Secret Pet

By D One

Published on Sep 8, 2023



Our city is like any other I guess. What you see is not all that goes on. Inside the homes, the living rooms, the kitchens and yes the bedrooms, there are often much different aspects to one's life that surface not visible elsewhere.

I found this to be true early in life thanks to delivering newspapers at 5 am. Through the windows of the neighborhood I worked in I saw old man Crannal wearing women's' clothes. I saw his wife watching him dancing in them too. For some reason I didn't tell anyone not even my friend Kurt who I usually told everything.

But I didn't really tell Kurt everything.

Macintosh played the bagpipes. Of course everyone knew that. He performed at the celebrations we had every year, he played the pipes by himself in the parks on weekends and contributed his soulful sounds to funerals invited or not. But I saw him playing the bagpipes in his house wandering around naked sometimes and at other times wearing only his kilts.

Wearing Kilts wasn't a surprise of course. A lot of us in that town wore them because many were of Scottish decent.

My name is Jeffrey Peter Mac Thomas so you know my family wore them too. The first time I wore them was the first time I was standing with my father, both of us totally naked. He was going to instruct me the right way to wear the clothing of our ancestors, he said. So as a teenager usually afraid to be naked in front of anyone, I stood there totally bare ass.

"You look good son" he said. I blushed realizing Dad hadn't seen me that way since I was a little kid.

I put on the various items and when it was time for the kilt I saw my father put it on without any underwear. Now we had joked about men being naked underneath the kilts but I thought it was a joke. I put mine on and had a problem.

"Maybe you need to wear some underwear then" Dad said seeing my cock had hardened and tented out the kilts. Now they're plaid and pleated but even so my cock jutted out so far that it was obvious.

I blushed and apologized.

"Don't apologized there are women who will be very grateful my boy has a penis that hard and big. You just need time to learn to control it." He was smiling and I could tell he wasn't making fun of me, he seemed proud instead.

So I wore underwear then. As I grew older, however, I wore the kilts the right way to my sister's wedding. And I liked wearing them.

In fact I kept them on later playing touch football with my friends. Shirtless and wearing a skirt, as my friends accused me of, I played the game feeling almost naked. Kurt and other friends who would flip up the back revealing my bare butt as they laughed.

Back to the secrets of others. I saw Kurt's Dad beating him one time through a window. It was early in the morning, so I suspected it had been going on all night long. I wanted to burst into the house and interfere but I knew I couldn't. Instead I asked Kurt if he was alright. He asked me why I asked. Fortunately there was a bruise on his arm so I didn't admit I had seen his abuse.

Then there was Beatrice Alwine. She was a single, divorced woman. And she was attractive. She was also the first real woman whose bare breasts I had seen. And that, I did tell my friends about. And not surprisingly some of them showed up at 5:30 or 6 am one day to see for themselves. Unfortunately she wasn't revealing her breasts that morning. But we did see the father of another one of my friends, Ryan there inside her house. We all acted like he must have been there to help her with some household problem. But we knew better and never mentioned it again.

"Come in honey" she had said to me when I was collecting. And as she busied herself in the house getting her wallet, her robe seemed to open letting her bare naked body be in full view. She apologized but didn't close the robe. "I love you young people" she said. But I didn't take the bait. I just thanked her and left hearing her "Come back when you have more time".

So I learned early that people, perhaps everyone, had bedroom secrets and it was no big deal.

I too had one or two secrets I guessed. Masturbating in my bedroom seemed like a secret. I knew all the guys did it, perhaps as much if not more then I did. But for some reason it was a secret we rarely talked about.

Another secret I had was wrestling naked. I loved doing it but not with Kurt or other guys. I wrestled with my two Irish Setters, Bono and Bosco. In fact there's a photo on the wall of my parents bedroom of me as a little kid, naked and in a pile with them. I didn't think they knew I continued to play with my dogs this way.

As puberty enticed me, my play included touching the two things we three shared, our cocks and balls. But I was just exploring. And even felt their tongues on my body parts giving me pleasurable sensations that made me feel guilty. I never told anyone about that then.

But Kurt and I jacked off together now and then sharing that secret. It made it ok to do somehow. And the image of Kurt naked and hard in my head when I jacked off by myself didn't bother me.

By the time I left the protected world of High School, I anticipated that I might be bisexual. It was more of a curiosity then a fear. In fact sometimes I even thought I might turn out to be gay. Again it didn't bother me. I was a bit naive I guess about what it might mean in later life.

I was 18 when I began to learn even more about that and myself. I had a year to recover from the constraints of my teenage years. I'd be going to college the following year but would work, play and adjust as my parents called it, to real life.

"If you're going to take life seriously, you need to take your education seriously." My Dad said "So taking a year off is a good idea"

It was my idea. I wanted to go to Scotland with my parents in the fall. And working at MacIntosh's hardware store would give me enough money to live on, play with and spend.

Kurt wasn't sure he was going to college at all. He started talking about the Navy a lot but didn't seem ready to go. I think the fact I was still around stalled that decision. We spent even more time together going to the beach, movies, hiking and camping even double dating once in awhile. But the girls would get pissed at us cause we had more fun with each other then them.

About my name. I hate the name Jeffrey. My middle name is Peter, that's important as you'll find out and my last name, well I told you that already.

My friends call me MAC which made me feel masculine in the all important to be masculine high school environment. My Dad calls me Jeff which is ok and my Mom and her female relatives seemed to turn my name into a three syllable version of Jeff-er-ry which is like sandpaper on my spine. I've never gotten used to it.

When Kurt would bound into the hardware store yelling out MAC, my boss would answer of course and that was funny the entire time.

McIntosh, my boss owned the hardware store as I mentioned. He never brought his bagpipes to work, thank goodness. He knew how to appease our customers. In fact he said pleasing our customers was the secret to his success despite the Home Depot and other competition.

"We have to charge a bit more, but we make sure our customers know what to use, how to use it and we'll even help them." He told me when I began the job. I liked that about him and learned as much as I could so I could be as helpful as he was.

I guess that's why he asked me to work full time after I graduated High School. My Dad had taught me to be pretty handy around the house, so basic plumbing, carpentry and fix it things I knew about^Åand better yet, enjoyed.

"Jeff, Carson Miller needs ^Å." He gave me the order and I drove my old jeep across town to deliver the items. It seems Mr. Miller was in the middle of fixing a leak and couldn't leave.

I knocked on the door to his house and heard him yell for me to come in. I found the man on his hands and knees under the sink. There were tools, pipes and junk around.

"Fucking leak won't stop" he said. I suggested turning off the main line and he asked me if I knew where it was.

"I'll find it" I said and went into the back yard to find it. I noticed the man had a large doghouse and a chain connected to a tree. But there was no dog anywhere.

"You're pretty handy" he said as he emerged wet from where he had been plugging the leak. "I although I could fix it without shutting it down" he explained.

I figured he might be embarrassed about the simple fix to his problem so I changed the subject.

By then I noticed a large dog basket in the side of the room as well.

"I see you have dogs" I said

He smiled "yea kind of large ones"

I went on about my two dogs, Bosco and Bono and how I played with them since I was a kid. I didn't mention how I loved wrestling naked with them however.

"When I'm with them, I almost feel like a dog" I said.

"Does that excite you?" Miller asked me. I didn't know how to answer without revealing something to a stranger I didn't want to reveal.

"Uh well it's fun, kind of free, you know, you don't think about the things that humans have to worry about, all you have to do is eat, play, be petted and pee" I said hearing myself verbalize things I hadn't said before.

"Well you'll have to come back and be my doggie, Pettie" he said stunning me.

"How did you know my name was Pete?" I asked.

"Well you told me earlier I think" he said "maybe Mac told me" he added.

I realized he was nearly naked standing there. There were streaks of dirt or grease across his hairy chest and stomach. He wore a ripped pair of gym shorts with the word NAVY on one leg. When he bent over I saw his balls drop out. It excited me. My cock had a mind of it's own like when I was a teenager..or a younger teenager.

"Uh yea cool, I have to get back before Mac starts playing those pipes" I said.

He laughed. "You know Mac better then I thought you did" he said "he knows my secrets as well, we've been buddies since the Navy" Carson threw his arm across my shoulder as he walked me to the front door.

"He was in the Navy?" I asked

"Uh no but we met when I was" He said "Listen I could use your help with stuff around here, think Mac can spare you some afternoon?"

"I guess so, I'd like to" Again my mind didn't think things through.

He slid his hand through the tank top I wore and patted my bare chest. It was an odd thing to do but I liked it and my cock seemed to like it as well.

Dad and Mom went on vacation and I thought Kurt and I'd be hanging out but he didn't seem to be around as much. So I became the working man going home, having dinner and watching TV except when I stripped naked to wrestle with Bono and Bosco that is. It was my first glimpse of what it must be like to be a working person.

I began to think more about getting back to my education and whatever world that college would provide. I guess you'd say I was lonely.

"Hey Jeff, take the load of lumber over to Carson's. You'll end up being there most of the afternoon helping him, so you can go home from there.

By then I knew they were close friends. I had delivered even the smallest items to him, something that I didn't do for any other customer. And each time Miller and I chatted more and more and we became friends. He always asked about my dogs. And I noted his dog house and yard was always empty.

"And do whatever he says, you'll learn something" Mac said "remember the customer^Å."

"the customer is always right" I finished the motto that had been drilled into me.

"Hey thanks for coming, you're dressed up" Miller said as I backed the pickup truck into his backyard. He closed the wooden gates shielding us from public view.

"I'll get you a shirt or something so you can help me" he said as he peeled his own tank top off.

"That's ok" I offered stripping my button down shirt off as well.

"Dress pants? I think I have something you can wear" he said disappearing into the house.

He reappeared with a pair of cutoffs, the type Kurt and I wore when we went to the beach. I hesitated taking my trousers off. Not only because I was modest but because I hadn't worn underwear.

"It's ok, we're both men and nobody can see" Carson said as he began to unload the lumber.

I moved to the side and stripped my pants off. For an instant I was naked. I don't think I had been naked in front of another grown man like that since the famous kilt incident with my Dad.

"nice body" I heard him say "You keep yourself in nice shape" Carson added.

I looked up with my blushed cheeks. "Thank you Sir" I said. I realized I was still naked and my cock was expanding in full view.

Pulling on the levi's I looked away, but I could see him smiling.

We unloaded the truck and put away some tools.

"Come on let's get something cold to drink"

We sat at the kitchen table and talked about his project. He was fixing some boards on his backyard deck and in the dog house.

"You've got a huge basket" I said.

He looked up and smiled at me as I stammered "I mean that uh what kind of dogs do you train, "I pointed to the large dog sleeping basket against the wall.

"Oh you meant that, thought you were complimenting me for a minute there" He said. "Well let's say they're not like your Irish Setters.

"It's so big a human could sleep in it" I said.

"Go ahead and try it out" he said.

I was kneeling in front of it and pressing on the cushions. It felt good.

"Good boy" he rubbed the hair on my head like a dog and then began to pet my bare back.

"Go ahead boy and get in" he said patting my levi covered butt.

I moved into the basket and found a way to curl up.

"Gosh this is so comfortable, I could sleep here" I said.

"Well perhaps you should" he said letting his hand rest on my leg and moving his thumb in a petting like stroke. I liked it and my cock popped out of the leg of my levis as it hardened showing how much I liked it.

"I think you should be trained as a doggie" he said.

I was confused hearing this. I tried to tuck my cock away.

"No let it hang out, it's ok, doggies let their penis and balls hang free" he said

For some reason I moved my hand away and let my hard throbbing erection stick out. As I moved on the doggie bed, my balls too fell out.

"I definitely think you need some training" he said petting my head "speak" he said

"What?" I asked

"No as a dog, speak!" he ordered and I heard a bark.

I realized it was me and I liked it.

"Do you have to go home?" He asked.

"No Sir" I said

"No words only bark, wag your head or tail" he said.

I moved to start to get up and leave. This was getting a bit weird to me at that point.

"Good boy, go get your collar, it's hanging there" he pointed.

I started to walk over to where he was pointing.

"On all fours Petie" he said

I moved on hands and knees to the wall and reached for the collar. I wasn't sure what I was doing or why.

"No a dog uses its mouth" he said and I gripped the collar with my teeth and brought it to him.

"Good boy" he said petting my head "Now your training begins" he said putting the collar around my neck and then snapped a leash onto the ring on it.

"We're going to bathe you and teach you about being a good dog" he said "understand?"

I barked laughing inside at what we were doing.

"Gotta pee boy?" he asked.

I nodded my head and started to get up to go to the bathroom. But he yanked my collar with the leash. "Come boy"

I followed him out the back door onto the grass.

"First lesson is to do everything like a dog would, you'll feel more like a doggie each thing you learn to do. Now when you pee lift your leg like one of your dogs at home".

He led me to where a couple of trees were and waited.

My cock still stuck out of my Levis so it was aimed ok. I closed my eyes and started to pee.

"Lift your leg Petie boy" he said yanking my collar.

I lifted my leg and looked back to see the stream of urine arch from my penis to the tree. I was surprised I was actually doing it and that it felt natural, it felt good and in fact it felt arousing.

"I see you like being a doggie boy" he laughed seeing my penis was harder then ever.

"Now it's time for your bath. Most of my doggies boys like baths, do you Petie boy?"

I barked and I did it automatically surprising myself.

He took me into the bathroom and started filling the tub. As I remained there he stripped naked in front of me. I wanted to reach up and feel his strong thighs, his hanging nut sac and his dangling cock. I think it was at that moment I realized I wasn't bisexual, I was gay.

But I nuzzled my head against his thigh like my dogs would do to me at home.

He laughed and pet my head.

"That's a good boy, now we're going to turn you into a doggie, cause I hate seeing people dress their dogs in human clothes" he said as he crouched and began to remove my levis.

"You know dogs are lucky they can run around letting their balls and penis dangle freely" he took a gentle hold of my balls and cock and waved them about.

I barked.

"Oh you like that do you boy?"

I barked again and panted happily.

He removed my shoes and socks from my feet and I was then completely naked like a real dog.

"OK boy" he stood and yanked my leash a bit "get into the tub"

I obeyed and was then on all fours in the tub of water which was still filling up. He removed the collar and began to wash me with a brush and soap.

Not touching, not helping just standing there like that being washed was a unique experience. It did make me feel more and more like a pet owned by and controlled by someone.

"I think we need to take care of this too" he said putting his hand around my cock and began to milk me.

"Like that boy?" he asked

I was gasping for air. I hadn't been milked by another person since I was a teen with Kurt. We tried jacking each other off and loved it.

My body was responding and I felt the sperm rushing out my penis head into the water.

"Good boy, now you can just let it hang like a good doggie" he patted my bare butt.

After he dried me off, he started to dry himself off and I wanted to help.

"No boy stay down" he said and I obeyed looking up at him and panting with my tongue hanging out.

It was not only my wanting to please him acting like a dog but wishing I could put my mouth on his cock and sucking it. I had never sucked a cock but had fantasized about it as if it was a natural reaction to some men I saw or thought about. And I felt it like a natural thing to do.

"You hungry boy" He asked "Well maybe I'll give you Daddy's dick later, but for now, got some food for you boy"

I was led on all fours still naked to the kitchen where he put some hamburger in a bowl and mushed it up. He also poured some water in another bowl.

For some reason I reached with my hands and he yelled at me "No" he slapped my bare butt. It hurt.

"I guess you need to put on your paws" he said.

I didn't know what he was talking about but soon learned as the leather mitts were put on my hands. "I was going to save this till our next training session but you seem to take to this quite naturally"

I bent forward and ate out of the bowl and lapped up the water. He pet my head and back as I ate and played with my butt quite a bit.

"Good boy"

He led me to the bed and told me to sleep for awhile. I moved back into the bed. I couldn't help the fact my cock was hard again.

This fantasy like experience was very real and I was feeling aroused like never before except when I wrestled with my dogs at home.

I curled on the bed. He pet me.

"You're going to be a good doggie Petie, I'm glad Mac said you might be my kind of boy"

I hadn't thought about Mac knowing anything about me. "He said you used to watch him through his windows when you were younger" he added.

I barked. I had liked to watch the man walking naked through his house while playing his bagpipes.

I heard the knock on the back door.

"Oh ok boy stay, stay" he ordered and I rested my head.

"Good boy" I heard him say but he wasn't saying it to me.

I had my eyes open and saw him leading another doggie boy into the room.

"Now I have two doggie boys" he said

I saw the familiar long blonde hair the smooth body and the long pendulous cock hanging.

"Good boy, come meet your brother, Kurtie" he said.

Kurt on his hands and knees, his hands in black mitts like I wore barked and came over to me. He stuck his face in mind then sniffed me head to foot spending lots of time on my bared ass.

"Ohhh looks like Kurt wants to mount Petie" our dog Trainer said.

"I think training sessions are going to be even more fun now" he added "and I have lots of tricks for you both to learn. Maybe I can take you to the doggie boy show. You know Kurtie the one I took you to last year? Two of you performing might impress the other Masters. No boy, not yet."

He yanked the leash and Kurt whimpered not being able to move his mouth to my cock.

"Doggies don't suck each other just their Master. But they do mount each other and if you're good Daddy will let you do that later on."

I was going to like being a dog. Maybe next time I'd bring Bono and Bosco over so they could see what a good dog I was learning to be.

Or maybe I'd keep that a secret from even them.

Next: Chapter 2

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