your new owner tells you or I'll come back and swat you"

I wanted him to swat me again just for memory sake, but he patted my butt and grabbed my balls.

And then he left.

I now belonged to McIntosh. I panted and barked. I got under his kilt and fed on his owner cock which was thick and long and tasted as good as the other time I had expressed my gratitude by sucking.

Perhaps I had always wanted to be his boy and his doggy. Those times I saw him parading naked playing his bagpipes while I masturbated outside his house was a forerunner to what was now reality.

So that's what happened. I live with McIntosh all the time now when my folks are out of town and most of the time when they're home.

I belong to him as a doggy and as a boy. I've been with him in both roles to visit his friends and with him alone.

I keep his house in good repair and clean.

And I work for him at his hardware store of course.

My Master walks around the house naked still, playing his pips but now his doggy boy follows him around when he does it. I'm not sure if any neighborhood boy watches us through the windows but if he does, I bet he'll be taking my place eventually.

I still wear his collar and on special occasions wear my kilt to work which he wears his.

We both know that in the fall I'll be leaving town to go to college. McIntosh says he has some friends in that area, so I know I won't be without a firm hand and cock then.

I've got to go now, if I'm late my owner will swat me with his rolled up newspaper.

Well maybe I'll be a little late on purpose. After all a bad doggy deserves what he gets.

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