Secret Pet

By D One

Published on Sep 25, 2023


I'm on the plane back to the US. We've been in Scotland for two months and all I can say is I had a wonderful time. And yes, it had something to do with the kilts and the men. But I'll tell you about that later.

First I thought I'd tell you about what happened before I left. Like everything that has happened this past summer, I know it began to change my life in ways I dare not tell my parents, maybe someday I will^Åbut that's not important now.

What's important is, well here it goes.

I was leaving on Saturday. So was Kurt.

He had finally signed the papers and was not only going into the Navy but was going to flight school. That confused me because he hadn't been especially coordinated in high school.

But those years were long gone. We both had taken time off from education. I, because I just wasn't sure I wanted to go to college as my parents had planned for me, let alone study what they wanted me to study.

Kurt finally confessed to me the only reason he hadn't joined the Navy immediately was because I was around. We had gotten beyond the awkward conversation of each of us letting the other know how important we were to each other.

Of course I knew that, Kurt did to, without words. But our relationship became sexual since high school. That didn't include the years we spent sharing masturbation fun. Allot of guys do that anyway and they're not in love or even gay.

I think I loved him way back then even before we compared our erections or our emissions. It was certain when we jacked each other off, we seemed to know each other's timing^ÅI mean we could cum at the same time almost every time. Wow! I remember thinking that the first night I lay in bed after we had done it earlier. Wow!

Maybe that's why I really didn't want to leave town the fall after high school. I didn't want to leave Kurt.

But of course as you might have read before, I didn't see much of Kurt that summer. That is not until I discovered a part of myself I didn't know existed.

Mr. McIntosh was responsible for that. I thought I knew more about him then anyone after seeing him parade naked through his house playing his dreaded bagpipes. Besides that I worked for him in his hardware store all summer so I knew his temperament, politics and general life story.

He was divorced and had a daughter living in his ancestral country of Scotland. He never seemed lonely and was always friendly. He never came on to me so I assumed nothing else about him.

But knew something about me I didn't even know. Maybe it was the fact he knew I watched him through his home windows and had even jacked off while watching more then once.

I didn't know why I did that. I hadn't been attracted to older men, hairy or otherwise. I had bee aroused by the photographs of men in magazine ads.

When Mom found Playboys under my mattress and complained to Dad, I heard him laughing telling her it was natural. And he told her to put them back.

What neither of them knew was I got aroused by the hot male models in the ads not the totally naked women in the centerfold. And when there were beach layouts the guys were in Speedos or other sexy wear.

So I was thrilled when Dad tossed a swimsuit issue of one on my bed one afternoon. His knowing smile made me feel both good and guilty. Of course he didn't' know what was in my head just in my hand when I read the issue.

I knocked on my boss's door at the end of the summer. He seemed surprised.

"What's wrong, is the store ok?" He asked

He had trusted me to lock up the store nights by that time. It not only made me feel proud but closer to him. He trusted me.

He was dressed in his kilt which wasn't unusual for him and carried his bagpipes. I had heard him playing as I approached the house. He was shirtless.

Of course I had seen him wearing even less but the sight of him like that got my balls bubbling.

"No Sir it's fine, just wanted to chat about something" I said.

He smiled "I thought you would sooner or later." He said backing away from the door so I could enter. I looked around outside before I closed the door though there was no reason why I should have.

"So going to Scotland, you are going to see Laura aren't you?" He had given me the information on his daughter and asked me to take some packages to her.

"Of course she's a bit old for you but she'll like all of you". He knew our family was planning to include her in dinners and other outings. It had all been arranged for weeks via email and one phone call.

"I'm looking forward to it" I said and I really was. My Dad had talked about Scotland for years and one of the reasons I was glad I wasn't going to college that fall was because they had planned this trip.

Of course I think they thought about going there on their own, kind of a long delayed honeymoon.

When I asked if I could go, I think my Mom was disappointed at first, but my Dad was thrilled I had shown that type of interest in the land of our ancestors.

"You'll have to wear a kilt the right way" he warned me and we both laughed remember the difficulties I used to have wearing a kilt without underwear. As time had passed I had learned to control my cock somewhat; at least enough so I could wear it to weddings, my Dad's birthdays and other events we went to.

There were a lot of Scottish people in our area so I wasn't the only tool wearing a skirt. Actually I liked it and the fun we kids use to have flipping up each other's kilts in front of girls or angry old people was fun.

What I liked too was the kind of ceremony that my Dad and I did when we dressed for some of these events. He wanted to make sure I dressed correctly.

So we would strip naked and add the family plaid kilt and other accruement required depending on the formality or actual event.

Sometimes I got hard and Dad would laugh at me. I even remember asking him once, "Don't' you ever get uh you know like this?"

"All the time, but usually with your mother" He'd say and begin to tell me more information about making love with Mom then I really wanted to hear even at my mature teenage years.

"So what's up?" McIntosh asked adding the "Mac" that always made us laugh. People would come into the hardware store and yell out MAC. We'd both answer.

At first they usually wanted him but within weeks many of his customers were actually asking for me.

"I guess you're working out" was his compliment then.

"I uh guess I never properly thanked you" I said.

"No need no need, you thanked me with the business you attracted and the good work all summer" he said putting his massive hand on my bare shoulder and squeezing. He let his hand stay there his fingers going under the shoulder straps of my tank top and stroking.

"No not for that, well that too," I stammered not sure I really wanted to say what I was about to say.

"I mean for Uh, Carson, you know" I said hoping I wouldn't have to say it out loud.

"Well you seem to like uh what you do there and god knows he does" McIntosh moved his hand away, I guess he feared I might misinterpret it since we were now about to talk about more intimate things.

"Well I wasn't sure before" I said

"Don't blame me" he laughed

"No not about being gay" there I had said the G word to a straight man. He wasn't my father. That conversation would have to happen sometime. But he was close to being one to me.

"I know. You don't have to talk about it" He said as he sat down and poured ice tea into two glasses. He handed one to me.

It was good timing because I needed something liquid and cold at that point.

"No I meant for the uh doggy thing." He started to wave me off.

"I wasn't sure I'd be you know into it" I said ignoring his sign "But it uh seems to have been some fun I never knew existed" I added.

"Yea Carson was into it when we became friends. That's how we met you know" He said.

I knew he and Carson Miller were friends when Carson was in the Navy. But I never asked Carson how. I couldn't ask as a "good doggy never talks" he had trained me well.

"Yea I was uh experimenting then I guess you'd say. Oh I had girl friends but once in awhile met up with some of the young sailors and had fun. I guess you'd call that bisexual" he said.

He wasn't embarrassed about his revelations. In fact he seemed to want to talk about it. I sat on the floor in front of his chair. Like a kid listening to the stories of the elders I sat there attentive.

He didn't offer me a chair. Somehow he knew I had learned to remain on the floor. "Dogs are allowed on my furniture" Carson had taught me that too.

"I met up with him and another guy one night. The other guy I knew. Anyway that guy showed me how he had trained Miller and I thought it weird at first"

I envisioned Carson naked and on all fours wearing a collar and barking like I had learned to do that summer.

"I wasn't into doing like he was but somehow petting, leading him by the leash and uh other things you know what I mean" he grabbed his crotch pulling his kilt up enough so I could see he wore nothing underneath. Of course I had assumed that anyway, in fact I had planned on it.

"Anyway that was his thing and we got together several times after that. He'd come over and without a word put on his collar and strip down and it was like having a dog. I like dogs" He said.

I noted mentally he didn't have any dogs that I knew of, animal or human.

"They keep you calm, good company and are there when you need them. And an added bonus is Carson loved sex, god did he love it." McIntosh's face showed me his mind was recalling sessions with Carson that only within the past few months I had experienced.

"You are lucky, because your friend was his other doggy boy" he smiled at me.

"Oh you know about Kurt" I said.

That first time Kurt had been led by his leash into the room where I was didn't surprise me. I was excited more that he was there and into the new role playing I was learning about.

I was aroused he was as naked as I was and seemed to be getting hard seeing me naked, collared, wearing my doggy paws and laying in the doggy bed he had been in for what I learned had been not days like me but on and off since he was still in high school.

"Well I figured I needed to thank you for all of it" I said as I moved to my knees. My hands rested on his hairy knees.

"That's not necessary' he said but he didn't push me away.

"I need to" I said as I lifted his kilt. His hairy cock and balls were there in front of me. I inhaled the musky odor.

"Jeff it's ok" he said calmly. His cock seemed to be getting larger.

"I want to" I said and my tongue lifted his thick cockhead and pulled it in-between my lips.

He was circumcised. "You know most of them over there are uncircumcised" Dad had taught me. I learned about all that from him that day and we delayed getting dressed.

There was something both odd and wonderful about being around Dad naked. It wasn't sexual, but it seemed to bond us in a different way. Maybe it was part of the change from daddy and boy to Father and Son.

McIntosh's cock filled my mouth. I had feared he would begin playing the bagpipes as I sucked his cock. But I had thought about it and was ready to keep sucking if he did.

He didn't but he did make noises that told me he was enjoying it.

I stripped off my tank top and loosened my shorts so they fell down to my knees. I wanted to be naked. I wanted to be his boy, maybe even his doggy boy.

I lapped through his reddish hair to treat the skin on his testicles to my appreciative attention. I returned to his cock determined to push it past the gag point and take it deep.

Guys seemed to love being deep throated. Kurt and I had been trying it all summer when we weren't being Carson Miller's doggy boys.

We couldn't suck each other around him.

"Doggys don't suck each other. If they're good they can suck their master but doggys hump each other"

The first tie Kurt climbed on my back like a dog was hot as hell. It was difficult holding his weight while experiencing the pain of my first fuck but somehow we did it while our Master watched and jacked his cock.

"Get over here and thank me properly" he had ordered Kurtie after my fellow doggy boy filled my guts with his spunk.

I watched Kurtie, as Carson called him, crawl on his hands and knees to our Master and lap his cock.

Finally I was ordered to join him and we two licked, bit, sucked until both our doggy boy faces were covered with the Master's sperm.

That was the first of many times that we serviced him. And it was the first of many times that we humped each other. I preferred being humped by Kurt but our Master ordered me to hump him from time to time too.

"Gonna shoot boy" McIntosh said

I put his cock deep wanting to swallow however much cum he had but Mac pushed my head back preferring to spill out all over my face and chest.

I looked up at his face as his eyes widened watching his sperm splatter me. It aroused me more then my own sucking had done.

"Ok clean it up" McIntosh told me in his calm manner. I hesitated surprised he was no longer reluctant.

I lapped his drops of cum and smacked my lips.

I started to get dressed.

"No not yet, let's get you cleaned up" he said "We'll do it like I used to clean off Miller."

I followed him upstairs kicking my shorts off my ankle. I was walking naked through his house the same way I had seen him do so many times.

"Lay on the floor" he pointed. I lay on the tiled floor in the shower stall.

He lifted his kilt and held the thick cock that had been in my mouth moments before. As he pissed all over me something inside me sent a chill. I had never experienced this before.

I had read about it when Kurt and I looked at gay websites over this summer but never thought much about doing it.

"You boys like this don't you" he asked and I smiled and nodded.

My open mouth received some of his salty urine.

"That's ok you can drink it" he said and moved his cock to finish his pissing into my mouth.

I almost gagged but figured this was part of my thanking him. I swallowed figuring I'd get used to the taste.

"So off to Scotland now huh?" He asked as the hot shower spray rinsed me off. He watched but didn't shower with me. I wanted him to.

"Doggy boys shower with their Master sometimes" Carson had told Kurtie and me. So we moved into the shower stall with him as he bathed that way.

"Not yet, spending the weekend with Kurt at Miller's he's taking us to some doggy boy show. The folks and I leave next Wednesday.

"Doggy show? Oh yea he told me about the time he took your friend to one last year" he said.

Last year we were in high school. Of course I didn't know Kurt was a doggy boy then let alone like me, gay.

I stayed naked as we made some sandwiches. McIntosh didn't treat me any differently then before.

I didn't get aroused but felt very warm inside being with him that way. It seemed to extend our relationship from the days when I watched him through his window to the days I learned about his business and to the day when Carson told me McIntosh thought I'd enjoy being his dog.

I sat on the floor naturally and we talked about work for awhile as I thought of things to remind him about. We talked about Scotland and I had to dress and leave. I felt reluctant to leave but Kurt was waiting for me at home.

We were reporting to Carson together as he had instructed us.

I felt his big arms around me saying good-bye.

"Well when you get back, I hope you come back to me" he said then added "I mean to work, I'll miss you" he patted me on the butt.

"Thanks" until then I didn't know he would re hire me when I got back with my folks.

As I walked down the walkway, I heard his bagpipes. And for the first time it didn't sound sad to me at all, in fact it sounded like he was quite happy.

I smacked my lips hoping I could still taste him and my cock hardened as I reviewed what had happened on my way home.

Kurtie and I hugged hello when he arrived. I think my Mom was surprised. All the years we had been friends we never hugged in front of anyone. I almost kissed him. I guess it was the emotions of us both realizing we would part soon. Neither of us knew if we'd ever see each other again because of the military action that was going on in the world or our general life paths.

"Ready?" he asked. I was trying to keep any thoughts of what would transpire over the next few days out of my head. All I had to do was obey my Pet Owner I kept telling myself.

"Yea, bye mom" I said. I knew I'd be saying that a lot over the next few years as well.

We arrived and went into the back yard as usual. We stripped naked there had become our standard orders.

Our collars, knee pads and mittens were there waiting as usual.

We looked at each other and laughed. We looked funny especially the leather ears that Carson had put on Kurtie.

"You'll have to earn yours Petie" he had told me. Inside my gut I knew I wanted to earn those ears regardless of how silly Kurtie looked.

We lowered to our doggy positions, on our mittened hands and knees. Kurtie immediately sniffed my butt and I felt his tongue. My dangling penis hardened.

"No no "Carson had appeared and swatted Kurtie's butt then mine. "You two have to do more training first".

Carson snapped our leashes and led us into the middle of the grassy back yard.

He had put fences on top of the backyard walls blocking any view or our activities. Unless a helicopter flew over or some jet plane passenger with binoculars was watching our naked bodies were hidden from view.

Carson began our training for the show. We were led around in circles, told to go faster, made to roll over, beg, bark, lick his crotch, play dead and other tricks.

I liked playing dead because he would rub our stomachs and sometimes our doggy dicks and ballsacs.

We were not allowed to speak of course so when either of us had to pee all we could do was hold it in until our owner decided to lead us to a nearby tree.

I had gotten used to lifting a leg and aiming my stream at a tree. Kurt was already an expert at it.

I was chained to a tree and Kurt was led inside. I knew what that meant of course. There had been many times the opposite occurred.

I'd be led inside bathed and told to do things ranging from liking my Owner head to toe or just his balls or butt, sucking his cock or providing my doggy butt for his pleasurable insertion.

Sometimes he let me watch in the mirror but usually Carson concentrated on his own satisfaction and we had been trained to do the same providing our owner with whatever pleasures he demanded.

Kurt was returned and his leash fastened to the same chain. "You two be good, no nasty behavior, I'll be watching." Carson said and he went back inside the house.

This too was part of our training to be dogs in the backyard while our owner did other things.

The camera mounted above the back door kept an eye on us. Once in awhile we would chase bugs, real or imaginary just to please him. We would fight like dogs.

This especially was fun for me since not long ago I was having great fun wrestling naked with my own dogs. And Kurt made me believe he was a dog during these playful times.

"He's real horny today" Kurt whispered to me. He rarely talked to me when we were both being dogs. He didn't want to break the scene he told me once. "Man he must have cum three times, get ready cause he said you're next."

Being a doggy boy always got me horny or course. And the days I knew I was reporting for training, I wouldn't jack off. In fact I rarely jacked off anymore saving myself for these scenes. It enhanced the entire scene for me.

When Carson had sex play with me, he kept the doggy scene. It wasn't a man having sex with a younger guy. That kind of thing used to creep me out a bit. But lately it didn't bother me at all.

I preferred sex with Kurt when I wasn't a dog. But as a dog it was different. I had sex with my owner or anyone he ordered me to.

"Watch this" he would say to his guests "Petie, lick" he'd order and my tongue, if it wasn't hanging out already, emerged and I panted ready to go where he pointed.

Sometimes he pointed at himself and at other times he might point at one of his guests or at Kurt's butt.

In the last couple of weeks, his guests brought their own doggy boys over and Kurt and I licked them when ordered to.

Of course we sniffed these new doggy boys' butts when they were brought in side and they sniffed ours. It's a way for dogs to get to know each other.

"Mount" that order was given to any of us doggy boys and we'd aim our doggy dicks at whatever other doggy boy our owner pointed to.

We had mounted each other in front of his guests from time to time. And sometimes being mounted or mounting included the other doggy boys.

But it seemed like only our own would mount us or have other sex play with us.

Kurt was right that day. Carson came back into the yard and without any word took my leash and led me inside.

I looked back to see the silly leather ears on Kurt. He nodded his head and panted like the good dog he had become.

Neither of us ever talked about why we enjoyed being dogs, what inside of us found satisfaction by the sessions or how Kurt got started doing it. Someday I hope to ask him.

Carson led me inside and despite the fact he had hosed us both off earlier, he put me in the tub and soaped me head to toe. He liked bathing me this way I knew and so did I. My erection was leaking almost immediately.

He milked me with his soapy hand and I barked my enjoyment. He had trained me not to make human sounds.

His finger in my butt made me cum a second time. I was surprised. I guessed Carson wasn't the only one extra horny that day.

After drying me off, he sat on the toilet and took his pants off.

"Lick" he ordered and I of course obeyed licking his extended penis and ballsac. I noted he has shaven them smooth and I was anxious to taste the skin I had licked before through the copious amount of curly hair that covered them.

He moaned as soon as I licked. I wondered what he had Kurt do before.

I liked and he aimed his penis so it moved inside my mouth. There were no ordered. By then I knew what my owner wanted his doggy to do.

I liked, nibbled and slide his thick cock into my mouth opening my throat so it began to go past my gag point. I still wasn't totally proficient at deep throating. But I kept trying.

He grunted a few times which told me I was about to swallow his cum. I did tasting it and guzzling as much of it as I could.

I was amazed how much there was. Some of it spilled out my lips there was so much. Kurt had uncharacteristically violated his doggy rules to tell me the guy had cum three times already that day.

Here he was filling his other doggy boy's gut with yet another load.

He led me to the bowl of water by the bed I had seen that first day I met Carson. Kurt and I had both slept in it alone and together over the weeks and months of the summer.

I looked up at him as if to say I wasn't thirsty. I wanted to keep the taste of his cum in my mouth.

Salty as cum was, I liked it from the first time I tasted my own stuff. And during this whirlwind summer of doggy and gay sex, I had progressed to the point that I not only liked it, I craved it.

He laughed and took his leash away. He pointed to the bed and without his verbal order I curled up on it and lay my head down.

"Daddy's got to piss" he said and I perked up my head. Sometimes our owner showered us with his pee and even ordered us t open our mouths while he did it. I guess it was a test of our obedience.

I was surprised the first time, because I didn't even think about not obeying him.

This time however, he left me there. I heard his pee into the toilet. He left the door open so I could hear. And he flushed it. I was disappointed. There was something arousing about a man totally dominating me that way. My cock had hardened as I listened to his pissing into the bowl.

I laughed at myself. I often laughed at my weird reactions to this scene. And I wondered how long I'd play these games in my life.

Would I find someone to own me this way when I went to college next year? Even sooner, would I find some Scottish pervert who wanted an American boy to be his naked doggy boy?

I lay there and soon dozed. The doggy bed was so comfortable. I had slept there often sometimes all night long in fact.

Kurt bounding onto the bed woke me. He was wet. I wasn't sure from what. He shook himself like a dog. He really could imitate a dog in many ways.

I barked and we played together while our owner watched. He got on top of me and wagged his penis against mine until Carson whacked his butt with a magazine but he was laughing at the time.

"Heel Petie" he ordered and I moved away from Kurt's hovering body to sit next to our owner.

"You stay" he ordered Kurt who growled a bit but obeyed as he curled onto the bed.

"Time for some fun" he said leading me to the living room. The video that was on the screen was of past doggy training shows and as we both watched, Carson prepared my butt.

His greased fingers moved into me deep. He found my doggy prostate and massaged it. I almost orgasmed immediately but clenched my guts. I heard him giggle.

He spread his fingers stretching my sphincter a little, and then he played awhile before stretching it more. I knew what was going to happen.

Carson's cock wasn't super long but it was thick. Even the times my hold had experienced Kurt and his cock leaving it relaxed and open, it hurt when Carson would enter me again.

"No pain no pleasure" Kurt would tell me later. It was true.

He shoved something into me. I tried to turn around and look.

"No boy, keep watching the screen" I obeyed and felt whatever he had inserted in me, stretched me more.

I knew it wasn't his cock. Carson always grabbed by doggy butt when he fucked me. Sometimes he'd grab my ballsac and stretch them when he fucked me too.

Once he made his other dog suck my cock while he fucked me. The man had an imagination that seemed to rarely duplicate ways to have fun with us.

The feeling inside me started to feel like something larger was there now. I didn't feel him withdraw the first item and replace it. I did hear some hissing as whatever inside me seemed to be enlarging.

"There, let's leave it that big for awhile" he said patting my butt. He watched the video screen commenting on the training demonstrations.

"There see Petie boy? The way that doggy wags his butt? If he had a tail it would wag and that would impress the judges. I bet he doesn't get high scores"

I watched and barked a little. I understood.

"OK it's time" he said and my butt felt the thing inside me reduce size and withdraw from me. Of course it felt good sliding out of me.

"There there boy, relax." He patted my butt again. "Shame they don't give prizes for doggys sex, you'd get a blue ribbon" he said. "You both would."

I laughed inside thinking of the sight of several human owners having sex with their doggy boys all in a line while a bunch of envious judges were writing scores on clipboards.

My internal humorous visions were interrupted when I felt Carson's cock move into my somewhat opened butthole. His familiar hands had moved to both of my buttocks and he pressed into me.

The pain was familiar but not as interest. His stretching seemed to have opened me further then previously.

"We owners talk about training boys like you two, talk about toys, techniques and all kinds of things" he had told both Kurt and me as we knelt obediently in front of him eating the snacks he had fed us once.

He was inside me totally. I felt his pubic hair against my shaven buttocks and crack. He kept us both shaven smooth.

"I like smooth doggys, some owners like their pets hairy but not me" he said. I had to admit sex was delightful with my shaven skin feeling his pubic hair or Kurt's tongue.

Kurt had been smooth in high school. I saw it in the gym shower. So did our classmates.

"I swim" he would say in response to comments. But now I knew why he was smooth.

"Going to have some fun so relax" Carson ordered. He would slowly fuck me awhile then stop to watch the video while his cock was imbedded inside me.

When he started again, there was a bit of shock to my system but I would pant expressing my enthusiasm.

"Ok here we go" he would say. I was never sure if he did that to warn me or to just talk to himself. We were not allowed to respond with words so that day I started barking.

I didn't think about it, I just did and kept doing it as he fucked me. The more I barked the harder he fucked me so I kept barking.

I heard Kurt chime in and bark as well. I think that excited Carson even more cause his fucking became almost brutal, nearly knocking me on the floor. Sometimes I'd fall forward and he fucked me in that position.

But that day, he pulled on my hips and I braced myself still barking.

"Yea you fucking doggy bark for daddy" he said and was nearly an animal himself.

His body slams were harder but no longer a steady fucking action. I knew with each slam a stream of my owner's sperm was spewing forth inside my doggy guts.

"Nice boy" he patted my back as he slowly pulled himself out of me. I concentrated on the sensation as his cock felt like a long snake must feel slithering out of my hole.

I groaned, hopefully like a dog, when my ass closed around the air as his cock had pulled out of me.

He patted my butt and I heard him leave the room.

I turned my head to see Kurt on his mittened hands and kneed nearby. He was smiling. He had watched me get the hardest fuck by our owner I had ever gotten.

We ate our dinner. I knew what would happen, next. We'd eat and watch him eat, each of us sitting on our haunches on either side of his chair. He might hand feed us.

When we were trained to do that, I didn't realize I had to eat whatever he fed us. Things I wouldn't eat at home, like liver, spinach, turnip greens, he fed us and we had to eat. Kurt hated liver too, but we both ate it when our owner fed it to us.

Then we'd lie on the floor near where he sat in his laze boy watching television. Sometimes he'd sit on the floor and pet us both or one of us would be ordered to get on the couch and lay next to him or in his lap, our ears, backs, butt his to pet and scratch.

Sometimes I could lie on my back legs spread and feel his hands pet my stomach and wag my doggy sex glands.

"Tonight boys" he rarely called us boys "I have a new treat for you both. So by tomorrow night you'll be used to them".

I watched him put some lube on a bulb like dildo thing and move it into Kurt's butt. He turned it and I realized it was a black tail.

"Go ahead and wag your tail boy" Kurt complied and Caron pulled the thing out of him abruptly making Kurt jump a bit.

"Mmmm I think this one will be better" he held up another one that had a larger bulb on it and the tail was longer. It moved into Kurt easily and indeed it curled upwards and moved comically when Kurt wagged his butt.

Kurt had a talented butt..

I had learned that when we were alone and not doggys. I preferred it when Kurt fucked me but sometimes he wanted me to fuck him.

He'd move his hips as my cock pumped his butt and that often turned into a wild night of sex, draining me of all my energy as well as sperm.

"What about you boy? Think you can take the big one too?" Carson held two more dildo tails in his hand.

I barked.

"It would be great to have both my doggy boys with matched tails" he said "but don't want to hurt you"

I barked and nuzzled his hand with the larger tail. I wanted to please him.

When I started this doggy boy role playing, it was fun for me. I just wanted to be petted, fucked, and trained.

But it didn't take long for me to want to please him in anyway I could. My tongue, behavior, obedience all were geared to seeking his compliments, pat and commenting "good boy".

Of course I had a role model watching Kurt who had been trained sometime ago.

"So what kinds of things do you do with him?" I once asked.

"You'll find out, just do what he says" Kurt said and smiled.

I think he enjoyed watching his best friend learn what he had learned and turn into a doggy as he had turned months if not years before me.

"Ok here goes" I breathed deep as the bulb moved into me, stretching and hurting a little. When it passed my sphincter it felt better and I wagged my butt without his order.

Carson laughed "good boy" he said and I barked my thanks.

"Got another gift for you Petie"

The ears moved to my head and he fastened them into place.

"Now both my doggy boys look like twins"

Kurt was smiling. I know he wanted to laugh at me the way I had laughed at him. I wished there was a mirror somewhere I could see what I looked like with a pair of droopy leather ears and a black curly tail.

But I knew if I looked at Kurt I was looking at myself.

We stayed there all night with tail, ears, mittens and knee pads. Kurt and I curled up together and actually slept that way. When Carson wasn't looking or later after he went to bed, we played with each other's cocks using our mittened hands to jack each other off.

We could have sucked each other but the feeling of the leather mitt was exciting.

The morning had us both stripped or our toys so we could defecate and shower. Kurt and I preened each other as if we were still animals though. We didn't speak, we weren't allowed to as we soaped each other.

Carson watched so we could take care of our morning wood.

Dressed again in collars, mittens, ears, tail and knee pads we moved to our hands and knees to be led back to the kitchen for mashed up food and water.

We peed in the back yard and stayed there for something new.

Carson shaved our heads smoother then before. We were practically bald. I felt his hand slide over my head and the sensation sent a child through me.

He led us to his van and we got in. This too was different since we were always put in shorts or even turned back into humans for car rides. That day was different.

I put my mittens on Kurt's nearly bald head and rubbed it. He barked and smiled and returned the favor.

"You two behave, we have to pick up Mason" our owner told us as he drove the van with us in back.

Once when riding with my collar and mittens on I hung out the window barking and panting. That made Carson laugh. I have shirts on. This time we were both naked like dogs so I knew not to do anything to draw attention.

Mason led his black doggy into the back of the van with us. He too as naked, mittened and collared.

"Did you bring them? " Carson asked

"Yep got the red and tans ones you liked" Mason said.

We didn't know what our masters were discussing. Besides I was mesmerized by the size of Gregory's cock. It was so long it hung half way down his thighs.

We both knew Mason's doggy boy or man I should say. Since we wren only around him when we were all doggys, we had never spoken.

And he had never been ordered to mount me.

"He did me once, it was unbelievable" Kurt told me after the first time I saw him. "I hurt like hell for a week" Kurt was smiling when he told me.

The drive took sometime and we three were lying on the van floor and sleeping. Kurt and I took the freedom to cuddle nap with Gregory. He didn't' seem to mind. My cock didn't mind either.

"We should take a picture" I heard Mason say to Carson.

"Yea, I have quite a collection with that one. It's been two years you know" Carson said.

I hadn't known Kurt had been doing this for two years. Our owners talked about us as I drifted off to sleep wondering what he would say about me. I was determined to make him proud.

Yes there are human doggy's shows. And they're similar to dog shows. Owners parade their obedient boys and men around, make them do tricks and even jump through rings on fire.

We're graded not only on the tricks but our dog like behavior. I was sure Kurt would do well.

When Carson led us out in front of the watching crowd, I was amazed there were so many. I didn't see them at first as I was concentrating on my owner.

The sight of two similar looking doggy youths, with curly tails, dog ears and the coat like blankets that were put on us just before we were led out seemed to impress the crowd.

The blankets felt smooth, like satin. They were buckled under our chest and stomachs just above our dangling cocks which were hard.

Perhaps the sight of two doggy's boys with erections also was appealing.

We jumped, begged, rolled over, played dead on our backs which got a huge applause since we were both still hard, and went well.

Carson patted our bare butts and then took the blankets off us for the next group of tricks.

We were naked in front of an audience. I tried not to think about one of my dreams becoming a reality.

You know the dream, the one most guys have about being naked in the center of the school stadium. Well there we were not only naked but our butts impaled with dildo which turned into a tail, our necks collared, our human hands hidden by matching black bags and our kneels protected by black knee pads.

Our erections, shaven balls and totally smooth bodies were in plain sight. The crowed repeated applause kept me more excited then embarrassed.

Kurt had done this before so I was determined to match his every move, butt wag, bark and behavior.

The crowd loved us especially when we were ordered to do thing our owner had trained us to do, like rolling over together while naked, chase each other's tails, and roll over like gymnasts.

We sat up on our butts and begged for the final applause and it came. Out of the corner of my eye I saw our proud owner bow too.

We did good.

We sat like dogs in the stands with Carson watching Mason and Gregory perform. It was amazing and arousing to watch a grown man like Gregory move with grace and being as agile as he imitated a dog.

We watched others and Carson somehow knew we needed to pee, leading us into the bathroom to pee. Like the other human dogs we were led into the shower room to pee at the drain.

Some other doggys were allowed to stand at the urinals or aim their streams into toilets. But our owner kept us in character.

By the time we returned to the large room in the gym, the winners were announced for the final trot, they called it. Carson's named was announced and his excitement made Kurt and me jump and bark too. We were so loud and I think so realistic the crowd nearby laughed.

Dressed again in the satin blankets we were led out in front with the other finalists.

We were led up and down, just like I had seen in real dog shows.

And as we sat on our butts, in begging position, the judge handed Carson the cup with the three blue ribbons in it while the audience applauded.

Carson fastened blue ribbons in each of our blankets and we were led out.

It was a quiet night. All of us were tired. Mason stayed at Carson's house. I think they slept together actually. Gregory slept on a blanket his owner brought in. Kurt and I curled up in our usual bed basket.

When Mason led Gregory in with us, I figured his cock would soon reward Kurt and me for our performance but I feared my lack of energy would make it a disappointing experience.

Thankfully, it didn't happen.

We did get to bathe together the next morning, void of our doggy trappings. And I bent over and licked his cock despite my owner saying "NO NO" to me.

We three stayed naked but not dressed as dogs as we helped our two masters prepare breakfast. It was unusual but since it was our last day with Carson we knew it was special.

We sat at the table for the first time and ate and talked. We talked about Kurt's Navy future, about my going to college about Mason's business as a hybrid motor designer.

Mason had been in the Navy too and apparently knew my friend and boss McIntosh. In fact he chuckled knowingly about Caron and McIntosh early antics.

Mason and Gregory left saying goodbye to us all after Caron took their photo holding the cup and red ribbon they had won the day before. I noted Gregory stayed naked the entire time.

I still wanted to suck that cock or even better feel it hurting me the way Kurt had said it had hurt him.

But to my disappointment, they left. I watched Gregory's bare black buttocks as he walked away and I wanted to sniff it again, perhaps more.

"So boys we have the afternoon together. You get to decide what to do." Carson said as we helped him wash and put away the dishes.

"We can just hang out or I guess you boys can take off, if you want" he said. There was a note of sadness in both his facial expression and his voice.

Kurt and I looked at each other. We moved without a word of communication to where the collars were and took them with our teeth back to our Master on our hands and knees.

He smiled as he buckled them into place and that night I can only describe in one word, "wild".

We jumped around like young puppies. We got spanked and rewarded. We sniffed each others butts; we licked our Masters cock and balls and felt his cum showered our doggy faces.

He put our ears back on but not our tails. We knew why, humping each other and feeling our Masters' cock in us both.

We begged in the shower while washed us with his piss, marking us yet again as his property then turning on the shower to clean us.

He dried us off and we went back to the living room as Kurt and I were ordered to lick each other. This was unusual but we gladly did it while Master Carson jacked his cock until it was rock hard.

Without his order we moved our hungry lips and tongues back to his balls and cock until it spilled over onto our waiting outstretched tongues.

We gladly swallowed and licked every drop.

He made us get together in the kitchen so he could milk us both and made us lick up each others spilled cum off the tile floor.

Then he led us into the back yard where in the darkness of the night we pissed on our favorite tree.

I thought for a moment he'd chain us to the tree for the night as he had done in the past several times. But that night he led us back inside and lodged our tails into place.

Then for the first time ever, he led us into his bedroom and up onto the bed. He stripped totally naked and lay down keeping each of us on either side of him. And that's how we slept that night, cuddling with our owner, each of us dressed as his doggy boys because that's who indeed we had been trained to be.

The next morning too was different. We reluctantly had our ears, collars, tails, mittens removed by our owner.

All three of us remained naked as we made breakfast, ate and talked about the past few months.

He told us he wanted to do one more thing before we parted for however long our separation would be.

We didn't speak waiting to his last order.

It came and we complied kneeling naked in the kitchen in front of him.

His sperm shot across our faces and chests drooling down to our shaven crotches. He continued masturbating and we stayed in place waiting for his second orgasm which came soon thereafter, landing on our out stretched tongues and waiting faces.

We remained in place while he brought us our t shirts and shorts. We dressed letting the cloth absorb his wetness and keeping his aroma close to our noses.

We hugged and kissed again something we never did with our owner.

Kurt and I didn't talk as I drove us home.

Kurt spent that night with me. I kept his naked body next to mine. We kissed and made love, cried and laughed.

We didn't say "I'll miss you" that was understood.

"Write me" was all he said when I dropped him off at his house. He didn't ask me to see him off at the bus terminal and I didn't offer.

After all "I'd write him".

And I did write him. I sent him postcards from Scotland. I even got a letter from him about half way through his boot camp.

And I'll see him again tomorrow. I'm going to his boot camp graduation in fact with Carson.

It's kind of too fast. We land at home. Go to the house unpack and I pack for the weekend trip.

Then Carson will come by and pick me up to go to his place. I'm not sure if I'll be his doggy boy tonight or not.

Tomorrow early we drive to where Kurt's base is for his graduation. Carson's gonna get a motel room and hopefully Kurt can hang out with us a bit. But I know his parents will be there so maybe not.

I wonder if Carson will bring his doggy toys or mine. After all it's been a couple of months. Except for one interesting experience in Scotland, I've been away from it too.

I was going to tell you about that and more, but the plane is landing and they are yelling at me to turn my laptop off.

So I guess that will have to wait for the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 3

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